Laboratorio Clinico
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ItemALOANTICUERPOS DETECTADOS POR MÉTODO DE TARJETA ANTI-IGG-C3D EN PACIENTES POLITRANSFUNDIDOS. HOSPITAL GENERAL DE MANTA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) MERO BRAVO, CECILIA ELIZABETH ; ZAMBRANO MENDOZA, GEMA PIERINA ; HERNÁNDEZ ORCHARD, VIRGINIAAlloimmunization is a complication of transfusion therapy that can be lethal, especially if it refers to polytransfused patients, since, as the number of transfusions in a person increases, the risk of presenting some type of irregular antibody increases. Transfusion safety is essential to avoid immunological complications or alloimmunizations that trigger the formation of irregular antibodies (AI) or alloantibodies after a blood transfusion. The objective of the research is to determine the prevalence of alloantibodies detected by the anti-IgG-c3d card method in polytransfused patients of the General Hospital of Manta, a method by which the presence of irregular antibodies such as anti Rh-Hr, Kell, Duffy, Kidd, Lewis, among others. The present study was descriptive and cross-sectional aimed at 28 transfused patients, whose result in the irregular antibody screening technique (IAS) is positive, in a period of 1 year, from the medical records obtained in the e-system. Delphyn. After the development of the research work, the prevalence of clinically significant alloantibodies was determined in a population of 1,655 transfused patients with 1.69% and in 686 polytransfused patients with 1.75%. The female gender and the age between 16 - 36 years, as well as the O + group and the R1R1 phenotype, obtained the highest percentage. The alloantibodies found with the highest prevalence in polytransfused patients were anti-c and anti-E, belonging to the Rh system
ItemAMPLITUD DE DISTRIBUCIÓN DE ERITROCITOS Y FERRITINA EN ANEMIAS POR DEFICIENCIA DE HIERRO EN PACIENTES DEL IESS PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) VÉLEZ MERO, ALISSON MARIANA ; HOWLAND, IVONIron deficiency anemia is characterized by a decrease in the concentration of iron in the body or iron deficiency, secondary to this, a decrease in hemoglobin or anemia. For diagnosis, low Hb should be detected, and other analyzes of the ferric profile, such as decreased serum ferritin; however, this test is an acute phase reactant, that is to say, it does not reflect the magnitude of iron reserves in inflammation processes, which makes interpretation of results difficult. For this, you think in the utility of Red cell distribution width (RDW) for the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia, well it serves as measure of anisocytosis or variability of the size of erythrocytes. Objective: To correlate ADE and ferritin in anemia foriron deficiency in IESS Portoviejo patients. Method: A retrospective quantitative correlative descriptive investigation was carried out, with a sample of 39 patients of IESS Portoviejo with iron deficiency anemia, the analytical method was used, to distinguish the quantitative results of the red series from the automated blood count and serum ferritin, to analyze cases, and correlate the ADE and serum ferritin variables by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: The patients sampled were 95% women and 5% men, 36% were between 45-52 and 26% between 37-44 years. All were patients with iron deficiency anemia, with Hb and decreased ferritin, 90% had a concurrent decrease in MCV, HCM and , 69% had increased ADE levels. And the Pearson correlation coefficient between ADE and ferritin was -0.117. Conclusions: There was an inverse correlation between ADE and ferritin in which as ferritin decreases, ADE increases in patients with iron deficiency anemia, but it is not a statistically significant correlation
ItemANÁLISIS MICROBIOLÓGICO Y CONDICIONES SANITARIAS DE LOS BARES DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) PRECIADO MARCILLO, EVELYN CRISTINA ; ARAY CEVALLOS, KARLA ARACELY ; ARTEAGA QUIROZ, MIGUEL ÁNGELA microbiological analysis corresponds to a study of epidemiological research and sanitary conditions is the cleanliness of a specific place, so the objective of this work was to perform a microbiological analysis and sanitary conditions of the bars of the Technical University of Manabí of the City of Portoviejo . The methodology was cross-sectional, descriptive, explanatory, bibliographic, experimental, prospective, the instrument and technique that was used to collect information, was a record of