Licenciado Ciencias de la Educación-Educación Física
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ItemLA NATACION Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL MEJORAMIENTO MOTRIZ DE LOS NIÑOS DISCAPACITADOS DEL INSTITUTO FISCAL DE EDUCACION ESPECIAL “MARIA BUITRON DE ZUMARRAGA” DEL CANTON PORTOVIEJO EN EL PERIODO LECTIVO 2005 – 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) BALDA ZAMBRANO, RAMON EDUARDO ; MARQUINEZ MENDOZA, JAIRO MIGUEL ; ACOSTA ZAMBRANO, MANUELThe investigation has as necessity to focus the incidence that has the swimming in the motive development of the children of the Institute of Special Education “María Buitrón of Zumárraga” in the period lectivo 2005-2006 are analyzed next to the Parents of Family the educational of the Institute, the reality of the the special children in the practices of this sport and it is determined that these special children are beings that depending on its pathology can have satisfactory achievements for the end of them, and, of their relatives that with a good technique and the appropriate procedures can obtain positive results. Then it is centered in form sole right in the swimming and it is said, for example that the man learned how to swim from necessity, it is mentioned with a lot of property that the swimming together with the athletics and the gymnastics, they form the trilogy of the fundamental educational practices. Also you projection that the swimming is the sport but I complete that exists; next it is talked about the mental development of special people, it is also mentioned the benefits of the swimming in the human organism, also on the activity he/she practices or people with discapacidades in the importance of the Physical Education in the discapacitado; immediately it is made consist the hypotheses and the utilized methodology in the same way that the statistical results of the applied surveys so much to the Parents of Family like the educational ones of the Institute of Special Education “María Buitrón of Zumárraga” with whose analysis has been able to determine. The confirmation of the hypotheses and the reach of the proposed objectives; in the same way it facilitates to outline the summations to those that you has arrived and the recommendations that are made, with what is given had concluded the investigation.
ItemLA PRÁCTICA DEL DEPORTE Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL PROCESO ENSEÑANZA-APRENDIZAJE DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA ESCUELA FISCAL MIXTA CARCHI-IMBABURA DE PICOAZÁ DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO DURANTE EL AÑO LECTIVO 2005-2006.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) MOLINA CARVAJAL, PATRICIA ELIZABETH ; MOLINA FARFAN, ETNIO NORJOTH ; ACOSTA, MANUELThe investigation consists on knowing as the practice of the sport it impacts in the process of the students' of the Mixed Fiscal School teaching-learning Carchi-Imbabura of Picoazá of the city of Portoviejo. It’s begins with the description and analysis of the practice of the sport in the children in a general way, immediately you proceeds to be on the characteristics of the children and girls from 6 to 7 years; of 8 to 9 years; of 9 to 10 years; and, of 10 to 11 years. So much in their maturation motorboat, physical maturation, cognitive maturation and maturation psicosocial, to determine like it is developed the knowledge and the development psicomotriz. Subsequently, it is exclusively on the sport, the biomechanics of the sport, defining to the biomechanics and their foundations. The Physical Education and the sport, defining independently to the Physical Education and the sport, making a clear differentiation of these elements and envelope the didactics that should be applied in these cases, making notice the importance that has and the specific of their action field. Next reference is made to the alternative ones and then you proceeds to the analysis of the results obtained in the applied survey, as much to the educational ones as to the children and girls of the School Carchi-Imbabura, with what you proceeds to the demonstration and reach of the objectives, like to the confirmation of the hypotheses, finally the summations and recommendations are emitted, giving therewith had concluded the investigation.
ItemNECESIDAD DE LA INFRAESTRUCTURA DEPORTIVA PARA LA PRÁCTICA DE NATACIÓN Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL APRENDIZAJE DE ESTA DISCIPLINA EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA ESCUELA DE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA DE LA FACULTAD DE FILOSOFÍA, LETRAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ EN EL AÑO 2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) ZAMBRANO RIVERA, SILVIA VERONICA ; MORA CHÁVEZ, DOLLY EMPERATRIZ ; ACOSTA ZAMBRANO, MANUELThe investigation has the purpose to focus the necessity of the sport infrastructure for the practice of the swimming and their incidence in the learning of this discipline in the students of the Career of Physical Education of the Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación of the Universidad Tècnica de Manabí in the year 2005. It analyzes The sport infrastructure for the practice of the swimming and determines that the stages are insufficient, it also refers to what is the Physical Education, their didactic. The swimming and their styles, the origins, the competitions, the strategies for the teaching of the Physical Culture. Then it is focused on exclusive form in the swimming and it tells, for example, the man learned to swim for necessity. It mention with much property that the union of swimming with the athletics and the gymnastics, they form the trilogy of the educational fundamental practices. It also stand out that the swimming is the most complete sport that exists. Subsequently, it details the stages of the learning of the swimming and says that in order to can compete, it is necessary to have previous knowledge that had been gotten with an adequate learning, being the flotation and the rhythmic movements the art of knowing how to swim. Immediately, we can confirm the hypothesis and the utilized methodology, of the same way that the statistical outputs of the applied surveys such as students and teachers of the Career of Physical Education of the Universidad Técnica de Manabí, with whose analysis have been determined the confirmation of the hypothesis and the reach of the nominative objectives; in the same form, it facilitated to expound the conclusions have reached and the recommendations have given, therefore, the investigation is considered as complete.
