Bibliotecologia y Ciencias de la Informacion
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ItemEVALUACIÓN DE LOS SERVICIOS DE INFORMACIÓN OFERTADOS POR LA BIBLIOTECA CENTRAL “DR. ALEJANDRO MUÑOZ DÁVILA” DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ PARA LA CARRERA DE BIBLIOTECOLOGÍA Y CIENCIAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN EN EL PERÍODO 2013-2015.(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) MACÍAS YEPEZ, LAURA MARÍA ; COBACANGO VILLAVICENCIO, JENNY GISELLEThe aim of this paper is to show its evaluation of the information services offered by the Central Library "Dr. Alejandro Muñoz Davila "of the Technical University of Manabi for the race of Library and Information Sciences in 2013-2015. In the research we have relied on international benchmarks, especially in the Latin American context that have set new standards for strengthening information services entities. The research methodology followed was descriptive, making use of the method of document analysis for the respective search information and historical and logical in exposing criteria authors. Also, a group open interview was applied to students who make up the student scientific circles in the race following an intentional sampling. Similarly, it was considered administer the questionnaire LibQUAL + to these students. The results point to the increase of the collection of books and databases of visibility. Also it required to place on the page library databases, information resources and documentary sources of open access that allow search and retrieval of information in the aforementioned subjects, as there always offers have responded to the information requested. As conclusions up to the need to design a menu of services for the institution to allow appropriately structured and organized offers in all areas of knowledge.
ItemPROPUESTA DE ESTRATEGIA DE POSICIONAMIENTO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ EN LAS REDES SOCIALES(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) MERA ROCA, IVONNE ANNABELL ; SALDARREAGA VILLAMIL, KASANDRA VANESSAThe aim of this paper is to propose a positioning strategy of the Technical University of Manabí in social networks, allowing to inform the world the activities, services, processes and academic level offered by this alma mater, and transmitted students and teachers at national and international levels; as well as the prestige of graduates professionals in this institution of higher education. In this descriptive study using documentary analysis method for finding information on the subject it is made; also open the semi-standardized interview experts used. As a result it is considered that the incursion of the University on social networks allow position the corporate image of the institution, so the inequalities that exist with the great universities of the country and the world, are less obvious, thus creating reliable sources of information to enable better guide users who want to to know the services it offers. In conclusion it is pointed at the need to work on usability and information architecture more motivating interfaces that reflect the daily life of the University.
ItemDIAGNÓSTICO DE LA METODOLOGÍA BLENDED LEARNING: CASO UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, PERÍODO 2015.(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) MEDRANDA SÁNCHEZ, MARÍA MERCEDES ; MORALES INTRIAGO, JUAN CARLOSThe background in the use of Web resources in the educational process leading to a brief history, about twenty years, and is related to the evolution and advancement of NTIC`s (New Technologies of Information and Communication) on the one hand and secondly the development of new paradigms that optimize the process of teaching and learning. In recent years there has appeared a new methodology that emerges strongly in the educational context, it is the "Blended Learning", which combines presence with the virtual. In this research demonstrate the benefits of Blended Learning teaching methodology for good academic performance of students, taking the case of the Universidad Técnica de Manabi. The research methodology is developed through the quantitative paradigm supported by the descriptive method with some complementary elements of a qualitative nature, which allowed to determine factors such as resource availability, connectivity, accessibility, applications support, among other indicators, so that it was possible a comprehensive view of the methodology.The results of the research say Blended Learning Methodology grants a very significant improvement in academic achievement level of students who practice it. Keywords: Blended learning, academic performance, TICS, Virtual Environments.
ItemMANUAL DE PROCEDIMIENTOS PARA LA BIBLIOTECA "DR. ALEJANDRO MUÑOZ DÁVILA" DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) PLÚA MENÉNDEZ, CÉSAR ALFREDO ; QUINDEMIL TORRIJO, ENEIDA MARÍAEach library has its own personality and a strategy to carry out their daily actions. The aim of the study presented is to propose a procedures manual to guide all processes that take place in a university library for staff working in both reading room and in the different areas of the institution, know what policy work is to be implemented in each case. They have been considered models of processes at international level taking as reference their own experiences. The study is descriptive. Search for documentary information the method of document analysis and the historical and logical method in the exposition of ideas was used. Similarly, the open semi-standardized interview technique was used twelve librarians to know opinions about their utility and use. Conclusions and references at the end of the dissertation references are provided.