observation of sanitary conditions, after this the corresponding samples of food and surfaces for their respective microbiological analysis. The results of the study indicated that in the microbiological analysis more contamination was found in the chopping board followed by the blender, so it was concluded that the main cause is the bad disinfection of the surfaces, in which fecal coliforms could be identified in the foods such as mayonnaise with 16%, in which klebsiella pneumoniae was isolated more frequently and others that are not part of the coliforms, this serves to recommend them and indicate certain necessary measures that should be taken into account by the staff following the rules of sanitary hygiene demanded by the country
ItemANEMIA EN MUJERES GESTANTES ATENDIDAS EN LA MATERNIDAD SANTA MARÌA TERESA. PROVINCIA SANTO DOMINGO DE LOS TSÁCHILAS. ABRIL – SEPTIEMBRE – 2011(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2011) LOOR CORNEJO, GEMA MATILDE ; OCHOA CUSCO, MARIA FERNANDA ; QUIJANO VELÁSQUEZ, ROSANNAAnemia is adisease characterizedby lowamount ofhematocrit and hemoglobinin womenin gestationwho received medical careat the MaternitySantaMariaTeresa.At thisnursing homepatientswere treatedprimarilylow incomeof the Province of SantoDomingo de losTsáchilas,whichfailed toinclude intheir diets, foods rich in iron and mineralsto enable them tocarry a pregnancysuitable formother and your product. Also,because of their lowsocioeconomic statusdid not know theeffects of the diseaseon their health andthat of the product, do not have adequatephysiological development(age),have a highnumber of abortions, factors that influenced thespread of the disease, since bytheir cultural,pregnant mothersattendingphysiciancontrolprimarilyin the advanced stageof pregnancy. This health problem(anemia)influencedsignificantly inpregnant patientsof thenursing home,so it wasnecessaryeducation campaignson issuesrelated todiet,sexual and reproductive education, among others, to disseminateeffectson the health ofthe population of SantoDomingo de losTsáchilasandmeasuresto be takenaimed at eradicatingthe disease. Importantly,the secondtrimester of pregnancyiswhich shows theanemiain pregnant womendue to the developmentof itsproduct,to reachthis conclusionwe had toconduct surveys, data collection (medical records) and performinglaboratorytestshematocrit, hemoglobin and erythrocytemorphology
ItemANEMIA FERROPÉNICA EN LOS ESCOLARES DE 3 A 5 AÑOS DE LA ESCUELA ÁNGEL P. GILER DEL CANTÓN TOSAGUA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) NAVARRETE APOLO, GEMA MAGDALENA ; PERERO CEDEÑO, GINA LISSETTE ; ARTEAGA QUIROZ, MIGUEL ANGELIn the present work, the importance of the clinical laboratory in the study of pathologies in human beings is highlighted, which complements the physical examination performed by physicians. In pre-school and school age there are several pathologies that occur with high frequency, the most common we find is iron deficiency anemia, which can be detected by determining erythrocyte hematological values and biochemical tests related to iron deficiency. The objective of this investigation was to determine iron deficiency anemia in schoolchildren from 3 to 5 years of the Ángel P. Giler School of Tosagua Canton, using blood samples from the same patients for the respective laboratory analyzes. The sampling was directly proportional to the size of the population where the field, prospective and analytical research work was carried out. The scientific method used was the experimental one since the whole procedure was performed to obtain the values of the laboratory tests established as diagnoses of iron deficiency anemia. Finally the results obtained revealed that despite the normal BMI of the schoolchildren; 12% had low levels of Hemoglobin and 78% had low levels of ferritin, which can contribute to the development of iron deficiency anemia
