Licenciado Ciencias de la Educación-Fisica Matemáticas
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ItemActividades físicas recreativas para mejorar el desarrollo psicomotor en niños de segundo año de educación general básica de la unidad educativa fiscal Tiburcio Macías(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) Arteaga Manzano, María Julexy ; Poveda Cedeño, Joselyn Guadalupe ; Mera Chinga, Oscar EgbertoThe development of psychomotor skills in children is constituted as a relative point within the learning process, it is known that physical education provides an important growth in these essential skills for the child in the formative stage, The main objective is based on implementing a program of recreational physical activities for psychomotor development in children in the second year of the elementary school “Tiburcio Macias”, the applied methodology maintains a mixed approach, using the descriptive method and research inductivedeductive to detail the problem from a particular to general perspective in what is known as the problem within the educational institution, the results were taken through different applied instruments, in the survey it was known that teachers do not maintain a coordinated planning in relation to physical exercises that produce an optimal psychomotor development, the skills test applied in the students reflected that in despite of the existence of acceptable movements in the different physical indicators, certain deficiencies are perceived in some skills in second grade children; Being able to conclude that it is necessary to adopt physical activity programs to improve psychomotor development.
ItemAnálisis de la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las ecuaciones lineales mediante las TICs y su incidencia en el desempeño académico de los y las estudiantes de bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa Particular Simón Bolívar del Cantón Santa Ana, durante el periodo 2017.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) Loor Moreira, Willians Renato ; Saltos Pita Antonio Patricio ; Alcívar Cruzatty, MiriamThe objective of this research was to analyze the teaching and learning of linear equations through ICTs and their impact on the academic performance of the students of the secondary Education Unit Simón Bolívar of the canton Santa Ana, during the 2017 period, in order to improve the quality of the education provided. We used a methodology that quantitative, inductive-deductive, participatory action, with an analytical design, with questionnaire techniques to 2 teachers and survey to 102 students, whose results show that most students do not like the Math; That linear equation is an unknown with different paths to solve; That learning to solve problems serves to develop logical thinking at present; They don't like to solve mathematical problems; You think you can teach calculus by using technological tools; That the teaching of these has seemed very good; Technological tools serve as support in the learning of matter; They would like several topics of algebra to be taught through the use of technology; And, they think it necessary that teachers update knowledge on the methodology for teaching linear equations. The teachers were totally in agreement that the linear equations are a fundamental subject in secondary; TICs are a pedagogical tool conducive to learning; Problem solving is fundamental in the teaching of mathematics; and that it reinforces the comprehension of linear equations. It is concluded that by implementing technological tools for solving mathematical problems, it was intended to improve the capacity of students, thus achieving an improvement in the learning of linear equations.
ItemANÁLISIS DE LOS MÉTODOS EDUCATIVOS UTILIZADOS POR LOS DOCENTES DEL ÁREA DE FÍSICA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL APRENDIZAJE SIGNIFICATIVO DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL BACHILLERATO GENERAL UNIFICADO DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA “UNIVERSITARIO” DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ, PERIODO 2017.( 2017-09-29) MATUTE CASTRO, KELLY GARDENIAAl ser la física, básicamente científica, ligada a dar respuestas a todo aquello que sucede en el mundo, es importante lograr que la sociedad tenga conocimiento de la misma, al menos en su parte básica. Siendo predominante que los estudiantes puedan comprender esta ciencia. La investigación se enfoca en los métodos utilizados en la asignatura de física y en el tipo de aprendizaje que esta genere en los estudiantes del Colegio Universitario. Teniendo en cuenta que la asignatura de física impartida específicamente en el bachillerato es el umbral que permite incursionar a los estudiantes en el área científica, desencadenando en ellos el interés adecuado y la agilidad de resolver problemas cotidianos. Esto depende de la manera en como reciban el conocimiento, para ellos existen diferentes métodos de enseñanza, los cuales son cruciales en el aprendizaje que tengan los estudiantes. Se analizó los tipos de métodos aplicados en la enseñanza de la física teniendo como resultado que los métodos utilizados son el de solución de problemas y el de verbal instrucción, siendo en ocasiones combinados con otros métodos a fin de lograr un aprendizaje significativo. El uso de estos métodos se ha enfocado en el aprendizaje teórico y numérico de la física dejando de lado la preponderancia que los estudiantes dan a investigar de manera científica e innovar en temas aun no explicados por la física.
