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ItemANEMIA EN MUJERES GESTANTES ATENDIDAS EN LA MATERNIDAD SANTA MARÌA TERESA. PROVINCIA SANTO DOMINGO DE LOS TSÁCHILAS. ABRIL – SEPTIEMBRE – 2011(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2011) LOOR CORNEJO, GEMA MATILDE ; OCHOA CUSCO, MARIA FERNANDA ; QUIJANO VELÁSQUEZ, ROSANNAAnemia is adisease characterizedby lowamount ofhematocrit and hemoglobinin womenin gestationwho received medical careat the MaternitySantaMariaTeresa.At thisnursing homepatientswere treatedprimarilylow incomeof the Province of SantoDomingo de losTsáchilas,whichfailed toinclude intheir diets, foods rich in iron and mineralsto enable them tocarry a pregnancysuitable formother and your product. Also,because of their lowsocioeconomic statusdid not know theeffects of the diseaseon their health andthat of the product, do not have adequatephysiological development(age),have a highnumber of abortions, factors that influenced thespread of the disease, since bytheir cultural,pregnant mothersattendingphysiciancontrolprimarilyin the advanced stageof pregnancy. This health problem(anemia)influencedsignificantly inpregnant patientsof thenursing home,so it wasnecessaryeducation campaignson issuesrelated todiet,sexual and reproductive education, among others, to disseminateeffectson the health ofthe population of SantoDomingo de losTsáchilasandmeasuresto be takenaimed at eradicatingthe disease. Importantly,the secondtrimester of pregnancyiswhich shows theanemiain pregnant womendue to the developmentof itsproduct,to reachthis conclusionwe had toconduct surveys, data collection (medical records) and performinglaboratorytestshematocrit, hemoglobin and erythrocytemorphology
ItemEnfermedades Asociadas al Cuidado de la Salud en pacientes aislados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, del Hospital del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social de Portoviejo(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2011) ANCHUNDIA REZABALA, KATTY LILIBETH ; OCHOA CEDEÑO, MARTHA FABIOLA ; ZAMBRANO MERA, JORGERecent studies have demonstrated that the Associate Illnesses under the care of the Health (EACS) they meet with a high percentage in the list of mortality, being a very frequent cause of imbalance in the patients that enter to the Unit of Intensive Cares. The objective of this work was of identifying which the main microorganisms desencadenantes of the Associate Illnesses are under the care of the Health in the patients entered in the Unit of Intensive Cares of the Hospital of the IESS of the City of Portoviejo during the period of May to October of the 2011, to be able to represent a significant real statistic of this pathology in our population manabita. It was investigated variables as the age, sex, diagnostic of entrance, associate pathologies, data of the laboratory, obtained samples and identification of microorganisms. For it was designed it a bibliographical study and of field, it was used as investigation area the Unit of Intensive Cares of the Hospital of the IESS of Portoviejo, it was used for the investigation a population of 87 entered patients of which 30 EACS that corresponds to 34,4% presented; for this study the siembra of the samples was used in means of cultivations that determined the causal agent of this pathology. According to the age the most frequent was that of the patients among the ages from 51 to 80 years, according to the sex prevalence of the masculine type was observed, like entrance cause prevailed the affections of the breathing tract and urinal. The opposing results affirm the presence of bacterias like the Pseudomona aeruginosa in more proportion, besides the Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Moraxella catarralis (this last one in smaller proportion) and mushrooms like the Cándidaalbicans; confirming this way their presence and incidence in countries in roads in development as ours in the patients entered in the Unit of Intensive Cares. For that that due to we recommend it that these data are used so that they have a real significant knowledge, and to future they use methods of prevention for this way to improve the necessary conditions of health in our population's
ItemHABITOS ALIMENTCIOS RELACIONADOS CON LA ANEMIA PERNICIOSA, EN NIÑOS MENORES DE 5 AÑOS EN EL CNH- ANGEL DE LA GUARDA DEL CANTON 24 DE MAYO, DE LA PROVINCIA DE MANABI, EN EL PERIODO DE ABRIL – OCTUBRE DEL 2011( 2011) ALVAREZ ACOSTA, GEMA ESTEFANIA ; MURILLO INTRIAGO, TATIANA VIANNEY ; QUIJANO, ROXANAFood is an important element in the health and welfare of human beings, which is influenced by the quality and quantity of dietary habits. The fruits, proteins and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fiber, which contributes a balanced nutrition. These substances are necessary to maintain body function during all stages of life. Today we live an intense struggle on the eating habits that a human being should have and in relation to their "group etaero" as food for them is central to the intellectual and physical development One of the problems that cause poor eating habits is anemia is a disease hematologic, due to altered blood, determined by the decrease in red cell mass