Facultad de Filosofía, Letras Y Ciencias de la Educación
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ItemINFLUENCIA E INCIDENCIA DE LA FALTA DE LECTURA DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL 8V0. A 10MO AÑO BÁSICO DEL COLEGIO DR. BRUNO SÁNCHEZ CARREÑO DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO, EN EL DESARROLLO DE LOS APRENDIZAJES Y EL RENDIMIENTO ESCOLAR.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) RENGIFO CEVALLOS, ERNESTO SALUSTIANO ; FERNÁNDEZ MACIAS, NANCY CECILIA ; SOLÓRZANO, CIELOThe investigation refers to the influence and incidence of the lack of the students' reading from 8VO to loin Basic Year of the School "Dr. Bruno Sánchez Carreño" of the City of Portoviejo, in the development of the learnings and the school yield. He/she begins with the reading and their importance, the definition, the reading types, making reference to each a them, in what is their definition, characteristic and application. Immediately they think about the benefits of the reading, It is also spoken to reader polivalente, that is specified that it is necessary to make to read, and it is indicated clearly which they are the intellectual and personal benefits, with the result that he/she stands out the importance of the reading in the development, that is to say pointing out the why of each one of them. Next they are pointed out what happens or it is achieved with the reading, and what gets lost for lack of the same one. It is important that that next is manifested toward where it takes us the reading. What it happens when one doesn't read. The dangers are indicated that that originates. In the same way the achievements or the benefits that are reached through the reading. Therefore it is necessary to have present that it is always necessary to read with putting interest in the activity that carries out, because they will surely serve him as many. Next, they make an appointment the results obtained in the survey as much to the educational ones as to the students, with those that the execution of the objectives is demonstrated and of the hypotheses, and at the same time, they think about the conclusions and recommendations with what is given had concluded the investigation work.
ItemLA NATACION Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL MEJORAMIENTO MOTRIZ DE LOS NIÑOS DISCAPACITADOS DEL INSTITUTO FISCAL DE EDUCACION ESPECIAL “MARIA BUITRON DE ZUMARRAGA” DEL CANTON PORTOVIEJO EN EL PERIODO LECTIVO 2005 – 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) BALDA ZAMBRANO, RAMON EDUARDO ; MARQUINEZ MENDOZA, JAIRO MIGUEL ; ACOSTA ZAMBRANO, MANUELThe investigation has as necessity to focus the incidence that has the swimming in the motive development of the children of the Institute of Special Education “María Buitrón of Zumárraga” in the period lectivo 2005-2006 are analyzed next to the Parents of Family the educational of the Institute, the reality of the the special children in the practices of this sport and it is determined that these special children are beings that depending on its pathology can have satisfactory achievements for the end of them, and, of their relatives that with a good technique and the appropriate procedures can obtain positive results. Then it is centered in form sole right in the swimming and it is said, for example that the man learned how to swim from necessity, it is mentioned with a lot of property that the swimming together with the athletics and the gymnastics, they form the trilogy of the fundamental educational practices. Also you projection that the swimming is the sport but I complete that exists; next it is talked about the mental development of special people, it is also mentioned the benefits of the swimming in the human organism, also on the activity he/she practices or people with discapacidades in the importance of the Physical Education in the discapacitado; immediately it is made consist the hypotheses and the utilized methodology in the same way that the statistical results of the applied surveys so much to the Parents of Family like the educational ones of the Institute of Special Education “María Buitrón of Zumárraga” with whose analysis has been able to determine. The confirmation of the hypotheses and the reach of the proposed objectives; in the same way it facilitates to outline the summations to those that you has arrived and the recommendations that are made, with what is given had concluded the investigation.
