Licenciado Ciencias de la Educación-Fisica Matemáticas
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ItemEstudio comparativo entre la metodología tradicional y la virtual en la enseñanza de la matemática y su incidencia en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes del ciclo básico del colegio “12 De Marzo” de la ciudad de Portoviejo durante el año lectivo 2006-2007(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) Bravo Arteaga, Segundo Darío ; Cedeño Alarcón, Richard Alfredo ; Pita Asan, MaríaOur investigation is based on the comparative study between the traditional methodology and the virtual one in the mathematics’ teaching and how it impacts in the learning of the students. For effect of this study we take like reference students of the basic cycle since in them the bases of the mathematical knowledge should be forged and continue this way, without more inconveniences, with a good high school and later on with a successful university career. The elected population was the students of the "12 de Marzo" high school of the city of Portoviejo, taking like sample for the analysis to 180 students that represent the population of 55%, and 5 teachers that conform the area of exact sciences. The work that we carried out understands four parts: the application of both methodologies in the mathematics’ teaching, surveys to the students and the teachers, processing of data, and, analysis of the results. The application of both methodologies was made considering two parallel of oneself level that has similar academic yields, what allowed us to impart classes using a methodology for parallel. Conceived this way, we could determine the incidence of both methodologies without necessity of applying both to the same students group, since otherwise had not been possible to determine what methodology impacted favorable or unfavorably in a specific topic. elements compose it: Ministry, Directors, Trade - Unions, Educational, and even the same students. In the annexes it can be found the carried out surveys. The processing of data was made with statistical approaches and the calculations obey effective mathematical norms in the education. With the help of squares we register the obtained data in an orderly and coherent way, which we facilitate the respective processes vastly. Finally, with the data and calculations represented in statistical graphs, we are able to analyze the results in such way that it allowed us to verify our objectives, carefully to check our hypotheses and give some recommendations The surveys were designed with questions that allowed us to evidence the faults that suffer our educational system. When saying educational system, we refer to all the
ItemLas técnicas participativas y su influencia en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje matemática en los estudiantes de octavo a décimo año de educación básica del colegio Nacional Olmedo(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) Frank Moreira, Mercedes Zoraida ; Menéndez Cedeño, Rosa Amelia ; Vera De Coello, Marlene ZoraidaThis investigation deals with participatory techniques and their Influence on the teaching-learning processes of mathematics in students from the eighth to the tenth year of basic education. Olmedo National School. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters, the first deals with education and learning; The second basically refers to the methodology applicable to the teaching-learning process; and the third It involves the first and second and applies them in the field of mathematics. In order to carry out this research, a series of surveys of teachers and students of the Olmedo National School. The conclusions and recommendations are generated from the analysis of the results of the surveys applied, which demonstrate that participatory techniques applied by teachers influence positively in the inter-learning process, therefore improving school performance in mathematics.
ItemAplicación de los recursos didácticos para la enseñanza de las matemáticas y su influencia en el rendimiento escolar de los estudiantes del 8º y 9º año de educación básica del colegio nacional mixto Dr. Daniel Acosta Rosales de la ciudad de Montecristi en el año lectivo 2007 - 2008(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) Cantos Zambrano, Johana Emperatriz ; Salinas Silva, José Moises ; De Coello, MarleneThe application of the didactic resources for the teaching of the mathematics and their influence in the school yield of the students of the 8º and 9º year of basic education of the Mixed National School Dr. Daniel Acosta Rosebushes of the city of Montecristi in the year 2007 -2008, AND he/she had as subject of the investigation to the students and professors of mathematics of institution is. The use of the didactic resources in the area of the mathematics is a requirement to facilitate the contained ones and in turn to know the difficulties of the students regarding the matter. In such a way that the questions outlined to the students and professors had as main objective the one of to investigate and to analyze the application of the didactic resources and like they affect in the school yield to the students when mathematics learn, especially. The results of this study direct us in a very positive sense of improving the use of the didactic resources. And the students were shown positive to assimilate the knowledge with the manipulation of didactic materials. In summary, it can make sure that the use of the didactic resources facilitates the understanding of the contents and on the other hand improvement the school yield of the students. Since with motivation and some creativity ends up waking up the interest for the matter.