that conditions a low concentration of hemoglobin. Pernicious anemia is characterized red blood cells are very large and besides that have a content that is not fully developed as a result the bone marrow makes fewer red blood. The situation in our country is becoming more critical, since a high percentage of children have feeding problems due to economic and social factors. Given these reasons, one of the main objectives in our research was to determine the dietary habits associated with pernicious anemia with a sample of 60 children under 5 years who presented to the NHC-guardian angel of Canton May 24 through d across-sectional study, during the months of April to October 2011. They show that the study population was 5% affecting children in this daycare center due to low protein intake is to enrich the growth and development of children
ItemINCIDENCIA DE LA ENFERMEDAD DE CHAGAS EN LAS MUESTRAS RECOLECTADAS DE LA COMUNIDAD EL BEJUCO EN EL INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE HIGIENE DE PORTOVIEJO MAYO – OCTUBRE DEL 2011(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2011) ÁLAVA CEDEÑO, LEONARDO IGNACIO ; QUIJANO VELÁSQUEZ, ROSSANAThe present investigative work, done in the community “El Bejuco” hand in hand with the National Hygiene Institute of Portoviejo “Leopoldo Izquieta Pérez (INH), uses a serologic probe in order to determine the incidence of Chagas’ disease in an specific group of inhabitants of this community as well as the different risk factors that contribute the existence of this disease. Throughout the collection of blood samples, important information was obtained making use of the immuno-enzymic test “Elisa” along with the INH employees help. In addition, surveys and observations were done in order to determine the diverse factors that let this disease occur. Between the obtained results of the 91 collected samples was a low incidence of the evil of Chagas, nevertheless the problem follows latent since the found and measured factors of risk establish one starting off of this point a day of educative chats directed to the young students of the school settled down “José María Velasco Ibarra”, parents of family, among others people who live in the community in order to establish a criteria of prevention that will ensure improved lifestyle
ItemPARASITOSIS EN NIÑOS DE LA ESCUELA FISCAL “12 DE OCTUBRE”, RECINTO SAN AGUSTÍN, KM 42. PARROQUIA 4 DE DICIEMBRE EL CARMEN - MANABÍ 2011(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2011) JIMÉNEZ CEDEÑO, LUIS GEOVANNY ; ROMERO DE ZAMBRANO, ARACELIThe parasite is a cause of death in the world, as there is no predisposing factors numbers involved for the human being can be affected by a parasite, this parasite affects the susceptible host, in this case strikes children under development especially in school age children, you notice the low performance of learning. It has been observed that in the 2011 academic year at School "October 12" showed 70% of children with low intellectual and physical performance due to causes such as anemia, parasitosis, in any part of the environment there is a large amount of parasites that attack children. On the high frequency of parasites in children, this research was performed at 78 children enrolled in Public School "12 de Octubre", St. Augustine Campus, Km 42. Parish December 4 El Carmen - 2011 Manabi which 56% are children and 44% are aged between 5-15 years who live in poverty and unsanitary conditions. The thesis research method was used to determine prospective study the incidence of parasitosis in school children, being correct to identify the type most common intestinal parasites. There was a previous visit to the school to inform teachers of the conference of the parasite and to publicize the importance and benefit of a stool so do it to children, was convened to children and parents to a meeting to inform the objective of the research and gave authorization for stool examinations and participate in surveys. The survey assessed the general characteristics of the population and established predisposing factors influencing the parasite that children have poor school performance. In the investigation of the parasites of the 78 students, 54 of the children had parasites that accounted for 69% with a high number of 32 boys and 22 girls, of which the highest frequency was Ameba histolytica with 41%, 35% by the group of two or more parasites including Amoeba histolytica, Amoeba coli, Giardia lamblia, ascaris lumbricoides, roundworm 16% and finally A. coli and G. Lamblia to 4% before treatment. After the respective treatment with metronidazole, albendazole, mebendazole, and tinidazole to 54 students, 39 of children with parasites still represented 73% positive of which was the highest frequency with 35% Ameba histolytica, followed by 24% by group of two or more parasites, Ascaris lumbricoides with 9% and finally A. coli and G. Lamblia to 2%. Was observed in the survey that the predisposing factors of the parasite is the consumption of street food that represented 45%, members of a family are 4 to 6 people with 69%, 88% drink well water, of which 73% consume boiled water, 35% of the population have a monthly income of $ 50, it was