ItemLA PRÁCTICA DEL DEPORTE Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL PROCESO ENSEÑANZA-APRENDIZAJE DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA ESCUELA FISCAL MIXTA CARCHI-IMBABURA DE PICOAZÁ DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO DURANTE EL AÑO LECTIVO 2005-2006.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) MOLINA CARVAJAL, PATRICIA ELIZABETH ; MOLINA FARFAN, ETNIO NORJOTH ; ACOSTA, MANUELThe investigation consists on knowing as the practice of the sport it impacts in the process of the students' of the Mixed Fiscal School teaching-learning Carchi-Imbabura of Picoazá of the city of Portoviejo. It’s begins with the description and analysis of the practice of the sport in the children in a general way, immediately you proceeds to be on the characteristics of the children and girls from 6 to 7 years; of 8 to 9 years; of 9 to 10 years; and, of 10 to 11 years. So much in their maturation motorboat, physical maturation, cognitive maturation and maturation psicosocial, to determine like it is developed the knowledge and the development psicomotriz. Subsequently, it is exclusively on the sport, the biomechanics of the sport, defining to the biomechanics and their foundations. The Physical Education and the sport, defining independently to the Physical Education and the sport, making a clear differentiation of these elements and envelope the didactics that should be applied in these cases, making notice the importance that has and the specific of their action field. Next reference is made to the alternative ones and then you proceeds to the analysis of the results obtained in the applied survey, as much to the educational ones as to the children and girls of the School Carchi-Imbabura, with what you proceeds to the demonstration and reach of the objectives, like to the confirmation of the hypotheses, finally the summations and recommendations are emitted, giving therewith had concluded the investigation.
ItemNECESIDAD DE LA INFRAESTRUCTURA DEPORTIVA PARA LA PRÁCTICA DE NATACIÓN Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL APRENDIZAJE DE ESTA DISCIPLINA EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA ESCUELA DE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA DE LA FACULTAD DE FILOSOFÍA, LETRAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ EN EL AÑO 2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) ZAMBRANO RIVERA, SILVIA VERONICA ; MORA CHÁVEZ, DOLLY EMPERATRIZ ; ACOSTA ZAMBRANO, MANUELThe investigation has the purpose to focus the necessity of the sport infrastructure for the practice of the swimming and their incidence in the learning of this discipline in the students of the Career of Physical Education of the Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación of the Universidad Tècnica de Manabí in the year 2005. It analyzes The sport infrastructure for the practice of the swimming and determines that the stages are insufficient, it also refers to what is the Physical Education, their didactic. The swimming and their styles, the origins, the competitions, the strategies for the teaching of the Physical Culture. Then it is focused on exclusive form in the swimming and it tells, for example, the man learned to swim for necessity. It mention with much property that the union of swimming with the athletics and the gymnastics, they form the trilogy of the educational fundamental practices. It also stand out that the swimming is the most complete sport that exists. Subsequently, it details the stages of the learning of the swimming and says that in order to can compete, it is necessary to have previous knowledge that had been gotten with an adequate learning, being the flotation and the rhythmic movements the art of knowing how to swim. Immediately, we can confirm the hypothesis and the utilized methodology, of the same way that the statistical outputs of the applied surveys such as students and teachers of the Career of Physical Education of the Universidad Técnica de Manabí, with whose analysis have been determined the confirmation of the hypothesis and the reach of the nominative objectives; in the same form, it facilitated to expound the conclusions have reached and the recommendations have given, therefore, the investigation is considered as complete.