ItemCATÁLOGO DE TIPOLOGÍA DOCUMENTAL PARA EL ARCHIVO HISTÓRICO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, ECUADOR.(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) LOOR COBEÑA, KARELIN VIVIANA ; GÓMEZ MIELES, JUAN MANUELThe aim of this paper is to show the catalog document type for the Historical Archives of the Technical University of Manabí. In the research we considered the budgets of authorities issue internationally, giving priority to the Latin American context. A descriptive study was followed, using the method of document analysis to the literature review and the historical and logical method in the discourse that continues to reflect the criteria authorities. As a result the creation of catalog document types for this informational entity is highlighted. The findings reflect the feasibility of this catalog for appropriately structured and organized documents that make up the Historic Archive.
ItemIMAGINARIO SOCIAL DE LA CARRERA DE BIBLIOTECOLOGÍA Y CIENCIAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ A PARTIR DE LOS PROYECTOS DE VINCULACIÓN EN LA PARROQUIA RIO CHICO DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO, PERÍODO 2015(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) QUIMIZ TOALA, SANTA ANNABELLE ; MOREIRA PONCE, EDDI ARMANDOThe aim of this paper is to show the impact that has had the career of Library and Information Science in the parish Rio Chico Canton Portoviejo in the period 2015 from projects linking as part of the-extension research work carried out students and teachers. For the study we have relied on documents from renowned authors Iberoamerica in dealing with these issues. The research methodology followed was descriptive, considering the method of document analysis to search for relevant information to what is discussed. The logical historical method in the exposition of ideas is also used. group open interview was used in 22 students 9th career level, which is the population of this level to learn their views on the work and use of action research was participation to hold meetings with the community to meet their expectations and criteria have on the work performed by the school, applying this method in 49 people of this parish. The results suggest the need to extend these experiences to other parishes as they have led to the increase of users to the community library as well as the increase in book loans. Conclusions highlight the inclusion of projects on other topics such as knowledge management, so important for local development, promoting the library as a cultural center where you can take action with other cultural institutions and thus boost the quality of life are given of people.
ItemCARTERA DE SERVICIOS DE INFORMACIÓN PARA LA BIBLIOTECA DE LA FACULTAD DE INGENIERÍA AGRONÓMICA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) BARCIA MUENTES, ALEJANDRO NARCISO ; ORMAZA PINCAY, MARÍA DE LOS ÁNGELESThe aim of this work is to implement the Portfolio Information Services for the Library of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering at the Technical University of Manabi. Research conducted in the scope that has the same within the library either for internal and external users, reference being expertises of the Latin American context was considered. A descriptive study was followed, using the method of analysis for the classic documentary literature review and the historical and logical method exposure criteria authors. Likewise, the survey of 120 most assiduous to the library to find out their views on the current service students were used. Alongside an interview with intentional sample of 10 college students who attend this institution to know the criteria they have on the usefulness of the collection he was applied. The results obtained emphasize the implementation of the portfolio of information services for this informative entity as a guide to channel the offers, emphasizing the need to create opportunities for service users attended. The findings highlight the feasibility of implementing marketing activities in order to identify the information needs of users.
ItemESTRATEGIA DE COMUNICACIÓN PARA LA BIBLIOTECA CENTRAL DR. ALEJANDRO MUÑOZ DÁVILA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) ZAMBRANO MERO, YOLANDA MARÍA ; QUINDEMIL TORRIJO, ENEIDA MARÍA ; MOREIRA PONCE, EDDI ARMANDOThe aim of this paper is to propose a communication strategy for the Central Library Dr. Alejandro Muñoz Davila at the Technical University of Manabi, it considered the promotion of its document services and marketing efforts. In conducting the research, descriptive, a literature review was conducted using the method of document analysis to draw on the international expertise; also the historical and logical methods in synthetic scaffold and analytical shown in the exhibition of dating and criteria of the authors from the corresponding analyzes were taken into account. Open group interview in which participated the total library workers totaling 14 between technical, managerial and service staff was used. Individual interviews to users who visit the library more, purposive sample of 50 students for 14 college careers were applied. The results indicate the need to carry out marketing strategies from the deals that are offered, not only printed or electronic documentary background, but the training to access information online; It is suggested as a starting point to create a web page for the library that is constantly updated and provide information on new documentary racing and other interest to the academic community. Conclusions emphasize that the projection of the library requires good communication strategy that shows its potential as an institution within the academy that supports the substantive processes university manifest.
