Licenciado en Nutricion y Dietetica
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ItemESTADO NUTRICIONAL Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DE LOS NIÑOS DE 1 A 5 AÑOS DEL SITIO LOMAS DEL CALVARIO DE LA PARROQUIA PICOAZÁ JUNIO-NOVIEMBRE DEL 2012(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2012) BOWEN POSLIGUA, ALEXANDRA MONSERRATE ; INTRIAGO SEME, LETICIA JACQUELINE ; PARRAGA, SABRINAThe investigation was of analytic and descriptive type, he/she had for object, the discovery and the coherent and systematic explanation of all and each one of the parts of an universe; examining each part in itemized form and independent, for this way to establish the relationships cause and effect among the elements that composean everything that in this case the objective of the investigation that was determinerthe nutritional state and its incidence in the development of the children from 1 to 5years by means of the application of having measured antrapromètricas. A survey Alimentary was applied - nutritional to the family parents in order to know the alimentary habits and to be able to identify the main factors of nutritional risk in the children and you dissent a manual of preparations with nutritional high value at low cost that you/they help to the development and the children's growth from 1 to 5 years. The results of the investigation, determined that the children ingest the three main foods in the day (breakfast, lunch and snack). Likewise it could settle down that many make it 5 times a day (Breakfast, Lunch, Has dinner and two refreshments), that which shows that a nutritional education doesn't exist. He/she also settled down that the family parents manifested that their children ingest some refreshment type or collation. They also indicated that their children consume meats, fishes and chicken at least between two to four times. It was determined that they consume milk, yogurt or cheese, continued between two by vegetables and fruits and four times a week. The family parents pointed out that their children consume cereals, flours or dry grains a single time a week and the children consume between two to four times a week Snacks or goodies. Where the parents of family of the place Hills of Calvary of the parish Picoazá, indicated that they have never participated in shops or chats it has more than enough feeding. It was observed that most composes it girls and they have an understood age from two to three years of age with a weight infants he/she has a weight average of 9.00 kg and a size from 80 to 90 cm. While the infants have ICM of 14.00 to 15 ICM (kg / T (m)2).
ItemESTADO NUTRICIONAL Y SU RELACIÓN CON LA ANEMIA FERROPÉNICA EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA ESCUELA FISCAL 17 DE ABRIL DE SANTA ANA MAYO-NOVIEMBRE 2012(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2012) BAILON BARRE, MARIA JOSE ; CEVALLOS MERA, VANESSA LISSETTE ; PEÑA BARCIA, GEORGINAGood nutritional status helps the proper physical and intellectual development and helps to ensure a long and healthy life; nutrition during prenatal period and the first years of life, it is very important on normal child development. Iron-binding proteins deficiency is the most prevalent nutritional deficiency worldwide in children; iron-binding proteins deficiency is often associated with a lack of other nutrients. The goal of the research was to assess nutritional status and its relationship with iron-binding proteins Anemia deficiency in the students from School “ 17 de Abril” in Santa Ana, from May to November of 2012, by which it was possible to obtain adequate information presented in this study. This was investigated variables such as weight, height and BMI (body mass index) that helped real results according to weight and height for each child, type of food daily, intake of vegetables, rich in iron-binding proteins supplements and analysis of the values of the laboratory tests such as hematocrit (HC or HTC, British spelling haematocrit), hemoglobin and red blood cells. Alongside this study developed a diagnosis and purposeful method, for which we used the School “17 de April”, in Santa Ana, with a population of 100 students. In relation to age more often than this percentage of 7-13 years old, in terms of the sex, there is more presence in male sex with 60%. According to the most characteristic sign presented by the students was the pallor with symptoms of headaches like principal symptoms. Through the relationship between nutritional status and laboratory tests, we got both hematocrit and hemoglobin low and normal values in equal amounts. XIV In contrast red blood cell values, we got few low results compared to majority student presents normal results of red blood cells test. Regarding the relationship between sex and laboratory tests, we got than hematocrit, hemoglobin and red blood cells in the female sex occupy the smallest number of values in the above tests. Therefore it is advisable to encourage the implementation of a food guide that is helpful and benefit within the bar’s school to cover with the nutritional demands of the students.