ItemIMPLEMENTACIÓN DE ACTIVIDADES ARTÍSTICAS Y CULTURALES PARA EL MEJOR USO Y APLICACIONES DEL SALÓN DE ACTOS CULTURALES PARA PRESENTACIONES ARTÍSTICAS DE LOS ALUMNOS DE LA ESCUELA MIXTA COLÓN MANABÍ DE LA PARROQUIA COLÓN(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) ADOLFO SANTOS, MILAGRO ; DE LA CRUZ CEDEÑO, HÉCTOR AMABLE ; LINO PILOSO, KARINA GUADALUPE ; MENDIETA AGUIRRE, SOLERyou consent of the necessity of to implement artistic and cultural activities for the best use and application of the Cultural Assembly hall and to qualify the educational personnel so that they in turn transfer these knowledge and carry out the students of the school artistic presentations Columbus - Manabi, with a version of progress that goes in benefit to this community opts to focus the Area of Artistic Education using human resources, materials and technicians for what we have needed the educational personnels resolved contribution, of the students and family parents like participate direct in the carried out shops. this work to certain the acceptance and the benefit taht you offers to the institution making use of the human resources before mentioned and putting to the service the dexterities of the members of this educational community. Once elabored the proyect saw each other in the necessity of making interview to begin the investigation, the answers were analyzed positive results that allow us to know hutling more than close the current reality regarding the Artistic Education in this community
ItemEL PROCESO EDUCATIVO DINÁMICO Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL APRENDIZAJE ACTIVO Y PARTICIPATIVO DE LOS ALUMNOS DE 8VO, 9NO Y 10MO AÑO BÁSICO DEL COLEGIO NACIONAL OLMEDO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) ALCIVAR QUIROZ, JOHANNA MARIANELA ; SANTOS LOOR, MILCIADES DAGOBERTO ; AVELLÁN VERA, CARLOSThe process and execution of the investigation consists on determining the influence of the dynamic educational process in the active learning and the students' of 8vo, 9no and 10mo Basic Year of the National School Olmedo. He/she begins with the relationship that exists between the education and the learning, the factors that influence in the learning, so much psychological as physiologic, in that sense it is explained, on what exercises the fatigue, the motivation, aspects that are decisive for the success or failure of the learning. The reasons are analyzed by those that it is necessary to redefine the learning concept, and the necessity that it is significant, I activate, participativo and cooperative. Subsequently reference is made to the use of the technology in the education, differentiating the incidence of the science in the technology and vice versa. In that same style the relationship is explained among the science, technology and society, culture and education. Next the way is focused of arriving to an active learning and participativo, for that it is important to define to the participation in inclusion of a work group or team, the communication and the technology of the communication. How the educational communication should be so that it facilitates the learning and have a direct influence in the use and student behavior. Following the sequence of the investigation the applied methodology is indicated, it stops from now on to point out, to analyze and to comment on the statistical results of the investigation of the 15 survey applied the students and professors of 8vo, 9no and 10mo Basic Year of the National School Olmedo of the city of Portoviejo, with those that it could demonstrate himself the execution of the hypotheses and the reach of the objectives proposed in the beginning of this work; as well as to elaborate the conclusions and recommendations, with what is given had concluded the investigation.
ItemLA IMPORTANCIA DE LA CULTURA FÍSICA EN EL DESARROLLO PSICOMOTRIZ DE NIÑOS Y NIÑAS DE LA ESCUELA FISCAL MIXTA CHARAPOTÓ #75 EN EL PERIODO 2006 -2007(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) SANTOS SÁNCHEZ, MAYRA KATHERINE ; ZAMBRANO DELGADO, IVÁN WILFRIDO ; OCHOA DE VELÁSQUEZ, JULIETAThe investigation needs to examine at the importance of the physical culture of me psychometric development of the children of the school "Charapoto" No. 75 in the period 2006- 2007, they analyse together with the schoolmates and teachers of the school the reality of the children in the practice of the physical activity. They determine the importance of the physical culture from the first basic year with a good orientation and the logic-practical methodology that the teaching-learning process achieves the objectives. During the process of the physical education, 11w rationaliiy instructs the schoolmates to think clear and to understand the values and general truths to act and to form the concepts in the sphere of the physical culture. During the application of the sciences we find the participation of several investigations of different kinds like medico-biological physiological, physical, chemical, biochemical, psychological, mathematical, etc. Because of these matters the physical culture consists of the results of the conjugation of the man-medium relation and the importance in the improvement of the cardiovascular and reportorial system, and the development of the capacities like the agility, coordination, flexibility and resistance for a better life. lmmediately it includes the hypothesis and the used methodology, the statistical studies of the survey in the school "Charapoto No. 75" of the parish "Charapoto" determine the verification of the hypothesis and the reach of the objectives, and make easy to explain the recommendations and conclusions as we finished the investigation.