ItemANÁLISIS DE INFORMACIÓN DE LAS TESIS DE GRADO DE LA CARRERA DE SECRETARIADO EJECUTIVO EN LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, PERÍODO 2013-2015(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) CEDEÑO MEZA, JOSÉ WILLIAMS ; SEGOVIA MEZA, SILVIA DEL ROCÍO ; RUMBAUT LEÓN, FELIPEThe aim of this paper is to analyze the use of scientific information by students of the career of the Executive Secretariat of the Technical University of Manabi in carrying out their thesis in the period 2013- 2015, which totaled total of 47. This is a bibliometric study with the use of one-dimensional indicators of scientific activity was performed. For theorists concerning the method of documentary analysis written by experts in the subject literature as well as the logical historical method in the dissertation it was considered. Among the results highlighted that the documents currently used is low, according to the Price index; there is greater use of documents that have to do directly with the main knowledge area object of study that relational subject under investigation; the type of document that highlights the textbook is a fundamental source within the bibliographical consultations; in relation to the visibility of the sources, but suggests using trusted sites and publishers prestige, not enough when taking into account that in any case have been reviewed publications of the mainstream, a situation that stands out in all these made in the period. The findings point to the need to train students and mentor teachers in the use of information for scientists and academics of higher quality jobs in this race.
ItemCARTERA DE SERVICIOS DE INFORMACIÓN PARA LA BIBLIOTECA DE LA CASA DE LA CULTURA DE MANABÍ MONSEÑOR LUIS ALFREDO CARVAJAL ROSALES(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) VELÁSQUEZ PINOARGOTE, BRENDA LISY ; SALDARRIAGA VILLAMIL, KASANDRA VANESSAA letter of services is presented to the Institutional Library "Monsignor Luis Alfredo Carvajal Rosales, the Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamín Carrión, Core Manabí. the value of the same stands for channeling information services, guiding users and staff in their offer. The methodology is descriptive, where use of theoretical methods and empirical level of knowledge is done. As results emerged that this library is a system of key information in the cultural education of the community as manabita closest public that provides services directly. Regional emphasizes the need for these services incorporate Information Technology and Communications (TIC′s), which will most viable access to quality information and no noise. As findings suggested that it is appropriate to recall that the library in question, must have proper installation, to ensure the conservation and protection of all documents, the convenience of users and the availability of spaces for selection and processing analytic-synthetic of the information. Another emphasizes that these institutions to expand their coverage, serve efficiently and effectively at par with the requirements of cognitive, artistic, cultural and research requirements, as required by the twenty-first century require other funding from any agency governmental and nongovernmental.
ItemLO INCLUSIVO DESDE LA CARRERA DE BIBLIOTECOLOGÍA Y CIENCIAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN EN LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, ECUADOR(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) PINARGOTE NEVARES, ZITA MONSERRATE ; ESCOBAR GARCÍA, MARTHA CECILIA ; QUINDEMIL TORRIJO, ENEIDA MARÍA ; LORENZO MARTÍN, RAFAELManagement from the perspective of inclusion has become to modern societies an essential constant in their processes and their results. These dynamics involve all social, economic, technological, educational and environmental, social activities among others. Education is considered an important development of the regions social good, so that it adheres as very essence of inclusion. Consequently, equal educational opportunities becomes a cornerstone in the Republic of Ecuador in general and particularly in higher education. This has been reflected in various policy documents such as the Constitution, the Organic Law on Higher Education, Regulation of Academic System and the National Plan for Good Living. In all cases it abided what to do to achieve equity in the results and processes to achieve these. However these clarifications conception of university curricula from an inclusive trend becomes complex. This study, descriptive, aims to support the formation of a competent and inclusive professional degree in Library and Information Science at the Technical University of Manabí, Ecuador.
ItemPLAN DE MARKETING PARA LA DIFUSIÓN DE LOS SERVICIOS BIBLIOTECARIOS DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA FISCAL “24 DE MAYO”, PORTOVIEJO - ECUADOR.(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) PIBAQUE ALCÍVAR, MARTHA ELIZABETH ; SALTOS CATAGUA, LILA MARÍA ; MORALES INTRIAGO, JUAN CARLOS ; ORMAZA PINCAY, MARÍA DE LOS ÁNGELESThis article aims to design and implement a marketing plan for the dissemination of library services in Fiscal Education Unit "24 de Mayo" Portoviejo. As background is considered the concept of use of the library as a transversal support for the process of teaching and learning, based on previous studies demonstrating that libraries provide students with skills that allow them to function throughout their academic and professional life. In this scenario the library is challenged to innovate and choose strategies to achieve them dynamism, experience transformations that lead to providing products and information services that encourage the students' interest in reading, research, and generating new information. The methodology is qualitative and descriptive cuantitaiva supported and document review on successful experiences in Europe and Latin America Marketing application as a tool for dissemination of technical information services. From the data obtained the need to implement an intervention plan using the tics to position the Library of the Educational Unit "24 de Mayo" as a learning resource center comes integrated into the curriculum.