ItemLA TERAPIA NUTRICIA EN OBSTETRICIA EN PRECONCEPCIÓN Y EMBARAZO EN LAS MUJERES DE 14 A 30 AÑOS DEL SUBCENTRO “SAN CRISTOBAL” DE PORTOVIEJO. DE AGOSTO 2012 A ENERO DEL 2013(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2012) ALONSO ALVIA, ANA ANNABELL ; FRANCO SALDARRIAGA, GEOVANNY FABRICIO ; FLORES GARCIA, JAIMENutrition during pregnancy is controversial, often ignored by obstetricians or wrongly addressed. This may be caused by one party to insufficient knowledge of the subject and on the other, that the concepts are under review and not properly tested. This task has been undertaken by midwives and nutritionists which has also made it easier for institutions to ignore him obstetricians. It's no wonder that a pillar of pregnancy control has been relegated in obstetric practice to secondary sites. Nutritional advice for pregnant women have changed over time. Previously, women were encouraged to have modest increases in weight during pregnancy and consume diets. At other times, they were encouraged to "eat for two", which contributed to excessive weight gain, with higher maternal and fetal pathology. Today we understand better the nutritional needs during pregnancy and the role of different specific nutrients at this stage of life. Women have specific nutritional needs associated initially at gender and related to specific situations such as preconception, pregnancy, lactation, menopause or old age. In carrying out the following research methods were used needed to raise awareness of the benefits available to a good nutritional therapy for women aged 14 to 30 years of Subcentro preconception and pregnant "San Cristobal" Portoviejo. Were developed and implemented methods of research and market surveys, for which proposed the development of a design model diet that will help achieve the objective.
ItemTRASTORNOS DIGESTIVOS Y CALIDAD DE VIDA DEL ADULTO MAYOR QUE ASISTEN A LA FUNDACIÓN SOCIAL CRISTO REY. JULIODICIEMBRE 2012(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2012) ALCÍVAR GARCÍA, MARÍA ALEJANDRA ; LOOR QUIJIJE, KEYLA MARÍA ; CERÓN, ELBADuring the aging process, the digestive system, like any other body, undergoes changes resulting both own use over time, as the diseases and surgeries accumulated during life or environmental conditions and risk factors that the individual has been exposed. The purpose of this study was to investigate which are digestive disorders affecting the elderly population who attend Cristo Rey Social Foundation, due to its quality of life. We interviewed 71 older adults, using the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were classified by age and sex. The result was that 67 people have constipation, 56 fight flatulence, abdominal pain, and 42. These people have a regular schedule of feeding and tend to walk, we also find that 54 people drink coffee daily and 25 taking antihypertensives, which greatly influences that have some sort of digestive disorder. The results of this study show that older adults who attend this foundation, suffer from digestive disorders, caused by the physiological changes of aging and their inadequate quality of life.
ItemREQUERIMIENTOS CALÓRICOS – PROTEICOS VS. ESTADO NUTRICIONAL DE LOS ADOLESCENTES DEL COLEGIO NACIONAL TÉCNICO AGROPECUARIO ALBERTINA RIVAS MEDINA, SANTA ANA, DICIEMBRE 2012 – MAYO 2013( 2013) DURÁN GÓMEZ, MARÍA ANGELINE ; PÁRRAGA DURÁN, MARÍA FERNANDALa adolescencia es una etapa crucial en la vida, el crecimiento y los cambios de la composición corporal son rápidos, lo que se traduce en que las necesidades nutricionales van a ser muy elevadas, es por tal razón que este estudio se realizó en el “Colegio Nacional Técnico Agropecuario Albertina Rivas Medina” del Cantón Santa Ana, donde se obtuvo una muestra de 102 estudiantes comprendidos entre los 10 – 19 años de edad, teniendo como objetivo “correlacionar los requerimientos calóricos – proteicos vs. Estado nutricional”, en la cual se aplicaron modalidades de investigación científica y de campo para la recolección de información como: encuestas y ficha nutricional. En las medidas antropométricas en su mayoría los adolescentes se encuentran en los rangos normales, realizando actividad física ligera dedicándole 30 minutos diarios. En la propuesta se realizó una guía nutricional con preparaciones alimenticias dando a conocer la importancia de la nutrición los cambios dados durante la adolescencia y las modificaciones alimenticias que coadyuvan a un estilo de vida saludable. Del proceso se obtuvo como conclusión que los adolescentes en su mayoría tienen buenos hábitos alimenticios en cuanto a nutrientes esenciales, lo cual favorece un desarrollo adecuado y así previene enfermedades futuras frecuentes en nuestro medio.