ItemLA IMPORTANCIA DE LA CULTURA FÍSICA EN EL DESARROLLO PSICOMOTRIZ DE NIÑOS Y NIÑAS DE LA ESCUELA FISCAL MIXTA CHARAPOTÓ #75 EN EL PERIODO 2006 -2007(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) SANTOS SÁNCHEZ, MAYRA KATHERINE ; ZAMBRANO DELGADO, IVÁN WILFRIDO ; OCHOA DE VELÁSQUEZ, JULIETAThe investigation needs to examine at the importance of the physical culture of me psychometric development of the children of the school "Charapoto" No. 75 in the period 2006- 2007, they analyse together with the schoolmates and teachers of the school the reality of the children in the practice of the physical activity. They determine the importance of the physical culture from the first basic year with a good orientation and the logic-practical methodology that the teaching-learning process achieves the objectives. During the process of the physical education, 11w rationaliiy instructs the schoolmates to think clear and to understand the values and general truths to act and to form the concepts in the sphere of the physical culture. During the application of the sciences we find the participation of several investigations of different kinds like medico-biological physiological, physical, chemical, biochemical, psychological, mathematical, etc. Because of these matters the physical culture consists of the results of the conjugation of the man-medium relation and the importance in the improvement of the cardiovascular and reportorial system, and the development of the capacities like the agility, coordination, flexibility and resistance for a better life. lmmediately it includes the hypothesis and the used methodology, the statistical studies of the survey in the school "Charapoto No. 75" of the parish "Charapoto" determine the verification of the hypothesis and the reach of the objectives, and make easy to explain the recommendations and conclusions as we finished the investigation.
ItemEL MASAJE TERAPÉUTICO Y SU REPERCUSIÓN EN LA CALIDAD DE VIDA DE LAS PERSONAS QUE ASISTEN A LA SALA DE FISIOTERAPIA DE LA CARRERA DE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA, DEPORTES Y RECREACIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ DURANTE EL PERIODO ABRILSEPTIEMBRE 2007(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) BETANCOURT MOLINA, XAVIER ; CHINGA VIVAS, JONATHAN ; LOZADA ALVARADO, JORGEThe present investigation had how need enfoque the repercution that had the Terapeutic Massage in the cuality of live of the people that asistent for the Physiotherapy liveroom give the Career of Education Physic, Sports and Recreation of the Technical University of Manabi during the period April-September 2007, be analize together to the user, the student at the semester eight of the career and the professional in the area the reality of the person in the aplication of Terapeutic Massage to same time tos et the influence that had this in the cuality of live of the user with one correc aplication of massage, to that this perfom process tours objectives.. The aplication of at massage indicate to the person in general the benefit that offer for the to get better of the circulation and the muscular physiology, the muscular tonification, the relax and the relieve of the ache due to diseases and injurys are the principal positiv response that be obtain with the massage for the wich to come the person to the Phisioterapy liveroom, as the massage of is important vital too exist disadvantage and contraindications that be can present it in different proporcions for one application incorrect, the that can to cause serious problems in the health. This way the Terapeutic Massage it considers how the union or combination of differents tecnique specialized that are applied with the hands and auxiliary instruments the facilitate this process accompanied by the energy exchange that help really in the reconstruction of the patients and this way improve their quality of life. Immediately it is made the hypothesis and the methodology used, in the sance way the statistic results of the search applied in the Physioterapy liveroom of the career of Phisic Education, Sports and Recreation of the Technical University of Manabi, with whose analysis has been able to determine the comfirmation of the hypothesis and the reach of the objectives proposed, the that indicate the of this way it is facilitate outline the recommendations and conclusions to the thas has arrived, with the that is given had concluded our investigation.