ItemAnálisis de los métodos educativos utilizados por los docentes del área de física y su incidencia en el aprendizaje significativo de los estudiantes del bachillerato general unificado de la unidad educativa “universitario” del cantón Portoviejo provincia de Manabí, periodo 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) Matute Castro, Kelly Gardenia ; Caballero Vera, Hernán HugoAs physics, basically scientific, linked to provide answers to everything that happens in the world, it is important to ensure that society is aware of it, at least for the basic part. Being predominantly students can understand this science. The research focuses on the methods used in the course of physics and in the type of learning that this generates in college students. Taking into account that specifically taught in high school physics is the threshold that allows you to enter students in the scientific area, triggering them appropriate interest and the agility to solve everyday problems. This depends on the way in as they receive this knowledge, there are different methods of teaching, which is crucial in learning that students have for them. Types of methods applied in the teaching of physics was analyzed with the result that the methods used are that of problem solving and verbal instruction, being sometimes combined with other methods in order to achieve meaningful learning. The use of these methods focused on numerical and theoretical learning of physics by letting aside the preponderance that students give to scientifically investigate and innovate on issues not yet explained by physics
ItemAplicación de los recursos didácticos para la enseñanza de las matemáticas y su influencia en el rendimiento escolar de los estudiantes del 8º y 9º año de educación básica del colegio nacional mixto Dr. Daniel Acosta Rosales de la ciudad de Montecristi en el año lectivo 2007 - 2008(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) Cantos Zambrano, Johana Emperatriz ; Salinas Silva, José Moises ; De Coello, MarleneThe application of the didactic resources for the teaching of the mathematics and their influence in the school yield of the students of the 8º and 9º year of basic education of the Mixed National School Dr. Daniel Acosta Rosebushes of the city of Montecristi in the year 2007 -2008, AND he/she had as subject of the investigation to the students and professors of mathematics of institution is. The use of the didactic resources in the area of the mathematics is a requirement to facilitate the contained ones and in turn to know the difficulties of the students regarding the matter. In such a way that the questions outlined to the students and professors had as main objective the one of to investigate and to analyze the application of the didactic resources and like they affect in the school yield to the students when mathematics learn, especially. The results of this study direct us in a very positive sense of improving the use of the didactic resources. And the students were shown positive to assimilate the knowledge with the manipulation of didactic materials. In summary, it can make sure that the use of the didactic resources facilitates the understanding of the contents and on the other hand improvement the school yield of the students. Since with motivation and some creativity ends up waking up the interest for the matter.
ItemAplicación del software geogebra en la enseñanza aprendizaje de polígonos en los estudiantes de décimo año de egb de la unidad educativa “Madre Laura Montoya” del cantón Portoviejo(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) Cevallos Cedeño, Eyleen Karolina ; Guerrero Giler, Robert Jesús ; Arteaga Pita, GasendyThe present investigation whose theme is, application of the GeoGebra software in the teaching-learning of Polygons in the tenth-year students of EGB of the Educational Unit "Madre Laura Montoya" of the Portoviejo canton, has the purpose of applying the GeoGebra software to improve the process Teaching-learning of Polygons. GeoGebra software aims to approach geometry from an interactive and dynamic way helping students to visualize mathematical content that is more difficult to understand from a static drawing. The research was based on a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative), document analysis techniques and standardized tests were used, such as electronic page registration instruments and questionnaire, a base document and evaluation instruments with the topic Polygons were also made, which They were validated by five experts from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences. The results obtained in this research show that when applying GeoGebra in the students the teaching-learning of the Polygons improved, a teaching guide was elaborated for the application of the GeoGebra software in the teaching-learning process of the Polygons.
