Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación-Educación General Básica
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ItemACTIVIDADES DIDÁCTICAS IMPLEMENTADAS EN EL APRENDIZAJE DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE SÉPTIMO AÑO DE EDUCACIÓN GENERAL BÁSICA DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA ERNESTO VERA CEDEÑO DEL CANTÓN ROCAFUERTE(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) CEDEÑO CEDEÑO, MARÍA CECILIA ; MACÍAS VILLACÍS, DALILA LUCIA ; VERA, GUSTAVO ANTÓNThe present investigation had as general objective: To design didactic activities that favor the learning of the students of seventh year of Basic General Education of the Educational Unit Ernesto Vera Cedeño of the Rocafuerte canton. To fulfill it, the theoretical aspects that characterize the didactic activities for the strengthening of learning were determined, then a diagnosis was made to know the application of the didactic activities in the learning of seventh-year students, which was the basis for elaborating the proposal. Within the theoretical foundations, it is highlighted that didactic activities are important for the development of abilities and skills that help strengthen learning. To make this research viable, the mixed approach was approached with theoretical methods; analysis – synthesis; inductive and deductive; Bibliographic review; Likewise, the empirical method was developed, the survey applied to teachers and the mathematical statistical method. The results demonstrate the need to implement didactic activities to strengthen learning in students in the seventh year of Basic General Education in the Ernesto Vera Cedeño Educational Unit. Therefore, a manual of didactic activities was developed to improve learning.
ItemACTIVIDADES DIDÁCTICAS ORIENTADAS AL DESARROLLO DE LA LECTOESCRITURA EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL CUARTO AÑO DE EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA, DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA FISCAL “LA PILA” EN EL CANTÓN MONTECRISTI.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) MEZONES SANTANA, INGRID CAROLINA ; MENDOZA VELEZ, MARIA ELENAAt present the biggest problems that students get in their learning is in reading and writing, they do not get the required help in their homework from their legal guardians, since their first years of schooling for which they have not developed the skills To recognize phonemes, syllables, words and form sentences this has become more complicated in these times of pandemic due to virtual classes, it is necessary to propose didactic activities to guide the literacy process. In this research we worked with the only parallel of the fourth year of basic education whose population of 30 students including the tutor teacher make a total of 31 people investigated, the methodology used is the deductive - inductive method in which it was considered to apply diagnostic cards In order to detect the study problem, a survey of both the students and the teacher is considered necessary to apply a guide of didactic activities aimed at the development of literacy. In conclusion, it is very important that they be able to recognize reading and writing new words to improve their vocabulary and expression and reduce the difficulties presented in reading and writing in the coming years of schooling with the help of their teacher and legal tutors through new didactic activities applied in the students
ItemACTIVIDADES EDUCATIVAS PARA PROMOVER LA EDUCACIÓN AMBIENTAL EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE QUINTO AÑO DE LA EDUCACIÓN GENERAL BÁSICA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) RENGIFO CEDEÑO, SHIRLEY PAOLA ; LESCAY BLANCO, DAYANA MARGARITAEnvironmental education is of vital importance in society and its responsible care constitutes an essential element in the integral formation of the subject. Taking care of the environment that surrounds them is to create an environmental awareness, which will be promoted from the moment the child enters his school year. This work was aimed at developing educational activities to contribute to the learning of environmental education in fifth grade students of the José de la Cuadra educational unit, in the Miguelillo Rural Parish, Portoviejo, to promote responsible behavior aimed at protection and care of the environment. As part of the development of the research that was carried out, theoretical, empirical and mathematical statistical methods were taken into account that allowed diagnosing the problem, as well as the analysis of the theoretical foundations that supported it and a solution proposal was elaborated. As part of the diagnosis, an intentional sample of 21 students and 6 teachers was taken, who are part of the fifth grade groups of basic general education, as well as the teachers who are teaching the Natural Sciences subject. With an investigative study it was found that there are insufficiencies in student learning regarding the contents of environmental education, significantly in the classification of garbage, the protection of species, water care and recycling, all of this manifested through non-responsible behavior of students within the school institution.