ItemANTICUERPOS DE HELICOBACTER PYLORI EN USUARIOS DE 15 A 65 AÑOS ATENDIDOS EN EL LABORATORIO DE LA CRUZ ROJA ECUATORIANA JUNTA PROVINCIAL DE LOS TSÁCHILAS. SANTO DOMINGO – PROVINCIA SANTO DOMINGO DE LOS TSÁCHILAS. MAYO– OCTUBRE 2011(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2011) CHIRIBOGA ANZULES, MERCEDES KARINA ; CHUMO ZAMBRANO, JESSICA NATALY ; ESPINEL GARCIA, JULIAThe study “Antibodies of Helicobacter pylori in users of 15 to 65 years was realized in the laboratory of the Provincial Together Ecuadorian Red Cross of the Tsáchilas, Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo - Province of the Tsáchilas. May - October 2011. The technique used for the statistical data collection was by means of a form and the accomplishment of examination with 200 samples to detect Antibodies by H. Pylori IgG of which 60% of the users verified the presence of antibodies of Helicobacter Pylori IgG with 120 a degree greater to U/ml of the normal value, this corresponds to a high risk of incidence in the population, which indicates that the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori is present in all the asymptomatic and symptomatic users, without discarding to future problems of gastric infections. The users of feminine sex are those that presented/displayed a 54% of gastric infections caused by Helicobacter Pylori. 40% of the users who are affected are in the ages between 15 35 years. Also, one concluded that 58.50% and 56% of the survey ones do not have knowledge on the presence and the damage that the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori in the health of the people brings about. For that reason it is necessary to educate to the population on the damages that can cause this disease, its measures of prevention and control, especially in the vulnerable populations
ItemBACTERIAS GRAM NEGATIVAS PRODUCTORAS DE CARBAPENEMASAS AISLADAS DE PACIENTES HOSPITALIZADOS EN EL HOSPITAL GENERAL IESS PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) CAICEDO LOOR, SOFÍA MARIANA ; GUERRERO LOOR, JIRLEN JAMILEX ; PACHAY SÓLORZANO, JORGEEnterobacteriaceae are the main microorganisms involved in the origin of infectious diseases in humans; Their natural resistance profile makes them capable of hydrolyzing beta-lactam antibiotics through the production of carbapenemases and also their genetic material is capable of mutating and acquiring mechanisms of multiple resistance; In this way, the large number of pathological processes caused by this type of bacteria vary, such as bacteremia, peritonitis, nosocomial pneumonia, urinary tract infections and meningitis. Throughout the world, different types of microorganisms have appeared year after year. antimicrobials and that are investigated within the therapeutic scope, which has given way to the continuous use of carbapenems which are ß-lactam antibiotics of broad spectrum with bactericidal activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria both aerobic and anaerobic with high resistance in cases of presence of major infections; Due to these properties, these drugs have been initially considered as reserve weapons to be used especially in these special cases. Objective: To determine the prevalence of carbapenemase-producing Gram-negative bacteria isolated from hospitalized patients at IESS Portoviejo General Hospital during the year 2017. Materials and Methods: The study corresponds to a retrospective, cross-sectional, analytical and observational type of study in 43 patients hospitalized with isolates of carbapenemase-producing strains at the Portoviejo IESS General Hospital. Results: By means of the realized study we obtained the prevalencia of the bacteria negative producing Gram of carbapenemasas giving us a result of 4 %, the distribution fenotípica of the bacteria negative Gram we obtained 100 % of type KPC, the incident of the bacteria negative Gram we could observe with 60 % of incident it was of Klebsiella pneumoniae producing vine-stock of carbapenemasas, the distribution of the bacteria negative Gram according to the place of origin we observe 63 % they come from males' clinic, the type of sample where both come from the wounds and fabrics with 20 %, the middle ages of the hospitalized patients are bigger than 61 years, the kind with major frequency is the masculine one with 70%
ItemBIOSEGURIDAD EN LA ATENCIÓN DEL USUARIO EN LABORATORIOS CLÍNICOS DEL CANTÓN CHONE(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2020) MENDOZA MENDOZA, MARÍA LORENA ; ORRALA GONZABAY, TAMARA MELISSA ; VINCES CENTENO, MARCOS RAÚLBiosecurity groups protocols and standards aimed at preventing risks or infections arising from exposure to potentially infectious or biohazardous, chemical and/or physical agents. Globally, patient safety is a fundamental principle of health care. Adverse events may be related to problems of clinical practice, products, procedures, or the system. In Ecuador, the Ministry of Public Health, through Ministerial Agreement 015 of October 17, 2016, approved the “Patient-User Safety Manual”, which provides for its mandatory application for the National Health System. Objective: