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ItemACTIVIDADES DE TRABAJO AUTÓNOMO PARA ATENDER LAS DIFERENCIAS INDIVIDUALES EN EL ÁMBITO LÓGICO MATEMÁTICO DEL SUBNIVEL INICIAL 2(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) ALCÍVAR GARCÍA, GEMA CRISTINA ; ZAMBRANO LOOR, GLORIA ADRIANA ; ROMÁN CAO, ELDISThe objective of this research was to design autonomous work activities to address the individual differences in the mathematical logical scope of children in sub-level 2 of the Manuelita Sáenz Initial Education Center, Manta, in order to fulfill it, the theoretical aspects that characterize autonomous work were determined and attention to individual differences, then a diagnosis of the latter was made in children of initial level 2, which served as the basis for preparing the proposal. Within the theoretical foundations it is emphasized that autonomous work involves the direction, autonomy and self-realization of the work itself. However, individual differences are considered relevant in the work of the teacher because they influence the acquisition of learning by associating new concepts related to styles, rhythms, intelligence and other internal aspects and the educational context. To make this research feasible, the scientific methodology was used with its methods: hypothetical-deductive, bibliographic and systemic-structural functional. Among the techniques used are the interview and the survey applied to the teachers of the institution and the observation applied to the students. The results demonstrated the need to implement autonomous work activities in the logical-mathematical field, as it is one of the areas of knowledge of weakness in children of initial level, in order to address the diversity in the classrooms and thus the individual differences of the students of the Center of Initial Education "Manuelita Sáenz" of Manta
ItemACTIVIDADES LÚDICAS COMO BASE PARA EL POSTERIOR DESARROLLO DEL PENSAMIENTO LÓGICO MATEMÁTICO EN LOS NIÑOS DEL INICIAL II DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA PABLO HANNIBAL VELA DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) MENDOZA GARCIA, JESSICA ELIZABETH ; QUIROZ ALVAREZ, MIRIAN ERMELINDA ; BARZAGA SABLÓN, OSCARResearch work has as problematic the potentialities of playful activities in the development of mathematical logical thinking of children in the initial age. Outlined from the experience of teachers at this level of teaching. In playful activity, children build logical-mathematical thinking through manipulation, observation and experimentation with materials, activities that are developed mainly through play, so it is essential to know the importance of this, as it is a basic element for the child's development and learning, through which they can experience relationships with mathematics spontaneously. As a general objective of the presentation is to expose the potential of recreational activities for the further development of mathematical logical thinking in children of initial education II. The results obtained from the research show that recreational activities contribute effectively in the improvement of children's behaviour, strengthening interpersonal relationships to achieve a coexistence of harmony in school and around them. Among the most relevant results was obtained that in children was forming a significant sense of spatial, temporal relationships, ordering, seriousness, comparison, basis for future mathematical logical thinking. Among the research methods used were the following: scientific abstraction, comparative method, functional structural systemic method, logical history and scientific modelling. The development of mathematical logical thinking in children of this level depends fundamentally on playful activity, which is one of the basic forms of their learning
ItemACTIVIDADES LÚDICAS PARA EL CUIDADO DEL MEDIO NATURAL Y CULTURAL EN LOS NIÑOS DEL SUBNIVEL INICIAL II DE LA ESCUELA NICARAGUA EN EL CANTÓN SANTA ANA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) ANDRADE PALMA, ALICIA SOBEIDA ; MOREIRA MAJOJO, ESTELA ELIZABETH ; ROMÁN CAO, ELDISThe present investigation had as general objective: To elaborate recreational activities to strengthen learning about the care and protection of the natural and cultural environment of the children of the sub-level II of the Nicaragua school in the Canton Santana, to fulfill it, the theoretical aspects that the activities were determined were determined. recreational activities and the care of the natural and cultural environment, followed by the pertinent diagnosis of the latter in the children of the Initial II sublevel, which will lead to the elaboration of the proposal. In the search for theoretical information, important aspects of recreational activities in relation to the care of the natural and cultural environment are highlighted. To carry out this research work, the type of mixed research was taken into account, by obtaining analysis and interpretation and the collection of percentage data, among the scientific methodology, methods were used: logical, historical analysis and synthesis, inductive-deductive, abstract-concrete, modeling, among the manipulated techniques, survey, observation and interview were used. Among the evidenced results, the need to implement playful activities in the teaching and learning process of caring for the natural and cultural environment was left to the discovery, as it is an area of little implementation in the educational context, so there is a deficit in Theoretical and practical knowledge in the children of the Initial II sub-level, from the Nicaragua school, Santa Ana