ItemACTIVIDAD FISICA Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL ESTADO NUTRICIONAL DE LOS USUARIOS DEL GIMNASIO IMJ DEL CANTON SANTA ANA, DICIEMBRE 2012 - MAYO 2013( 2013) LOOR QUIMÍZ, MARIELA MONSERRATE ; MURILLO MACÍAS, MARÍA EMILIALa actividad física influye significativamente en la nutrición del individuo, por lo que es necesaria una adecuada distribución de los nutrientes para cubrir las necesidades y requerimientos energéticos. Una nutrición variada y equilibrada acompañada de rutinas de actividad física contribuye a un estilo de vida saludable, previniendo así diferentes patologías que pueden presentarse, por lo que se debe dejar a un lado el sedentarismo y mantenerse activo para poder evitar riesgos y complicaciones. Las personas que realizan actividad física presentan muchos beneficios en su salud, como la reducción de la frecuencia cardíaca, reducción del riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares y reducción de la pérdida ósea, ayuda a la pérdida y mantenimiento del peso, incrementa la tasa de metabolismo basal, reduce el apetito y ayuda a reducir la grasa corporal. En la presente investigación diagnóstica propositiva, realizada en el Gimnasio IMJ del cantón Santa Ana, se realizó una evaluación antropométrica, donde se pudo lacionar las dos variables, la actividad física y el estado nutricional; resultados que pudieron comprobar que existe un porcentaje considerable de usuarios que presentan un índice de masa corporal con sobrepeso y obesidad, lo cual es perjudicial para la salud, por otra parte la falta de tiempo por el trabajo que llevan, los hábitos o creencias erróneas en cuanto a la alimentación inciden en el estado nutricional, por lo cual se brindaron medidas de prevención a los usuarios para poder de ésta manera fomentar un estilo de vida saludable.
ItemACTIVIDAD FÍSICA Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL ESTADO NUTRICIONAL DE LOS USUARIOS DEL GIMNASIO IMJ DEL CANTÓN SANTA ANA, DICIEMBRE 2012 - MAYO 2013(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) LOOR QUIMÍZ, MARIELA MONSERRATE ; MURILLO MACIAS, MARÍA EMILIA ; ZAMBRANO LOOR, SILVANAThe physical activity significantly influences the nutrition of the individual, so it is necessary an adequate distribution of nutrients to meet the needs and energy requirements. A varied and balanced nutrition routines accompanied by physical activity contributes to a healthy lifestyle, preventing different diseases that can occur, so you should put aside a sedentary lifestyle and stay active in order to avoid risks and complications. People who exercise have many health benefits, including reduced heart rate, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and reduced bone loss helps weight loss and maintenance, increases the basal metabolic rate, reduces appetite and helps reduce body fat. In this study diagnostic purposeful, held in the “Gimnasio IMJ” of Santa Ana Canton, anthropometric assessment was made, where it was possible to relate the two variables, physical activity and nutritional status, results could prove that there is a considerable percentage of users having a body mass index of overweight and obesity, which is harmful to health, on the other hand the lack of time for the work they carry, habits or misconceptions regarding food affect the nutritional status, which preventive measures were provided to users in this way to promote healthy lifestyle.