ItemEL BIENESTAR FAMILIAR Y SU INFLUENCIA PARA LA EMPATÍA A LAS MATEMÁTICAS EN EL COLEGIO NACIONAL “18 DE OCTUBRE” PERTENECIENTE A LA PARROQUIA 12 DE MARZO DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO DURANTE EL PERIODO 2017.( 2017-09-29) ESCOBAR HOLGUIN, MARÍA GABRIELA ; VERA GARCÍA, KARINA TERESALa matemática es una ciencia antigua, de máxima importancia en cualquier ámbito de la sociedad. Se originó en diferentes culturas con la finalidad de resolver problemas cotidianos del hombre. Pero a pesar de esto es vista como una gran problemática, donde el proceso de aprendizaje en cualquier nivel es considerado una tarea difícil para el estudiante y percibido como una asignatura dura, rigurosa y formal. Esta visión genera un rechazo hacia su estudio, produciendo un clima de desmotivación que, de no erradicarse, puede afectar el aprendizaje que se espera lograr del estudiante. Es entonces cuando le corresponde al docente la tarea de buscar formas de mantener al estudiante motivado, interesado en la clase y en los contenidos a desarrollar, de manera de mantener su atención y mostrarle lo fascinante e importante que son las Matemáticas. Para ello, el profesor debe apoyarse en factores sociales entre ellos los relacionados al entorno familiar, en estrategias de enseñanza eclécticas, en el trabajo activo y colaborativo, en herramientas lúdicas y en el uso de tecnologías. Por tales razones la integración de la familia y escuela es un tema importante que juega un rol fundamental en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, ya que, si los padres se preocupan por la educación de sus hijos y colaboran con los profesores, los estudiantes favorecen en el logro académico y se adaptan fácilmente a la institución. Asimismo, la participación de los padres de familia en la educación, se asocia a una actitud y conducta positiva de los hijos hacia la escuela, mayores logros en lectura, tareas de mejor calidad y mejor rendimiento académico en las competencias básicas en el área de matemáticas. Es por esta razón que este trabajo busca determinar la influencia que tiene el bienestar familiar en la empatía (enseñanza-aprendizaje) a las matemáticas en el Colegio Nacional “18 de Octubre” perteneciente a la Parroquia 12 de Marzo del Cantón Portoviejo durante el periodo 2017,
Item“LA CALIDAD DE LOS MEDIOS DIDÁCTICOS Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL PROCESO DE ENSEÑANZA-APRENDIZAJE DE LAS MATEMÁTICAS DE SEPTIMO Y OCTAVO AÑOS DE EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA EN LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA ELOY UGALDE DEL CANTÓN ROCAFUERTE PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ. PERIODO 2017”.( 2017-09-29) LOOR SEME, GEMA MICHELLE ; ZAMBRANO GILCES, FÁTIMA MARIUXIEl trabajo contempla un estudio de la calidad de los medios didácticos utilizados en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje de las matemáticas en séptimo y octavo año de Educación General Básica de la Unidad Educativa “Eloy Ugalde” de la ciudad de Rocafuerte de la provincia de Manabí. Por lo que se analiza los medios empleados por el docente y la eficiencia obtenida de los mismos a través del tiempo, siendo preciso indagar sobre el nivel educativo que mantienen los estudiantes en esta área a través de los medios empleados diariamente en sus aulas de clase. Se estableció que la matemática es una ciencia estructurada y organizada para las condiciones necesarias de lógica y símbolos utilizados para generar una teoría exacta transformando elementos primitivos en teoremas complejos. La importancia de enseñar las matemáticas mediante el uso de los materiales o medios didácticos radica en buscar la excelencia educativa a través de un aprendizaje significativo, que satisfaga las expectativas de los alumnos, padres, docentes y la institución en general a fin de que los estudiantes puedan captar y utilizar lo aprendido en diversas actividades diarias fuera de las aulas de clase. Es por ello que el trabajo presenta una propuesta presenta una guía de medios didácticos que puedan ser utilizados por los docentes a fin de incrementar la calidad en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa investigada.
ItemCaracterización de práctica en docencia de la asignatura de laboratorio de física vii en la escuela de física y matemáticas de la facultad de filosofía, letras y ciencias de la educación en el año 2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Bailon Alvarado, Nexar Danilo ; Pita Asan, MaríaThis titulación work was designed starting from theories cognitives and didactic (formal figurative knowledge), the educational practice and the difficulties formulated on the part of the students, and he/she has for objective to strengthen the contents of the Classic Physics; by means of the experimental practice and to investigate on the aspects epistemológhic that underlie to the teaching of the contents of the Physics, with which the students arrive to the Seventh Semester of the Career of Physics and Mathematics. It is also very important and valid under the experimental practices so that the students have the opportunity to develop research capacity on a scientific reality timely strengthen the curriculum of future teachers The next job qualification is understood as the first chapter electrostatics regard to the charges at rest and most elemental of electricity , with the electrokinetic which is the study of moving charges , to continue with electromagnetism dealing the combination between electricity and magnetism , culminating in Atomic and Nuclear Physics which will complement the contents of classical physics . With this work practice teaching contents are secured through the experiences obtained from each of the educational activities taught in classes that complements and supports teaching and learning in each of the actors.