ItemACTIVIDADES LÚDICAS PARA EL DESARROLLO DE LAS INTELIGENCIAS MÚLTIPLES EN LOS NIÑOS DE EDUCACIÓN INICIAL DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA FISCAL DR. CICERÓN ROBLES VELÁSQUEZ(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) MENDOZA LOOR, NATHALY BEATRIZ ; MENDOZA VERA, GEOMARA VANESSA ; MEZA INTRIAGO, HIPATIAThe present research demonstrates the importance of the development of Multiple Intelligences in preschool age, in which the relevance of the use of playfulness in the classrooms of initial level is evidenced, achieving in the children of this age a number of skills, skills and knowledge that allow to boost their intelligence from small, based on the theory of psychologist Howard Gardner where he proposes the existence of eight intelligences: Logical-mathematical, Linguistic, Visual-spatial, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Corporal Quinesthetic, Musical and Naturalist. In addition, the objective was to design an educational workshop for teachers that favors the development of multiple intelligences in the children of preschool of the Unidad Educativa Fiscal Dr. Cicerón Robles Velásquez, of the Portoviejo canton. The development of this research, was based on different articles, studies and opinions related to the subject investigated, in the first chapter is reflected the bibliographic part, theoretical foundations and scientific bases on which this research is based. Subsequently, the use of theoretical methods such as Induction - Deduction, Analysis - Synthesis, Abstraction - concretion, which allowed to obtain results for the development of this investigation, to then culminate with the conclusions and recommendations. The results obtained during the investigation thus demonstrated the importance of creating appropriate environments where the intelligences in children are enhanced with the implementation of play
ItemALTERNATIVA DIDÁCTICA PARA EL DESARROLLO DEL ESQUEMA CORPORAL DE LOS NIÑOS DEL NIVEL INICIAL II(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) RAMÍREZ FIGUEROA, ERICA ELINA ; DAZA GILER, ANGÉLICA MARÍA ; ENRÍQUEZ CARO, LÁZARO CLODOALDOHaving an adequate body development is essential to achieve a mental image both static and dynamic; this is valuable to relate to the environment. The present investigation is framed in the development of the corporal scheme in the initial education. Be part of the following scientific problem: How to improve the development of body schema? This problem is expressed in the object of the research: educational process of children in early childhood education and its purpose is to design a didactic alternative that contributes to the improvement of this aspect in children of the Initial level II of the School of General Basic Education "San José". A sample of 13 children with an age between 4 and 5 years was used. A didactic alternative is elaborated that was submitted to the criteria of specialists and valued very positively. The results are specified in a manual for the development of the body schema that can be a valuable tool for nursery school teachers.
ItemCUENTOS INFANTILES EN EL DESARROLLO DEL LENGUAJE ORAL EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE 4 AÑOS DE LA ESCUELA DE EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA “MARTHA BUCARAM DE ROLDÓS, DEL CANTÓN SUCRE(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) TALLEDO ZAMBRANO, ALEJANDRO JACOBO ; VERA GARCIA, LUIS AFLREDOThe present work has as its theme, the children's stories in the development of oral language in the students of 4 years of the school of Basic Education "Martha Bucaram de Roldós", of the canton Sucre, for which a deep bibliographical analysis is carried out; conceptualizing the story from the perspective of various and well-known authors, who come to precise that it is a short, simple narrative, with central characters and that excite the children for its truculent plot and full of mystery and that almost always has an end happy ending. The story, well used pedagogically, broadens the vocabulary, refines the language, and effectively prepares the child so that later he can learn and develop literacy; the methodology used is the deductive, inductive and bibliographic method that allowed starting from general conceptions, specify the incidence of short narratives in oral language, reaching the conclusion that the development of oral expression, is obtained as children and girls have the opportunity to comment, during the games, the stories of the story as it will favor the complete advancement of the infant.