ItemEL MASAJE TERAPÉUTICO Y SU REPERCUSIÓN EN LA CALIDAD DE VIDA DE LAS PERSONAS QUE ASISTEN A LA SALA DE FISIOTERAPIA DE LA CARRERA DE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA, DEPORTES Y RECREACIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ DURANTE EL PERIODO ABRILSEPTIEMBRE 2007(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) BETANCOURT MOLINA, XAVIER ; CHINGA VIVAS, JONATHAN ; LOZADA ALVARADO, JORGEThe present investigation had how need enfoque the repercution that had the Terapeutic Massage in the cuality of live of the people that asistent for the Physiotherapy liveroom give the Career of Education Physic, Sports and Recreation of the Technical University of Manabi during the period April-September 2007, be analize together to the user, the student at the semester eight of the career and the professional in the area the reality of the person in the aplication of Terapeutic Massage to same time tos et the influence that had this in the cuality of live of the user with one correc aplication of massage, to that this perfom process tours objectives.. The aplication of at massage indicate to the person in general the benefit that offer for the to get better of the circulation and the muscular physiology, the muscular tonification, the relax and the relieve of the ache due to diseases and injurys are the principal positiv response that be obtain with the massage for the wich to come the person to the Phisioterapy liveroom, as the massage of is important vital too exist disadvantage and contraindications that be can present it in different proporcions for one application incorrect, the that can to cause serious problems in the health. This way the Terapeutic Massage it considers how the union or combination of differents tecnique specialized that are applied with the hands and auxiliary instruments the facilitate this process accompanied by the energy exchange that help really in the reconstruction of the patients and this way improve their quality of life. Immediately it is made the hypothesis and the methodology used, in the sance way the statistic results of the search applied in the Physioterapy liveroom of the career of Phisic Education, Sports and Recreation of the Technical University of Manabi, with whose analysis has been able to determine the comfirmation of the hypothesis and the reach of the objectives proposed, the that indicate the of this way it is facilitate outline the recommendations and conclusions to the thas has arrived, with the that is given had concluded our investigation.
ItemEL MASAJE TERAPEUTICO Y SU REPERCUSION EN LA CALIDAD DE VIDA DE LAS PERSONAS QUE ASISTEN A LA SALA DE FISIOTERAPIA DE LA CARRERA DE EDUCACION FISICA, DEPORTES Y RECREACIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA DE MANABI DURANTE EL PERIODO ABRIL SEPTIEMBRE 2007( 2007) BETANCOURT MOLINA, XAVIER ; CHINGA VIVAS, JONATHANLa presente investigación tiene como necesidad enfocar la repercusión que tiene el Masaje Terapéutico en la calidad de vida de las personas que asisten a la Sala de Fisioterapia da la Carrera de Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí durante el periodo Abril- Septiembre 2007, se analiza junto a los Usuarios, los Estudiantes del octavo semestre de carrera y el Profesional en el área la realidad de las personas en la aplicación del Masaje Terapéutico y a la vez se determina la influencia que tiene este en la calidad de vida de los usuarios con una correcta aplicación de masaje, para que este proceso cumpla sus objetivos. La aplicación de un masaje indica a las personas en general los beneficios que ofrece para el mejoramiento de la circulación y la fisiología muscular, la tonificación muscular, el relax y el alivio del dolor debido a enfermedades y lesiones son los principales resultados positivos que se obtienen con el masaje, por lo cuál acuden las personas a la Sala de Fisioterapia, así como el masaje es de vital importancia también existen desventajas y contraindicaciones que se pueden presentar en diferentes proporciones por una incorrecta aplicación , lo que puede ocasionar serios problemas en la salud. De esta manera el Masaje Terapéutico se lo conceptúa como la unión o combinación de diferentes técnicas especializadas que se aplican con las manos e instrumentos auxiliares que facilitan este proceso acompañado del intercambio de energía que ayuda efectivamente en la reconstitución del paciente y de esta manera mejorar su calidad de vida. Inmediatamente se hace constar la hipótesis y la metodología utilizada, de la misma manera los resultados estadísticos de las encuestas aplicadas en la Sala de Fisioterapia de la Carrera de Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí, con cuyo análisis se ha podido determinar la comprobación de las hipótesis y el alcance de los objetivos propuestos; lo que indica que de esta manera se facilita plantear las 13 recomendaciones y conclusiones a las que se ha llegado, con lo que se da por concluida nuestra investigación.