ItemCaracterización en la práctica en docencia en la asignatura de laboratorio de física viii en la escuela de física y matemáticas de la facultad de filosofía, letras y ciencias de la educación en el periodo 2015-2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Andrade Vélez, Daniel Antonio ; Pita Asan, MaríaIn this work there is evidence of pedagogical innovations in which there are new strategies and teaching techniques that allow to strengthen the knowledge through the experiences of each one of the activities taught in classes, and that complement and support the study and learning of the issues arising from the modern physics, relativistic mechanics , and therefore the Atomic and Nuclear Physics theoretical content selected in the Syllabus for the eighth level of the school of physics and mathematics. During the development of teachers, was essential to the coordination and supervision of the teacher incumbent on the subject of laboratory of physics VIII, with whom he designed the Syllabus and the respective plans of classes for each period; the application of techniques that motivate the start of classes and activities to be developed for the construction of knowledge, requiring the application of methodological strategies and ways to address the different themes for the consolidation of the same. Practices in this mode were very satisfactory to strengthen capacity development in the classroom, but above all the importance that has the vocation within the exercise teacher, being this mode which allows strengthen the acquired contents in the University classroom allowing you to gain experiences in the future profession
ItemCaracterización en la práctica en docencia en la asignatura de laboratorio de física viii en la escuela de física y matemáticas de la facultad de filosofía, letras y ciencias de la educación en el periodo 2015-2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Andrade Vélez, Daniel Antonio ; Pita Asan, MaríaIn this work there is evidence of pedagogical innovations in which there are new strategies and teaching techniques that allow to strengthen the knowledge through the experiences of each one of the activities taught in classes, and that complement and support the study and learning of the issues arising from the modern physics, relativistic mechanics , and therefore the Atomic and Nuclear Physics theoretical content selected in the Syllabus for the eighth level of the school of physics and mathematics. During the development of teachers, was essential to the coordination and supervision of the teacher incumbent on the subject of laboratory of physics VIII, with whom he designed the Syllabus and the respective plans of classes for each period; the application of techniques that motivate the start of classes and activities to be developed for the construction of knowledge, requiring the application of methodological strategies and ways to address the different themes for the consolidation of the same. Practices in this mode were very satisfactory to strengthen capacity development in the classroom, but above all the importance that has the vocation within the exercise teacher, being this mode which allows strengthen the acquired contents in the University classroom allowing you to gain experiences in the future profession.
ItemEl bienestar familiar y su influencia para la empatía a las matemáticas en el colegio nacional “18 de octubre” perteneciente a la parroquia 12 de marzo del cantón Portoviejo durante el periodo 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) Escobar Holguin, María Gabriela ; Vera García, Karina Teresa ; Caballero Vera, Hernan H.Mathematics is an ancient science, of utmost importance in any sphere of society. It originated in different cultures in order to solve everyday problems of man. But despite this it is seen as a major problem, where the learning process at any level is considered a difficult task for the student and perceived as a hard, rigorous and formal subject. This view generates a rejection towards their study, producing a climate of demotivation that, if not eradicated, can affect the learning that is expected to achieve the student. It is then up to the teacher to find ways to keep the student motivated, interested in the class and in the contents to be developed, in order to maintain his attention and show him how fascinating and important Mathematics is. To do this, the teacher must rely on social factors, such as those related to the family environment, eclectic teaching strategies, active and collaborative work, play tools and the use of technology. For these reasons the integration of the family and school is an important issue that plays a fundamental role in the teaching-learning process, since, if the parents care about their children's education and collaborate with the teachers, the students favor in Academic achievement and are easily adapted to the institution. Likewise, parental involvement in education is associated with a positive attitude and behavior of the children toward school, greater achievement in reading, higher quality tasks and better academic performance in the basic competences in the area of mathematics. It is for this reason that this work seeks to determine the influence that family welfare has on empathy (teaching-learning) to mathematics in the National School "18 de Octubre" belonging to the 12th March Parish of the Portoviejo Canton during the period 2017 , Methodologically, this study corresponds to a type of scientific, investigative and observational research using techniques such as observation, surveys aimed at teachers and students and the tabulation of the results of these surveys. The results were processed for the effective verification of the objectives and hypotheses, evidencing the need to incorporate strategies, actions, measures and immediate initiatives in that institution that provide students with empathy for basic subjects in this case mathematics.