ItemEl perfil del profesor de la especialidad Física Matemática, frente al desarrollo tecnológico, que se ha implementado en la educación, en los colegios nacional Portoviejo y Particular Informática de la ciudad de Portoviejo, durante el año 2007 -2008(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) Palma Menéndez , Ninfa ; Patricio Parrales , Juan ; Pita, MaríaThe modern Professional is connected with the technological knowledge and of development, aspect that for the companies with modernization sense, you/he/she requires of this human resource, the same one that rewards him excellent utilities, but the reality locates us that in the educational sector a limited number of educational professionals exists with knowledge in this field. The main purpose of this investigation is to know to define the educational professional's profile in the physics area and mathematics on the upgrade and training as for technological modernity that one makes in fiscal and particular, such schools it is the case of the National College "Portoviejo" and College Particular Mixed "Computer science", in such a way to determine in what conditions the learnings theoretical and practical chords are developed to the technology. The development of our topic, was oriented to the following query: Which should the necessary limits be to design the profile of the educational one in the physical and mathematical specialty, in front of the technological development that has been implanted in the sector of the education, so much public as private, in the city of Portoviejo? The general objective was: To identify the professor's of second teaching Physical specialty professional Profile and Mathematics in the teaching in agreement learning to the technological advance and the development perspectives at institutional level in the national school "Portoviejo" and the "Computer" particular College The obtained results through the students and educational, they confirmed us on the educational professional's profile in the area of Physics and Mathematics on the upgrade and training as for technological modernity in the National College "Portoviejo" and College Particular Mixed "Computer science"
ItemLa Matemática Financiera y su insertación en los programas de estudio de nivel medio de la especialidad de Física y Matemática del Colegio Nacional Olmedo de la ciudad de Portoviejo en el año lectivo 2007(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) Ontaneda Paredes, Fausto Armando ; Rodríguez Véliz Wilmer IsmaelIn the development it gives the present investigation it was selected to the National College Olmedo, in and of itself it is described in first instance their Characteristics; it understands the general records it gives creation, give operation and give the control it gives the process teaching learning; their objectives and political; the organic structure that is an excellent aspect, because in her they are distinguished the levels it gives hierarchy that they intervene directly in our proposal; the general services that it lends the institution and the contribution gives this to the development it gives cantonal. Once we had a general idea he/she gives the object to evaluate, we study the most important concepts about the Financial Math and their importance in the programs it gives study its gives half level; their characteristics and the profile gives the educational one that will give the matter. We should score which the importance is it gives the Financial Math, its components and its organization so that it influences positively in the student. To determine the results it is necessary that they know each other which ones they are so much the methodologies that were used to check our hypothesis, in the matter it gives Mathematical Financial as its in their importance in the programs gives studieses he gives half level it gives the Mathematical Physical specialty. The methodologies that we use are those that are good to evaluate to the populaces and that they reflect the reality it gives their situation in a certain moment. Finally, the investigation arrives to its medullary part, because you proceeded to evaluate to the Department it gives Mathematical it gives the High school specialty Mathematical Physique to check if its acting with the Financial Mathematics is the appropriate one. The realized evaluation determines that the National College Olmedo in its specialty Mathematical Physique is not organized completely to use this sistema, so much in its executive part as operative gives the process teaching learning and its pensum he/she gives studieses, the sketch manuals are not still completed for the curricular programming and mainly the educational personnel is not still fit totally to be participant in this new academic revolution.
ItemLa evaluación del aprendizaje influye en el aprovechamiento de las matemáticas en los estudiantes del ciclo diversificado del colegio 18 de octubreen la ciudad de Portoviejo durante el año lectivo 2008(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) Mieles de Tarabó, FranciscaThe present research refers to the evaluation of learning and its influence on the use of mathematics in students of the diversified cycle of the Colegio Nacional 18 de Octubre. The technical part is divided into three chapters: first, on the direction of learning, the second on the evaluation of learning and the third on the evolution of the evaluation. To carry out the research, surveys were carried out with the students and teachers of the 18 de Octubre school, which allowed us to meet the proposed objectives and verify the hypotheses.
