Ingeniero en Industrias Agropecuarias
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ItemEFECTO DE LA HARINA DE PLÁTANO (Musa x paradisiaca) Y FRUTA DEL PAN (Artocarpus altilis) EN LA CALIDAD DE UNA BEBIDA LÁCTEA COMPUESTA(INGENIERÍA AGROINDUSTRIAL, 2023-06)With the purpose of evaluating the effect of banana (Musa x paradisiaca) and breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) flours on the physicochemical and sensory properties of a composite milk drink, through a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement with three treatments and three replicates, applying Tukey's test at 0.05, the variables of the physicochemical properties of the flours and the premix of the flours protein, moisture, ashes, fat, dry matter, crude fiber, Nitrogen Free Extract, pH energy, were studied. acidity, humidity, hygroscopicity, apparent and packed density, comprehensibility index, Hausner quotient, dilution and moistening time, which reflected that the flours comply with the permissible parameters of the Ecuadorian Technical Standard INEN 616. The studied variables of the drink milk were protein, fat, turbidity, viscosity, pH, soluble solids and lactose, which showed significant differences in their treatments, in addition the microbiological analyzes showed that they are within the Ecuadorian Technical Standard INEN 2564: 2011. The variables of the sensory analysis do not they had significant differences in the means of the treatments, expressing T3 as the one with the highest acceptability in color with 5.36, smell with 5.26, taste with 5.69 and general appearance with 5.54.
ItemEFECTO DE TRES VARIEDADES DE ZAPALLO SOBRE LAS PROPIEDADES FÍSICO-QUÍMICAS Y SENSORIALES DE UN ALMÍBAR(INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS, 2023)The squash is a vegetable that is not properly exploited in the food industry due to ignorance of its benefits and nutritional contribution. The present investigation called "effect of three varieties of pumpkin on the physical-chemical and sensory properties of a syrup", was developed at the Faculty of Zootechnical Sciences, Chone extension in the Laboratory of Agro-industrial Processes, where the physical-chemical characteristics were evaluated. , microbiological and sensory of the pumpkins in syrup. A completely randomized design was used where the factor under study was the pumpkin varieties (moschata, pepo and maxima), three treatments with three repetitions were applied, an ANOVA was applied using the Tukey test with a confidence interval of p<0.05 in the variables evaluated to determine statistical significance. Non-parametric statistics were used using the Kruskal Wallis test for sensory analysis. The results showed that there was statistical significance in the studied variables, reaching initial averages of 36.23 to 37.23°Brix, the pH reached averages of 3.42 to 3.92. In the colorimetry variable, T2 reached a greater luminosity with a value of 70.21, T1 reached a higher average in the a* coordinate with a value of 13.28, approaching an orange color, and T3 obtained a higher average with a value of 85.26 in the b* coordinate approaching a yellow color. The pumpkins in syrup stabilized in a period of 24 to 26 days, reaching final averages of 18.2 to 18.5°Brix, corresponding to a concentrated syrup; where there was no statistical significance. The microbiological quality indicated that the product was innocuous. In the sensory analysis, there was statistical significance in the attributes evaluated except for the color attribute, with T2 reaching better acceptance by tasters.