ItemEl liderazgo docente en la asignatura de matemáticas y su incidencia en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes de bachillerato de la unidad educativa “Abdón Calderón” de la parroquia Abdón Calderón del cantón Portoviejo durante el año 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) Muñoz Mendoza, César Adolfo ; Ubillús Cedeño, Cristhian Eduardo ; Santos Loor, GariThe current education is highly influenced by social and economic aspects, the same ones that in our country are not presented in the best way that creates difficulties derived from these aspects and that hinder the educational process, causing deficiencies in students. These difficulties are reflected in classrooms where teacher leadership and their ability to organize and lead a group of students will be key to achieving educational success measured through students' academic performance, such teacher leadership will also depend on the training and professional profile the teacher has. The objective of this research was to determine the incidence of the leadership of mathematics teachers in the academic performance of the students of the "Abdón Calderón" Educational Unit, in the year 2017, through a comprehensive study of their pedagogical actions; It should be mentioned that the survey technique was used to gather information from the criteria of students and teachers, the same ones that are involved and objects of research. In this work we can find a theoretical part that supports the research, as well as the results obtained from it that allow conclusions to be drawn from the thematic.
ItemEl perfil del profesor de la especialidad Física Matemática, frente al desarrollo tecnológico, que se ha implementado en la educación, en los colegios nacional Portoviejo y Particular Informática de la ciudad de Portoviejo, durante el año 2007 -2008(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) Palma Menéndez , Ninfa ; Patricio Parrales , Juan ; Pita, MaríaThe modern Professional is connected with the technological knowledge and of development, aspect that for the companies with modernization sense, you/he/she requires of this human resource, the same one that rewards him excellent utilities, but the reality locates us that in the educational sector a limited number of educational professionals exists with knowledge in this field. The main purpose of this investigation is to know to define the educational professional's profile in the physics area and mathematics on the upgrade and training as for technological modernity that one makes in fiscal and particular, such schools it is the case of the National College "Portoviejo" and College Particular Mixed "Computer science", in such a way to determine in what conditions the learnings theoretical and practical chords are developed to the technology. The development of our topic, was oriented to the following query: Which should the necessary limits be to design the profile of the educational one in the physical and mathematical specialty, in front of the technological development that has been implanted in the sector of the education, so much public as private, in the city of Portoviejo? The general objective was: To identify the professor's of second teaching Physical specialty professional Profile and Mathematics in the teaching in agreement learning to the technological advance and the development perspectives at institutional level in the national school "Portoviejo" and the "Computer" particular College The obtained results through the students and educational, they confirmed us on the educational professional's profile in the area of Physics and Mathematics on the upgrade and training as for technological modernity in the National College "Portoviejo" and College Particular Mixed "Computer science"
ItemEl razonamiento lógico y su incidencia en el aprendizaje de la matemática de las y los estudiantes de la unidad educativa república del Ecuador del cantón Jipijapa en el periodo 2018(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) Montesdeoca Loor, Donna Jesselle ; Valencia Zambrano, Miguel José ; Pico Mieles, JoséThe research focuses on the logical reasoning and its relationship with Mathematics, and the impact it generates on the students of the High School “Republic of Ecuador”. Taking into account that the subject of Mathematics is taught from the first levels of education, being this key to the development of logical thinking in students. This depends on how they apply the knowledge or mathematical foundation, to solve problems of daily life, which are crucial in the learning that students have. This research is carried out through a series of activities, based on a specific methodology of research, which facilitated the collection of information, through the application of a survey to teachers and students, which enabled the collection of reliable data, which allowed the conclusions to be drawn. and recommendations and at the same time verify if the proposed objectives were achieved. The types of techniques applied in the teaching of Mathematics were analyzed, resulting in Collaborative Learning and Simulation and Games, sometimes being combined in order to achieve meaningful learning. The use of logical reasoning has focused on the theoretical and numerical learning of Mathematics, leaving aside the preponderance that students give to research scientifically and innovate in topics not yet explained.