ItemEL MASAJE TERAPEUTICO Y SU REPERCUSION EN LA CALIDAD DE VIDA DE LAS PERSONAS QUE ASISTEN A LA SALA DE FISIOTERAPIA DE LA CARRERA DE EDUCACION FISICA, DEPORTES Y RECREACIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA DE MANABI DURANTE EL PERIODO ABRIL SEPTIEMBRE 2007( 2007) BETANCOURT MOLINA, XAVIER ; CHINGA VIVAS, JONATHANLa presente investigación tiene como necesidad enfocar la repercusión que tiene el Masaje Terapéutico en la calidad de vida de las personas que asisten a la Sala de Fisioterapia da la Carrera de Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí durante el periodo Abril- Septiembre 2007, se analiza junto a los Usuarios, los Estudiantes del octavo semestre de carrera y el Profesional en el área la realidad de las personas en la aplicación del Masaje Terapéutico y a la vez se determina la influencia que tiene este en la calidad de vida de los usuarios con una correcta aplicación de masaje, para que este proceso cumpla sus objetivos. La aplicación de un masaje indica a las personas en general los beneficios que ofrece para el mejoramiento de la circulación y la fisiología muscular, la tonificación muscular, el relax y el alivio del dolor debido a enfermedades y lesiones son los principales resultados positivos que se obtienen con el masaje, por lo cuál acuden las personas a la Sala de Fisioterapia, así como el masaje es de vital importancia también existen desventajas y contraindicaciones que se pueden presentar en diferentes proporciones por una incorrecta aplicación , lo que puede ocasionar serios problemas en la salud. De esta manera el Masaje Terapéutico se lo conceptúa como la unión o combinación de diferentes técnicas especializadas que se aplican con las manos e instrumentos auxiliares que facilitan este proceso acompañado del intercambio de energía que ayuda efectivamente en la reconstitución del paciente y de esta manera mejorar su calidad de vida. Inmediatamente se hace constar la hipótesis y la metodología utilizada, de la misma manera los resultados estadísticos de las encuestas aplicadas en la Sala de Fisioterapia de la Carrera de Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí, con cuyo análisis se ha podido determinar la comprobación de las hipótesis y el alcance de los objetivos propuestos; lo que indica que de esta manera se facilita plantear las 13 recomendaciones y conclusiones a las que se ha llegado, con lo que se da por concluida nuestra investigación.
ItemLOS TEST FÍSICOS Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DE LA FUERZA, VELOCIDAD, RESISTENCIA Y FLEXIBILIDAD EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL COLEGIO NACIONAL “ELOY ALFARO” DE BAHÍA DE CARÁQUEZ PERIODO 2008(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) MONTES INTRIAGO, JORGE ENRIQUE ; AGUILAR JAMA, JORGE BELISARIO ; OCHOA DE VELÁSQUEZ, JULIETAThe investigation has as central motive to know how physical test influence National College “Eloy Alfaro” of Bahia de Caráquez. It begins with the prevail investigation in the ignorance and physical deficiency and the realized test's analysis in this institution the effects have produced to the present time, according to the diagnostic the achievements have been minimal because those have not been planned, programmed properly and this to provoked a physical deficiency and the ignorance of the importance of the physical valuation, especially, speed, resistance, power and coordination, the same that are physical qualities to every man the is in the basic level of half education and that in the future they would make better to go into the competitive, sport specially in the National College “Eoy Alfaro” of Bahia de Caráquez.
ItemFORTALECIMIENTO DEL PROCESO ENSEÑANZA APRENDIZAJE DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL QUINTO Y SEXTO SEMESTRE DE LA CARRERA DE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA, DEPORTES Y RECREACIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, MEDIANTE LA ADECUACIÓN E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DEL AULA DE PRÁCTICAS DE AERÓBICOS, Y LA CAPACITACIÓN DE LOS INVOLUCRADOS EN EL BUEN USO Y CUIDADO DE LOS MATERIALES DIDÁCTICOS(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) LEÓN PICO, LENDER LÍDER ; ZAMBRANO REYES, JOSÉ IVAN ; ALAVA LAZ, TITO WILLIAN ; DELGADO MOREIRA, JAVIER ALFREDO ; AYALA QUINDE, CARMENSport helps health, sport make us strong not physically but morally. It makes character strong, also our will, sport grows muscle, educate our character, develop our intelligence, makes citizen healthier in all senses. This project purpose is the aerobics classroom Adaptation, implementation, of the recreation, sport physical education school, since this did not have a specific room, not even with the necessary instruments to teach during the aerobics exercises to the students with which they can get all the knowledge, skills and movements of this major that currently is part of prevent medicine. Everybody knows that the correct practice of physical exercises and sport form an ideal model of human improvement that is one of the research of our century. Subsequently we expose the applied methodology in the research and the result of the applied survey to the teachers and the students with these percentages. We effect the analysis and determine the reach of the goals and the verification of the hypothesis. At the same time we structure the conclusion and the recommendations with what we finish the research work.