ItemSISTEMA DE GESTIÓN DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y DEL CONOCIMIENTO PARA LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS HUMANÍSTICAS Y SOCIALES.(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) ZAMBRANO MERO, BERTA MARÍA ; QUINDEMIL TORRIJO, ENEIDA MARÍA ; MORALES INTRIAGO, JUAN CARLOSThe aim of this paper is to show the design of Information Architecture for a Web application, to support a System Information Management and Knowledge for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences expedite the process management of the institution. Computerization of the institution is required because it is exposed to a substantial flow of information that is usually very irregular, both within their organizational structures and from the outside. The methodology is descriptive, using the technique of the interview and systemic and modeling methods. The method of document analysis was used to review budgets, using the historical and logical method in speech. As a result we can say that the sort of information management through the application to be developed will allow greater correlation between: knowledge, technology and information, contributing to the mission of the Faculty. The findings expose the feasibility of achieving a management system integrated information and knowledge.
ItemPROYECTO DE DIGITALIZACIÓN PARA LA COLECCIÓN DOCUMENTAL PATRIMONIAL DEL ARCHIVO HISTÓRICO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ.(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) ZAMBRANO MURILLO, ANGEL ALEXANDER ; GÓMEZ MIELES, JUAN MANUELThe aim of this paper is to propose a digitization project for documentary heritage collection of the Historical Archive of the Technical University of Manabí, which meets the requirements of preservation and integrity of information digitalized. In-depth research conducted demonstrated in the analysis of processes related to scanning. A descriptive study was applied, using the method of document analysis for the literature review and for historical and logical exposition of ideas, just as modeling and systemic approach to the project design method was used. As a result the importance of digitization of a significant set of collections and documentary material for the preservation of the heritage documentation stands, punctuating theoretical and conceptual aspects related to the theme of photography, its heritage value and digitization as conservation strategy documents. The findings reflect the feasibility of this project to structure and properly organize the documents comprising the documentary heritage collection of the Historical Archive of the Technical University of Manabí.
ItemINCIDENCIA DE LA EVOLUCIÓN Y APLICACIÓN DEL MARKETING CULTURAL EN LA BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA MUNICIPAL “PEDRO ELIO CEVALLOS PONCE” DE LA PROVINCIA MANABÍ, CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO.(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) VERA VERA, ANA LUCÍA ; GÓMEZ MIELES, JUAN MANUELThe purpose of this paper is to check the status of marketing applied to the library service in the Public Library "Pedro Ponce Cevallos Elio" Manabí Province, Canton Portoviejo, from the analysis of the proceedings. It began with a descriptive study using the method of document analysis for different bibliographies on the subject; and the historical and logical method in the discourse that continues to reflect the relevant criteria of the authors. This study allows showing a more accurate view of marketing in public, proven library with concrete examples. As a result the creation of the marketing plan for the library stands, the same one that arises from the need to meet the information needs of actual and potential users to articulate the tools to establish improved dissemination of library service, using resources information presented in the context.
ItemManual de procedimientos para la Biblioteca Central Dr. Alejandro Muñoz Dávila de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí en Ecuador.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) PLÚA MENÉNDEZ, CÉSAR ALFREDO ; QUINDEMIL TORRIJO, ENEIDA MARÍAEach library has its own personality and a strategy to carry out their daily actions. The aim of the study presented is to propose a procedures manual to guide all processes that take place in a university library for staff working in both reading room and in the different areas of the institution, know what policy work is to be implemented in each case. They have been considered models of processes at international level taking as reference their own experiences. The study is descriptive. Search for documentary information the method of document analysis and the historical and logical method in the exposition of ideas was used. Similarly, the open semi-standardized interview technique was used twelve librarians to know opinions about their utility and use. Conclusions and references at the end of the dissertation references are provided.
ItemMANUAL DE PROCEDIMIENTOS PARA EL ARCHIVO HISTÓRICO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, ECUADOR(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2016) MERO SANTANA, DAYSI JACKELINE ; ORMAZA PINCAY, MARÍA DE LOS ÁNGELESThe aim of this paper is to propose a Procedures Manual for the Historical Archives of the Technical University of Manabi, taking into account the activities and tasks performed in an organization of this type according to their functions. the importance of manual stand to guide the technical and physical organization of bibliographic material, where the policies, rules and procedures of the institution allowing efficiency, control and documentary organization are established. The methodology used is descriptive. use of documentary analysis in the review of the theoretical assumptions and historical and logical method in the organization of ideas is made; also modeling and systemic approach in the design of the manual is used. They provide conclusions highlighting the feasibility of having a document that governs the work of the institution facilitating decision-making processes of staff working in the organization and document management.