ItemEl uso de los recursos didácticos en el área de matemáticas para fortalecer el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los y las estudiantes de la unidad educativa fiscal “luis urdaneta” del cantón rocafuerte del sitio higuerón durante el periodo 2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Chávez Mejía, Jacinta Lisbeth ; Zambrano Chiquito Wellington Francisco ; Zavala Vera, Walter HugoThe process of the education learning of the students is muche complete when there join didactic resources that allow his strengthening, this way in the mathematics when material is elaborated by the intention of facilitating the educational labor and simultaneously that of the students. In this research work there appear the results of a study realized in the Educational Fiscal Unit Luis Urdaneta, whose general aim is it of determining the use of the didactic pedagogic resources of mathematics to strengthen the process of education and learning in them and the students of sixth basic year of the Educational Fiscal Unit "Luis Urdaneta" of the Rocafuerte canton of the site Higuerón during the school period 2016. Asfor his development the methods were in use: qualitative, inductive deductive, participative and descriptive; later survey was applied and he interviews students and teachers of sixth year of General Básica Education. In agreement to the obtained information one determined that there are very small the didactic pedagogic available resources for the area of the mathematics, nevertheless the teachers use some of them as for example base in 10, abaci, cartels, papelotes, texts of mathematics, between others. In addition the study establishes that the level of knowledge that they possess them and educational brings over of the mathematical games is low, due to the fact that there are not used correctly the didactic own resources of the subject. For consequent the teachers do not receive trainings or workshops that allow them to incorporate mathematical games into the process education learning of the mathematics. Everything above mentioned previously carries us when a didactic offer develops on the application of mathematical games as part of the strengthening of the process of education learning of the students.
ItemEstrategia para el uso de recursos didácticos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas de los estudiantes del primer año de bachillerato de la unidad educativa José Aquiles Valencia Delgado(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) Cedeño Sabando, María Cristina ; Zambrano Alcívar, Michael Vinicio ; Cevallos Arteaga, Christian AlfredoThe pedagogical strategies are developed to achieve the purposes and are flexible guides, the objective of the strategies consists of the solutions of academic problems or other aspects related to them. The use of creative, innovative didactic resources is essential for the development of knowledge by students because they facilitate the teaching function, the resources have the function that the teacher develops his classes better by making the knowledge arrive in a more appropriate way to students, the importance of this research work aims to develop a strategy for the use of didactic resources in the teaching-learning process of mathematics, which will contribute to improving the teaching-learning process of first-year students of high school, the strategy will allow us to develop meaningful learning using appropriate resources for all the mathematical topics to be dealt with by the teacher. The research design that we will use is the descriptive design because it is created through the collection, analysis, presentation of the collected data and the methodology that we have used has a mixed approach, both qualitative and quantitative because we will use instruments such as surveys and observation guide. The conclusions of this research work are closely related to the use of pedagogical strategies by teachers for better academic performance, emphasizing the use of didactic resources for the teaching-learning of mathematics, because it can be observed that no all strategies are feasible to reach students, finally the implementation of new pedagogical strategies is proposed to make good use of them, thus achieving only a quality and warm education
ItemEstrategia para mejorar la coordinación de los niños del tercer año de educacion básica de la escuela “Ernesto Vera Cedeño” durante el periodo 2020-2021(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) Dueñas Solórzano, María Elizabeth ; Castro Williams, Ramon EduardoThe present work was carried out due to the problems presented by the students of the third year of parallel basic education A and B since the children show deficiencies in their abilities and motor skills when carrying out daily activities. It is based mainly on seeking a strategy that improves children's motor coordination, for this reason in this research we set ourselves the following objective: Establish a strategy to improve coordination through Physical Education activity in children in the third year of education. basic of the School "Ernesto Vera Cedeño", to achieve this objective 2 tests are applied such as: the Anthropometric test and the Motor Coordination test, which allow evaluating the individual characteristics of each child, then a consensus is made and defined the problems that children present regarding their motor skills, with this a strategy is proposed that helps the child to improve their motor coordination. The methodology used is based on the critical propositional analysis through the relationship of the variables, the inductive-deductive and analytical methods were used in this research, in order to collect the information, the test was used through a digital questionnaire which was applied to 70 children who received help from their parents at the time of each exercise, all these activities or tasks are related to the theoretical basis exposed by experts in this discipline. A diagnosis of the children was carried out where the lack of preparation in motor coordination to develop different skills was identified, a bibliographic study was carried out where the bases to develop physical education and motor coordination were identified; To identify the problem, the motor coordination test was applied, which provides us with information that is related to scientific theory and allows value judgments to be made for the extraction of conclusions and recommendations, obtaining as results that the students present motor deficiencies attached to balance and body conduction. That is why it is established that the best strategy to improve motor coordination is play, through which the entire muscular and cognitive system of students intervenes.