ItemCALIDAD NUTRICIONAL DE LA ALIMENTACIÓN QUE BRINDAN LAS GUARDERÍAS PÚBLICAS Y PRIVADAS QUE SE ENCUENTRAN EN LOS SECTORES URBANO Y MARGINALES DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) CÁRDENAS LIZÁN, BERTHA MARÍA ; PALMA FRANCO, MARÍA ALEXANDRA ; application/pdf ; MENDOZA BALCÁZAR, JESSICAFeeding is a voluntary and external process that begins from the cropping or production of the food up to the abortion of the same one. Feeding must be complete, balanced, sufficient and suitable. The nutrition on the other hand is the utilization of the nutrients supporting the balance homeostatic of the organism at the molecular level and macro systemic to achieve a suitable health and to prevent the diseases. Feeding and nutrition aren’t the same thing. The nutrition has to see with the assimilation of the food in the cells of the organism, on the other hand feedings the set of voluntary and conscious acts related eating food, the same that depend most of the time of the sociocultural and economic way, of there that the food preferences in the kindergarten age will be determined by the family customs. Feeding in the day-care centers must provide a correct nutrition to obtain a growth, physical and intellectual development adapted, avoiding excesses or nutritional lacks to prevent many people with the diseases. The food habits and the ways of life acquired in the first two decades of the life are going to have great influence in the adult life. The day-care centers owe transmitting the message of which the foods and drinks that cover the nutritional requirements are adapted, but it is necessary bear in mind that the recommendations do to themselves from the same age, but not necessarily of the same social, ethnic or cultural stratum. The development of this work understands feeding of the children in initiate stages in 1st year of life and finishes between 3 and 4 years old that it is the age when they finish the kindergarten period Feeding of a child qualifies in 3 stages: The lactation that it understands the first 6 months of life, of transition that it understands between the 6 to 8 months of life and modified of the adult it understands between the 8 to 24 months of life. A healthy feeding is that one that offers a great variety of food in sufficient quantity for the growth, the development and the maintenance of the organism.
ItemALIMENTACIÓN COMPLEMENTARIA EN NIÑOS DE 6 A 24 MESES Y SU TRASCENDENCIA EN EL ESTADO NUTRICIONAL, SUBCENTRO DE SALUD, CIUDADELA “MUNICIPAL”, JUNIO A NOVIEMBRE 2012(Universidad Técnico de Manabí, 2013) ESPINALES ZAMBRANO, ALBERTO JAVIER ; VERA MENDOZA, LUIS XAVIER ; ZAMBRANO LOOR, SILVANAIn this study we have realize the nutritional evaluation to Childs between ages of 6 to 24 months that attend to the “Subcentro de la Ciudadela Municipal de la Ciudad de Portoviejo”, using the anthropometrics measures, to determinate their nutritional condition. For sampling, made it in five months, we have chosen 100 mothers that attend to the Subcentro named for routine medical evaluations, whose childs are in the established ages for the study, to apply the polls that are form by seven questions, which principal objective is to determinate if the mothers are offering breast milk to their childs, to know the kind of food that they usually give to their kids, how is prepared the food, which is the food consistency, if they are offering any alimentary supplement, and if they know the importance of complementary feeding since the age of 6 months, during and after the breast feeding, until the age of 24 months, because if the childs don´t have the correct type of food and nutrients, it will affect the nutritional condition of the childs. Also we have made a nutritional guide, where we can find different kind of menus, always watching the child requirement according to the age and physical activity, with a nutritive and balanced feeding, where we can find all the groups that form part of de food pyramid, and in this way the mother will increase their knowledge at the time of feed their childs, and that they can satisfy all their daily vital needs.
ItemDIETA DE LA MADRE EN PERIODO DE LACTANCIA DE 0 A 6 MESES Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL ESTADO NUTRICIONAL DEL NIÑO EN LA MATERNIDAD ATENCIÓN 24 HORAS, ANDRÉS DE VERA, JUNIO NOVIEMBRE DEL 2012(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) VILLAVICENCIO MEDINA, MARÍA LISSETTE ; ZAMBRANO MENDOZA, SILVIA NARCISA ; MENDOZA, JESSICAThe diet of the mother during lactation has a close relationship with the nutritional status of the child, so the mother's nutritional requirements increase, if so, the diet must provide the essential nutrients to ensure good health of both her and child, is for this reason that this study was conducted in maternity "Open 24 hours Andrés de Vera" Portoviejo Canton, and aimed to determine how diet affects the nursing mother in the nutritional status of child, for which the procedures were applied research: literature and field. Togather information was a database and applied population surveys considered in this investigation, reaching successful completion of this purpose; process was obtained as a conclusion that a good dietby the mother in period breast feed ingcreates many benefits for child nutritional status, and following gresults mothers consume foods containing nutrients such as cereals, vegetables, dairy, fruits, thereby favoring the proper development of the child during the period exclusive breastfeeding.