To evaluate biosecurity in the user's care in Clinical Laboratories of the Chone Canton. Methodology: The study corresponds to descriptive and qualitative observational research, where an on-site visit was made to the private clinical laboratories of the canton Chone. Results: With regard to the characterization of the current status of clinical laboratories, all are private and mostly urban. In terms of the characteristics that show satisfaction in the users, it was evidenced that the technical personnel provide information to the users about the procedure that is carried out, as well as the provision of alcohol or disinfectant gel at their entrance to the laboratory is guaranteed. Priority care for vulnerable people is identified, but 75% of them lack routes or access to facilitate their entry. In general, they comply with biosafety protocols in the framework of the use of personal protective clothing and disposal of waste, except for a very important aspect such as disinfection, of which compliance is not evident. Conclusion: The laboratories involved in the research, although not subject to external evaluation, have the permission to work, partially comply with the provisions of the health regulations, and currently the cantonal COE against COVID-19. Users’ express satisfaction with the attention received. The application of the instrument to assess compliance with biosafety aspects made it possible to determine that clinical laboratories comply with some part of the protocols, and to identify inadequacies in the treatment or disinfection of sharp and infectious wastes
ItemCALIDAD DE LAS LÁMINAS DE BACILOSCOPIA DE LABORATORIOS DE DIAGNÓSTICO DE TUBERCULOSIS EN LA PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) INTRIAGO MARTÍNEZ, XIOMARA ALEXANDRA ; RUIZ MENDOZA, CRISTHIAN DANIEL ; ZAMBRANO MERA, JORGELa tuberculosis es una enfermedad infectocontagiosa ocasionada por la bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis; se considera una amenaza para la salud del ser humano debido a que la forma común de infección es la vía respiratoria. La baciloscopia sigue siendo el medio estratégico para la detección de la tuberculosis a través de la observación directa de los bacilos ácido alcohol resistente (BAAR); por esta razón se considera importante la aplicación completa de un control de calidad que permita tomar acciones correctivas y mejorar sustancialmente la exactitud y reproducibilidad de los resultados con el fin de reducir situaciones que perjudiquen la salud del paciente y la logística de las instituciones de salud que desarrollan el programa. En la presente investigación se evaluo la calidad de las láminas de baciloscopia de laboratorios de diagnóstico de tuberculosis en la provincia de Manabí; mediante un estudio observacional, de tipo descriptivo, retrospectivo y de corte transversal, con el propósito de aportar información pertinente respecto a la calidad de la baciloscopia. Se incluyeron 3.054 láminas de baciloscopia que fueron evaluadas en el periodo de Julio 2017 a Junio 2018 de acuerdo al muestreo probabilístico establecido en el Manual de Normas para el Diagnóstico de la Tuberculosis por baciloscopia del Instituto de Higiene y Medicina Tropical “Leopoldo Izquieta Pérez” (INHMTLIP). Los resultados del extendido 2.456 (80,4%) y tinción 2.706 (88,6%), demuestran que las láminas de baciloscopia son de buena calidad, en la relectura hubo 3.023 (98,98%) láminas concordantes; y 31 (1,02%) láminas discordantes. Se identificaron 31 errores de lectura: 11 (0,4%) falsos positivos, 20 (0,7%) falsos negativos. El porcentaje general de sensibilidad y especificidad de los laboratorios que realizan baciloscopia fue del 86% y 99% respectivamente. Estos resultados hacen referencia a la calidad con la que trabajan los laboratorios de diagnóstico de tuberculosis que realizan baciloscopia, además recomendamos mejorar la calidad del extendido y tinción; y mantener supervisiones periódicas de los expertos para seguir mejorando este método de diagnóstico