Item“LAS ESTRATEGIAS COGNITIVAS Y SU APORTE AL PROCESO DE ENSEÑANZA – APRENDIZAJE DE LAS MATEMÁTICAS EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE DÉCIMO AÑO DE EDUCACIÓN GENERAL BÁSICA EN LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA ABDÓN CALDERÓN DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO DURANTE EL AÑO 2017”.( 2017-09-29) FAJARDO ZAMBRANO, JANDRY POLIBIO ; INTRIAGO GUERRERO, MARÍA ROXANNAEl mundo que nos rodea es el que permite que el ser humano tenga un raciocinio con las situaciones que se le presentan, siendo las habilidades las que se ponen en juego para competir con la realidad, es por eso que toda actividad influenciada por las Matemáticas y más aún con los problemas cotidianos tiene esa necesidad de procesar y organizar información a través del aprendizaje, orientado con el desarrollo del pensamiento humano obtenido en sus etapas académicas, Los profesores deben considerar los procesos de aprendizaje que los estudiantes ejecutan en cada actividad guiada por el mismo, para que incorporen conocimientos con el fin de dar prioridad al desarrollo de competencias, porque en la actualidad se debe percibir, atender, memorizar, razonar y comunicar lo que piensan, debido al avance tecnológico, por tanto el objetivo general es identificar las estrategias cognitivas que contribuyen al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las Matemáticas. La investigación, mediante su estudio descriptivo, estadístico, analítico, científico y bibliográfico permitió conocer las actividades mentales como aprendizaje para la incorporación de conocimientos por medio del estudio y cuyas ideas, experiencias, habilidades o hábitos que los estudiantes aplican en el área de las Matemáticas. Se acudió a los Docentes y a los estudiantes para poder alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, ya que son los elementos fundamentales en el proceso educativo, los mismos que se plasmaron mediante encuestas, obteniendo los resultados pertinentes. La investigación detectó situaciones desfavorables y favorables para la educación, entre los cuales una escasa versatilidad tanto en el uso de herramientas y prácticas teóricas, como en la aplicación de estrategias que favorecen el desarrollo cognitivo matemático y además una total desubicación con respecto a competencias necesarias para el aprendizaje en la resolución de problemas, asimismo es importante recalcar una buena aplicación de estrategias de enseñanza que ayudan para la realización de tareas y las que fortalecen en la incorporación de conocimientos matemáticos.
ItemESTRATEGIAS DE ENSEÑANZA Y SU APORTE EN EL INTERAPRENDIZAJE DE LAS MATEMATICAS EN LOS Y LAS ESTUDIANTES DE OCTAVO, NOVENO Y DECIMO AÑO DE EGB DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA FISCAL MIXTA „‟SUCRE‟‟ DEL CANTON UCRE DE LA PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ, DURANTE EL PERIODO 2017( 2017-09-29) GARCÍA ZAMBRANO, RENESSKIA VERÓNICAEsta investigación pretendió, hacer un diagnostico acerca de las metodologías mas utilizadas en la asignatura de Matemática en la educación general básica, además verificar la relación existentes entre, las metodologías empleadas por los docentes y la forma como el alumno adquiere la información . Además de establecer si el tipo de evaluación realizada por los docentes de matemática participantes en la investigación conducen a que sus alumnos al desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas que ayuden a la intelectualidad. La investigación titulada ESTRATEGIAS DE ENSEÑANZA Y SU APORTE EN EL INTERAPRENDIZAJE DE LAS MATEMATICAS EN LOS Y LAS ESTUDIANTES DE OCTAVO, NOVENO Y DECIMO AÑO DE EGB DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA FISCAL MIXTA „‟SUCRE‟‟ DEL CANTON SUCRE DE LA PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ, DURANTE EL PERIODO 2017 , tuvo como objetivo principal Determinar el aporte de las estrategias de enseñanza en el interaprendizaje de las matemáticas de los y las estudiantes de octavo , noveno y decimo año de EGB de la Unidad Educativa Fiscal Mixta „‟SUCRE‟‟ del cantón Sucre de la provincia de Manabí. Metodológicamente, este estudio corresponde a un tipo de Investigación deductivo, bibliográfico, exploratorio y propositivo, utilizando técnicas como las encuestas dirigidas a los docentes, y estudiantes. Los resultados fueron procesados para la efectiva comprobación de los objetivos e hipótesis.