ItemESTADO NUTRICIONAL DE LOS PACIENTES SOMETIDOS A HEMODIÁLISIS Y SU CALIDAD DE VIDA, UNIDAD RENAL PORTOVIEJO MANABÍ MANADIÁLISIS S.A. DICIEMBRE 2012 –SEPTIEMBRE 2013(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) BUCHELI SOLÓRZANO, VERÓNICA ISABEL ; LOOR MEZA, NELSON SEGUNDO ; ZAMBRANO LOOR, SILVANAThis paper uses the Karnofsky scale for measuring nutritional status in patients under hemodialysis treatment of the renal unit Manadiálisis SA also takes into account other parameters such as anthropometric (IMC, CB, PCT and PMB) and results of laboratory tests, such as albumin, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides, sodium potassium and phosphorus among others the purpose of all this is to know more precisely the nutritional health of the affected population. This is largely because they are a very vulnerable group to suffer all kinds of deficiency diseases such as protein energy malnutrition and those caused by excessive intake of foods rich in carbohydrates fats that lead to pre-obesity and overweight , too runs the risk of excessive accumulation of electrolytes whose elevation endanger your health and good quality. The research was purposeful diagnostic type , as the universe is studied patients undergoing hemodialysis during the months of January to July 2013 , in which techniques were used surveys and laboratory test results . Obtained results it was evident that the quality of life of the sample indicates that 30 % was in the normal range or quality of life in the month of January while in June increased 42 % presenting shown improvement relative to January. A 41 % presented mild and pre-obesity in the month of January and 36% in June. A large percentage of the sample population present regular range but acceptable for people undergoing hemodialysis and decreased relative to January. Urea levels were consistent with the pathology between January and June with a 89 % and 95 %, respectively, indicating that patients had an adequate protein intake . Albumin in patients of January by 60% was within the normal range 25% lower. Creatinine levels were normal for presenting pathology 89% in January and 95 % in June. Indicating adequate protein intake . Potassium levels were elevated in the months of January and June with 89 and 95 % . Indicating a tendency to hyperkalemia . Phosphorus had a percentage of 80 % in January and 70 % in June phosphorus results . Also evidence that a significant percentage consumes a considerable amount of liquid which exposes them to suffer from edema of lungs and limbs.
ItemENFERMEDADES CRÓNICAS NO TRANSMISIBLES Y ESTADO NUTRICIONAL DE USUARIOS ATENDIDOS EN EL DISPENSARIO Nº 9 DEL IESS PORTOVIEJO MAYO-OCTUBRE 2012(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) SAFADI ORLANDO, YOMANA ; ZAMBRANO ZAMBRANO, GEMA PAOLA ; ZAMBRANO, SILVANAThe findings of different studies evidence that the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases starts since fetal life until old ages, therefore they are associated with an nutritional status. A prospective-descriptive study was realized, the purpose was associate the chronic non-communicable diseases and the nutritional status of users served on the dispensary Nº 9 IESS of Portoviejo during May to October 2012. The universe was form by 3600 users with different diseases was evaluated during 6 month, including dyslipidemias, hypertension and diabetes 2. Using inclusion and exclusion criteria we got a sample of 102 users female and male between 30 and 50 years old, from which general characteristics, personal and family history, physic activity, body mass index, waist hip ratio, ideal weight, weight loss percentage and a modified food frequency questionnaire were obtained. The association of chronic non-communicable diseases and nutritional status the result of this study reveals that mostly of users with hypertension presented overweight(9,8%) (IMC 25-29.9 kg/m2), patients with diabetes mellitus 2 mostly had overweight too (10,8%), finally the pathology that presented increased levels of overweight and obesity were dyslipidemias (46,08%).By relating them with other factors: the cardiovascular risk was highest on the users with dyslipidemias (36,3%), same as sedentary lifestyle(53,9%), while the family history didn’t represents an risk factor. The users that received 6 month of nutritional therapy evidenced a significant loss of weight (99%), which improves pathological condition of the users. This shows that nutritional status affects chronic non-communicable diseases. An appropriate control and a healthy lifestyle can improve o retard disease evolution, therefore a nutritional treatment protocol were made for de dispensary