ItemCANDIDIASIS VAGINAL EN EMBARAZADAS, DEL CENTRO DE SALUD ANDRÉS DE VERA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2020) GANCHOZO BERMELLO, LADY VANESSA ; MORALES PACHAY, MELANY MICHELLE ; OLIVERA, MARÍAVulvovaginal candidiasis is an opportunistic infection caused by yeasts of the Candida genus. The main predisposing factors are pregnancy, antibiotic treatment, and diabetes mellitus. In Ecuador, Candidiasis is the second most common cause of vaginal infection, representing 46.1% of the statistics. The main objective of this research is to analyze the frequency of vaginal yeast infections in pregnant women at the Andrés de Vera Health Center in the Canton of Portoviejo. To carry out this study, an observational, descriptive and retrospective methodology was applied, based on the development of the study of the medical records of pregnant patients who have come to care. Vaginal candidiasis due to Candida albicans is a fairly common pathology among pregnant women, representing 75% of conditions at this stage and it is easy to treat without major complications. Finally, it was obtained that the most common Candida spp that affected the women in the study was Candida albicans in 95.05%, the most recurrent gestation period was the third trimester
ItemCANDIDIASIS VAGINAL EN MUJERES ATENDIDAS EN EL HOSPITAL GENERAL DEL IESS PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) CHILA SANTANA, LOUIS ALFONSO ; CHINGA PINARGOTE, CELIA MICHELLE ; ANZULES GUERRA, JAZMINVaginal candidiasis is an infection caused by a type of yeast called Candida sp, which is located in the vagina. This fungus as well as other microorganisms lives in equilibrium forming part of the normal flora, however due to alterations in the vaginal tract the number can increase thus producing the disease. The main objective of our research is to determine the frequency of presentation of vaginal candidiasis in women treated at the Portoviejo IESS General Hospital of the Portoviejo canton. A descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study was performed in the gynecology-obstetric outpatient area of the IEES Portoviejo hospital, in which a sample of 293 patients aged 15 to 50 years treated with vaginal candidiasis was obtained. The source of information was secondary; using the medical records, the instrument used was the data collection sheet that allowed the subsequent tabulation and analysis of the information collected. It was obtained that vaginal candidiasis presented at the ages of 26 to 30 years (27%), urban area (67.6%) and the internal risk factor that predominated was pregnancy (36.9%), the type of yeast of the genus Candida that was most frequently isolated was C. albicans in 2017 with (83.0%). It was found that vulvovaginal candidiasis is very common in our environment, risk factors are a key point for the onset of pathology, and it is important for timely diagnosis by laboratory tests. With the data obtained from the study, new research related to the subject can be created
ItemCARACTERIZACIÓN DE LA INSUFICIENCIA RENAL CRÓNICA EN LOS PACIENTES DEL HOSPITAL GENERAL PORTOVIEJO EN EL PERIODO ENERO 2019-ENERO 2020(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2020) ANTÓN PONCE, NEVERLIN MARIELA ; PINARGOTE ÁLAVA, YULY ANDREA ; CAÑARTE ALCÍVAR, JORGE ALBERTOThe term disease is used to change the focus of chronic kidney failure, because it is an irreversible disease and therefore it is considered a dangerous condition, today, we are exposed to many diseases that affect the human body, so any person may get kidney disease. If it is not diagnosed in time, 1 in 3 adults is at risk of acute or chronic renal failure, taking care measures related to the prevention, detection, evaluation and treatment of this disease. Laboratory tests play an important role, to establish the prognosis, a blood test is essential to measure TGF and biochemical tests of urea, creatinine, uric acid and the ratio of albumin-creatinine. The diagnosis is based on the clinical manifestations that the patients present. In order to characterize chronic kidney failure in patients at the Portoviejo general hospital, an observational, retrospective, cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out. 151 patients diagnosed with chronic renal failure were selected through medical records. The patients that were selected have an average age of 35 to 100 years (men and women) in the present study, but the vast majority of patients diagnosed with chronic renal failure suffer from diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. This work is very important since it is considered a great health problem in the population