ItemLA BIOMECÁNICA DE LA PROPULSIÓN Y SU EVOLUCIÓN ESTILO LIBRE EN ESCOLARES DE AMBOS SEXOS ENTRE 7 Y 12 AÑOS DEL COLEGIO “GRAL. MIGUEL ITURRALDE” DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO EN EL AÑO 2008.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) SANTOS ZAMBRANO, CRUZ MARGARITA ; LAVAYEN FERRER, DAVID EDMUNDO ; AYALA QUINDE, CARMENThe investigation is centered in the determination of the Biomechanics like incidence of the aquatic Propulsion in the I swim style free of the Children and Girls in ages understood among 7 to 12 years of the General School Miguel Iturralde of the Canton Portoviejo, county of Manabí especially in the physical and sport development. He/she begins with a definition of the swimming, making reference to the historical aspect, the different styles, the main characteristics of each one of it, to continue with the general principles of Crol, the process in yes, and the pedagogic description of the same one. Immediately reference is made to basic elements as: speed, flotation, biomechanics, propulsion, highlighting that the flexibility and the training of the force are important for the development of this sport discipline. Subsequently it is foundations related with the skeletal muscle, the force and muscular resistance; the effects of the physical activity and the training, and the relationship between exercise and muscular resistance; resistance vs. aging. Next it is another aspect of vital importance like it is the Psicomotricidad, the biomechanics and the swimming, explaining the characteristics from these applicable ones to the free style, standing out and analysis of the propulsion with their progression and classification. Subsequently it consists the applied methodology and the results obtained by means of the application of a test of swimming style free with the Children of the General School Miguel Iturralde in ages between 7 and 12 years. With these results it could be proven the reach of the objectives and the execution of the hypotheses, in the same way the elaboration of conclusions and recommendations with what is given had concluded the investigation.
ItemLA DIDACTICA EN CULTURA FÍSICA Y SU RELACIÓN EN EL PROCESO DE INTER APRENDIZAJE DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL COLEGIO UNIVERSITARIO ANEXO A LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) MACIAS GUILLEN, CRISTHIAN STALIN ; RODRIGUEZ CEVALLOS, MARWIN ORLANDO ; ACOSTA, MANUELLa current time is characterized by a quick advance rhythm in all the orders and especially in the area of Physical Culture and the sport, since the development of the modern life leads in many cases to the sedentarismo and the obesity. It has cost it to the humanity the increment of cardiovascular illnesses especially the infarto of the miocardio in young people. It is for it that the practice of the physical exercise has become an imperative of the present time. En the Universities all the relative one has been prioritized to the formation and development of abilities and habits in this sphere of the human knowledge, influencing in the formation of values and convictions chord with the means in that we live. Objective El of the present work is to expose some experiences of the application of this teaching type in the development of the Process of Educational Educational to elevate the quality of the professional's formation in the area of the sport. Las classes of Physical Culture, is lent for the realization of activities guided on one hand to the formation of systems of knowledge and abilities and the interiorización of behavior patterns. Cuando is organized the Educational Educational Process he/she should leave of the premise that all activity that is organized and plan it should be guided to the solution of a problem or situation theoretical problémica or practice that it is given in the area. M.A. Danilov outlined: The pedagogic efforts should be guided in such a way that the students in the biggest possible measure assimilate the matters, by means of the active work, impregnating to all coast this work with elements of independence and creation. The student should study in a process of search of active intellectual work, of independent superación of the difficulties, that it is the only, but absolute and sure guarantee that his knowledge won't only be formal." De the above-mentioned comes off the necessity of the use of the active methods of teaching that you/they are not more than those that locate the student in an active position, when increasing its participation and to offer him through her the acquisition of knowledge and the development of habits, abilities, capacities, and the formation of political and ideological convictions to face problematic of its labor life. Todo educational process that is carried out in the University should have as purpose the student's active participation in the formation of its knowledge and abilities, its form of behaving. This cannot be achieved through the traditional teaching that locates to the student like a passive entity.