ItemESTADO NUTRICIONAL DEL PACIENTE DIABÉTICO Y SUS COMPLICACIONES EN LAS PERSONAS ADULTAS QUE ACUDEN AL CENTRO DE SALUD COLÓN, NOVIEMBRE 2012 A MAYO/ 2013(Universdiad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) QUIJIJE BORJA, ADRIANA PPATRICIA ; VÉLIZ BRAVO, KATIUSKA ANDREA ; MENDOZA BALCÁZAR, JESSICAFood plays an important role in both the prevention and treatment of diabetes, helps to control blood glucose and diabetes, through the incorporation of healthy foods, physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight. This proactive diagnostic investigation was based on the assessment of nutritional status and nutritional education, in order to prevent future complications with adequate food to their disease in adults with diabetes who come to the Health Center Columbus. Problem arises as research the question How does affects the nutritional status in diabetic patients because complications lead in adults who come to the Health Center of Columbus, November 2012 to May / 2013?. The overall objective of this research is to determine the nutritional status of patients with diabetes and its complications in adults who come to the Health Center in the city Columbus Portoviejo November 2012 to mayo/2013, the specific objectives are: Analyze the characteristics socioepidemiological study population, assess the nutritional status of diabetic patients, identify the complications that present users who are part of the study, was implemented a guide to healthy eating habits and provided educational talks. In conclusion it has been determined that the majority of diabetic patients have a normal nutritional status and have a moderate risk for cardiovascular problems and that the most common complication in these patients is retinopathy.
ItemESTADO NUTRICIONAL DEL PACIENTE ONCOLÓGICO CON QUIMIOTERAPIA AMBULATORIA EN EL HOSPITAL DR. JULIO VILLACRESES COLMONT NOVIEMBRE 2012-MAYO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) CEVALLOS SÁNCHEZ, GABRIELA CAROLINE ; GARCÍA MENDOZA, FILERMA YAMALY ; ANDRADE VALAREZO, DANIELACancer is a disease that affects the nutritional status of cancer patients and especially those receiving chemotherapy. The study of oncology patients recelving chemotherapy in the Hospital "Dr. July Villacreses Colmont "Portoviejo City, was diagnosing type-purposing conformed for a sample of the 100 cases which were evaluated, diagnosed 48% with, underweight according to the type and location of the tumor, between 39 and 47% of patients had a malnutrition and 78% have had a history of weight loss, especially in the late stages of the disease. There are changes in body composition that determine weight loss and biochemical abnormalities related to immune deficiencies which facilitate the progress of the disease. Chemotherapy contributes to anorexia and excessive urinary loss of protein as well as calcium and potassium by gastrointestinal disorders. This also potentiates the adverse effects, caused by drugs used in therapy. The effect of prolonged treatment generates appetite states that ultimately produce the decrease in body weight, contributing to mortality, besides causing prolonged hospital stay, treatments difficulty and poor application of therapeutic response. The tool used for the assessment of nutritional status was the Body Mass Index (BMI) or Quetelet index, is a measure that relates weight to height. It is necessary to note that the weight is affected more than the size for the nutritional status and body composition. An early and adequate nutritional status assessment will diagnose and identify high-risk cases, and start an educational approach and nutritional treatment. The results of this research clearly demonstrate the importance of these tools for nutritional assessment in cancer patients, to achieve high detection of patients with malnutrition. So we created a nutritional guide focused on proper feeding that required for these patients because adequate nutritional status improves survival prognosis.