Item“ESTUDIO DE PREFACTIBILIDAD PARA EL ESTABLECIMIENTO DE UNA PLANTA PROCESADORA DE QUESO RICOTTA CON SABORES EN EL CANTÓN CHONE”(INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS, 2022)In order to study the pre-feasibility for the establishment of a flavored ricotta cheese processing plant in Canton Chone, market, technical, economic and environmental studies were carried out. The plant is located at the La Estrella site via Quito, 13 km from Cantón Chone. For the market study, 210 surveys were applied, determining that 85% of the population consumes ricotta cheese; The plant will have a daily production of 180 units of 250 grams, producing 64,800 units annually. The economic study had an initial investment of $57,515, an annual cost of $73,486.11 and an annual income of $959,046, with a unit cost of each unit of $1.14 and to be marketed with a marketing margin of 0.34, it was obtained an RRP of $1.48; in the benefit-cost relationship, $1.11 was acquired, indicating that $0.11 cents of profit will be obtained for each dollar invested; In the economic indicators, a NPV of $37,651.44 and an IRR of 31% were obtained, indicating that the project is feasible; According to the breakeven point, profits in sales will be obtained from 50% of production, obtaining viability in the project. In the environmental study, the results obtained indicate that they are within the permissible ranges, concluding that the plant is beneficial for the population, helping to reduce the environmental impact
ItemEVALUACIÓN DE UN CHOCOLATE TIPO BOMBÓN INCORPORANDO DIFERENTES CONCENTRACIONES DE ALMÍBAR DE MUCÍLAGO DE CACAO (Theobroma Cacao L).(INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS, 2022)The present investigation was developed in order to evaluate in a bonbon-type chocolate incorporating cocoa mucilage (Theobroma cacao L), the pulp or mucilage is used in the production of alcoholic beverages and jelly due to its properties. A Completely Randomized Experimental Design (DCA) was used, consisting of three treatments that included three concentrations of cocoa mucilage syrup plus a control treatment (0% mucilage). The physicochemical characteristics (°Brix, pH, %Acidity and density) of the cocoa mucilage for the subsequent preparation of the syrup were evaluated. The chocolates were obtained and a microbiological characterization and the presence of cadmium and ashes were carried out. Subsequently, an evaluation of the sensory parameters was carried out using a hedonic scale from 1 to 5. Possible color variations were measured using colorimetry equipment. The results of the physicochemical characterization of the mucilage showed a °Brix content of 15.70±0.10, pH of 3.44±0.01, % of acidity 0.72±0.04 and density of 1.21± 0.01. The results of the microbiological parameters of the treatments under study comply with the requirements of the NTE INEN 621:2010 standard with respect to the parameters Total Mesophilic Aerobic Count, Total Coliforms, Yeasts and Salmonella spp, while the content of molds ( >1.0X 102) exceeds the maximum limit of the standard. The presence of cadmium was found below those described in the standard, being suitable for human consumption. The results of the sensory evaluation did not present significant differences (p>0.05) between the treatments under study in the parameters color, smell, taste, texture and general appearance, in the same way the color evaluation in an instrumental way did not show effects significant in the coordinates a* and b*, reaching a qualification level of excellent
Item“ESTABILIDAD FISICOQUÍMICA Y ACTIVIDAD ANTIOXIDANTE DE UNA BEBIDA LÁCTEA A BASE DE CAFÉ (Coffea arabica) Y MORINGA (Moringa oleifera)”(DE INGENIERÍA AGROINDUSTRIAL, 2022)The elaboration of dairy drinks provides nutrients to our body, due to the various compounds that make up raw materials, therefore the physicochemical stability and antioxidant capacity of coffee and moringa in a dairy drink were measured, to which a bifactorial random experimental design was carried out. with two factors (A=coffee and B=moringa), with three treatments and three replicates, with concentrations for T1 (5% coffee-1% moringa), T2 (3% coffee-3% moringa) and T3 (1% coffee-5% moringa). Bromatological, microbiological, antioxidant capacity, sensory and physicochemical and instrumental stability analyzes were evaluated for 28 days. In the comparisons of means, the Tukey test was used for the Anova analysis of variance and the Kruskal Wallis contrast test with 0.05% significance. Regarding the bromatological results, T1 had a higher content of protein (2.32%) and fat (1.57%); in the microbiological results there was no microbial load. In the antioxidant capacity, treatment 3 was the one that had a decrease, ending the evaluation with 210.34 μmol equivalent to Trolox / 100 mL. The best treatment was T1 (5% coffee-1% moringa) obtained by sensory analysis with means for the variables color of 5.80, smell of 5.20, flavor of 4.97 and general appearance of 5.17. In the physicochemical stability they showed that the variable pH, acidity, viscosity did not show stability in the results, unlike soluble solids, density, turbidity and color that indicated stability in their evaluation days, obtaining the drink with a red-yellow color, which indicates that the hypothesis was met as it was significant according to the results of the Anova Assumptions.