established that 46% of households use the toilet for disposal of excreta, 96% have pets in the house and 72% have two or more animals. The thesis project was very important as parents, children learned the predisposing factors, precaution and prevention, parents are recommended to test children every 2 months to reduce the parasite. Feasibility of this project is great because it will try to inform the authorities of the School, the Ministry of Public Health to contribute to contribute in reducing the parasite with the medical teams, tests and medication. Municipal authorities to contribute to sewer, water to help eradicate the parasite. At the conclusion of this research feel the satisfaction of accomplishment, since the collect information let me know the true reality of the Public School "October 12" , which convinced me complete this work
ItemPRUEBAS RÁPIDAS DE HIV EN CRIBADO DE CUARTA GENERACIÓN EN LOS USUARIOS DEL INSTITUTO HIGIENE LEOPOLDO IZQUIETA PÉREZ DE LA PROVINCIA SANTO DOMINGO DE LOS TSÁCHILAS(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2011) CORDOVILLO MORALES, MARÍA ISABEL ; MURILLO POGO, FLOR MARÍA ; ROMERO DE ZAMBRANO, ARACELIThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a microorganism that has the ability to infect and destroy CD4 + cells called lymphocytes that are responsible and regulators of the immune response in humans. This thesis is centered with the HIV screening test and its fourth generation, whose objective was to demonstrate the specificity of screening tests of fourth generation, as this rapid test is the only one that contains the p24 protein present in the virus, to determine the epidemiological implications. Currently you have HIV is considered a disease of the century around the world, preventive medicine has tried to reduce the high rate of virus. Therefore we have seen the need, to make people aware about this problem that affects the general population, and individuals in particular who have this problem. The population strategy aims to recommendations for improvement as appropriate uses of preventive measures and methods for early detection of HIV, screening test with fourth-generation HIV, and demonstrate their specificity. The basis of the strategy lies in the lack of interest in people in health education for people of all ages. Just as the action of national and international unions, with the introduction of Estique, posters, banners advertising in media that allow us to learn more about this terrible disease mediated anti-HIV, drug addiction, etc.. predisposing factors for it. For the identification of a person with HIV is a fast, but before all the person that will do the test, has to go to counseling department, where you are given pre-test counseling and then deliver the results the person receives a post-test counseling, which is why testing should be done with reliable evidence to guarantee the result, the screening tests of fourth generation containing the protein p24, which occur early, before the window period, is This test can detect the virus 10 days after the person has been infected, that guarantee the user to Educate health and can not infect others. The practical application of these recommendations should be promoted primarily with the assistance of all health personnel
ItemSEPSIS EN PACIENTES ONCOLÓGICOS ENTRE 5 Y 20 AÑOS DE EDAD DEL HOSPITAL DE SOLCA PORTOVIEJO ABRIL- OCTUBRE 2011(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2011) CAÑIZARES LOOR, JUAN CARLOS ; SANTOS CEDEÑO, XEOMAR LEMABEL ; LEÓN, CESARThe infectious complications constitute one of the most important causes in mortality in the oncological patients. The neutropenia is the factor of risk of development of more important infection in the oncological patient. Although the highest mortalities stay associated to the infections for enterobacterias, the frequency of the infections for gram-positive is superior. The infections deep fúngicas, the same as those taken place by resistant or not very frequent germs usually happen in late periods of lingering neutropenias. In this work you uses the field method carrying out interviews to the medical personnel in charge of the population in study, the summary of data through of the medical system of SOLCA Portoviejo where we could evidence the case of patient septic and in turn you uses the method of correlation of results of the clinical laboratory, according to the acquired knowledge you could evaluate the sepsis incidence in patient oncological between 5 and 20 years of age of the hospital of SOLCA Portoviejo period April - October. The method to be able to evidence a causal germ of a septic process is the hemocultivos with its identification thanks to this information we could take out the frequency of the microorganisms desencadenantes of this problem