ItemESTADO NUTRICIONAL RELACIONADO A LOS HÁBITOS DIETÉTICOS EN LOS NIÑOS MENORES DE 5 AÑOS QUE ACUDEN AL CENTRO DE SALUD JIPIJAPA DEL MSP, DICIEMBRE 2012-MAYO 2013(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) VILLIGUA ÁLAVAREZ, ÁNGEL SAÚL ; ZAMBRANO LOOR, SILVANAThe investigation had as objective, to correlate the nutritional state related to the dietary habits in the children smaller than 5 years that they go to the center of health of MSP of Jipijapa and it was of type diagnostic proposition, prospective and with this one could meet the area where it will take the study and for it you proceeded to carry out interviews and surveys, to diagnose and to evaluate the outlined problem, from the month of December of the 2012 to May of the one 2013. Where the results of the investigation showed that the children ingest the three main foods in the day (breakfast, lunch and snack) and they also make it 5 times a day (Breakfast, Lunch, Has dinner and 2 refreshments). Followed to this for the ingest of some refreshment type or collation. On the other hand the children that go to this Subcentro consume meats, fishes and chicken between two to four times a week, of equal it forms it they make in the ingest of milk, yogurt or cheese, continued by fruits and vegetables. As long as the cereals, flours and dry grains make it a single time a week, to weigh that most of the parents have never participated in chats on feeding. In the children smaller than five years that Jipijapa of MSP goes to the Center of Health, most has less than a year of age and in smaller scale it arrives to the five years and they compose it in its majority girls in relation to the children, where the best sizes were given in children of less than 1 year of age. It was observed that the children (ace) smaller than five, have in their majority a weight emaciate to severe emaciate, being evidenced in their thinness (- 2DE at -3DE) and severe (< -3DE) thinness, results of a nutritional low level.
ItemESTADO NUTRICIONAL DE MUJERES EN EDAD FÉRTIL COMO FACTOR DE RIESGO EN EMBARAZOS ADOLESCENTES EN LA PARROQUIA COLÓN DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO DE DICIEMBRE 2012 – JUNIO DE 2013(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) SAN ANDRÉS MENDOZA, JAIRO PATRICIO ; VILLAMAR DELGADO, ANDRÉS ALBERTO ; FLORES GARCÍA, JAIMEPregnancy or child birth, is a term that includes the human reproductive gestation period. It begins when a man sperm fertilizes the egg of the woman and this fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus wall. The word adolescence comes from "suffers“ meaning “lack or immaturity" why , it is recommended a pregnancy at this stage of growth. Adolescence is one of the most difficult for us as humans, as it is a state of maturity where it seeks a mature, which run the risk of failing or making mistakes that will leave smell in our future life. Pregnancy in adolescence is already a social, economic and public health of considerable magnitude, both for young people and their children, couple, family, environment and surrounding community. Some people call teenage pregnancy as the substitution of love for sex. This problem has been improved thanks to the introduction of issues of sexuality in schools, but it has been generalized to all educational institutions, for this reason I believe that the number of teenage pregnancies enters remains high. Adolescence is a stage of life marked by important changes in emotional, social and physiological. On the latter the power is of particular importance because nutritional requirements, to address these changes, are very high and it is necessary to ensure an adequate supply of energy and nutrients to avoid situations that may cause deficiency disorders and health disorders. It must deal with the power of knowing the nutritional requirements teenager, knowing choose diet foods that ensure enough energy and nutrients, organizing and structuring meals throughout the day. Finally, it is important to know those situations that can affect teenagers and where should perform some diet modification.
ItemESTADO NUTRICIONAL Y RENDIMIENTO ACADÉMICO EN LOS NIÑOS Y NIÑAS DE 5 A 9 AÑOS DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA FISCAL Nº4 “CLUB ROTARIO DE PORTOVIEJO” JULIO/DICIEMBRE 2012(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) INTRIAGO ALCIVAR, MIGUEL ANGEL ; SANTANA PINARGOTE, JORGE LUIS ; MENDOZA BALCÁZAR, JESSICAThe research work was carried out in the Education Unit Attorney # 4 "Rotary Club of Portmore" with Theme Nutritional Status and academic performance in children of 5-9 years Education Unit Attorney # 4 "Rotary Club of Portmore" in a period from July to December 2012. The overall objective of this study is to determine the nutritional status of children / as and the relationship between nutritional status and academic performance. We identified the general characteristics of the study population, knowledge of parents about their children's food suitable, as the impact of nutritional status in the school, and finally education through informative workshops of school feeding. The World Health Organization estimates that healthy children learn better. Today, the world faces a double burden of malnutrition that includes: Malnutrition and overeating. Malnutrition is also characterized by the lack of several essential nutrients in the diet, including iron, folic acid, vitamin A and iodine. Malnutrition, in any form, presents significant risks to human health. Malnutrition contributes to nearly a third of all child deaths. The rising rates of overweight and obesity worldwide are associated with an increased likelihood that children have a future with great possibility of having chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension affecting a large number to the current world. It is urgent to raise awareness about the nutritional status detection unsuitable long term that would bring major health complications, the risk of disease is reduced since childhood and having the rest of life a diet rich in vitamins, minerals as balanced and varied.