ItemACTIVIDADES LÚDICAS PARA FOMENTAR EL APOYO DE LA FAMILIA EN EL APRENDIZAJE DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE EDUCACIÓN GENERAL BÁSICA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) VERA DELGADO, NICOLE STEFANIA ; ORDÓÑEZ GUTIÉRREZ, ROSA BEATRIZThe relationship between play and learning is of significant importance in the way of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities from the first years of human education. The objective of this article is to propose recreational activities that promote family support and participation in the educational process of fourth grade students of the Daniel Villacreces Aguilar General Basic School in the city of Portoviejo. The research was framed within the qualitative-qualitative approach, through techniques such as observation, survey, interview and documentary inquiry, instruments such as field diary, questionnaires. With a population of 60 people made up of students, teachers and parents. A proposal with recreational activities was proposed to encourage the participation of parents in the educational process. Concluding that the application of recreational activities promotes and strengthens the integral learning of the students, requiring an active and committed involvement on the part of the parents in the educational process of their children.
ItemAPLICACIÓN DE ESTRATEGIAS MOTIVACIONALES Y SU IMPACTO EN EL DESARROLLO DEL PENSAMIENTO CRÍTICO EN LAS Y LOS ESTUDIANTES DE SEXTO AÑO DEL CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA “ALIANZA PARA EL PROGRESO” DEL CANTÓN SAN VICENTE PARROQUIA SAN VICENTE EN EL AÑO 2016 - 2017.( 2017-09-29) VALDIVIEZO PONCE, SILVIA ROSANNAEn el presente trabajo de investigación se propone demostrar que el uso de las estrategias motivacionales es indispensable en el proceso de enseñanza a aprendizaje ya que por medio de ellas se desarrolla el pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes. El uso de estrategias motivacionales despiertan en los estudiantes el interés para aprender de una forma más dinámica y divertida y a la vez desarrolla el pensamiento crítico de los mismos, por lo cual como investigadora planteo el siguiente tema: es importante plasmar cada uno de los procesos estructurados que se dieron en la presente tesis, por ello a continuación se detalla lo siguiente: APLICACIÒN DE ESTRATEGIAS MOTIVACIONALES Y SU IMPACTO EN EL DESARROLLO DEL PENSAMIENTO CRÍTICO EN LAS Y LOS ESTUDIANTES DE SEXTO AÑO DEL CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA “ALIANZA PARA EL PROGRESO” DEL CANTÓN SAN VICENTE PARROQUIA SAN VICENTE EN EL AÑO 2016-2017.” La aplicación de estrategias motivacionales es el aspecto central de esta investigación, el que se fundamentó mediante artículos y teorías aspectos y opiniones relevantes acerca del pensamiento crítico, y su uso en el primer capítulo donde se pondrán de manifiesto las bases científicas, punto de partida de las aseveraciones que expresan y que las aplicaciones de estas estrategias son fundamentales dentro de la educación. Enseguida se destacó el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico, que presenta fundamentos teóricos en los que se apoya la investigación, donde se hace énfasis el uso de estrategias motivacionales. Luego se enfoca la metodología que se utilizó precisando el enfoque metodológico, detallando los involucrados en la investigación y los instrumentos que se utilizaron para la recolección de datos y la eficiencia de datos verídicos para la solución del problema.