ItemÚLCERAS CUTÁNEAS POR LEISHMANIASIS EN USUARIOS DEL CENTRO DE SALUD MATERNO INFANTIL ÁREA Nº8, EL CARMEN, MANABÍ, 2010 -2011(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2011) AGUILAR CEDEÑO, MARCELO MAURICIO ; PÁRRAGA PICO, SILVIA PATRICIA ; ESPINEL GARCÍA, JULIALeishmaniasis is a parasitic disease spread by the bite of the sandfly. Tropical diseases on the Rise in Europe. A coat of many proteins may be this parasite is downfall. Wiping out a parasite, not a spirit of adventure. World briefing, Asia, India, treating “black fever”. Alternative names: Kala-azar. Causes: There are different forms of leishmaniasis. Cutaneous leishmaniasis affects the skin and mucus membranes. Skin sores usually start at the site of the sandfly bite. They can last for months or years before healing on their own. In a few people, sores may develop on mucus membranes. Systemic or visceral leishmaniasis affects the entire body. This form occurs 2-8 months after a person is bitten by the sandfly. Most people do not remember having a skin sore. This form can lead to deadly complications. The parasites damage the immune system by decreasing the numbers of disease-fighting cells. Cases of leishmaniasis have been reported on all continents except Australia and Antarctica. In the Americas, leishmaniasis can be found in Mexico and South America. Ecuador not is the exception. Cutaneous leishmaniasis affects the skin and some the mocus membranes. Symptoms may include: Skin sores, which may become a skin ulcer that heals very slowly. Ulcers and wearing away (erosion) in the mouth, tongue, gums, lips, nose, and inner nose. Stuffy nose, runny nose, and nosebleeds. Breathing difficulty. Swallowing difficulty. Sistemyc visceral infection in children usually begins suddenly with vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and cough. Adults usually have a fever for 2 weeks to 213 months, along with symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and appetite loss. Weakness increases as the disease gets worse. A physical exam may show signs of an enlarged spleen, liver and lymp nodes. The patient may have been bitten by sandflies, or was in an area known for leishmaniasis. Tests that may be done to diagnose the condition include: Biopsy of the spleen and culture. Bone marrow biopsy and culture. Direct agglutination assay Indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. Lymph node biopsy and culture. Montenegro skin test. Skin biopsy. Other tests that may be done include: Complete blood count. Serum immunoglobulin levels. Serum protein. Serum albumin. Serologic testing. Medicines called antimony-containing compounds are the main drugs used to treat leishmaniasis. These include: Meglunineantimonate. Sodium stibogluconate. Other drugs that may be used include: Amphotericim B Fluconazole. Pentamidine. Plastic surgery may be needed to correct the disfigurement caused by sores on the face (cutaneous leishmaniasis). Patients with drug-resistant viral leishmaniasis may need to have their spleen removed (splenectomy)
ItemANTICUERPOS DE HELICOBACTER PYLORI EN USUARIOS DE 15 A 65 AÑOS ATENDIDOS EN EL LABORATORIO DE LA CRUZ ROJA ECUATORIANA JUNTA PROVINCIAL DE LOS TSÁCHILAS. SANTO DOMINGO – PROVINCIA SANTO DOMINGO DE LOS TSÁCHILAS. MAYO– OCTUBRE 2011(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2011) CHIRIBOGA ANZULES, MERCEDES KARINA ; CHUMO ZAMBRANO, JESSICA NATALY ; ESPINEL GARCIA, JULIAThe study “Antibodies of Helicobacter pylori in users of 15 to 65 years was realized in the laboratory of the Provincial Together Ecuadorian Red Cross of the Tsáchilas, Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo - Province of the Tsáchilas. May - October 2011. The technique used for the statistical data collection was by means of a form and the accomplishment of examination with 200 samples to detect Antibodies by H. Pylori IgG of which 60% of the users verified the presence of antibodies of Helicobacter Pylori IgG with 120 a degree greater to U/ml of the normal value, this corresponds to a high risk of incidence in the population, which indicates that the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori is present in all the asymptomatic and symptomatic users, without discarding to future problems of gastric infections. The users of feminine sex are those that presented/displayed a 54% of gastric infections caused by Helicobacter Pylori. 40% of the users who are affected are in the ages between 15 35 years. Also, one concluded that 58.50% and 56% of the survey ones do not have knowledge on the presence and the damage that the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori in the health of the people brings about. For that reason it is necessary to educate to the population on the damages that can cause this disease, its measures of prevention and control, especially in the vulnerable populations