ItemEVALUACIÓN DE LA DIETA EN RELACIÓN AL REQUERIMIENTO NUTRICIONAL DE LOS ADULTOS MAYORES, COMEDOR GERIÁTRICO, “VICENTE DE LA CRUZ “, ANDRÉS DE VERA, PORTOVIEJO. JUNIO - NOVIEMBRE 2012(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) ÁLVAREZ ALCÍVAR, ÁNGEL IGNACIO ; VERA NERO, JOEL FABRICIO ; ZAMBRANO LOOR, SILVANAIn order to determine the diet in relation to nutritional requirements of the elderly in the nursing “Vicente de la Cruz” Andrés de Vera Portoviejo city, and identify food habits and food for a guide to the requirements nutrition so that they can have a good quality of life, there was a non-experimental research and descriptive transversal study the universe being 81 elderly patients who come to the dining room “Vicente de la Cruz” in the parish Andres de Vera, the run time was 1 year according to Regulation graduation UTM was used unstructured observation as a data collection technique. Among the most significant results can be stated that the highest percentage of older adults who attend the dining are masculine, the age group of 60-65 years, widowed marital status, 38% are overweight nutritional status according to BMI, physical activity is scarce. Of the most common diseases are hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis and arthritis in lower frequency, most abused drugs are antihypertensive, hypoglycemic and anti-inflammatory. Regarding the 90% food ingested 3 meals a day, breakfast lunch, dinner, among the foods they eat are the vegetables by 95% of the population once a day, the oils and fats of 3-4 times per day, proteins like egg, meat and fish more than 5 times a week, and once per day. It is striking how little water intake by almost 80% reported consuming one to two bottles of water. Given these results were prosed and delivered manual diets for the elderly, and education gave to the people working in the nursing home dining.
ItemFACTORES DE RIESGO Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DE LA DIABETES MELLITUS EN PACIENTES DE 40 A 85 AÑOS DE EDAD ATENDIDOS EN EL SUB CENTRO DE SALUD MEJIA, JUNIO–NOVIEMBRE 2012(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) GARCÍA VILLEGAS, ANDRÉS ALBERTO ; NAVARRETE CEDEÑO, MIGUEL ÁNGEL ; PÁRRAGA ACOSTA, SABRINADiabetes is a metabolic disease that is causing deaths of many people worldwide enteropor which was interesting this project, whose main objective was to determine the risk factors that influence the development of diabetes mellitus in patients 40 to 85 years attending the Sub Health Centre Mejia, by implementing surveys, nutritional food and chips, in order to meet the nutritional and feeding habits of each patient in order to identify risk factors, because it was a manual for diabetics to improve lifestyle of the individual. The purpose of this research detected that ¾ of the population served is female, establishing a BMI of 5% of normal weight, 43% overweight and 52% of obese patients treated at the Health Sub Centre Mejia through the implementation of measures obtained results antropométricas waist circumference of each patient equivalent to 21% without cardiovascular risk, 22% with mild cardiovascular risk and 57% with severe cardiovascular risk. 71% of the population eat more than 3 meals a day with snacks of choice (fries). In this research we also found a high level of inactivity since 80% of the target population not physically active, mostly patients esanconciente complications they bring this disease, since 80% of the poblscion treated at the sub Health Center Mejía received nutritional counseling. They report that put into practice the knowledge acquired.