ItemLA ATENCIÓN DE LOS PADRES DE FAMILIA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL DESEMPEÑO ESCOLAR EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA ESCUELA PARTICULAR SANTA MARTHA DE LA PARROQUIA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR, SECTOR EL NARANJO, CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO EN EL PERIODO LECTIVO 2016.( 2017) Loor Pico, José GregorioLa presente investigación tiene que ver con la “La atención de la familia y su incidencia en el desempeño escolar en los estudiantes de la escuela particular santa Martha de la Parroquia Simón Bolívar, sector El Naranjo, cantón Portoviejo, para lo cual en el Marco Teórico se hace una profunda revisión de conceptos, argumentos, categorías, de acuerdo las dos variables del tema; además se utilizó para su estudio la metodología científica con sus métodos inductivo y deductivo, que permitió analizar la incidencia de los Padres de Familia en el desempeño escolar, que indujeron a comprobar los objetivos propuestos en el proyecto, mediante la tabulación de las encuestas aplicadas a las Docentes y Padres de Familia y a los niños y niñas, aplicados a la muestra de la población escogida; llegando a la conclusión de que la integración de los padres a la educación de sus hijos e hijas, si tiene una influencia positiva en su desempeño escolar; esto ha demostrado de que las Docentes y la escuela deben seguir insistiendo mediante la aplicación de una guía dirigido a los Padres de Familia a fin de desarrollar la conciencia sobre la necesidad de que asuman su responsabilidad no solo en la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas de los niños y niñas sino también de la formación académica. Hace más de una década en que se tiene conocimiento empírico de la importancia de Los padres de familia en el desempeño escolar de los hijos, la incidencia del apoyo de los padres es alta, la intención es tomar como punto de encuentro la familia y la educación en sus respectivas misiones como formadora de seres humanos felices, poseedores de salud, armonía y prosperidad física mental y espiritual y su incidencia en el aprendizaje transformacional o educación para toda la vida, la cual trasciende en diferentes niveles ya sean estos en lo preescolar, primaria secundaria y superior. En el proceso educativo intervienen cuatro actores fundamentales la familia, la escuela, la comunidad y el individuo; el rol educativo de la primera se destaca como unidad fundamental de la vida humana, le corresponde liderar la acción educativa desde el hogar, y, en sintonía con los tiempos actuales.
ItemLOS CONFLICTOS Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DE LA CONVIVENCIA ESCOLAR DE LOS Y LAS ESTUDIANTES DE SÉPTIMO, OCTAVO, NOVENO Y DÉCIMO AÑO DE EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA “2 DE AGOSTO” DEL CANTON ROCAFUERTE, PROVINCIA MANABI, ANO 2016( 2017) TRIVIÑO HOLGUÍN, MARÍA CAROLINA ; ALCÍVAR ARMIJOS, GEMA ALEXANDRAEl trabajo investigativo realizado “Los conflictos y su incidencia en el desarrollo de la convivencia escolar de los y las estudiantes de séptimo, octavo, noveno y décimo año de educación básica de la Unidad Educativa “2 de Agosto” del cantón Rocafuerte, provincia Manabí, año 2016”, tuvo como objetivo Determinar cómo los conflictos inciden en el desarrollo de la convivencia escolar del alumnado; así como también se caracterizó por el empleo de una metodología descriptiva y un estudio de campo que permitió apreciar las vivencias y conocimientos que docentes, familia y educandos poseen en torno al tema de los conflictos y la convivencia escolar; información obtenida de primera mano, gracias a la aplicación de encuestas y la observación. La estructura final del trabajo brinda una noción sobre los conceptos fundamentales de lo que es “conflicto”, la forma de distinguirlo y no caer en contradicciones y errores de definición. Indica que en todo momento, la institución educativa, a través de un calificado equipo de docentes, autoridades y profesionales del Departamento de Consejería Educativa, deben asistir a los estudiantes, salvaguardando la integridad física y moral de los mismos. La falta de atención y afecto en la familia representa el problema crucial del estudiantado, aunque los docentes señalan estar aptos para orientar y estimular en los alumnos la capacidad para manejar la vida emocional y racional. Hay que intervenir inmediatamente ante un conflicto con las técnicas más adecuadas para resolverlos. La negociación, la mediación y el arbitraje pedagógico son las armas idóneas para favorecer las relaciones interpersonales y la convivencia sana. En todos los contextos debe propiciarse una convivencia pacífica, sean estos la casa, la comunidad, la escuela, la iglesia y el trabajo, a sabiendas que los diversos cambios sociales han permitido que la sociedad desvíe sus comportamientos. Como corolario, el trabajo de titulación propone estrategias adecuadas para una convivencia pacífica y libre de conflictos. La institución educativa, la familia y la sociedad deben establecer las pautas concretas y pertinentes para promover una atmósfera idónea, llena de valores, cultura y oportunidades para potenciar el talento humano.