ItemANÁLISIS BIBLIOMÉTRICO DE LA LITERATURA CIENTÍFICA PUBLICADA EN LA REVISTA LA TÉCNICA (2010-2016)(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2017) CEDEÑO ESPINOZA, RICARDO DAVID ; QUINDEMIL TORRIJO, ENEIDA MARÍAThe aim of this work is to analyze the scientific production of the journal La Técnica, from its inception (2010) to the last issue of 2016. This magazine, as a source of information, constituted, in its beginnings, a channel of academic diffusion And research, promoting the debate around university teaching among the teachers of the Technical University of Manabi, covering all areas of knowledge. At the end of the year 2014, until today, it is decided that the thematic coverage of the journal is only the Agricultural Sciences. The study, in question, is descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective, making use of bibliometric indicators for the analysis of Information. In the theoretical deployment, the use of methods analysis and synthesis and logical history to locate the ideas and, as an empirical method, the application of the documentary analysis to the published literature on the subject and the articles that make up the journal in the period of study. The most significant results highlight the need to attend to the productivity index of the authors within the journal; Progress is shown in relation to scientific collaboration; It is necessary to work with the degree of obsolescence of the references that are used, due to the low index of Price resulting; The number of references per article is considered normal; The documentary typology that stands out is the consultation of scientific articles and the most consulted documents are those in the Spanish language. The conclusions point to the attention of the bibliometric indicators analyzed to place the journal in databases of greater visibility with the possibility of integrating the Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJCR), which would place it as the first reference of the Ecuatorian Agricultural Sciences Worldwide.
ItemCARTERA DE SERVICIOS DE INFORMACIÓN PARA LA BIBLIOTECA CENTRAL “DR. ALEJANDRO MUÑOZ DÁVILA” DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ( 2017) MG. ZAMBRANO CEDEÑO, EDISON ; CÓRDOVA SÁNCHEZ, RICARDO JORGE ; LIC. JOZA VERA, MARÍA FERNANDAEl objetivo de este trabajo es destacar la importancia de tener una Cartera de Servicios de Información de la Biblioteca Central “Dr. Alejandro Muñoz Dávila” de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí que garantice la satisfacción de las necesidades informativas de quienes la visitan, conociendo que las IES del país han comenzado a prestar a sus usuarios una atención de calidad, donde las bibliotecas, por el impacto que tienen dentro de la comunidad universitaria, forman parte primordial de la atención en lo que respecta a la mejora permanente y continua del servicio que ofrece a la colectividad. La metodología utilizada es de tipo descriptivo. Se hace uso del análisis documental en la revisión teórica y del método histórico-lógico en la organización de las ideas. Se describen conclusiones destacando la factibilidad de contar con una cartera de servicios que facilite los procesos de cambios para su rumbo organizacional, dado a que en la actualidad se deben cumplir con un conjunto de procesos, políticas y estrategias, que ayudan a optimizar los servicios de información que luego serán utilizados por los usuarios.
ItemGESTIÓN DE LA CONSERVACIÓN DEL ARCHIVO ECLESIÁSTICO: CASO IGLESIA LA MERCED DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO.(UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, 2017) ROMERO VÉLEZ, JENNIFER GUADALUPE ; SALTOS CATAGUA, LILA MARÍAThe archival documents constitute the memory, history, tradition and evidence of the actions of the public and private entities; The purpose of this document is to conduct an evaluative study to diagnose and determine the main incidents in the conservation management of the Ecclesiastical Archives: La Merced Church Case of the City of Portoviejo, to address this treaty a review of documentary valuation , Status of documents, Identification of documentary media, determination of application of international file standards, conditions of the infrastructure of the document storage or area intended for archiving, considering lighting, humidity, exposure or not to pollutants, among other factors Which may affect the proper preservation of the ecclesiastical documentary fund of the Merced Church of the city of Portoviejo. The analysis is descriptive and retrospective, making use of management indicators to determine if an adequate document management is applied for the technical processing of documents from the ecclesiastical parish archive. For the theoretical development was applied the method of analysis and logical history for the documentary exploration. A qualitative research method was also applied, with the staff organizing archival documents. The diagnosis that could be obtained is that the conservation status of the documents is regular, due to the fact that there has not been an adequate management, nor have they provided the necessary conditions for an appropriate conservation, due to this reality it is recommended to establish a set of Actions to stop the deterioration of the documentary funds of the deposit of the Church of La Merced of the city of Portoviejo, to apply international regulations of documentary administration, and to carry out an efficient management of the documents to preserve the historical memory of this parish church that is icon in the city.