Licenciado Ciencias de la Educación-Fisica Matemáticas
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ItemEstrategia para mejorar la coordinación de los niños del tercer año de educacion básica de la escuela “Ernesto Vera Cedeño” durante el periodo 2020-2021(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021)The present work was carried out due to the problems presented by the students of the third year of parallel basic education A and B since the children show deficiencies in their abilities and motor skills when carrying out daily activities. It is based mainly on seeking a strategy that improves children's motor coordination, for this reason in this research we set ourselves the following objective: Establish a strategy to improve coordination through Physical Education activity in children in the third year of education. basic of the School "Ernesto Vera Cedeño", to achieve this objective 2 tests are applied such as: the Anthropometric test and the Motor Coordination test, which allow evaluating the individual characteristics of each child, then a consensus is made and defined the problems that children present regarding their motor skills, with this a strategy is proposed that helps the child to improve their motor coordination. The methodology used is based on the critical propositional analysis through the relationship of the variables, the inductive-deductive and analytical methods were used in this research, in order to collect the information, the test was used through a digital questionnaire which was applied to 70 children who received help from their parents at the time of each exercise, all these activities or tasks are related to the theoretical basis exposed by experts in this discipline. A diagnosis of the children was carried out where the lack of preparation in motor coordination to develop different skills was identified, a bibliographic study was carried out where the bases to develop physical education and motor coordination were identified; To identify the problem, the motor coordination test was applied, which provides us with information that is related to scientific theory and allows value judgments to be made for the extraction of conclusions and recommendations, obtaining as results that the students present motor deficiencies attached to balance and body conduction. That is why it is established that the best strategy to improve motor coordination is play, through which the entire muscular and cognitive system of students intervenes.
ItemEstrategia para el uso de recursos didácticos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas de los estudiantes del primer año de bachillerato de la unidad educativa José Aquiles Valencia Delgado(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021)The pedagogical strategies are developed to achieve the purposes and are flexible guides, the objective of the strategies consists of the solutions of academic problems or other aspects related to them. The use of creative, innovative didactic resources is essential for the development of knowledge by students because they facilitate the teaching function, the resources have the function that the teacher develops his classes better by making the knowledge arrive in a more appropriate way to students, the importance of this research work aims to develop a strategy for the use of didactic resources in the teaching-learning process of mathematics, which will contribute to improving the teaching-learning process of first-year students of high school, the strategy will allow us to develop meaningful learning using appropriate resources for all the mathematical topics to be dealt with by the teacher. The research design that we will use is the descriptive design because it is created through the collection, analysis, presentation of the collected data and the methodology that we have used has a mixed approach, both qualitative and quantitative because we will use instruments such as surveys and observation guide. The conclusions of this research work are closely related to the use of pedagogical strategies by teachers for better academic performance, emphasizing the use of didactic resources for the teaching-learning of mathematics, because it can be observed that no all strategies are feasible to reach students, finally the implementation of new pedagogical strategies is proposed to make good use of them, thus achieving only a quality and warm education
ItemAplicación del software geogebra en la enseñanza aprendizaje de polígonos en los estudiantes de décimo año de egb de la unidad educativa “Madre Laura Montoya” del cantón Portoviejo(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021)The present investigation whose theme is, application of the GeoGebra software in the teaching-learning of Polygons in the tenth-year students of EGB of the Educational Unit "Madre Laura Montoya" of the Portoviejo canton, has the purpose of applying the GeoGebra software to improve the process Teaching-learning of Polygons. GeoGebra software aims to approach geometry from an interactive and dynamic way helping students to visualize mathematical content that is more difficult to understand from a static drawing. The research was based on a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative), document analysis techniques and standardized tests were used, such as electronic page registration instruments and questionnaire, a base document and evaluation instruments with the topic Polygons were also made, which They were validated by five experts from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Education Sciences. The results obtained in this research show that when applying GeoGebra in the students the teaching-learning of the Polygons improved, a teaching guide was elaborated for the application of the GeoGebra software in the teaching-learning process of the Polygons.
ItemActividades físicas recreativas para mejorar el desarrollo psicomotor en niños de segundo año de educación general básica de la unidad educativa fiscal Tiburcio Macías(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021)The development of psychomotor skills in children is constituted as a relative point within the learning process, it is known that physical education provides an important growth in these essential skills for the child in the formative stage, The main objective is based on implementing a program of recreational physical activities for psychomotor development in children in the second year of the elementary school “Tiburcio Macias”, the applied methodology maintains a mixed approach, using the descriptive method and research inductivedeductive to detail the problem from a particular to general perspective in what is known as the problem within the educational institution, the results were taken through different applied instruments, in the survey it was known that teachers do not maintain a coordinated planning in relation to physical exercises that produce an optimal psychomotor development, the skills test applied in the students reflected that in despite of the existence of acceptable movements in the different physical indicators, certain deficiencies are perceived in some skills in second grade children; Being able to conclude that it is necessary to adopt physical activity programs to improve psychomotor development.
ItemEl razonamiento lógico y su incidencia en el aprendizaje de la matemática de las y los estudiantes de la unidad educativa república del Ecuador del cantón Jipijapa en el periodo 2018(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018)The research focuses on the logical reasoning and its relationship with Mathematics, and the impact it generates on the students of the High School “Republic of Ecuador”. Taking into account that the subject of Mathematics is taught from the first levels of education, being this key to the development of logical thinking in students. This depends on how they apply the knowledge or mathematical foundation, to solve problems of daily life, which are crucial in the learning that students have. This research is carried out through a series of activities, based on a specific methodology of research, which facilitated the collection of information, through the application of a survey to teachers and students, which enabled the collection of reliable data, which allowed the conclusions to be drawn. and recommendations and at the same time verify if the proposed objectives were achieved. The types of techniques applied in the teaching of Mathematics were analyzed, resulting in Collaborative Learning and Simulation and Games, sometimes being combined in order to achieve meaningful learning. The use of logical reasoning has focused on the theoretical and numerical learning of Mathematics, leaving aside the preponderance that students give to research scientifically and innovate in topics not yet explained.