ItemEL CÓDIGO DE CONVIVENCIA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LOS CONFLICTOS EDUCATIVOS EN LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA “ELOY ALFARO” DE LA CIUDAD DE CHONE. PERIODO 2016-2017.( 2017-09-29) CHANCAY YOZA, GABRIELA JOMARA ; INTRIAGO BAILON, DANIELA KATHERINELa permanencia del desarrollo del proceso del trabajo de investigación, que, de acuerdo uno de los problemas más graves que se vive dentro de las instituciones educativas son los conflictos surgidos por la aplicación de medidas punitivas que no consideran las necesidades y demandas de los y las estudiantes; que mediante de un proceso de análisis y reflexión sobre los reglamentos, el clima escolar, las prácticas pedagógicas y disciplinarias y los conflictos internos y su incidencia en los niveles de maltrato y deserción estudiantil; surge la necesidad que se elabore en cada institución educativa, sus códigos de Convivencia, cuya aplicación se convierta en el nuevo parámetro de !a vida escolar.Esta situación es la que como investigadores nos llevó a plantear el siguiente tema de investigación: “El Código de convivencia y su incidencia en los conflictos educativos en la Unidad Educativa “Eloy Alfaro” de la ciudad de Chone. Periodo 2016-2017, planteando como objetivo general: Analizar el Código de convivencia y su incidencia en los conflictos educativos en la Unidad Educativa “Eloy Alfaro” de la ciudad de Chone. Periodo lectivo 2016-2017. Por ello el trabajo que se realizó nos permitió llevar de manera adecuada el proceso de investigación, de tal forma se da a conocer a continuación cada una de sus partes: La primera parte se enfocaron las dos variables de estudio, haciendo referencia al código de convivencia y los conflictos educativos respectivamente, desde un contexto científico e investigativo que demostró con bases pedagógicas la veracidad de los contenidos. En el capítulo subsiguiente se destacó la parte metodológica que se utilizó en la investigación, los métodos, técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos y el análisis e interpretación de los resultados. Sin duda hay que recalcar que la última parte hace referencia a las conclusiones y recomendaciones obtenidas. Al final se encontrará la bibliografía que servirán para procesar el trabajo investigativo. Los resultados obtenido del proceso de investigación permitieron demostrar la veracidad de y alcance de los objetivos e hipótesis que estuvieron direccionadas a tema central. X
ItemEL ACOMPAÑAMIENTO FAMILIAR Y EL RENDIMIENTO ACADEMICO DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL SEXTO AÑO DE EDUCACION GENERAL BASICA DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA TREINTA DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL CANTON ROCAFUERTE(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) PALACIOS DELGADO, CINTHYA GEMA ; QUIJIJE UGALDE, JUAN MANUEL ; PISCO SORNOZA, ELIZABETHThe objective of this research was to: Design training processes on family support to improve the academic performance of students in the second year of basic of the Thirty September Educational Unit of the Rocafuerte canton, for which a thorough bibliographic review of the two variables: family support, based on their categories; defining according to several authors and with respective scientific, psychological and pedagogical foundation, as well as the description of the characteristics of how they should proceed with their children in education; with respect to the dependent variable: academic performance is based on its conceptualization argued by several authors, and then describe the factors that compose it; Extra and intraeducational, the types of school performance are also analyzed: individual, general and specific. The scientific methodology was used for its study with its inductive and deductive methods, which allowed to relate family support with academic performance, which led to verify the objectives proposed in the project, by tabulating the surveys applied to teachers and children and girls, applied to the sample of the chosen population; concluding that students learn better and have better school performance when the family accompanies the entire educational process; Understanding the accompaniment as a fact to guide, evaluate, monitor, teach and contribute to the different activities that the student must perform in school, the fulfillment of this function causes the child to feel appreciated, loved and supported.