ItemCARACTERIZACIÓN DEL PERFIL DIAGNÓSTICO POR LABORATORIO EN CÁNCER DE PIEL, HOSPITAL DR. JULIO VILLACRESES COLMONT(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) GARCÍA MERA, LICETH JAZMÍN ; MEJÍA MEJÍA, MARÍA LOURDES ; CAMPOS GARCÍA, ALBERTOSkin cancer has been considered a health problem with great impact on global society due to the increase in its incidence and mortality in recent years. According to the World Health Organization in 2020, it was fifth in the diagnosis of new cases, the most common being non-melanoma cancer, whereas melanoma-like cancer accounts for 4% of skin cancer lesions; however, it is the cause of 80% of deaths from this disease. In order to carry out a retrospective characterization of the diagnosis by clinical laboratory of patients with skin cancer treated at the Hospital Dr. Julio Villacreses Colmont, during the period 2015-2019, the sociodemographic and analytical variables were used. To which a descriptive and multivariate statistical analysis was applied, with the Minitab 18 program. There was an increase in the frequency of skin cancer in the province of Manabí, which affected both genera of the age group of 62-78 years, residing mainly in Portoviejo, Manta and Chone. Biopsy was used for the diagnosis of skin cancer, which allowed to determine that the most frequent histological variants were basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. No record of the use of specific tumor biomarkers for laboratory diagnosis of this disease was found. Biochemical and enzymatic tests were used as complementary tests for the monitoring of the disease. These presented in most cases, average values within the reference range, but with high dispersion. Principal component analysis reduced the dimensionality of the variables studied. The first component showed the relationship and influence of most analytical tests with sociodemographic variables on the diagnosis of skin cancer, which demonstrated the importance of complementary laboratory tests in the approach to the disease
ItemCOMPETENCIAS Y DESEMPEÑO DEL LABORATORIO CLÍNICO DE SOLCA PORTOVIEJO EN MARCADORES TUMORALES(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) PACHAY QUIROZ, CRISTINA MERCEDES ; SALTOS GARCÍA, KARLA ALEJANDRA ; BAUZA FERMÍN, ROBERTOThe six sigma model is a quality management tool that introduces the concept of improvement based on the measurement of the variability of a process compared to established analytical goals, in terms of standard deviation or failures (defects) per million. This research aims to determine the competence and performance in the tumor markers of the Solca Portoviejo clinical laboratory of 4 analytes, taking into account the values of the internal quality control (ICC) and external control (EQAS), in turn considering the analytical goals as an important and primordial factor to perform the six sigma calculation and thus observe if the analytes under study are within the allowed range or are exceeded. The behavior of the measured ones was evaluated through mathematical calculations in which the calculation of the total error (Te), bias, coefficient of variation (% CV) and the quality specifications were required. For this, analytical goals such as: biological variability, Rilibak and SEKK DMAX were studied in order to observe the performance that has been obtained by applying the sigma calculation. Of the four tumor markers it was observed that in the biological variability if an optimal performance is met in the period June-December 2019, with the exception of Rilibak and SEKK DMAX where values below three sigma were obtained and consequently an insufficient performance of according to the analytical goals established
ItemCONOCIMIENTOS BIOÉTICOS DEL PERSONAL DE SALUD, CENTRO DE SALUD TIPO C, MANTA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) CAJO SUÁREZ, JOSE EDUARDO ; MENÉNDEZ MERA, JAIME LEONARDO ; FLORES GARCÍA, JAIMEThe level of knowledge in the professionals under study was satisfactory in the majority, especially in doctors, clinical laboratory workers and nurses and in those who had a work experience of 3 to 5 years. Through surveys of health personnel based on the four principles of bioethics: autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice, it was established that the level of bioethical knowledge they possess is satisfactorily high. The perception of patients in relation to care was satisfactory in the majority of users, which attributes basic knowledge and experience in health personnel about the ethical treatment of patients based on the inalienable principles of bioethics, in any case A minimum percentage indicated a regular level, which emerges the importance of making the team aware of the subject, especially self-education in obligation to act for the benefit of others, promoting their legitimate interests and eliminating prejudices.