ItemEL DESARROLLO DE LA IDENTIDAD Y AUTONOMÍA EN LOS NIÑOS DEL SUBNIVEL INICIAL II DEL CENTRO EDUCACIÓN INICIAL CALIXTO QUIJIJE EN EL CANTÓN MONTECRISTI(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) LÓPEZ LUCAS, JESINA PILAR ; MANTUANO LUCAS, VANESSA MARIBEL ; TRIVIÑO SABANDO, JOSÉThe different activities of autonomy such as; writing their name, dressing and undressing, identifying their characteristics and as a member of a family, among other actions help the development of personal identity, also facilitating the expression of their emotions and feelings, starting from this point on the importance of education Initial learning of personal identity, this being the pillar so that the child can identify as a unique and incomparable being. The present investigative work has as a problem the process of teaching autonomy for the development of the personal identity of the children of the Initial sub-level II of the Calixto Quijije Initial Education Center in the Montecristi Canton, teachers do not use playful activities adequately, for the development of personal identity. For this, the following general objective is declared: To improve the development of identity and autonomy in children of the Initial II sublevel. It was developed under the modality of qualitative research, with the use of a technique such as the interview, which was applied online due to the Covid-19 health emergency, to parents and teachers. Based on the results, a playful activities guide is designed to improve the development of personal identity in students of the Initial II sub-level, providing flexible and effective support in the teaching-learning process
ItemEL MUSICOGRAMA, UN RECURSO PARA FAVORECER EL DESARROLLO AUDITIVO DE LOS NIÑOS DE 4 A 5 AÑOS EN LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA RODOLFO CHÁVEZ RENDÓN EN EL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) DEMERA ARAGUNDI, MARÍA LORENA ; INTRIAGO MANTUANO, GEMA GLIDEYI ; MENDIETA TORRES, YESSENIAThe research presented has as a general objective to design a didactic guide to insert the use of the musicogram in the auditory development of children. For the realization of the research task, specific objectives were designed to diagnose the level of teacher training regarding the subject, which was done through the application of participatory, observational and bibliographic methods; such as observation techniques, surveys, bibliographic records and data tabulation. To base the research variables instead, bibliographic sources were used in which it was confirmed that the musicogram is a means or an auditory resource applicable and adapted for the benefit of music education. Likewise, it was affirmed that the auditory development of children is a fundamental component in the learning of initial education. Due to the results of the instruments applied, the need to implement a didactic guide was concentrated in which teachers are articulated as managers of auditory development through the musicogram and children from 4 to 5 years of the Educational Unit “Rodolfo Chávez I surrender as active protagonists, participants in their learning at all times and in all their integral development
ItemEL RINCÓN PEDAGÓGICO EN LA ESTIMULACIÓN DEL PENSAMIENTO LÓGICO-MATEMÁTICO DE LOS NIÑOS DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA MARÍA MAGDALENA CEVALLOS INTRIAGO, CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) PALMA SÁNCHEZ, BETSY JAZMIN ; SABANDO INTRIAGO, KATIUSKA MARICELA ; MESTRE GOMEZ, ULISESThe general objective of this research was to: Design a methodology for the use of the pedagogical corner of construction in the stimulation of the logical- mathematical thinking of children of 3 - 5 years of age, for which a thorough bibliographic review of the variables is carried out: methodology for the use of the pedagogical corner, based on its categories; defining according to several authors and with respective scientific, psychological and pedagogical basis, as well as the description of the characteristics and stages of its application; with respect to the dependent variable: stimulation of logical-mathematical thinking, a detailed description is made of the process, the stages of knowledge, the stages of the figurative collections, the genuine classifications and the physical attributes of the objects, the spatial and temporal relationships, the notion of number and quantity; the scientific methodology with its inductive and deductive methods was used for its study, which allowed to analyze the pedagogical corner in the stimulation of the mathematical logical thought, which induced to verify the proposed objectives in the project, by means of the tabulation of the surveys applied to the Teachers and interview with the authority, applied to the sample of the chosen population; arriving at the conclusion that it is necessary to design a methodology for the use of didactic corners of stimulation for logical-mathematical thinking; therefore, it is recommended to apply the methodology designed in the present titration work