ItemImportancia en el dominio de las operaciones aritméticas fundamentales y su repercusión en los estudios posteriores en l@s estudiantes de octavo a décimo año básico del colegio nacional Picoaza(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) RIVAS POSLIGUA, WILSON OSWALDO ; TORRES ERIQUE, PEDRO PABLOThe investigation consists on determining the importance of the domain of the fundamental arithmetic operations and its repercussion in the later studies in the students from the eighth to tenth basic year of the National School Picoaza. The causes and consequences are analyzed, so much of what happens when they don't restrain those knowledge, as the favorable consequences, in the case of the domain of the operations; at the same time the forms are specified of improving the domain of those it operates fundamental operations, considering that they are the base of other arithmetic activities. They are defined concepts like: the mathematics, its importance, also refers to important characters that have stood out in this area like: Pitágoras and Pascal, special mention is made to the learning of the mathematics. Subsequently concrete aspects are focused as the importance of the domain of the fundamental operations, the basic aspects. You proceeds to organize a model mathematics class where is suggested that it is necessary to be ahead for a good road; the problems have to be demonstrated. Finally the effectiveness of mathematics's tasks is focused, specifying the nature of the task, the revision of them, and the planning of the class in if; and the development of the new lesson. The results are also analyzed in the surveys applied the professors and students with whose analysis you proceeds to check the hypothesis and the reach of the objectives, in the same way that, they allow to structure the conclusions and recommendations, with what you concludes the work, so much in their theoretical part and practice.
ItemCaracterización de práctica en docencia de la asignatura de laboratorio de física vii en la escuela de física y matemáticas de la facultad de filosofía, letras y ciencias de la educación en el año 2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Bailon Alvarado, Nexar Danilo ; Pita Asan, MaríaThis titulación work was designed starting from theories cognitives and didactic (formal figurative knowledge), the educational practice and the difficulties formulated on the part of the students, and he/she has for objective to strengthen the contents of the Classic Physics; by means of the experimental practice and to investigate on the aspects epistemológhic that underlie to the teaching of the contents of the Physics, with which the students arrive to the Seventh Semester of the Career of Physics and Mathematics. It is also very important and valid under the experimental practices so that the students have the opportunity to develop research capacity on a scientific reality timely strengthen the curriculum of future teachers The next job qualification is understood as the first chapter electrostatics regard to the charges at rest and most elemental of electricity , with the electrokinetic which is the study of moving charges , to continue with electromagnetism dealing the combination between electricity and magnetism , culminating in Atomic and Nuclear Physics which will complement the contents of classical physics . With this work practice teaching contents are secured through the experiences obtained from each of the educational activities taught in classes that complements and supports teaching and learning in each of the actors.
ItemEl uso de los recursos didácticos en el área de matemáticas para fortalecer el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los y las estudiantes de la unidad educativa fiscal “luis urdaneta” del cantón rocafuerte del sitio higuerón durante el periodo 2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Chávez Mejía, Jacinta Lisbeth ; Zambrano Chiquito Wellington Francisco ; Zavala Vera, Walter HugoThe process of the education learning of the students is muche complete when there join didactic resources that allow his strengthening, this way in the mathematics when material is elaborated by the intention of facilitating the educational labor and simultaneously that of the students. In this research work there appear the results of a study realized in the Educational Fiscal Unit Luis Urdaneta, whose general aim is it of determining the use of the didactic pedagogic resources of mathematics to strengthen the process of education and learning in them and the students of sixth basic year of the Educational Fiscal Unit "Luis Urdaneta" of the Rocafuerte canton of the site Higuerón during the school period 2016. Asfor his development the methods were in use: qualitative, inductive deductive, participative and descriptive; later survey was applied and he interviews students and teachers of sixth year of General Básica Education. In agreement to the obtained information one determined that there are very small the didactic pedagogic available resources for the area of the mathematics, nevertheless the teachers use some of them as for example base in 10, abaci, cartels, papelotes, texts of mathematics, between others. In addition the study establishes that the level of knowledge that they possess them and educational brings over of the mathematical games is low, due to the fact that there are not used correctly the didactic own resources of the subject. For consequent the teachers do not receive trainings or workshops that allow them to incorporate mathematical games into the process education learning of the mathematics. Everything above mentioned previously carries us when a didactic offer develops on the application of mathematical games as part of the strengthening of the process of education learning of the students.