ItemLA BIOMECÁNICA DEPORTIVA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL RENDIMIENTO DE LAS PRUEBAS FÍSICAS EN LOS ÁRBITROS PROFESIONALES DE LA ASO. PROVINCIAL DE FÚTBOL DE LA PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ EN EL AÑO 2008(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) CRUZATTI ZAMBRANO, JOSÉ MARCELO ; ZAMBRANO PALACIOS, VERÓNICA CECILIA ; AYALA QUINDE, CARMENThis investigation was carried out at “Professional Association of arbiters” of Manabí, taking as subjects of this matter to the active and passive arbiter, coach, authorities and inspectors, who contributed with certainty in answering the surveys concerning this topic of great importance as it is BIOMECHANICS, a scientific discipline, very important to develop the skill of running and develop the sports techniques in the competition. This research begins with the description and analysis of the Biomechanics’ science. Subsequently, it is exclusively on the preparation or physical tests and the sport training, defining to the biomechanics and their foundations; the Arbiter and the Techniques that must be apply. Finally, Food and Health, making notice the importance that has and the specific of their action field. The results are very notorious for developing of sports techniques and for athletes that each day do research and develop different theories for the betterment of the teaching and learning of the different techniques in the different sports. This research attempts to assist also to the good athletes that need an additional work to increasing their professional activity; and, undoubtedly, to revise some techniques to develop a positive and ample attitude through the biomechanics ways to acquired different skills in a running. Finally, the summation and recommendations are emitted, giving therewith had concluded the investigation.
ItemPROGRAMACIÓN DE LA GIMNASIA AERÓBICA A TRAVÉS DE UN CONJUNTO DE EJERCICIOS PARA POTENCIAR LAS CAPACIDADES CONDICIONALES DE LAS ESTUDIANTES DE 15-17 AÑOS DEL COLEGIO PARTICULAR MANABÍ TECNOLÓGICO DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO EN EL AÑO 2008(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) CHALÁ QUILUMBA, EVA MARÍA ; VILLAFUERTE SALTOS, GEORGE EDDY ; OCHOA, JULIETAThis thesis is the result of a scientific investigation that we have developed in the Portoviejo canton in Manabí Tecnológico Particular High School from Physical Education classes, this is a topic of great usefulness and necessity for the preparation of teachers in Physical Education and in particular for students 15-17 years old, who are at the stage of secondary education and the development of skills associated with conditional energy systems. It addresses the following Scientific Problem. As solve the shortcomings that says the program of Physical Education of the Portoviejo canton in the schedule of aerobic gymnastics through the classes of Physical Education to enhance the capabilities of students conditional 15-17 years of Manabí Tecnológico Particular High School?, Goal setting as General. Develop the schedule of a set of aerobic exercises in gymnastics through the classes of Physical Education to enhance the capabilities of students conditional 15-17 years of Manabí Tecnológico Particular High School of the Portoviejo canton. The thesis is structured in introduction, three chapters, conclusions, recommendations and bibliographies. During the investigation and by the logic assumed in the solution of the tasks is used different methods both from a theoretical and empirical. Historic - logical, Analysis and Synthesis, Inductive – Deductive, Systems Approach, Observing, Measuring. The interview and survey were used as an technical element. The novelty of the research focuses on: In the thesis deals with a new concept of programming exercises to enhance aerobic gymnastics classes in Physical Education in students of 15-17 years, of Manabí Tecnológico Particular High School of the Portoviejo canton. The theoretical contribution will be reflected in the design of a program of exercises to strengthen the gymnastics in aerobic classes in Physical Education in students of 15-17 years, of Manabí Tecnológico Particular High School of the Portoviejo canton. The practical contribution: it is the very programming exercises to enhance the aerobic gymnastics through the classes of Physical Education to enhance the capabilities of students conditional 15-17 years of Manabí Tecnológico Particular High School of the Portoviejo canton. The results corroborate the fulfillment of the target and tasks declared, a fact that this was assessed through statistics. SPSS 12.0 for Windows, arriving at conclusions which are clear for the effective programming of a set of exercises to strengthen the gymnastics in aerobic classes in Physical Education in students of 15-17 years, of Manabí Tecnológico Particular High School of the Portoviejo canton.