ItemEL USO DE LA DACTILOPINTURA PARA CONTRIBUIR EN EL DESARROLLO DE LA MOTRICIDAD FINA DE LOS NIÑOS DEL SUBNIVEL INICIAL 2, DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA “LOS ANDES” PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) LOOR VILLACÍS, MARITZA NATHALY ; ORTEAGA CACIERRA, BELLA JACQUELINE ; SAMADA GRASST, YANETFinger-painting is one of the most motivating and beneficial graphoplastic techniques to stimulate the development of fine motor skills in children in early childhood. However, it has been treated in a condition of inferiority with respect to the rest of the skills that are considered more important, useful and efficient. In most cases the activities with painting appear in optional spaces without considering, the benefits that this technique contributes to the integral development of children. Hence the relevance of deepening in this problem whose limitations were lack of mastery and motivation of this technique by teachers, in front of the lack of physical space in the classroom to promote the participation of all, since it is not easy to meet personalized needs of 31 boys and girls. For this, the study objective was to design a didactic guide for the application of the technique of finger-painting to contribute to the development of fine motor skills of children of the Initial Sub-level II of the Los Andes Educational Unit, Portoviejo. The investigation was approached according to the methods of the empirical level of knowledge, inductive, deductive, applying for the collection of information, techniques such as observation directed at children of the initial sub-level II and the survey made to the teachers of the Unit Educational Finally, the objectives set at the beginning of the research were achieved and the proposal that helped to solve the problem was designed
ItemEL USO DE LA DACTILOPINTURA PARA CONTRIBUIR EN EL DESARROLLO DE LA MOTRICIDAD FINA DE LOS NIÑOS DEL SUBNIVEL INICIAL 2, DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA “LOS ANDES” PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2023-07-11) LOOR VILLACÍS, MARITZA NATHALY ; ORTEGA CACIERRA, BELLA JACQUELINEFinger-painting is one of the most motivating and beneficial graphoplastic techniques to stimulate the development of fine motor skills in children in early childhood. However, it has been treated in a condition of inferiority with respect to the rest of the skills that are considered more important, useful and efficient. In most cases the activities with painting appear in optional spaces without considering, the benefits that this technique contributes to the integral development of children. Hence the relevance of deepening in this problem whose limitations were lack of mastery and motivation of this technique by teachers, in front of the lack of physical space in the classroom to promote the participation of all, since it is not easy to meet personalized needs of 31 boys and girls. For this, the study objective was to design a didactic guide for the application of the technique of finger-painting to contribute to the development of fine motor skills of children of the Initial Sub-level II of the Los Andes Educational Unit, Portoviejo. The investigation was approached according to the methods of the empirical level of knowledge, inductive, deductive, applying for the collection of information, techniques such as observation directed at children of the initial sub-level II and the survey made to the teachers of the Unit Educational Finally, the objectives set at the beginning of the research were achieved and the proposal that helped to solve the problem was designed
ItemEL USO DE LA DRAMATIZACIÓN PARA EL DESARROLLO DE LA EXPRESIÓN CORPORAL EN LOS NIÑOS Y NIÑAS DE EDUCACIÓN INICIAL 2 DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA PARTICULAR “JESÚS MARÍA” DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) DÁVILA SARCO, KRIZ KAROLINE ; REZABALA ZAVALA, STEFANIA AMARILIS ; DELGADO GONZEMBACH, JANETHThe purpose of this research was to design a methodological guide for the use of dramatization in the development of body expression in boys and girls of initial education 2 of the Private Educational Unit "Jesus Maria", in response to an educational problem manifested in such institution as is the poor body expression. To achieve this, several specific objectives were raised, which include the diagnosis of the use of dramatization, the theoretical revision of the variables, the elaboration of the proposal and its evaluation. Dramatization is a resource, a didactic tool that implies a representation of facts, characters and situations, with which skills inherent in expression are developed. While body expression is located as the production of people through movements and gestures of the body to communicate with the outside world. To conduct the research scientifically, it was necessary to use a methodology that included various methods, resources and techniques, such as: the interview, the observation and the survey applied in a sample of the members of the educational community of the institution. The diagnostic results warned of the need to design a proposal aimed at students and teachers in order to promote the use of dramatization in classrooms as a resource to strengthen body expression and thus contribute to the integral formation of students. Children with a multidisciplinary and inclusive approach
ItemESTRATEGIA DIDÁCTICA EN LA FORMACIÓN PERSONAL Y SOCIAL EN LA IDENTIDAD, AUTONOMÍA DE LOS NIÑOS DEL SUBNIVEL II DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA ROCKE CANTOS BARBERÁN DEL CANTÓN MONTECRISTI(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) DELGADO ANCHUNDIA, ERIKA MONSERRAT ; RIVERA MANTUANO, DIANA KATHERINE ; ZAMBRANO VERA, GABRIELAThe research theme had as a general objective: Design didactic strategies based on personal and social training to improve the identity, autonomy of the children of the Sublevel II of the Rocke Cantos Barberán Educational Unit, to fulfill this objective, theoretical aspects that characterize the didactic strategy in personal and social formation and identity, autonomy, followed by the pertinent diagnosis of the latter in the children of Sublevel II, which allowed to give way to the elaboration of the proposal. In the search for the theoretical