ItemRESCATE DE LOS VALORES CULTURALES A TRAVES DE LA CAPACITACION E IMPLEMENTACION DEL AREA DE MUSICA, EN LA ESCUELA FISCAL MIXTA LATACUNGA DEL SITIO PIMPIGUASI DEL CANTON PORTOVIEJO( 2007) MIRANDA JARAMILLO, ROSA JOSEFINA ; FIGUEROA PÉREZ, ÁNGEL RAFAEL ; NAULA BARBECHO, LUIS RIGOBERTOEste trabajo expresa la necesidad de dirigirnos hacia el Área Musical, como elemento básico dentro de la Cultura de los diferentes grupos étnicos y Sociales, que siendo conocedores desde los años ancestrales, han ido permitiendo que desaparezca la Cultura Original de cada una de las Regiones, pueblos y naciones y, por lo tanto visualizamos el poco interés en los niños y jóvenes que por el desconocimiento no lo aplican ni lo practican. Por esta razón a través de la capacitación teórica y talleres prácticos, e implementación de instrumentos musicales (cuerda viento y percusión) tomamos la decisión de elegir a la Escuela Fiscal Mixta Latacunga del Sitio Pimpiguasí del Cantón Portoviejo, realizar nuestro trabajo de tesis; y así aportar a la niñez, conocimientos musicales básicos, del cual formen parte, y no desconozcan la música autóctona, para no permitir su extinción A continuación, visualizamos mediante la teoría y talleres prácticos de guitarra, flauta, canto y percusión, como recursos didácticos de motivación en el ínter aprendizaje de los educandos. Este proceso teórico y práctico, consistió en la aplicación de encuestas a los niños de la Escuela Fiscal Mixta Latacunga, que opinaron sobre la realidad de los valores culturales y el aprendizaje de la educación musical. Esos criterios sirvieron para poder elaborar indicios y certeras conclusiones del trabajo en mención. El presente trabajo también requirió el criterio del Sr. Director/Profesor: Miguel Ángel Cedeño M. el cual fue encuestado y, expresando respuestas de satisfacción, fue el nexo entre nuestra idea y el Objetivo General; las cuales sirvieron para concluir positivamente nuestro trabajo.
ItemFORTALECIMIENTO EDUCATIVO AL 1° AÑO BÁSICO DE LA ESCUELA SAN GREGORIO LA PIÑONADA DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO MEDIANTE LA ELABORACIÓN DE MATERIALES DIDÁCTICOS Y ADECUACIÓN DEL AULA PEDAGÓGICA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) RAMÍREZ PALACIOS, MIRLA JOHANNA ; ESCALANTE LOOR, GIOVANNY ENRIQUE ; ZAMBRANO ZAMBRANO, ANGELA CRISTINA ; COELLO DE GARCÍA, ROCÍOConsiensous of the situation that cross the studets,teacher, and parets, we have believed conveniet the elaborate of didactics materials and adopt of the classroom pedagogic of first basic year of San Gregorio School of the citadel of thalternitive to the children on ambient happy and propitius for the knowledge reaching with them an education of quality and preventing the desertion scholastic. Considering that the elaboration of materials and adop of the classroom constitute an alternative of solution for that the children stay in the classroom and find in it a quiet place and adequate for the process teaching apprentices ship and so much awake the interest and to love for the education like a ringh that for law it correspod. In the first years of study is essential the use of the recourse didactic for develop skill and handiness cognitive which are the bases fo foundation for next yeras. The didactic recourses are more importans while more genvine these are, costitute the support that teacher has to make and apply in each class .The materials desing one’s or selections for each experience of apprenticeship in function of its objetive the teachers must be creates putting in game all their job. The didactic recourse that mention are possible to be elaborated, it has a great application in the process teaching apprenticeship.Fit jut that the classification of the materiales that propoce in this work is based in the classification that propose the curriculum reform with the stake in march of this work to obtain that the elaboration of didactic and adap of the classroom, the first basic year will be encourage with enthusiasm, happiness and a lot dedication of pupils, teachers and parents of family for next year the establishment has more acceptance.
ItemLA EFICIENCIA Y EFICACIA DE LA EDUCACIÓN Y SU REPERCUSIÓN EN LA FORMACI”N SOCIAL DE LOS NIÑOS DE LA ESCUELA FISCAL FRANCISCO PACHECO DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO.(Universidad Técnica De Manabí, 2007) MOREIRA MENDOZA, LIDUVINA NORMA ; MARTINEZ PISCO, JESSICA ROSELIA ; NAVARRETE DE VERA, LUZThe investigationís work about to the efficiency and efficacy of the education and its repercussion in the social formation on the children of the ìFrancisco Pachecoî Fiscal School on the Portoviejo City is foundations in the influence of these factors on the education; it was determining the efficient and efficacy characteristics on the social camp, and on the analysis of the studentís general performance. It is based on the innovation educative, the pass of the theory to practice, the news technologies, the primary education is looked at in the quality educationís problem and its effectively. The actual education must have effective and practical. It indicates the educative improvement, too; detecting the factors that it requires to be better. What is the process that it will follow? It found a continuation to define the results. Is say, there is a clear compendium of the factors that must considerate to reach to a quality education unifying the efficient and efficacy levels, prioritizing the effectively, considering that this factors are development indicators. It explains analytically the conceptions of efficiency and effectiveness, standing out the importance of each one of them in the performance of any activity, specially in the educative field, in where itís necessary that better knowledge are distributed that mean to be every time, that is to say, than they serve to obtain or to obtain the proposed aims and that they are of unquestionable quality, reason why is required that the people in charge to distribute and to direct the educative activity must be efficient and effective. It also record the statistics results at the investigation for children, teachers and family parents, with their analysis we could check up the reach of the objectives and the hypothesis compliment, at the same time it pleased to make the conclusions and recommendations, with this we finished the theory-practice investigation work.