ItemEL APRENDIZAJE DE LA LECTOESCRITURA DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE SEGUNDO AÑO DE EDUCACIÓN GENERAL BÁSICA EN LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA FISCAL MIGUEL ITURRALDE EN EL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) ZAMBRANO PINTADO, MONSERRATE DEL PILAR ; MERA DELGADO, MARÍA ALEXANDRA ; MARÍN LLAVER, LEONARDO RAMÓNThe topic selected for this study is relevant, it is about the learning of literacy in Basic Education. It has great significance, because with the beginning of the acquisition of these two activities, a new stage begins in our lives; From considering them as a cognitive resource of great importance, since it is not only capable of providing us with information, but it will also help us to create habits and to more easily obtain techniques that allow us to express ourselves in a more adequate and rich way, in writing. The objective of this research is to develop a methodological strategy to promote the learning of literacy in second-grade schoolchildren of the “Miguel Iturralde” Fiscal Educational Unit in the Portoviejo canton. The applied methodology was descriptive and retrospective with a quantitative-qualitative approach, through the application of methods and techniques, such as: historical-logical, inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic, which helped to support the research. Teacher surveys were also applied, participatory observation was used. The results showed its level of effectiveness in this regard and it was determined that literacy is a unique intellectual tool, which activates our cognitive functions, sharpening intelligence, developing creativity, promoting effort and stimulating attention and concentration capacity, which which can be seen reflected in better academic performance.
ItemEL CÓDIGO DE CONVIVENCIA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LOS CONFLICTOS EDUCATIVOS EN LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA “ELOY ALFARO” DE LA CIUDAD DE CHONE. PERIODO 2016-2017.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) CHANCAY YOZA, GABRIELA JOMARA ; INTRIAGO BAILON, DANIELA KATHERINE ; ALCIVAR MOLINA, SILVIOThe permanence of the development of the research work process, which, according to one of the most serious problems that are experienced within educational institutions are the conflicts arising from the application of punitive measures that do not consider the needs and demands of the students; That through a process of analysis and reflection on the regulations, school climate, pedagogical and disciplinary practices and internal conflicts and their incidence in the levels of student abuse and desertion; The need arises in each educational institution, its codes of Coexistence, whose application becomes the new parameter of school life. This situation is what led us to raise the following research topic: "The Code Of coexistence and its incidence in te educacional conflictos in te Educacional Unir "Eloy Alfaro" of te cita of Chone. Periodo 2016-2017, propasen as general objetive: To analiza te cede of coexistente and hits incidente in te educacional conflictos in te Educacional Unir "Eloy Alfaro" of te cita of Chone. Tracking periodo 2016-2017. Chat es ahí te wok chat das carriel auto aloe es to carey auto te resecar procesos in en apropiarte manera, so chat mach of hits partes es no clown: Te fiesta parte focense en te tío saudí variables, refringe to te cede of coexistente And te educacional conflictos, respectively, from a scientific and research context that demonstrated with pedagogical bases the veracity of the contents. The subsequent chapter highlighted the methodological part that was used in the research, the methods, techniques and instruments of data collection and the analysis and interpretation of the results. Undoubtedly, it should be stressed that the last part refers to the conclusions and recommendations obtained. At the end you will find the bibliography that will serve to process the investigative work. The results obtained from the research process allowed to demonstrate the veracity and scope of the objectives and hypotheses that were directed to the central theme.
ItemEL CURRÍCULO DE LA EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA ECUATORIANA: UNA MIRADA DESDE LA ACTUALIDAD.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) DELGADO CEDEÑO, JONATHAN JAVIER ; VERA VERA , MARÍA GABRIELA ; CRUZ MENDOZA, JUAN CARLOSThe present paper is aimed to analyze the curriculum of Ecuadorian Basic Education considering its innovations from a current approach, in order to distinguish their characteristics. For it, precedents that generated changes to curriculum were examined, curricular documents were contrasted: Update and Curricular Strengthening of General Basic Education (Curriculum 2010), and Currículum of Levels of Compulsory Education (Currículum 2016), and the essential aspects that have been improved in the last curriculum of this educational level were identified. The investigation was conducted through bibliographic review of informative, legal and curricular documents. Thematics as: definition of curriculum, the reason of denomination of Basic Education, evaluation and adjustments to the curriculum, and the main legal underpinnings of this educational level. Based on the 2016 Curriculum, ts main changes and characteristics were determined, as well the way it has been perceived from the teaching experience in the education daily work. It is concluded that the changes and adjustments that are applied to the curriculum at all times, must respond to the social interests of the population and the country, in this way education will fulfill its role contributing to the solution of problems and the improvement of the Ecuadorian educational system.