foundations, the most relevant aspects of the didactic strategy in personal and social formation with the relationship of the development of identity and autonomy are highlighted. For the realization of the present investigative work, the type of mixed investigation was taken into account, by obtaining analysis and interpretation, of the collection of percentage data, among the scientific methodology the methods were used: analytical, descriptive and bibliographic review, among the techniques used; the interview was applied to the director, the survey to the teachers and the observation sheet and to the children of sublevel II. Among the results, the need for a didactic strategy for personal and social training that helps in the development of identity and autonomy in children was evidenced, in addition, this educational field within the institution there is a deficit in practical knowledge to be able to put underway in the learning process of children at this level in the Rocke Cantos Barberán Educational Unit
ItemESTRATEGIAS RECREATIVAS Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA ADAPTACIÓN AL PROCESO EDUCATIVO EN LOS NIÑOS DE INICIAL 1-2 DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA ―AZAFATA SOLEDAD ROSERO‖ DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO DE LA PARROQUIA ANDRÉS DE VERA DURANTE EL PERIODO 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) VELEZ ZAMBRANO, GLENDA MELISSA ; CALLE GARCÍA, ROBERTSONIn order to develop the research, bibliographical research was applied, including field research; data were obtained through the application of surveys conducted to the students of the institution. This research paper called "RECREATIONAL STRATEGIES AND ITS IMPACT ON THE ADAPTATION PROCESS IN CHILDREN EDUCATION INITIAL 1-2 Education Unit" AZAFATA SOLEDAD ROSERO "PORTOVIEJO CANTON OF ANDREW PARISH FOR THE PERIOD 2017 VERA" It was made in the Educational Unit "Stewardess Soledad Rosero", the same as its main objective recreational strategies applied educational institutions and how they affect the educational process of children starting 1-2. It based on all information is concluded that recreational strategies positively influence the educational process of students starting 1-2 since it implies, by the teacher, finding strategies for learner recepte meaningful learning. Importantly, the results of the survey of teachers gave as results the accuracy and scope of objectives, assumptions and also served to structure the conclusions and recommendations.
ItemESTRATEGÍA DIDÁCTICA PARA FOMENTAR LA COORDINACIÓN VISOMOTORA DE LOS NIÑOS DE INICIAL “I” DEL CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN INICIAL ALFRED NOBEL DEL CANTÓN MANTA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) LÓPEZ HERNÁNDEZ, EVELYN VANESSA ; DELGADO GONZEBACH, JANETHThe research work has the purpose of developing the didactic strategies that influence the development of visual-motor coordination in the children of the Initial I sublevel at the “Alfred Nobel” Initial Education Center, for this, 15 children were taken as a population and sample. 3 teachers and 1 manager. The research focused on the type of mixed research, qualitative and quantitative data were obtained through the application of techniques such as: observation, applied to children through a guide, survey applied to teachers with the elaboration of a questionnaire with closed questions, interview with the director of the institution with a guide of previously prepared questions, the instruments were applied virtually due to the situation of the covid-19 pandemic. Documentary, observational, deductive and inductive bibliographic methods were used. As a result, it was achieved that the teachers of the initial level implemented in the didactic guides the strategies to promote the visual-motor coordination of the children. As conclusions, it was achieved that the teachers applied the didactic strategies according to the chronological age of the children and their level. The development of skills related to their fine motor skills and visual-motor coordination was evidenced in children
ItemINCIDENCIA DE LA EXPRESIÓN PLÁSTICA EN LA MOTRICIDAD FINA EN LOS NIÑOS Y NIÑAS DEL NIVEL INICIAL 2 DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA PARTICULAR ALBERT EINSTEIN, CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) CARREÑO PÁRRAGA, VIVIANA ELIZABETH ; LÓPEZ PALACIOS, MÓNICA JACQUELINE ; MENDIETA TORRES, YESSENIAChildren from an early age need to acquire new skills and abilities, which will serve them throughout their school life; That is why the research was based on plastic expression being of great importance for the development of fine motor skills, allowing them to develop their motor part expressing their creativity, ideas, emotions and feelings in a playful and meaningful way, it should be noted that during development The research found certain limitations such as the lack of teaching materials, little space in the classrooms to work equally with 20 children who are educated at this level, leading them to an inadequate practice of them; For this reason, this study proposed as a general objective to design didactic activities of plastic expression that contribute to improve the fine motor skills of the children of the Albert Einstein Private Educational Unit of the Portoviejo canton. With the design and execution of the plastic activities, new strategies were provided for the teacher when teaching their classes with necessary guidelines to properly use this type of techniques that favors the development of fine motor skills, applying methods such as inductive - deductive, historical, logical, analytical - synthetic, participatory, techniques such as the observation directed to the children of Initial 2, a survey directed to the parents and an interview with the teacher. Finally, the objectives set at the beginning of the investigation were achieved, through the design of the proposal that contributed to solving the problem