ItemNiveles Antígenos Prostático específico en la Incidencia Hiperplasia Prostática Benigna en pacientes mayores de cuarenta años atendidos en el área de consulta externa de Urología del Hospital IEES de Chone, diciembre 2011 a mayo 2012(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2012) MENDOZA ANDRADE, CARMEN LILIANA ; ZAMBRANO MENDOZA, JOSE IVAN ; QUIJANO, ROSSANAThe research entitled "Specific Antígeno Prostático Levels in the incidence of benign prostatic hyperplasia in patients older than 40 years who presented to the outpatient area of urology at the Hospital IESS Chone, December 2011 to May 2012," was developed in the community Chone, canton in the province of Manabi, with a universe of 729 patients admitted with prostate specific antigen levels, among which are coming from the following sites: Chone, the Crespa, San Pablo and cold water, Eden, Balzar , Rio Santo, Pueblito, Tranquipiedra, Rancho Viejo, and Pancho Villa and El Valle. The results led to conclusions, in which 82.26% of the patients are from urban areas and have significant results of prostate specific antigen, so they do not have better access to health services and expect symptoms occur for consulting a doctor and be tested. Of 181 patients presented los729 prostate specific antigen levels greater than 4ng/ml, with an average of 6.11 ng / ml, equivalent to 24.83%, of which 90 patients were diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia. In this respect the proposal was developed called "Prevention of benign prostatic hyperplasia by PSA testing among patients older than forty years attending urology area Chone IESS Hospital, of the Province of Manabi," whose purpose was " Report to the community through leaflets the consequences of not getting a PSA test after forty years attending urology area IESS Hospital Chone, Manabi Province of. "And in order to" ensure lasalud of patients served over forty years in the area of urology Hospital IESS Chone, Manabi Province of "
ItemMYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS ASOCIADA A FACTORES DE RIESGO EN PACIENTES SINTOMATICOS RESPIRATORIOS QUE ACUDEN AL INSTITUTO DE HIGIENE IZQUIETA PEREZ DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO ENERO 2009-DICIEMBRE 2012.”( 2013) BENAVIDES ZAMBRANO, KAROL MONSERRATE ; INTRIAGO CHAVEZ, PATRICIA ALEXANDRALa investigación titulada, “Mycobacterium tuberculosis asociada a factores de riesgo en pacientes sintomáticos respiratorios que acuden al “Instituto de Higiene Izquieta Pérez de la ciudad de Portoviejo, Enero 2009-Diciembre 2012”, tuvo como objetivo principal determinar el Mycobacterium Tuberculosis asociado a factores de riesgo en pacientes sintomáticos respiratorios que acuden al “Instituto Nacional de Higiene y Medicina Tropical Leopoldo Izquieta Pérez de la ciudad de Portoviejo, Enero 2009-Diciembre 2012.” Se realizó un análisis estadístico desde Enero 2009 hasta Diciembre 2012 de todos los pacientes que acudieron al “Instituto Nacional de Higiene Leopoldo Izquieta Pérez” de la ciudad de Portoviejo, se utilizaron los siguientes parámetros para obtener los datos para el presente estudio; edad, genero, procedencia, factores de riesgo, baciloscopia, tipo de muestra, apariencia macroscópica de la muestra. De un total de 962 pacientes que acudieron al INH, 655(68%) fueron detectados positivos mediante la técnica de la baciloscopia y 307 (32%) resultaron negativos, se determinó además que el género masculino se ubicó en todo el estudio como de mayor prevalencia. Entre los Factores de Riesgo asociado al Mycobacterium Tuberculosis tenemos: el Contacto con pacientes TB positivo, Drogadicción, Alcoholismo, Cáncer, Diabetes, Embarazadas, Pacientes privados de la libertad (PPL), Pacientes viviendo con el virus del Sida (PVVS), entre otros. En este sentido se elaboró la propuesta de Capacitar a las personas privadas de libertad sobre los riesgos del Mycobacterium Tuberculosis que se encuentran en el centro penitenciario de la ciudad de Portoviejo.
ItemTRASTORNOS GASTROINTESTINALES Y SU RELACION CON EL DIAGNOSTICO DE LABORATORIO EN MENORES DE 5 ANOS ATENDIDOS EN EL HOSPITAL ANIBAL GONZALEZ ALAVA DE LA CIUDAD DE CALCETA, DE ABRIL - SEPTIEMBRE 2013( 2013) NAVARRETE MUÑOZ, WILSON STALIN ; RODRÍGUEZ GUIDO, PABLO ELEODOROLa investigación denominada “Trastornos gastrointestinales y su relación con el diagnóstico de laboratorio en menores de 5 años atendidos en el hospital Dr. Aníbal González Álava de la ciudad de Calceta de abril a septiembre del 2013.”Se realizó con un número de 300 menores de 5 años.Una de las causas de consulta médicas más frecuentes son las enfermedades gastrointestinales, pues no perdonan ni edad ni condición social. Son causadas principalmente por bacterias, virus o parásitos. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar los trastornos gastrointestinales y su relación con el diagnóstico de laboratorio clínico en menores de 5 años atendidos en el hospital Dr. Aníbal González Álava de la ciudad de Calceta de abril a septiembre de 2013. Para el estudio se realizó encuestas, entrevistas, complementadas con exámenes de laboratorio clínico, se tomaron en cuenta los siguientes parámetros para obtener datos reales para el presente estudio; características socio epidemiológicas como la edad, sexo y procedencia; de una totalidad de 300 menores de 5 años de los cuales el 58.67% perteneciente al sexo femenino y el 41.33% al sexo masculino, además un 36% de menores con edad de 3 a 5 años. También se conoció que el 68% de los menores tiene como procedencia las zonas rurales de la ciudad de Calceta. Los resultados de laboratorio permitió conocer la presencia de Helicobacter pylori en los menores con un 23,67% de resultados positivos y de parásitos como Entamoeba histolitica y Giardia lamblia con un 30% de su existencia en los menores. Viendo estas circunstancias se elaboró una propuesta publicitaria y dictar charlas preventivas sobre la prevención para evitar los trastornos gastrointestinales.