ItemDETERMINACION DEL CALCIO SERICO EN PACIENTES CON TRASTORNOS DE CONDUCTAS ATENDIDOS EN EL AREA DE PSIQUIATRIA DEL HOSPITAL DR. VERDI CEVALLOS BALDA; ABRIL – OCTUBRE 2013( 2013) GARCÍA PALACIOS, ÁNGEL ANTONIO ; MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELVIS ENRIQUEEl presente trabajo investigativo estuvo dirigido a la Determinación del Calcio Sérico en Pacientes con Trastorno de Conductas atendidos en el Área de Psiquiatría del Hospital “Dr. Verdi Cevallos Balda”; Abril – Octubre 2013. La metodología de estudio utilizada fue prospectiva, descriptiva, analítica y de campo. Obteniendo esta información de diversas fuentes: documentos e historias clínicas, encuestas y Exámenes de Laboratorio (Calcio Sérico). Se determinó que entre las características socio-epidemiológicas prevalecen pacientes de 12 a 24 años de edad con un 23%, siendo determinante el sexo Femenino con un 65%. Mediante los Exámenes de Laboratorio realizados por Espectrofotometría se determina que existe una incidencia de Hipercalcemia en el Trastorno Mixto Ansioso/Depresivo con un 39%; Hipocalcemia en el Trastorno de Ansiedad con un 49%, haciendo de estos ítems los más relevantes del estudio Una vez recopilada la información fue tabulada y procesada, presentándola en tablas y gráficos; en base a esto se establecen conclusiones y recomendaciones, los cuales van ayudar a mejorar el nivel de atención al paciente psiquiátrico.
ItemDETERMINACIÓN DE COLINESTERASA ERITROCITARIA EN LOS TRABAJADORES AGRÍCOLAS EXPUESTOS A PLAGUICIDAS EN LA PARROQUIA RÍO CHICO DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) ZAMBRANO RIVADENEIRA, BRYAN PATRICIO ; CAMPOS GARCÍA, GUSDANIS ALBERTOPesticides are very useful substances for the protection and conservation of crops, however, exposure to these products, causes effects on the health of people engaged in agriculture due to its high degree of toxicity. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is the marker enzyme of the cholinergic system, it is attached to the membranes of the neurons in the ganglionic synapses of the neuromuscular structure of the organism and in the erythrocytes. The insecticides of the organophosphorus type more than the carbamates, have inhibitory effect of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Its decrease below 50% of the initial value may indicate severe poisoning. For this reason, AChE levels were determined in agricultural workers exposed to pesticides in the Parroquia Río Chico del Cantón Portoviejo. We included 15 supposedly healthy people in a control group and 30 in an experimental group who fulfilled with having more than one year of occupation in agriculture in contact with pesticides, being of legal age, not taking neurotoxic drugs, having no history of cancer, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, or liver and kidney diseases. All participants signed an informed consent. Surveys and biochemical measurement of AChE were applied, using the Ellman method with the Cobas 501-Roche biochemistry team. In this study, all agricultural workers were male, with a primary level of education, age range of 45 to 53 years. They had not received training on the use and proper handling of the pesticides they use in their work, it was found that some cases had intoxications prior to the study and most of the group studied did not use any type of protection measures against contact with agrochemicals. The average levels of enzymatic activity of AChE in both the control and experimental groups were within the reference values of Netlab, however those in the experimental group were significantly lower than those in the control group, and this may be related to the initiation of possible chronic intoxication. The practice of inappropriate habits during the workday, not taking measures after exposure to agrochemicals, the non-use of personal protective equipment and the use of glyphosate, were related to the presented symptomatology and the values obtained in the experimental group
ItemDETERMINACIÓN DE NT-PROBNP EN ADULTOS MAYORES DEL CENTRO GERONTOLÓGICO GUILLERMINA LOOR DE MORENO DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) BERMELLO ZAMORA, RUBÍ ELIANA ; SANCLEMENTE NÚÑEZ, YURY JORDANO ; HOWLAND ÁLVAREZ, IVONHeart failure (HF) is a chronic condition that is characterized because the heart does not pump blood with the necessary efficiency, is one of the most disabling, costly, frequent and lethal diseases facing the health team, the IC it is a progressive and lethal disorder, even with adequate treatment. It is the first cause of hospital admission in people over 65 years of age and represents just over 2% of national health expenditure. The utility of the N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) for