ItemLAS CAPACIDADES FÍSICAS CONDICIONALES DE JUAN BOSCO CEDEÑO BUSTAMANTE Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA OBTENCIÓN DE LA FORMA DEPORTIVA COMO ÁRBITRO DE FUTBOL FIFA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) SOLÓRZANO ZAMBRANO, JIMMY ALBERTO ; AYALA QUINDE, CARMENThe goal of this case study is to determine the importance of conditional physical abilities in John Bosco Cedeño Bustamante same that led to that succeeds in obtaining the sports form and consequently be named as an international referee FIFA, for it we identify what are the conditional physical skills and then analyze them one to one and going obtaining data and information to then be able to study and compare the parameters that yield the study, so finally achieve run the report that allows us to give the results and conclusions respectively. According to conditional physical abilities they are determined by complex biochemical processes in the body. equipment and systems among which we have the strength, speed and endurance capabilities that can be potentially acrecentadas much so that a result of that is to obtain an optimal level of Physical condition or sportsmanlike manner that is just the top of the fullness of all physical abilities mentioned previously. To carry out this work we use a type of research is no experimental with a descriptive method where precisely describe the relevant aspects of this event supporting interview survey and the information necessary in order to give us the results and to compare them and generate a point of discussion or problem in which our research is enhanced so you can give the recommendations and conclusions respectively which are focused on what human can give and achieve in the professional field marking a line after their capabilities where can get and achieve what it n
ItemLOS JUEGOS RECREATIVOS Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DE CAPACIDADES FÍSICAS DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE NOVENO AÑO DE EDUCACIÓN GENERAL BÁSICA DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA “URUGUAY” DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO DURANTE EL PERIODO LECTIVO 2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) CEDEÑO MORRILLO, LAURIDO ADALBERTO ; RIVERA MENDOZA, JAVIER ANDRES ; AYALA QUINDE, CARMENThis work Titration mode Research refers it was elaborated with the purpose of knowing, to discover, and to check, the importance that you/they have the games in the physical development, of the students of the EDUCATIONAL UNIT "URUGUAY", which was titled in a following way. "THE RECREATIONAL GAMES AND THEIR INCIDENCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL CAPACITIES." The study of this topic will be to stimulate the participation of the students of First of High school in activities, physical recreational, standing out the importance that you/they have in the educational and social aspect for the integral formation in the development of its capacities like resistance, forces, speed, flexibility of those and the students of the EDUCATIONAL UNIT "URUGUAY." You has up-to-date bibliographical information which it is exposed in the literary revision of the theoretical mark of this investigation with their respective variables. The methodology that was used in the investigation was descriptive which contains its due ones technical and instruments which allowed to present the results during and after the investigation with the purpose of obtaining its respective conclusions and recommendations that will be good for all the people involved in this process, putting into practice the contributions and benefits of this educational discipline. It also serves as contribution for the professors of Physical Culture that work in the EDUCATIONAL UNIT "URUGUAY", since it allows to introduce elements that it will allow them that those and the students develop their physical capacities, and besides learning..
ItemESTRATEGIAS METODOLOGICAS APLICADAS POR EL DOCENTE Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA CALIDAD DE LA CLASE DE EDUCACION FISICA DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA LORENZO LUZURIAGA DE LA PARROQUIA SIMON BOLIVAR DEL CANTON PORTOVIEJO EN EL PERIODO 2016- 2017( 2017) VÉLEZ CALDERÓN, ESTUARDO JACINTO ; CHOEZ PILAY, HOLGER ROLANDOEl presente trabajo de titulación denominado: “ESTRATEGIAS METODOLÓGICAS APLICADAS POR EL DOCENTE Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA CALIDAD DE LA CLASE DE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA LORENZO LUZURIAGA DE LA PARROQUIA SIMÓN BOLÍVAR DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO, fue realizado con el firme propósito de conocer el nivel de conocimientos que tienen los docentes del área de educación física de la unidad educativa en mención, razón por la cual se plantearon los siguientes objetivos: Determinar cuál es la incidencia de las estrategias metodológicas aplicada por el docente en la calidad de la clase de educación física de la Unidad Educativa Lorenzo Luzuriaga, investigar cuáles son las estrategias metodológicas apropiadas para la educación física, evaluar la calidad de la clase de educación fisca antes, durante y después de la aplicación de las estrategias metodológicas y potenciar los conocimientos en de los docentes en estrategia metodológica mediante la aplicación de la propuesta, para lo cual se necesitó la participación directa de estudiantes y docentes para lograr alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, los mismos que se consolidaron mediante la técnica de observación, aplicación de encuestas para la obtención de resultados reales y pertinentes, que al finalizar la misma sirvieron como aporte significativo para elaborar las respectivas conclusiones y recomendaciones. La investigación se estructuró en varios acápites con el desarrollo de un marco teórico que contiene el desarrollo de sus dos variables como son estrategias metodológicas y calidad de la educación física; además del respectivo diseño metodológico con sus respectivas técnicas, métodos, instrumentos y recursos necesarios para finalizar la misma con éxito; con este trabajo se busca que el proceso la educación física sea tomado por los y las docentes con toda la importancia que requiere cualquier materia o asignatura, cumpliendo a cabalidad con las estrategias metodológicas que brinde una educación de calidad a todos sus estudiantes de esta unidad educativa.