ItemDETERMINACION DEL CALCIO SERICO EN PACIENTES CON TRASTORNOS DE CONDUCTAS ATENDIDOS EN EL AREA DE PSIQUIATRIA DEL HOSPITAL DR. VERDI CEVALLOS BALDA; ABRIL – OCTUBRE 2013( 2013) GARCÍA PALACIOS, ÁNGEL ANTONIO ; MACÍAS LÓPEZ, ELVIS ENRIQUEEl presente trabajo investigativo estuvo dirigido a la Determinación del Calcio Sérico en Pacientes con Trastorno de Conductas atendidos en el Área de Psiquiatría del Hospital “Dr. Verdi Cevallos Balda”; Abril – Octubre 2013. La metodología de estudio utilizada fue prospectiva, descriptiva, analítica y de campo. Obteniendo esta información de diversas fuentes: documentos e historias clínicas, encuestas y Exámenes de Laboratorio (Calcio Sérico). Se determinó que entre las características socio-epidemiológicas prevalecen pacientes de 12 a 24 años de edad con un 23%, siendo determinante el sexo Femenino con un 65%. Mediante los Exámenes de Laboratorio realizados por Espectrofotometría se determina que existe una incidencia de Hipercalcemia en el Trastorno Mixto Ansioso/Depresivo con un 39%; Hipocalcemia en el Trastorno de Ansiedad con un 49%, haciendo de estos ítems los más relevantes del estudio Una vez recopilada la información fue tabulada y procesada, presentándola en tablas y gráficos; en base a esto se establecen conclusiones y recomendaciones, los cuales van ayudar a mejorar el nivel de atención al paciente psiquiátrico.
ItemESTEATOSIS HEPÁTICA RELACIONADA CON LA ALTERACIÓN DE LA TGO-TGP Y PERFIL LIPÍDICO EN PACIENTES QUE ACUDEN AL LABORATORIO DEL HOSPITAL Dr. VERDI CEVALLOS BALDA, PORTOVIEJO FEBRERO – JULIO 2013( 2013) MERA MENÉNDEZ, JHONNY JONATHAN ; ZAMBRANO BRAVO, LEONARDO GREGORIOEl tipo de investigación fue descriptiva y transversal retrospectiva, en el que se evaluaron los indicadores de detección de esteatosis hepática, de Enero a Diciembre del 2012, relacionada con la alteración de la TGO-TGP y perfil lipídico en paciente, de consulta externa diagnosticado en el área de gastroenterología, donde de acuerdo a los datos clínicos generales de la población estudiada, los resultados mostraron que la edad más proclive a esta patología se contempló entre los 31 a 40 años con el 33,50%, donde predominó el género femenino sobre el masculino con el 66,50%. Al relacionar la procedencia de los pacientes, se pudo establecer que la mayoría correspondió al sector urbano con el 48,50%, con el mayor de los casos con hiperlipidemia y obesidad con el 43,00%. Al realizar pruebas de TGO (Transaminasa Glutámico Oxalacética), fueron mayores las <40 UL en mujeres con el 45,00%. Por su parte en los exámenes TGP (Transaminasa Glutámico Pirúvica), se mostró valores <40 UL en mujeres con el 41,50%. Así mismo en los niveles de triglicéridos y colesterol fueron mayores de 200 mg/dl en las mujeres con el 16,50% y 26,50% Al relacionar las ecografías, en su mayoría identificaron con una esteatosis grave con TGP >40 dl con el 24,50% y TGP<40 dl con el 42,00% a una esteatosis leve
ItemPERFIL HEPÁTICO EN PACIENTES CON DENGUE IGM POSITIVO DEL ÁREA DE HOSPITALIZACIÓN DEL HOSPITAL VERDI CEVALLOS BALDA DE PORTOVIEJO, ENERO - JULIO DEL 2013(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) ALCÍVAR LOOR, ÁNGELA MARÍA ; MENÉNDEZ CASTRO, OSCAR RICARDO ; VINCES CENTENO, MARCOSThe clinical characterization of Dengue is highly variable due to multiple alterations induced by the virus in the body. He has been reported increased levels of transaminases similar to those produced by the Hepatitis virus in patients with Dengue IgM positive. This research was raised in order to establish by means of studies, the determination of alterations in liver function tests in patients with Dengue IgM positive and relate clinical and serologically viral infection. 86 Cases with serology for Dengue IgM positive confirmation was conducted, prothrombin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT), quantification of transaminases (ALT and AST).In relation to clinical features 92% of patients with Dengue IgM positive referred abdominal pain, frontal headache, high fever, headaches, retrocular, myalgia and arthralgia, nausea, vomiting, dehydration. According to the gender, infection had no inclination for sex while there was a slight predominance in women. You could be established through surveys and field observation are the main factors (direct contact with the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, little responsibility for the inhabitants of the sector to eliminate breeding sites and other hygiene habits). This research was carried out through the following methodology; foresight, documentary, and field work was based on the collection of data being tabulated, analyzed and interpreted. Leucopenia was observed in the laboratory results (61%) in both forms of Dengue severe thrombocytopenia (< 50.000 × mm3) and TP and TPT elongated in 83%, 71% and 17%, respectively. The value of transaminases was up to five times higher than the normal value (p < 0.005) in 61% of the patients with DC and in 88%, with a predominance of AST in both group. The results suggest liver damage during the course of Dengue. This allows to claim that the Dengue virus infection can cause acute liver dysfunction and should be considered in the differential diagnosis with other viral infections with liver dysfunction