ItemPrograma geogebra como herramienta didáctica en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza de las matemáticas en los y las docentes del bachillerato de la unidad educativa “Portoviejo” durante el periodo lectivo 2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Bueno Lozano, Maricela Beatriz ; Mendoza Vélez Yandri José ; García Murillo, GabrielGeogebra is a mathematical program, which serves to strengthen the educationprocess learning o f the students, by theconsequent thing it is much used in theaverage and top level of all the educa tional levels. Geogebra also allows to visualize any typeof algebraic and geometric line ofinteractive form. In this work investigativo there appear theresults of a study realized in the cantonPortoviejo, who se general target is that ofthere base the importance of the geógebraprogram as didactic strategy on themathematics education process in andteachers of the Baccalaureate in Unidad Educativa “Portoviejo” during theschool period 2016. As for its development the methods wereused: descriptive, analytical and quasiexperimental; late r survey was applied andhe interviews teachers of theBaccalaureate General Unificado speciallyt o the area of Mathematics and to theRector of the same Educational Institution. In accordance with the brave information itwas identified that the technological resources with in Unidad Educativa"Portoviejo" is provided are the computersand the projector like main pedagogi csupport. Nevertheless they lack othertechnological resources as there it are theprinter, mathemat ical programs, andteams of audio. Also the study reveals that the level ofknowledge that the teachers have aboutthe program geoge bra is smallecausethe same Educational Unit at which theyare employed is not arranged by them withprograms fitters for the mathematics education. xi Under these circumstances it bears us toprepare a didactic handlebar usingprogrammes geógebra like didacticstrategy for the development of theprocess of mathematics Education.
ItemLa metodología en la enseñanza de la física experimental para mejorar la práctica de laboratorio en la unidad educativa “12 de marzo” del cantón portoviejo durante el periodo 2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Delgado Vélez, Daniela Estefanía ; Naranjo Zambrano, Christian Xavier ; Zavala Vera, Walter HugoPractices Physics Laboratory is a way to organize the process of teaching and learning in this research work the results of a study conducted at the Educational Unit "12 de Marzo" is the overall objective is to determine the methodology in Physics education to improve the experimental lab where the scientific method be established in the experimental practice, this research work was made in the province of Manabi, Portoviejo Canton City of the same name in the educational Unit " 12 de Marzo ", Portoviejo during the 2016 period. As for its development methods they were used: descriptive and inductive-deductive; then survey and interview students and teachers of Physics first year of General Unified Baccalaureate applied. According to the thrown data identified the types of methods used by teachers of Physics for the development of experimental practice they are inductive and deductive, which means that teachers of general situations to individuals or vice versa, allowing students learn based on their experiences. In addition, the study reveals that the competences teachers considered necessary in an experimental practice are those in which students fail to understand the physical phenomena that they themselves put into practice; on the other hand, study the alternatives used for their students improve experimental practice are based on teaching guides and the internet. Everything described above involves incorporating the scientific method to the methodology of teaching physics that given its structure and systematization allows students to improve experimental practice.
ItemCaracterización en la práctica en docencia en la asignatura de laboratorio de física viii en la escuela de física y matemáticas de la facultad de filosofía, letras y ciencias de la educación en el periodo 2015-2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Andrade Vélez, Daniel Antonio ; Pita Asan, MaríaIn this work there is evidence of pedagogical innovations in which there are new strategies and teaching techniques that allow to strengthen the knowledge through the experiences of each one of the activities taught in classes, and that complement and support the study and learning of the issues arising from the modern physics, relativistic mechanics , and therefore the Atomic and Nuclear Physics theoretical content selected in the Syllabus for the eighth level of the school of physics and mathematics. During the development of teachers, was essential to the coordination and supervision of the teacher incumbent on the subject of laboratory of physics VIII, with whom he designed the Syllabus and the respective plans of classes for each period; the application of techniques that motivate the start of classes and activities to be developed for the construction of knowledge, requiring the application of methodological strategies and ways to address the different themes for the consolidation of the same. Practices in this mode were very satisfactory to strengthen capacity development in the classroom, but above all the importance that has the vocation within the exercise teacher, being this mode which allows strengthen the acquired contents in the University classroom allowing you to gain experiences in the future profession
ItemCaracterización en la práctica en docencia en la asignatura de laboratorio de física viii en la escuela de física y matemáticas de la facultad de filosofía, letras y ciencias de la educación en el periodo 2015-2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Andrade Vélez, Daniel Antonio ; Pita Asan, MaríaIn this work there is evidence of pedagogical innovations in which there are new strategies and teaching techniques that allow to strengthen the knowledge through the experiences of each one of the activities taught in classes, and that complement and support the study and learning of the issues arising from the modern physics, relativistic mechanics , and therefore the Atomic and Nuclear Physics theoretical content selected in the Syllabus for the eighth level of the school of physics and mathematics. During the development of teachers, was essential to the coordination and supervision of the teacher incumbent on the subject of laboratory of physics VIII, with whom he designed the Syllabus and the respective plans of classes for each period; the application of techniques that motivate the start of classes and activities to be developed for the construction of knowledge, requiring the application of methodological strategies and ways to address the different themes for the consolidation of the same. Practices in this mode were very satisfactory to strengthen capacity development in the classroom, but above all the importance that has the vocation within the exercise teacher, being this mode which allows strengthen the acquired contents in the University classroom allowing you to gain experiences in the future profession.