ItemEL USO DE LOS RECURSOS DIDÁCTICOS EN EL ÁREA DE MATEMÁTICAS PARA FORTALECER EL PROCESO DE ENSEÑANZA Y APRENDIZAJE DE LOS Y LAS ESTUDIANTES DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA FISCAL “LUIS URDANETA” DEL CANTÓN ROCAFUERTE DEL SITIO HIGUERÓN DURANTE EL PERIODO 2016( 2017) CHÁVEZ MEJÍA, JACINTA LISBETH ; ZAMBRANO CHIQUITO, WELLINGTON FRANCISCOEl proceso de la enseñanza aprendizaje de los estudiantes es más completo cuando se incorporan recursos didácticos que permitan su fortalecimiento, en el área de matemáticas cuando se elabora material con la intención de facilitar la labor docente y a la vez la de los estudiantes. En este trabajo investigativo se muestran los resultados de un estudio realizado en la Unidad Educativa Fiscal “Luis Urdaneta”, cuyo objetivo general es la de determinar el uso de los recursos didácticos en el área de matemáticas para fortalecer el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en los y las estudiantes de sexto año básico de la Unidad Educativa Fiscal “Luis Urdaneta” del cantón Rocafuerte del sitio Higuerón durante el periodo lectivo 2016. En cuanto a su desarrollo se utilizaron los métodos: cualitativo, inductivo – deductivo, participativo y descriptivo; posteriormente se aplicaron encuestas y entrevistas a estudiantes y docentes de sexto año de Educación General Básica. De acuerdo a los datos obtenidos se determinó que son muy pocos los recursos didácticos pedagógicos disponibles para el área de la matemática, sin embargo los docentes utilizan algunos de ellos como por ejemplo: Base en 10, ábacos, carteles, papelotes, textos de matemáticas, entre otros. Además el estudio establece que el nivel de conocimiento que poseen los y las docentes acerca de los juegos matemáticos es bajo, debido a que no se emplean correctamente los recursos didácticos propios de la asignatura. Por lo consiguiente los docentes no reciben capacitaciones o talleres que les permita incorporar juegos matemáticos al proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje de la matemática. Todo lo dicho anteriormente con lleva a desarrollar una propuesta didáctica sobre la aplicación de juegos matemáticos como parte del fortalecimiento del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los estudiantes.
ItemACTIVIDADES FÍSICO – DEPORTIVAS Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL MEJORAMIENTO DE LA CALIDAD DE VIDA DE LAS PERSONAS DEL CENTRO DE PRIVACIÓN DE LIBERTAD EN LA CIUDAD BAHÍA DE CARÁQUEZ, PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ, AÑO 2016-2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) CHICA ESPINOZA, VICENTE FABÍAN ; VILLACIS VERA, FERNANDO ALEXANDER ; ZAMORA VERA, BELLA FLORSport is a fundamental area in the reeducation and social reintegration of the individual, and a key element in preparing for their future return to life in freedom, is that sports practice teaches these people to make appropriate use of leisure and time Free, to maintain and improve their social skills and relationship with others; It also helps them to create social networks that foster positive values such as the spirit of improvement or companionship, while strengthening the improvement of the quality of life inside and outside the rehabilitation center. That is why the purpose of this titling work called: "PHYSICAL - SPORTS ACTIVITIES AND ITS INFLUENCE IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF PEOPLE IN THE CENTER OF LIBERTY DEPARTMENT IN BAHÍA DE CARÁQUEZ CITY, PROVINCE OF MANABÍ, YEAR 2016-2017", Seeks to show that through the constant practice of physical - sport activities it is possible to improve in a positive way the quality of life of inmates. The participation of inmates deprived of their liberty, director, penitentiary guides and administrative personnel was necessary to achieve the proposed objectives, which were consolidated through the technique of observation, the application of surveys to obtain real and relevant results, Which served to draw conclusions and recommendations. The research was structured in several sections with the development of a theoretical framework in order to know more about physical sports activities, what type of physical activities are most suitable for the intern, as well as how to apply the exercise routines To improve the quality of life. This work seeks to improve the quality of life of the inmates through the constant practice of physical sports activities, for which they require the competent authorities to provide sports equipment to the Center for the Deprivation of Liberty in Bahía de Caráquez.