ItemEPSTEIN BARR VIRUS Y CITOMEGALOVIRUS EN PACIENTES ONCOLOGICOS PEDIATRICOS ATENDIDOS EN EL HOSPITAL ONCOLOGICO DR. JULIO VILLACRESES COLMONT SOLCA MANABI. ABRIL – SEPTIEMBRE 2013( 2013) SOLÓRZANO UGALDE, MARÍA JOSÉ ; CASTRO GARCÍA, MARÍA JOSÉEn la ciudad de Portoviejo- Manabí – Ecuador se desarrolló un proyecto investigativo con la finalidad de identificar el Epstein Barr Virus y Citomegalovirus en pacientes oncológicos pediátricos atendidos en el Hospital Oncológico Dr. Julio Villacreses Colmont Solca Manabí, los objetivos estuvieron determinados a conocer las características socio-epidemiológicas de la población en estudio, cuantificar los anticuerpos IgM de Citomegalovirus con la técnica ECLIA y Epstein Barr Virus con la técnica ELISA, y relacionar los de Citomegalovirus y Epstein Barr Virus en pacientes oncológicos pediátricos. Con el levantamiento de la información se llegó a los siguientes resultados: La mayor prevalencia en cuanto al género fue masculino con el 60,82%, de la edad fueron los de 2-4 años con el 32,46%, en la relación género y edad los pacientes de 2-4 años fueron masculinos en un 36,20%, y la procedencia corresponde a la ciudad de Portoviejo en un 49,63%. En cuanto a la prevalencia de las patologías se identificaron en su mayoría las leucemias con el 84,16%, que fueron en un 33.13% masculinos, de esta se determinó un 66, 7% de Epstein Barr Virus y un 50% del Citomegalovirus, los estudios reactivos solo se encontraron un 2,99% el Citomegalovirus y un 1,12% del Epstein Barr Virus positivos.
ItemRESISTENCIA BACTERIANA A LOS ANTIMICROBIANOS EN HEMOCULTIVOS REALIZADOS EN EL HOSPITAL DR. JULIO VILLACRESES COLMONT DE SOLCA- PORTOVIEJO EN EL PERIODO MAYO – OCTUBRE DEL 2013(MARCOS VINCES CENTENO, 2014) ALAVA VERA, SONIA ELENA ; IBARRA VELEZ, ADID ANDRESLa resistencia bacteriana es la capacidad de un microorganismo para resistir los efectos de un antibiótico. La resistencia se produce naturalmente por selección natural o a través de mutaciones producidas por el azar, pero también puede inducirse artificialmente mediante la aplicación de una presión selectiva a una población. Una vez que se genera la información genética las bacterias pueden transmitirse lo nuevos genes a través de transferencia horizontal por intercambio de plásmidos o igualmente producto de una conversión lisogénica. Si una bacteria porta varios genes de resistencia se la denominan multirresistente. Un antimicrobiano es una sustancia química que, a baja concentraciones, actúa contra los microorganismos destruyéndolos o inhibiendo sus crecimientos algunos ejemplos de antimicrobianos dirigidos a las bacterias son los antibióticos que actúan contra las infecciones humanas o desinfectantes y los conservantes. En el estudio realizado, se alcanzó el objetivo propuesto al determinar por medio de datos de Hemocultivos con su resultado de resistencia antimicrobiana a las bacterias, este estudio se realizó en el cantón Portoviejo de la provincia de Manabí teniendo un universo conformado por los pacientes del Hospital Dr. Julio Villacreses Colmont, con una muestra de 166 pacientes con probable diagnóstico de resistencia bacteriana que fueron sometidos al estudio pero de donde solo 61 dieron positivo en los Hemocultivo. El estudio fue retroprospectivo, y una investigación científica, analítica, propositiva, y que corresponde a un diseño de tipo transversal, que se llevó a cabo mediante la recolección de datos clínicos y de resultados de pruebas realizadas en el laboratorio. La investigación se llevó a cabo en los meses de mayo del 2013 a octubre del 2013, permitiendo establecer la utilidad y la importancia de los Hemocultivo
ItemFRECUENCIA DE ANTICUERPOS IRREGULARES NO IDENTIFICADOS EN PACIENTES ONCOLÓGICOS POLITRANSFUNDIDOS DEL HOSPITAL “DR. JULIO VILLACRESES COLMONT” SOLCA EN EL PERIODO DE ENERO- DICIEMBRE DEL 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) LINO ALVAREZ, CESAR LORGIO ; ZAMBRANO CEVALLOS, STEFANIE LILIBETH ; HERNANDEZ ORCHAND, VIRGINIALike all medical procedures, the administration of blood hemocomponents, in addition to improving the integrity of patients' lives, is a risk of damage to them. Therefore, studying the compatibility between the recipient and the hemocomponent to be transfused is indispensable since the definition of these is different in the different blood groups. The identification of irregular antibodies is a very important study in regard to the immunohematological tests that are performed in polytransfused patients. Objective: To establish the frequency of unidentified, irregular antibodies in oncological polytransfused patients of the "Dr. Julio Villacreses Colmont" Solca hospital in the period from January to December 2017. Methodology: The results reflect