ItemLa calidad de los medios didácticos y su influencia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas de séptimo y octavo años de educación básica en la unidad educativa Eloy Ugalde del cantón Rocafuerte provincia de Manabí. Periodo 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) Loor Seme, Gema Michelle ; Zambrano Gilces, Fátima Mariuxi ; Santos Loor, GariThe work includes a study of the quality of the didactic resources used in the process of teaching - learning of mathematics in seventh and eighth year of basic General education of the educational "Eloy Ugalde" unit from the town of Rocafuerte in the province of Manabi. By which analyzes the means used by the teacher and the efficiency of them over time, being necessary to inquire about the educational level that kept students in this area through the means employed daily in their classrooms. He was established that mathematics is a science that is structured and organized to the conditions of logic and symbols used to generate an accurate theory transforming primitive elements in complex theorems. The importance of teaching mathematics through the use of the materials or educational means lies in seeking educational excellence through meaningful learning, which meets the expectations of students, parents, teachers and the institution in general so that students can capture and use what they learned in various daily activities outside the classroom. Is for this reason that the work presents a proposal presents a guide to educational resources that can be used by teachers in order to increase the quality in the process of teaching-learning of students of the educational unit investigated.
ItemLas estrategias cognitivas y su aporte al proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje de las matemáticas en los estudiantes de décimo año de educación general básica en la unidad educativa Abdón Calderón del cantón Portoviejo durante el año 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) Fajardo Zambrano, Jandry Polibio ; Intriago Guerrero, María Roxanna ; Santos Loor, Gari BienvenidoThe world around us is the one that allows the human being to have a reasoning with the situations that are presented to him, being the abilities that are put in play to compete with the reality, that is why all activity influenced by Mathematics and Even more with the daily problems, has the need to process and organize information through learning, oriented with the development of human thought obtained in its academic stages, Teachers should consider the learning processes that the students execute in each activity guided by the same, so that they incorporate knowledge in order to give priority to the development of competences, because at the moment it is necessary to perceive, to attend, to memorize, to reason And communicate what they think, due to technological progress, therefore the overall objective is to identify the cognitive strategies that contribute to the teaching and learning process of mathematics. The research, through its descriptive, statistical, analytical, scientific and bibliographic study allowed to know the mental activities as learning for the incorporation of knowledge through the study and whose ideas, experiences, skills or habits that the students apply in the area of the maths. Teachers and students were approached to reach the proposed objectives, since they are the fundamental elements in the educational process, the same ones that were shaped by surveys, obtaining the relevant results. The research detected unfavorable and favorable situations for the education, among which a little versatility both in the use of theoretical tools and practices, as well as in the application of strategies that favor the mathematical cognitive development and also a total dislocation with respect to the necessary competences for Learning in solving problems, it is also important to emphasize a good application of teaching strategies that help to perform tasks and those that strengthen in the incorporation of mathematical knowledge. XIV This work identifies the use of strategies predetermined by the teacher in the teaching process, which does not emphasize effectively in the learning process, notwithstanding the students in the commitment of their tasks, is very effective.