ItemACTIVIDADES LÚDICAS EN EL DESARROLLO DE HABILIDADES MOTRICES DEPORTIVAS DEL MINIBÁSQUET EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA BÁSICA MEDIA EN LA ESCUELA FISCAL MIXTA “ERNESTO VERA CEDEÑO” DEL CANTÓN ROCAFUERTE EN EL PERIODO 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) SACOTO VERA, ALEXANDRA ESTEFANÍA ; AYALA QUINDE, CARMENPlayful activity provides enormous benefits in childhood, among which self-confidence, autonomy and personal empowerment stand out, which is why they are very important in education. This activity can not only be used for enjoyment, but it can also be the basis for the development of class objectives. The area of Physical Culture is based on the game and through this you can promote activities of a motor, cognitive and affective nature. The present work shows a vision about the incidence of recreational activities in the development of sports motor skills, basing the respective hypothesis on the results of the observation made to the students, with whom a series of games was developed that aim to strengthen the skills focused on the basics of minibasket. It was concluded that sports motor skills are not being previously planned and directed to the sport that is going to be taught, which prevents the strengthening of the basic fundamentals of it. This fact can also cause overstressed certain muscle groups which can cause a rejection of the activity that is being performed. Within the recommendations it is suggested to differentiate between the different types of motor skills, to know when they should be strengthened. Therefore, it is suggested that in each planned activity the type of motor skill that is being improved be indicated in order to cover a complete development of the same. If the teachers really want to significantly improve the education environments, they should start by trying to change the logic of the organization and functioning of the school and a change of attitude towards life itself, trying to put themselves in the place of the other, to see and feel like the other, that child or young person in full development and in need of expression and playful satisfaction.
ItemBAILOTERAPIA COMO ACTIVIDAD FISICA RECREATIVA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL MEJORAMIENTO DE LA CALIDAD DE VIDA DE LAS FEMINAS QUE LA PRÁCTICAN EN LA FEDERACIÓN DEPORTIVA DE MANABÍ DURANTE EL AÑO 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) BURGOS CRUZATTY, CARLOS ANDRÉS ; CEDEÑO CEDEÑO, MARÍA JOSÉ ; PLÚA MATA, JOSÉ VICENTEThe investiture thesis under investigative or propositive mode consisted of "BAILOTHERAPY AS RECREATIONAL PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND ITS INCIDENCE IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF WOMEN WHO PRACTICE IT IN THE MANABÍ SPORTS FEDERATION DURING THE YEAR 2017" Starting with the definition of the Problem, which is part of the daily activities that people perform in order to do some physical activity, their history as well as the technical and pedagogical criteria of the main concepts and their importance in the development of dance therapy as a recreational medium For the improvement of the quality of life of the women who practice it in the Federación Deportiva of Manabí. Seen in this way the subject focuses precisely on the improvement of the health that causes to carry out this activity in a programmed way; This thesis had as objective to determine the incidence of the dance therapy as recreational physical activity in the improvement of the quality of life of the females. Therefore, an approach was applied in the applied methodology which was of the exploratory type where it was proposed to make a diagnosis of the specific topic; The statistical results of the research were presented according to the surveys applied to the beneficiaries and an interview with the coordinators of the project with this data, it was possible to verify the scope of the objectives and the fulfillment of the hypotheses. Which was reached at the end of this work, but not before carrying out the application of the design of the session elaborated by the authors.
ItemEDUCACIÓN FÍSICA INCLUSIVA Y SU REPERCUSIÓN EN EL PROCESO DE ENSEÑANZA – APRENDIZAJE DE LOS Y LAS ESTUDIANTES DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA INTERAMERICANO DE BAHÍA DE CARÁQUEZ, PERIODO 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) CANDELA QUINTINA, LUIS ANTONIO ; DELGADO FARÍAS, PABLO JAVIER ; ZAMORA VERA, BELLAIt is essential that the teacher has sufficient capacity to create an environment in which all students are invited, independently of any physical or intellectual disability present to make them a main part of building their own learning , aware that a true teacher should be prepared to face any inconveniences that may arise during their class hours, that is why implementing inclusive physical education is vital for the student to reach the levels of learning as well as to feel an important part of the group, not to be displaced and that the rest of students see them as normal people, thus improving positively the teaching - learning process of each one of them. That is why the purpose of this titling work called: INCLUSIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ITS IMPACT ON THE TEACHING - LEARNING PROCESS OF THE STUDENTS OF THE INTERAMERICAN EDUCATIONAL UNIT OF BAHÍA DE CARÁQUEZ, PERIOD 2017, seeks to determine the impact it produces inclusive physical education in the teaching - learning process of the students of the Inter - American Educational Unit of Bahía de Caráquez, period 2017, for which it was necessary the direct participation of students, teachers, parents and family of mothers to achieve the objectives proposed, which were consolidated through the observation technique, the application of surveys to obtain real and relevant results, and the application of the observation guide during a class day, which at the end of the same served as input to draw up the respective conclusions and recommendations. The research was structured in several sections with the development of a theoretical framework that contains the development of its two variables such as inclusive physical education and the teaching-learning process. This work seeks to make inclusive physical education in all its spheres.