ItemLOS MODELOS PEDAGÓGICOS Y SU INFLUENCIA EN LA ENSEÑANZA APRENDIZAJE, DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA ESCUELA FISCAL MIXTA NACIONES UNIDAS DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO EN EL AÑO 2007(Universidad Técnica De Manabí, 2007) MARQUÍNEZ ACOSTA, IRINA ELIZABETH ; NAVARRETE HIDROVO, MONSERRATE GUADALUPE ; PISCO SORNOZA DE VILLEGAS, ELIZABETHThe investigation has like central reason to know the pedagogic models and its influence in the teaching-learning, of the students of the Mixed Fiscal School "United Nations" of the city of Portoviejo in the year 2007, for this are defined in the first place to the diverse concepts of pedagogic models and of two types of the same ones as they are the pattern constructivist and the traditionalist pattern. In the second part he/she makes emphasis to the practice of these models. Emphasis is also made to the experimental pattern that rotates about the experience and it implies to be centered in people that learn, allowing that they share responsibilities in its own learning's.When making the description of the pedagogic models, he/she also stands out the action of the educational one in the development of the learning and giving to notice that the way like they are executed and the number of people that goes, gives place to that you/they take the denomination. Immediately it is made consist the hypotheses and the design of the investigation to indicate the process that was continued, the methods and technical that were used, the involved population and other aspects that are fundamental in this work subsequently take into account to the statistical results of the investigation of the surveys that were applied the children and girls, and educational of the Mixed Fiscal School "United Nations" with whose data, after being analyzed, allowed us to verify the reach of proposed objectives and of the hypotheses that were outlined that has also been good us to emit the conclusions and recommendations to those that were ended up when concluding with the coordination of the educational ones and students of this educational institution, with what is given had concluded the same one.
ItemLA FORMACIÓN DE HABITOS DE ESTUDIO EN EL HOGAR Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL RENDIMIENTO INSTRUCTIVO DE LOS ALUMNOS DE STO. AL 7MO. ANO DE EDUCACIÓN BASICA DE LA ESCUELA FISCAL MIXTA CHARAPOTÓ, AÑO 2007(Universidad Técnica De Manabí, 2007) DEMERA BERMELLO, DOUGLAS DAVID ; DEMERA PINCAY, CLIPER ALONSO ; SOLÓRZANO GÓMEZ, CIELOThe development of the investigation has as purpose to determine it influences the formation of study habits in the home in the instructive yield of the students of Sto of what way. at 7mo. Basic year of the Mixed Fiscal School Charapotó " he/she begins making an analysis of the habits, the study and the social acting, in fact to explain the meaning and importance of the habits that the homes should form in the children from very early age, so that they learn how to read and to study. Reference is also made to the relationship between the habits and the good customs it stops later on to associate with the tasks and the motivation that it is necessary to have to learn the habits and to exercise them. It is important also the direct relationship among the values, the habits and the study, for that which is necessary to know like the children learn in the childhood, then he/she stands out the learning process in the study that is not the same thing that the learning in the classroom and with the educational one, it means that if one knows what the children should learn, it is convenient to know that it is what it is necessary to teach and how to teach, highlighting like you arrives to an effective study. The habits promote the values and the yield, making notice that when he/she combines this process correctly, you arrives to the obtaining of an excellent yield. It is important also that it is known how they are integrated the values to the family life and the meaning of the school yield is explained as a consequence of the habits and the values. That association determines the student yield. Subsequently reference is made to the methodology and the applied results and obtained in the surveys, so much to the professors, parents and family mothers and children and girls of the school Charapoto with whose results are verified the execution of the hypotheses and the reach of the objectives; also allowed to structure the conclusions and recommendations to give had concluded the investigation.