ItemLa metodología tradicional y su efecto en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas de los estudiantes de Décimo año de Educación Básica de la Unidad Educativa del Milenio “Juan Antonio Vergara Alcívar” del cantón Junín durante el periodo 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) Mendoza Briones, Jennifer Dolores ; Villavicencio Quijije, Monserrate Guadalupe ; García Murillo, GabrielThe traditional methodology is that methodology that gave a disciplinary approach, centered in conceptual learning where the teacher was the center of development of the class and in which the students only acted as receivers, being memorized the propagated learning and whose unique Resources used were the explanation by the teacher, blackboard and textbook. In Ecuador for a long time have developed methodologies in learning, most of which after initial success have ended up forgotten and others maintain their traditional process in some educational units, which means that the students have a deficit The learning of mathematics since we know that the educational process is very complex and does not support drastic solutions as has been demonstrated throughout history. In many homes of the students of the 10th year of Basic Education of the Millennium Educational Unit "Juan Antonio Vergara Alcívar" the educational system is one of the missions of learning has been since time, to promote the assimilation of contents with methodologies that Are in accordance with the academic regime, but the reality in the educational institution is another since the teachers continue to impart their knowledge in a traditional way for both parents and students the existence of problems and difficulties in the methodology when studying mathematics is a fact. The family environment influences a lot in the learning processes of each student since the home is the first school they have and where they receive the support in their tasks, but the reality is different since the family of the students is difficult for them Learning methodologies for the learning of mathematics which causes that the students continue with their deficit taking the traditional teaching. XIII For the professionals in training, the traditional methodology in the learning of mathematics is a very broad subject and they adopt that the way to learn mathematics is better with the new technologies in order to leave aside the traditional teaching. The present investigation will have as general objective to investigate the effect of the traditional methodology in the learning of the mathematics of the students and of the tenth year of Basic Education of the Educational Unit "Juan Antonio Vergara Alcívar" of the canton Junín during the period 2017.
ItemMetodología para la enseñanza de la física y su incidencia en las competencias investigativas de los y las estudiantes de tercero de bachillerato del colegio nacional Dr. Bruno Sánchez Carreño del cantón Portoviejo. Periodo 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) Chávez Farfán, Josselyn Geoconda ; Garcés Cedeño, Génesis GabrielaThe research entitled METHODOLOGY FOR THE TEACHING OF PHYSICS AND THEIR INCIDENCE IN THE INVESTIGATIVE COMPETENCIES OF THOSE AND THIRD PARTY STUDENTS OF THE NATIONAL SCHOOL DR. BRUNO SÁNCHEZ CARREÑO DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO. PERIOD 2017, had as main objective To determine the methodology for the teaching of physics and its incidence in the investigative competences of the students of third year of Bachillerato of the School Dr. Bruno Sánchez Carreño del Cantón Portoviejo. Period: 2017. Methodologically, this study corresponds to a type of deductive, bibliographic, exploratory and propositive research, using techniques such as surveys directed to teachers and students. The results were processed for the effective verification of the objectives and hypotheses, evidencing that 47%, gave as answer that during the physics class the teacher always formulates hypotheses of the treated topic; 65%, agree that the physics teacher always clarifies the doubts about the subject matter; 53% felt that they almost always use reliable data and adequate terminology; 47% affirm that the teacher always uses new and motivating teaching methodology; 47% stated that the physics teacher always helps them to interpret basic concepts of physics; 32% responded that the physics teacher in their class uses more technology; 29% indicate that, within the subjects he has learned, in the electric and magnetic fields he had problems; 50% answered that he believes that a good methodology of physics always strengthens learning; 74% agree that the intra-classroom participation is always fulfilled; 67% of the sample taken for the execution of the present investigation and corresponding to 3 teachers surveyed, answered that they always participate in seminars updating methodological knowledge; 67% are almost always trained on physics methodologies; 100% answered that he believes that applying methodologies within the classroom always strengthens the knowledge of physics; 67% answered that problem solving is the physics methodology that adapts to their professional profile; 67% indicated that group work is the techniques applied to meet the objective of the class raised; 100% that applying a methodology appropriate for the teaching of physics always strengthens the student's performance; 100% that it is always necessary a talk or workshop of updating in the methodology of the physics; 33% indicate that always in the classroom conducts experiments according to the subject treated; and, 67% indicated that the Degree is the level to which their professional profile belongs. It is concluded that through the methodological strategies applied to physics, the teacher facilitates students' learning through motivation, information and orientation.