ItemEL DESARROLLO DE LA PSICOMOTRICIDAD Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL APRENDIZAJE DE LOS NIÑOS Y NIÑAS DE PRIMER AÑO BÁSICO DEL JARDÍN DE INFANTES “GABRIELA MISTRAL” DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) GUERRERO, ARAY GABRIELA ; PICO GARCÍA, ERIKA ; PISCO, ELIZABETHThe investígation consists on determining the influence of the Psicomotricidad in the learning of the children and girls of first basic year of Infant's Garden Gabriela Mistral of the city of Portoviejo. He/she begins with the generalíties of the Psicomotricidad, the defímtion and the objective for immediately to stand oirt the basic elements and the types of Psicomotricidad, Equally the concepts and learning defínitions, interaprendizaje, significant learning, styles, types and psychomotor levéis are detailed. Subsequently, it is detailed the education defínition and their relationship with the Psicomotricidad, seizing to consist the reeducation psicomotriz, the therapy and to the influence of the education psicomotriz in the behavior. The evolution of the educated fellows and the application psicomotriz with ends reedueativos, also establishing a reíationsbip type between the game and the Psicomotricidad, revising the most excellent aspects that are given minutely and that they should be controlled with formative ends. Next they make an appointment the hypotheses and the methodology applied in the carried out word, in the same way they are detailed the they detail the results of the surveys applied professors, students and family mothers, for in that way to verify the reach of the objectives and the executions of the hypotheses that were outlined in the thesis project. At the same time they were also good to elabórate the conclusions and recommendations on this topic, with what is given had concluded the investígative word.
ItemEL INTÉRPRETE DE LENGUA DE SEÑAS Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL PROCESO DE ENSEÑANZA- APRENDIZAJE EN LOS ESTUDIANTES CON DISCAPACIDAD AUDITIVA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) GILER INTRIAGO, JENIFFER CAROLINA ; MIELES MIELES, NEGDA BEATRIZ ; JALIL VÉLEZ, NADYAThe sign language interpreter is a linguistic resource in the learning of students with hearing disabilities. Hence, the present research work focused on the figure of the sign language interpreter as a fundamental part of the teaching-learning process of students with hearing disabilities at the Technical University of Manabí. In this sense, it was possible to identify that students with hearing impairment have little knowledge of their own language, "sign language", as well as the lack of knowledge of the sign language of teachers and hearing students, which causes the communication is lost, since they only have the accompaniment of the sign language interpreter sporadically, because there is only one interpreter for all the students with hearing disabilities of the different levels and careers. Therefore, the general objective consisted in carrying out an investigation about the impact that the work of the sign language interpreter has on the teaching-learning process of students with hearing disabilities. To this end, as a proposal, the authorities of the institution were sensitized and advised through the development of an informative guide on the weaknesses and strengths of students with hearing disabilities.
ItemEL MÉTODO DEDUCTIVO PARA LA COMPRENSIÓN DE LA LECTOESCRITURA EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL CUARTO AÑO DE EDUCACIÓN GENERAL BÁSICA DE LA ESCUELA ALEJANDRO HUMBOLDT DEL CANTÓN JIPIJAPA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2020) VILLAFUERTE SOLEDISPA, JHON CARLOS ; TÓALA GUTIÉRREZ JANETH IVONNE ; ZAMBRANO INTRIAGO, GREY ZITAThe present investigation had as a general objective: To design a methodological strategy for the application of the deductive method in the learning of the comprehension of literacy in the fourth year students, of Basic General Education of the Alejandro Humboldt school, of the Jipijapa canton, for what which is a thorough literature review. On the independent variable: Deductive method, based on the concept, the dimensions: application and demonstration, the reading process, with the indicators: learning from general elements; visual memory, phonological memory and semantic memorization; With respect to the dependent variable: learning the comprehension of literacy, it is also part of the conceptualization, the relationships between the ability to reason in hypothetical and logical terms and the ability to read and write, learning to read with their respective indicators. The scientific methodology was used for its study with its inductive and deductive methods, which allowed to relate the deductive method with the reading comprehension, which prompted to verify the objectives proposed in the project, by tabulating the surveys applied to teachers and students , applied to the sample of the chosen population; concluding that students have different writing problems, highlighting the confusion of uppercase and lowercase letters, they do not put accents and punctuation marks which is one of the great weaknesses for the understanding of texts so it is recommended to use the proposal designed in the present Degree Work, because it has been elaborated on the basis of the pedagogical and psychological concentrates of authors propose to improve the comprehension of literacy
