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ItemLOS CUENTOS INFANTILES COMO HERRAMIENTAS DIDÁCTICAS PARA ENSEÑANZA DE LOS COLORES PRIMARIOS EN LOS NIÑOS DE 3 AÑOS DE EDAD EN EL CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN INICIAL FISCAL AUGUSTA ALCÍVAR EN EL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021)Children's stories as a didactic tool effectively influence the teaching-learning process of primary colors. The research approach is qualitative, with the use of techniques such as the interview, survey and observation sheet which was applied to the following population and sample; 20 children, 13 teachers, 20 parents and 1 manager, which allowed the respective diagnosis to be made. Hence, the need to inquire about the fundamentals and importance of children's stories as a didactic tool in the teaching of primary colors. The general objective was: To design a children's story guide as a didactic tool for teaching primary colors in 3-year-old children at the Augusta Alcívar Fiscal Initial Education Center. In this sense, a proposal was developed with a didactic guide to help in the teaching of primary colors in 3-year-old children. It was concluded that teachers have a deficiency in the use of children's stories as a didactic tool for teaching primary colors
ItemLA DACTILOPINTURA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DE LA MOTRICIDAD FINA EN LOS NIÑOS DEL SUBNIVEL II DE LA EDUCACION INICIAL, ESCUELA DE EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA “MEDARDO ALFARO” DEL CANTÓN MONTECRISTI(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022)The present research had the general objective of designing didactic strategies that favor the use of the fingerprint technique to contribute to the development of fine motor skills in children in sublevel II of the "Medardo Alfaro" Basic Education School of the Montecristi Canton. To comply with this, the pertinent diagnosis was made to know the use of fingerprint by teachers and the perception of the authority of the institution regarding the benefits of its application. In this line, an observation sheet was established to know the development of the children's fine motor skills and to verify a diagnostic process was determined with a survey of both teachers and parents; Then the theoretical aspects that characterize the fingerprint technique and its promotion in the development of fine motor skills were determined, which served as the basis for the elaboration of the proposal. To make this work feasible, a mixed type of research was used with the following methods: analysis and synthesis, inductive and deductive, documentary analysis, bibliographic review, descriptive statistics. Among the techniques used are the interview applied to the manager and teachers, the survey applied to teachers and parents of the institution and the observation applied to students. The results demonstrated the need to implement finger painting activities for the development of fine motor skills, since this is beneficial to enhance abilities and skills, as important aspects in the learning of children of the Initial II sublevel
ItemESTRATEGÍA DIDÁCTICA PARA FOMENTAR LA COORDINACIÓN VISOMOTORA DE LOS NIÑOS DE INICIAL “I” DEL CENTRO DE EDUCACIÓN INICIAL ALFRED NOBEL DEL CANTÓN MANTA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021)The research work has the purpose of developing the didactic strategies that influence the development of visual-motor coordination in the children of the Initial I sublevel at the “Alfred Nobel” Initial Education Center, for this, 15 children were taken as a population and sample. 3 teachers and 1 manager. The research focused on the type of mixed research, qualitative and quantitative data were obtained through the application of techniques such as: observation, applied to children through a guide, survey applied to teachers with the elaboration of a questionnaire with closed questions, interview with the director of the institution with a guide of previously prepared questions, the instruments were applied virtually due to the situation of the covid-19 pandemic. Documentary, observational, deductive and inductive bibliographic methods were used. As a result, it was achieved that the teachers of the initial level implemented in the didactic guides the strategies to promote the visual-motor coordination of the children. As conclusions, it was achieved that the teachers applied the didactic strategies according to the chronological age of the children and their level. The development of skills related to their fine motor skills and visual-motor coordination was evidenced in children
ItemESTRATEGIA DIDÁCTICA EN LA FORMACIÓN PERSONAL Y SOCIAL EN LA IDENTIDAD, AUTONOMÍA DE LOS NIÑOS DEL SUBNIVEL II DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA ROCKE CANTOS BARBERÁN DEL CANTÓN MONTECRISTI(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021)The research theme had as a general objective: Design didactic strategies based on personal and social training to improve the identity, autonomy of the children of the Sublevel II of the Rocke Cantos Barberán Educational Unit, to fulfill this objective, theoretical aspects that characterize the didactic strategy in personal and social formation and identity, autonomy, followed by the pertinent diagnosis of the latter in the children of Sublevel II, which allowed to give way to the elaboration of the proposal. In the search for the theoretical foundations, the most relevant aspects of the didactic strategy in personal and social formation with the relationship of the development of identity and autonomy are highlighted. For the realization of the present investigative work, the type of mixed investigation was taken into account, by obtaining analysis and interpretation, of the collection of percentage data, among the scientific methodology the methods were used: analytical, descriptive and bibliographic review, among the techniques used; the interview was applied to the director, the survey to the teachers and the observation sheet and to the children of sublevel II. Among the results, the need for a didactic strategy for personal and social training that helps in the development of identity and autonomy in children was evidenced, in addition, this educational field within the institution there is a deficit in practical knowledge to be able to put underway in the learning process of children at this level in the Rocke Cantos Barberán Educational Unit
ItemEL DESARROLLO DE LA IDENTIDAD Y AUTONOMÍA EN LOS NIÑOS DEL SUBNIVEL INICIAL II DEL CENTRO EDUCACIÓN INICIAL CALIXTO QUIJIJE EN EL CANTÓN MONTECRISTI(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021)The different activities of autonomy such as; writing their name, dressing and undressing, identifying their characteristics and as a member of a family, among other actions help the development of personal identity, also facilitating the expression of their emotions and feelings, starting from this point on the importance of education Initial learning of personal identity, this being the pillar so that the child can identify as a unique and incomparable being. The present investigative work has as a problem the process of teaching autonomy for the development of the personal identity of the children of the Initial sub-level II of the Calixto Quijije Initial Education Center in the Montecristi Canton, teachers do not use playful activities adequately, for the development of personal identity. For this, the following general objective is declared: To improve the development of identity and autonomy in children of the Initial II sublevel. It was developed under the modality of qualitative research, with the use of a technique such as the interview, which was applied online due to the Covid-19 health emergency, to parents and teachers. Based on the results, a playful activities guide is designed to improve the development of personal identity in students of the Initial II sub-level, providing flexible and effective support in the teaching-learning process