the diagnosis of heart failure has been demonstrated. However, the values of these markers differ according to the characteristics of the patients and the severity of the disease. The objective of this study is to determine the utility of the blood measurement of NT-proBNP to diagnose heart failure in elderly patients of the gerontological center Guillermina Loor de Moreno. To carry out this study, analyzes of NT-proBNP, creatinine, urea, hemoglobin, glucose and sodium were performed in 47 blood samples of patients from the gerontological center in the period October to December 2017. The values and the possible association with other diseases. The values of demographic, analytical and clinical variables were compared. The clinical manifestations and personal pathological background associated to the suffering of heart failure were analyzed. The NT-proBNP value was associated with the presence of anemia, creatinine greater than 2 mg / dL and hyponatremia. The average age of the patients was 79 years, predominantly male, with associated comorbidity and a certain degree of dependence, although age was not a factor that influenced the probability of having an increase in the plasma NT-proBNP value and therefore both of the latent risk of suffering or not heart failure. In the obtained results it was possible to demonstrate that the value of NT-proBNP showed to be a complementary analyte of great clinical importance for the evaluation and the integral health care of the elderly
ItemDETERMINACIÓN DE PARÁSITOS EN LECHUGAS EXPENDIDAS EN SUPERMERCADOS DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) DELGADO BERMUDEZ, EVELYN LISSETTE ; LOPEZ GARCIA, DAYANA GABRIELA ; BRACHO MORA, ANGELAIntroduction: Parasitic infections by food are a serious problem that affects public health worldwide. The main form of contamination of these vegetables occurs through water contaminated by fecal material of human or animal origin, used in the irrigation of orchards. Objective: To determine the presence of parasites in lettuce sold in supermarkets in Portoviejo. Methodology: An observational, descriptive and prospective study was carried out, using the spontaneous sedimentation technique, 52 lettuces (Creole, Roman and crepe) obtained from 5 supermarket chains in the city of Portoviejo during the period January to June 2021 were processed. Results: 17.7% of the samples showed contamination by parasites. The presence was higher in curly lettuce (58.3%), followed by Creole (25%) and Roman was the least contaminated (16.7). The identified parasites were Chilomastix mesnili (13.46%), Eimeria sp. and Balantioides coli (3.85%), Entamoeba coli and Blastocystis sp (1.92%). In addition, Yeasts were found (5.77%). There were no significant differences between the presence of parasitic forms and the type of lettuce or in the place of commercialization. Conclusion: A low percentage of parasites was found in the lettuces studied, the curly variety being the highest percentage, which indicates, despite being products marketed in private establishments, contamination was found in them, which is important to carry out activities of promotion for the correct use of food before consuming it
ItemDETERMINACIÓN DE PARÁSITOS EN PASAMANOS DE BUSES URBANOS DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) PARRALES MENDOZA, MARÍA JOSÉ ; SORNOZA MEZA, JEISSON MICHAEL ; RIVERO, ZULBEYIntestinal parasites are among the most common diseases worldwide; intestinal helminths and protozoa are part of the parasites of interest in humans, their transmission mechanisms being diverse. Recently, various types of fomites have been investigated, which may participate in the transmission of intestinal parasites. To evaluate whether the frequent use of public transportation can contribute to the acquisition of parasites, it was decided to study the buses of public transportation routes in Portoviejo. 100 samples obtained from handrails and grab bars from 2 different cooperatives were evaluated. The procedure described by Traviezo et al. was used, where a swab soaked in sterile saline solution is dragged on the surfaces of the handrails and handles, to then be introduced again in said solution. Subsequently, this material is centrifuged and the pellet is checked microscopically with saline and Lugol. Three species of intestinal parasites were identified in the handrails of the buses studied, representing a 6% parasite prevalence. Entamoeba coli and Endolimax nana cysts were detected; as well as vacuolar forms of Blastocystis spp. The same prevalence of enteroparasites was detected in cooperatives "A" and "B"; the highest number of positive samples was detected on the right handrails and at noon