ItemEL PROCESO COGNITIVO Y SU IMPORTANCIA EN LOS NIÑOS DEL SÉPTIMO AÑO BÁSICO DE LA ESCUELA TIBURCIO MACIAS PARA MEJORAR EL APRENDIZAJE ESCOLAR(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) ALVARADO MENDOZA, MARJORIE FLOR ; MENDOZA CATAGUA, BELLA INÉS ; PITA MIELES, ARACELYThe research team at the problem formulated How affects the cognitive process among children in the seventh year of basic school "Tiburcio Macías" to enhance learning school? In the city of Portoviejo during the academic year 2006 to 2007, chose the paradigm qualitative method using inductive, deductive and placing statistical research as a project feasible; was chosen a population of 106 students from Sixth and Seventh Year Basic Education 12 teachers and 90 Fathers and Mothers Family. The instruments used were: surveys, interviews, bibliographic research, which is reliable and valid data obtained in a procedure that was structuring and approval of the project, development of research, application of tools, data tabulation and interpretation of results, which suggests that the authorities institutional restructure the curriculum and promote training of teachers on the knowledge of the cognitive process in students.
ItemEstudio comparativo entre la metodología tradicional y la virtual en la enseñanza de la matemática y su incidencia en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes del ciclo básico del colegio “12 De Marzo” de la ciudad de Portoviejo durante el año lectivo 2006-2007(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) Bravo Arteaga, Segundo Darío ; Cedeño Alarcón, Richard Alfredo ; Pita Asan, MaríaOur investigation is based on the comparative study between the traditional methodology and the virtual one in the mathematics’ teaching and how it impacts in the learning of the students. For effect of this study we take like reference students of the basic cycle since in them the bases of the mathematical knowledge should be forged and continue this way, without more inconveniences, with a good high school and later on with a successful university career. The elected population was the students of the "12 de Marzo" high school of the city of Portoviejo, taking like sample for the analysis to 180 students that represent the population of 55%, and 5 teachers that conform the area of exact sciences. The work that we carried out understands four parts: the application of both methodologies in the mathematics’ teaching, surveys to the students and the teachers, processing of data, and, analysis of the results. The application of both methodologies was made considering two parallel of oneself level that has similar academic yields, what allowed us to impart classes using a methodology for parallel. Conceived this way, we could determine the incidence of both methodologies without necessity of applying both to the same students group, since otherwise had not been possible to determine what methodology impacted favorable or unfavorably in a specific topic. elements compose it: Ministry, Directors, Trade - Unions, Educational, and even the same students. In the annexes it can be found the carried out surveys. The processing of data was made with statistical approaches and the calculations obey effective mathematical norms in the education. With the help of squares we register the obtained data in an orderly and coherent way, which we facilitate the respective processes vastly. Finally, with the data and calculations represented in statistical graphs, we are able to analyze the results in such way that it allowed us to verify our objectives, carefully to check our hypotheses and give some recommendations The surveys were designed with questions that allowed us to evidence the faults that suffer our educational system. When saying educational system, we refer to all the
ItemLas técnicas participativas y su influencia en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje matemática en los estudiantes de octavo a décimo año de educación básica del colegio Nacional Olmedo(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) Frank Moreira, Mercedes Zoraida ; Menéndez Cedeño, Rosa Amelia ; Vera De Coello, Marlene ZoraidaThis investigation deals with participatory techniques and their Influence on the teaching-learning processes of mathematics in students from the eighth to the tenth year of basic education. Olmedo National School. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters, the first deals with education and learning; The second basically refers to the methodology applicable to the teaching-learning process; and the third It involves the first and second and applies them in the field of mathematics. In order to carry out this research, a series of surveys of teachers and students of the Olmedo National School. The conclusions and recommendations are generated from the analysis of the results of the surveys applied, which demonstrate that participatory techniques applied by teachers influence positively in the inter-learning process, therefore improving school performance in mathematics.