ItemLA DACTILOPINTURA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DE LA MOTRICIDAD FINA EN LOS NIÑOS DEL SUBNIVEL II DE LA EDUCACION INICIAL, ESCUELA DE EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA “MEDARDO ALFARO” DEL CANTÓN MONTECRISTI(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) CARRILLO BELLO, BERTHA MARGARITA ; QUIROZ CHÁVEZ, JULIANA LISSETTE ; FERNÁNDEZ FERRÍN, CARLOSThe present research had the general objective of designing didactic strategies that favor the use of the fingerprint technique to contribute to the development of fine motor skills in children in sublevel II of the "Medardo Alfaro" Basic Education School of the Montecristi Canton. To comply with this, the pertinent diagnosis was made to know the use of fingerprint by teachers and the perception of the authority of the institution regarding the benefits of its application. In this line, an observation sheet was established to know the development of the children's fine motor skills and to verify a diagnostic process was determined with a survey of both teachers and parents; Then the theoretical aspects that characterize the fingerprint technique and its promotion in the development of fine motor skills were determined, which served as the basis for the elaboration of the proposal. To make this work feasible, a mixed type of research was used with the following methods: analysis and synthesis, inductive and deductive, documentary analysis, bibliographic review, descriptive statistics. Among the techniques used are the interview applied to the manager and teachers, the survey applied to teachers and parents of the institution and the observation applied to students. The results demonstrated the need to implement finger painting activities for the development of fine motor skills, since this is beneficial to enhance abilities and skills, as important aspects in the learning of children of the Initial II sublevel
ItemLA INTELIGENCIA MUSICAL Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DEL LENGUAJE ORAL EN LOS NIÑOS DE PRIMER GRADO DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA FELIPE INTRIAGO BRAVO, PARROQUIA 18 DE OCTUBRE DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) MENÉNDEZ PICO, SILVIA PATRICIA ; BOLÍVAR CHÁVEZ, OSCAR ELÍASThe objective of this article is to establish the incidence of musical intelligence in the development of oral language in order to strengthen the cognitive and cognitive abilities of children; For this purpose, a thorough literature review of musical intelligence is carried out, based on the definitions of Gardner, Amstrong and others; it also locates the differences and similarities between musical aptitude and musical intelligence; the cited authors emphasize the importance of the development of music from childhood to adulthood; the same procedure was carried out with the development of oral language, noting that the acquisition of adequate language development in the first years of schooling is basic, because they provide the initial tools for integration into the social environment that discover the world and integrate; first with their family environment and then with society where they will carry out various activities in the course of their lives; a relationship is made between musical intelligence and oral language development. Music helps the development of oral language because it stimulates the full use of its potential, for itself and for those around it, helping it to discover itself and to discover the world that surrounds it. The music enriches the child through sound, rhythm, melody and harmony, elevates the cultural level, comforts and cheers
ItemLA MÚSICA COMO MEDIO DE ENSEÑANZA EN EL APRENDIZAJE DE LOS NIÑOS DEL SUBNIVEL INICIAL 2 CON 5 AÑOS DE EDAD DEL CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN INICIAL GABRIELA MISTRAL DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) AYALA MORILLO, GÉNESIS LISBETH ; DELGADO CEDEÑO, LETTY ARACELIThe main objective of children's education is its usefulness to improve present and future quality of life in all areas, "social, cultural, psychological"; that is, achieve that, through their education, improve their personal behavior in relation to others. Starting from this premise, music education can contribute a lot for the fulfillment of this objective. Music is a natural, intimate and personal physiological phenomenon that is found within each person -the voice- and the sense of hearing; respond to emotional events that occur in the pulse, breathing, adrenaline, as well as the flow, as pointed out by Willen (1994). The use of music as a means of education today is very important because through it the student develops skills and attitudes that motivate him to perform integration and social solidarity actions that significantly benefit the groups where the student develops and apply the learned behavior through the choir. In this sense, choral practice during childhood is being established as a tool of the first order to favor school coexistence. The benefit of developing socio - affective cognitive skills through musical practice is to consider the student protagonist of a musical experience composed of activities that come out of everyday life, but that do not stop providing theoretical knowledge and also enhance the development of sensitivity, creativity and intrapersonal and interpersonal skills