ItemEL PROCESO COGNITIVO Y SU IMPORTANCIA EN LOS NIÑOS DEL SÉPTIMO AÑO BÁSICO DE LA ESCUELA TIBURCIO MACIAS PARA MEJORAR EL APRENDIZAJE ESCOLAR(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) ALVARADO MENDOZA, MARJORIE FLOR ; MENDOZA CATAGUA, BELLA INÉS ; PITA MIELES, ARACELYThe research team at the problem formulated How affects the cognitive process among children in the seventh year of basic school "Tiburcio Macías" to enhance learning school? In the city of Portoviejo during the academic year 2006 to 2007, chose the paradigm qualitative method using inductive, deductive and placing statistical research as a project feasible; was chosen a population of 106 students from Sixth and Seventh Year Basic Education 12 teachers and 90 Fathers and Mothers Family. The instruments used were: surveys, interviews, bibliographic research, which is reliable and valid data obtained in a procedure that was structuring and approval of the project, development of research, application of tools, data tabulation and interpretation of results, which suggests that the authorities institutional restructure the curriculum and promote training of teachers on the knowledge of the cognitive process in students.
ItemEL PROCESO EDUCATIVO DINÁMICO Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL APRENDIZAJE ACTIVO Y PARTICIPATIVO DE LOS ALUMNOS DE 8VO, 9NO Y 10MO AÑO BÁSICO DEL COLEGIO NACIONAL OLMEDO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) ALCIVAR QUIROZ, JOHANNA MARIANELA ; SANTOS LOOR, MILCIADES DAGOBERTO ; AVELLÁN VERA, CARLOSThe process and execution of the investigation consists on determining the influence of the dynamic educational process in the active learning and the students' of 8vo, 9no and 10mo Basic Year of the National School Olmedo. He/she begins with the relationship that exists between the education and the learning, the factors that influence in the learning, so much psychological as physiologic, in that sense it is explained, on what exercises the fatigue, the motivation, aspects that are decisive for the success or failure of the learning. The reasons are analyzed by those that it is necessary to redefine the learning concept, and the necessity that it is significant, I activate, participativo and cooperative. Subsequently reference is made to the use of the technology in the education, differentiating the incidence of the science in the technology and vice versa. In that same style the relationship is explained among the science, technology and society, culture and education. Next the way is focused of arriving to an active learning and participativo, for that it is important to define to the participation in inclusion of a work group or team, the communication and the technology of the communication. How the educational communication should be so that it facilitates the learning and have a direct influence in the use and student behavior. Following the sequence of the investigation the applied methodology is indicated, it stops from now on to point out, to analyze and to comment on the statistical results of the investigation of the 15 survey applied the students and professors of 8vo, 9no and 10mo Basic Year of the National School Olmedo of the city of Portoviejo, with those that it could demonstrate himself the execution of the hypotheses and the reach of the objectives proposed in the beginning of this work; as well as to elaborate the conclusions and recommendations, with what is given had concluded the investigation.
ItemEL REFUERZO ACADÉMICO DE LOS CONTENIDOS DE LENGUA Y LITERATURA EN EL APRENDIZAJE DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL NIVEL ELEMENTAL DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA EUGENIO DE SANTA CRUZ Y ESPEJO DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) MOREIRA GARCÍA, FAVIOLA MONSERRATE ; VALENCIA CARRANZA, MARÍA LOURDES ; ÁVILA ZAMBRANO, JOSÉ LEONARDOThe objective of this research was to design didactic actions in the academic reinforcements to contribute to the learning of the Language and Literature in the students of the Elementary Level of the Eugenio de Santa Cruz and Espejo Educational Unit of the Portoviejo canton, to complete it a review was initiated bibliographic of each one of the exposed variables, as much of the academic reinforcement, as of the learning. Academic reinforcement is the set of didactic actions in terms of achieving learning in students who have acquired them due to multiple factors and this is reflected in their school development. However, learning is the product of acquisition through practice or experience. For this study the scientific methodology was used with its hypothetical-deductive, bibliographic and systemic-structural functional methods. Among the techniques used were the interview, observation guide, survey and focus group applied to the authority, students, teachers and parents respectively. The results demonstrated the need to implement didactic actions in the area of Language and Literature, as it is one of the areas of knowledge where children are most difficult, in order to improve learning at the Elementary Level of the Eugenio de Santa Cruz Educational Unit and Mirror of the Portoviejo city.