ItemAnálisis de la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las ecuaciones lineales mediante las TICs y su incidencia en el desempeño académico de los y las estudiantes de bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa Particular Simón Bolívar del Cantón Santa Ana, durante el periodo 2017.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) Loor Moreira, Willians Renato ; Saltos Pita Antonio Patricio ; Alcívar Cruzatty, MiriamThe objective of this research was to analyze the teaching and learning of linear equations through ICTs and their impact on the academic performance of the students of the secondary Education Unit Simón Bolívar of the canton Santa Ana, during the 2017 period, in order to improve the quality of the education provided. We used a methodology that quantitative, inductive-deductive, participatory action, with an analytical design, with questionnaire techniques to 2 teachers and survey to 102 students, whose results show that most students do not like the Math; That linear equation is an unknown with different paths to solve; That learning to solve problems serves to develop logical thinking at present; They don't like to solve mathematical problems; You think you can teach calculus by using technological tools; That the teaching of these has seemed very good; Technological tools serve as support in the learning of matter; They would like several topics of algebra to be taught through the use of technology; And, they think it necessary that teachers update knowledge on the methodology for teaching linear equations. The teachers were totally in agreement that the linear equations are a fundamental subject in secondary; TICs are a pedagogical tool conducive to learning; Problem solving is fundamental in the teaching of mathematics; and that it reinforces the comprehension of linear equations. It is concluded that by implementing technological tools for solving mathematical problems, it was intended to improve the capacity of students, thus achieving an improvement in the learning of linear equations.
ItemAnálisis de los métodos educativos utilizados por los docentes del área de física y su incidencia en el aprendizaje significativo de los estudiantes del bachillerato general unificado de la unidad educativa “universitario” del cantón Portoviejo provincia de Manabí, periodo 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) Matute Castro, Kelly Gardenia ; Caballero Vera, Hernán HugoAs physics, basically scientific, linked to provide answers to everything that happens in the world, it is important to ensure that society is aware of it, at least for the basic part. Being predominantly students can understand this science. The research focuses on the methods used in the course of physics and in the type of learning that this generates in college students. Taking into account that specifically taught in high school physics is the threshold that allows you to enter students in the scientific area, triggering them appropriate interest and the agility to solve everyday problems. This depends on the way in as they receive this knowledge, there are different methods of teaching, which is crucial in learning that students have for them. Types of methods applied in the teaching of physics was analyzed with the result that the methods used are that of problem solving and verbal instruction, being sometimes combined with other methods in order to achieve meaningful learning. The use of these methods focused on numerical and theoretical learning of physics by letting aside the preponderance that students give to scientifically investigate and innovate on issues not yet explained by physics
ItemEl bienestar familiar y su influencia para la empatía a las matemáticas en el colegio nacional “18 de octubre” perteneciente a la parroquia 12 de marzo del cantón Portoviejo durante el periodo 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) Escobar Holguin, María Gabriela ; Vera García, Karina Teresa ; Caballero Vera, Hernan H.Mathematics is an ancient science, of utmost importance in any sphere of society. It originated in different cultures in order to solve everyday problems of man. But despite this it is seen as a major problem, where the learning process at any level is considered a difficult task for the student and perceived as a hard, rigorous and formal subject. This view generates a rejection towards their study, producing a climate of demotivation that, if not eradicated, can affect the learning that is expected to achieve the student. It is then up to the teacher to find ways to keep the student motivated, interested in the class and in the contents to be developed, in order to maintain his attention and show him how fascinating and important Mathematics is. To do this, the teacher must rely on social factors, such as those related to the family environment, eclectic teaching strategies, active and collaborative work, play tools and the use of technology. For these reasons the integration of the family and school is an important issue that plays a fundamental role in the teaching-learning process, since, if the parents care about their children's education and collaborate with the teachers, the students favor in Academic achievement and are easily adapted to the institution. Likewise, parental involvement in education is associated with a positive attitude and behavior of the children toward school, greater achievement in reading, higher quality tasks and better academic performance in the basic competences in the area of mathematics. It is for this reason that this work seeks to determine the influence that family welfare has on empathy (teaching-learning) to mathematics in the National School "18 de Octubre" belonging to the 12th March Parish of the Portoviejo Canton during the period 2017 , Methodologically, this study corresponds to a type of scientific, investigative and observational research using techniques such as observation, surveys aimed at teachers and students and the tabulation of the results of these surveys. The results were processed for the effective verification of the objectives and hypotheses, evidencing the need to incorporate strategies, actions, measures and immediate initiatives in that institution that provide students with empathy for basic subjects in this case mathematics.