ItemIMPORTANCIA DEL DESARROLLO DE LA CULTURA ESTÉTICA EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL 8vo AÑO BÁSICO DEL COLEGIO NACIONAL ROCAFUERTE Y SU INFLUENCIA EN SU FORMACIÓN INTEGRAL(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) VERA MURILLO, OBDULIA BETZABE ; VÉLIZ ZAMBRANO, CARLINA ELIZABETH ; GANCHOZO ZAMBRANO, ÁNGEL PRIMITIVOThe investigation (research) had as object know the importance of the study of the Aesthetic Culture in the integral formation (training) of the students of 8vo Basic Year of the National College Rocafuerte, where there are specified the fundamental elements of the drawing and the music, highlighting the contribution of the aesthetic culture in the development of the education of the students and analyzed the benefits that they obtain with this education. The concepts define Aesthetic Culture, drawing and music and his (her,your) general aspects, doing a brief historical review. In the second part(report) it(he,she) refers to the fundamental elements as the melody, pace, stamp; of the same way it(he,she) focuses on the elements of drawing as(like): the color. Immediately of knowing these elements there is analyzed the Program of Musical Education of 8vo Basic Year of Basic Education, since (as,like): the sound, vibration, intensity, resonance, more mentioned previously, including to the harmony. Explaining of what the music consists. In identical form it(he,she) refers to the contents of drawing as(like); the drawing as art, artistic drawing, normalization and formats, letters, numbers, labeling, outlines, types of lines, on which there focus each of them in his(her,your) concrete definitions, triangles, and other characteristics, finally analyzed the statistical results of the applied(hardworking) surveys of the students and teachers of the National college Rocafuerte, with whose(which) results it was possible to verify the fulfillment of the hypotheses and the scope of the objects, in addition was achieved to formulate the conclusions and recommendations, with what the investigation(research) gives itself concluded
ItemLOS TEST FÍSICOS Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DE LA FUERZA, VELOCIDAD, RESISTENCIA Y FLEXIBILIDAD EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL COLEGIO NACIONAL “ELOY ALFARO” DE BAHÍA DE CARÁQUEZ PERIODO 2008(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) MONTES INTRIAGO, JORGE ENRIQUE ; AGUILAR JAMA, JORGE BELISARIO ; OCHOA DE VELÁSQUEZ, JULIETAThe investigation has as central motive to know how physical test influence National College “Eloy Alfaro” of Bahia de Caráquez. It begins with the prevail investigation in the ignorance and physical deficiency and the realized test's analysis in this institution the effects have produced to the present time, according to the diagnostic the achievements have been minimal because those have not been planned, programmed properly and this to provoked a physical deficiency and the ignorance of the importance of the physical valuation, especially, speed, resistance, power and coordination, the same that are physical qualities to every man the is in the basic level of half education and that in the future they would make better to go into the competitive, sport specially in the National College “Eoy Alfaro” of Bahia de Caráquez.
ItemINCIDENCIA DE LA DESORGANIZACIÓN DEL HOGAR EN EL RENDIMIENTO DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE 8VO A 10MO AÑO DE EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA DEL COLEGIO PARTICULAR TECNO P@WER DURANTE EL AÑO LECTIVO 2006-2007(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) CEDEÑO MENDOZA, DOLORES CONCEPCIÓN ; CEDEÑO YÁNEZ, GINA MARITZA ; SOLORZANO GÓMEZ, CIELOThe investigation is centered in the incidence of the disorganization of the home in the academic performance in the students from eight to tenth basic year of Tecno P@wer high school of Portoviejo city, for this, we have proved the disorganization level of the students` home and have researched about the academic performance and established the relation of incidence between the home disorganization and the qualification obtained. Conjugal aspects are analyzed like the family, the family relation with the educative institution, the effects of the disorganization are considered, too. The important that is the family culture, and we put emphasize in the fundamental that is the responsibility of the family parents in the educative process. The new challenge of the parents in the role and function of the educator, the factors of intervention of the parents, separating the contribution like benefit and interfere like negative effect, when the operative conditions do not benefict anybody. In this work is explained fundamental aspects of the disorganization to understand the problem it is analyzed what happen between the teenager and the family, the development of the personality of the teenager and arrive to define in what consist the school challenger by means of social learning, doing note the direct relation between home and the performance of the students. The hypotheses places, continuously is showed the results got in the survey, which was applied to the students, teachers and family parents, with these results is proceeded to verify the reach of the objectives and the completion of the hypotheses and also served to structure the conclusions and recommendations.