ItemEL ROL DEL DOCENTE Y SU APORTE EN LA EDUCACIÓN INCLUSIVA DE LOS NIÑOS Y NIÑAS DEL CENTRO EDUCATIVO CÉSAR DELGADO LUCAS, DEL FLORÓN No 1, CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) CEDEÑO VÉLEZ, SILVIA PATRICIA ; PACHAY LUCAS, GÉNESIS MELISSA ; SOLÓRZANO GÓMEZ, CIELOIt is necessary that the teacher can create in the classroom an atmosphere that invites everyone to investigate, learn, build their learning, and not only to follow what he does or says. The role of the teacher is not only to provide information and control the discipline, but to be a mediator between the student and the environment. Leaving being the protagonist of learning to become the guide or companion of the student. That is why complying with curricular adaptations becomes the key point to strengthen inclusive education in educational institutions, be they public or private. That is why the purpose of the present titling work denominated: THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER AND ITS CONTRIBUTION IN THE INCLUSIVE EDUCATION OF THE CHILDREN OF THE EDUCATIONAL CENTER CÉSAR DELGADO LUCAS, DEL FLORÓN No 1, CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO, seeks that the role of teacher Is based on curricular adaptations to positively favor the inclusive education of students. It required the direct participation of students and teachers in order to achieve the proposed objectives, which were consolidated through the technique of observation, the application of surveys to obtain actual and relevant results, in addition to the interview with the director of the institution Educational and the application of the observation guide during a class day, which at the end of the same served as a significant contribution to elaborate the respective conclusions and recommendations. The research was structured in several sections with the development of a theoretical framework that contains the development of its two variables such as the role of the teacher, who is the teacher, the teacher as mediator, the main characteristics of the mediator teacher, activities to play A teacher in pedagogical practice, the teacher as support for active learners, roles of teachers and students in the educational process, As well as their second variable inclusive education, what is inclusion, origins of special education, diversity, special educational needs and attention to diversity, special educational needs and the new role of supports, educating in and for Diversity, inclusive curricular design: components of the curriculum for all, curricular adaptations. This work seeks to make the process of inclusive education in all its spheres, based on the fulfillment of the role of the teacher through the curricular adaptations providing a quality and inclusive education.
ItemEL USO DE LAS ARTES PLÁSTICAS PARA FORTALECER LA MOTRICIDAD FINA EN ESTUDIANTES DE 4 A 5 AÑOS DE EDUCACIÓN INICIAL DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA ‘‘MARISCAL SUCRE’’ CANTÓN FLAVIO ALFARO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) CEDEÑO GARCÍA, MARÍA JOSÉ ; SOLÓRZANO ZAMBRANO, ODALYS AYLIS ; BOLÍVAR CHÁVEZ, OSCAR ELÍASThe present investigation originates from the need to solve the weaknesses presented by students from 4 to 5 years of Initial Education of the Educational Unit ''Mariscal Sucre'' of the Flavio Alfaro canton in terms of fine motor skills. In view of the problematic situation, it is proposed to design a didactic strategy with the use of plastic arts using crayon drawing and collage to strengthen their motor development. In this study, a scientific methodology was used with a descriptive research design, its type was bibliographic and field, use was made of theoretical, empirical and statistical methods such as the hypothetical deductive, analytical and descriptive statistics, using as an instrument to collect the information, the survey applied to 15 teachers, the interview with the Director and the direct observation of 35 children of initial education I and II, making up the entire population without sampling. Among the findings, it was evidenced that children have difficulties in the development of fine motor skills, so an activity plan is carried out with plastic graph techniques based on drawing with crayon and collage through tracing and tearing, which are the techniques plastic graph, in order to improve their fine motor skills, being endorsed by expert judgment.