whether the present antibodies cause of the Immunization, and quantitative because they are looking for statistical data on the number of positive cases for RAI, the animals identified, not identified and the most common antibodies.Referential Framework: One of the most important aspects of The immunohaematological practice is the detection and identification of antibodies, since the production of alloantibodies against erythrocyte antigens is a frequent complication of transfusion.Oral group red blood cells are commercially available Opportunities for pre-trans test antibodies detection fusion and are offered in vials of two or three vials of red blood cells from the same donor. Conclusions: The female gender prevailed in the study, which is associated with the possibility of becoming sensitized not only through transfusion, but also through pregnancy. Irregular antibodies belonging to different erythrocyte antigen systems were identified. A considerable number of patients with unknown antibodies was detected, which makes it difficult for us to identify with certainty other antigens that are frequent in our environment. We found that the most common antigens causing alloimmunization in SOLCA patients belonged to the KELL, Lutheran and Rh systems
ItemDETERMINACIÓN DE NT-PROBNP EN ADULTOS MAYORES DEL CENTRO GERONTOLÓGICO GUILLERMINA LOOR DE MORENO DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) BERMELLO ZAMORA, RUBÍ ELIANA ; SANCLEMENTE NÚÑEZ, YURY JORDANO ; HOWLAND ÁLVAREZ, IVONHeart failure (HF) is a chronic condition that is characterized because the heart does not pump blood with the necessary efficiency, is one of the most disabling, costly, frequent and lethal diseases facing the health team, the IC it is a progressive and lethal disorder, even with adequate treatment. It is the first cause of hospital admission in people over 65 years of age and represents just over 2% of national health expenditure. The utility of the N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) for the diagnosis of heart failure has been demonstrated. However, the values of these markers differ according to the characteristics of the patients and the severity of the disease. The objective of this study is to determine the utility of the blood measurement of NT-proBNP to diagnose heart failure in elderly patients of the gerontological center Guillermina Loor de Moreno. To carry out this study, analyzes of NT-proBNP, creatinine, urea, hemoglobin, glucose and sodium were performed in 47 blood samples of patients from the gerontological center in the period October to December 2017. The values and the possible association with other diseases. The values of demographic, analytical and clinical variables were compared. The clinical manifestations and personal pathological background associated to the suffering of heart failure were analyzed. The NT-proBNP value was associated with the presence of anemia, creatinine greater than 2 mg / dL and hyponatremia. The average age of the patients was 79 years, predominantly male, with associated comorbidity and a certain degree of dependence, although age was not a factor that influenced the probability of having an increase in the plasma NT-proBNP value and therefore both of the latent risk of suffering or not heart failure. In the obtained results it was possible to demonstrate that the value of NT-proBNP showed to be a complementary analyte of great clinical importance for the evaluation and the integral health care of the elderly
ItemANEMIA FERROPÉNICA EN LOS ESCOLARES DE 3 A 5 AÑOS DE LA ESCUELA ÁNGEL P. GILER DEL CANTÓN TOSAGUA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) NAVARRETE APOLO, GEMA MAGDALENA ; PERERO CEDEÑO, GINA LISSETTE ; ARTEAGA QUIROZ, MIGUEL ANGELIn the present work, the importance of the clinical laboratory in the study of pathologies in human beings is highlighted, which complements the physical examination performed by physicians. In pre-school and school age there are several pathologies that occur with high frequency, the most common we find is iron deficiency anemia, which can be detected by determining erythrocyte hematological values and biochemical tests related to iron deficiency. The objective of this investigation was to determine iron deficiency anemia in schoolchildren from 3 to 5 years of the Ángel P. Giler School of Tosagua Canton, using blood samples from the same patients for the respective laboratory analyzes. The sampling was directly proportional to the size of the population where the field, prospective and analytical research work was carried out. The scientific method used was the experimental one since the whole procedure was performed to obtain the values of the laboratory tests established as diagnoses of iron deficiency anemia. Finally the results obtained revealed that despite the normal BMI of the schoolchildren; 12% had low levels of Hemoglobin and 78% had low levels of ferritin, which can contribute to the development of iron deficiency anemia