Ingeniero en Industrias Agropecuarias
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Item“ESTUDIO DE FACTIBILIDAD DEL ÁREA DE PANIFICACIÓN DEL LABORATORIO DE PROCESAMIENTO DE ALIMENTOS DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS.”(INGENIERO INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS, 2007) SOLÓRZANO MUÑOZ YONNY JAVIER ; ZAMBRANO BASURTO ANA LÍAThe present project consists on the creation of a panification area (bread) in the plant I steer Industrial Agriculture of Ciencias Zootécnicas's Ability, its distribution and sale was carried out in the Comisariato of the Technical University of Manabí and other commercial centers. The elaboration was carried out by means of of having kneaded manually in this case and it was used (flour butter and salt… /) During this process it was used chemical preservatives that is to say (Yeast, coloring… /), the final presentation will be in cabinets and it will be sold in unitary form. The benefits are better prices for those producing of the flour, work source with good salaries, and the consumer will have a product of quality, to weigh that it is n well-known product in our canton.
ItemADECUACIÓN DE PISOS Y DIVISIONES INTERNAS DE ALUMINIO MEDIANTE TOMA CORRIENTE, CASILLERO DE MADERA Y ACONDICIONADOR DE AIRE EN EL ÁREA DE VESTIDORES DE LOS LABORATORIOS EN LA CARRERA DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ CHONE 2012(INGENIERÍA ZOOTÉCNICA, 2012) ANCHUNDIA BARRETO, CÉSAR AUGUSTO ; CASTRO DE JANON, VICENTE LIDER ; CHÁVEZ CENTENO, CARLOS ENRIQUE ; SANTOS DELGADO, CARMEN GABRIELAManab's Technical University, across the accomplishment of community works, tries to contribute to the solution of the problems that concern the different community’s manabitas, especially to the educational nurseries that have some failings to take forward, with quality, the process of education learning. Consistent with this healthy and commendable intention, the authors of the present work we proposed to help to solve one of the needs that has the Faculty of Sciences Zootécnicas of Manabí's Technical University, Extension Chone, canton Chone, that it consists on the adaptation of dressing rooms of the laboratories of milky, fruits and vegetables, grain and panificación in the carreara of Engineering in Industries Agricultural Extension Chone In the thesis of degree, modality one does not work community work with hypothesis but yes with aims, for what we had to fulfill surveys applied to teachers and students of the university extension to verify if the proposed aims were reached or not, meeting the pleasing result of which both the general aim and specific aims were reached, since it consists in the statistical pictures and the corresponding graphs that consist in the of the principal part of the thesis. We have established that the direct beneficiaries of the work or realized work are the master’s teachers of the extension who will rely on tools that they should facilitate his labor of education and the gentlemen students who will rely on resources that it will facilitate a better learning to them. Likewise, we have extracted conclusions respect of the university extension and have done the consequent recommendations with the encomiable intention of contributing, though it is partly, to improving the quality of the education that offers to itself in the university extension of Manabí's Technical University in the parish Chone of the canton Chone, Manabí's Province. We feel satisfied of the realized work, especially because we are conscious that we are contributing, with the smallest, but significant work, to the improvement of the process of education learning that is practiced in an extension of our Manabí's very dear Technical University.
ItemADECUACIÓN DE LA INFRAESTRUCTURA FÍSICA DEL LABORATORIO DE PROCESOS LÁCTEOS DE LA CARRERA DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS EN LOS PARALELOS FLAVIO ALFARO DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ(INGENIERÍA ZOOTÉCNICA, 2012) CEDEÑO ZAMBRANO, GARY STALIN ; LÓPEZ ZAMBRANO, OSWALDO ROLANDO ; VÉLEZ MUÑOZ, ADRIANA CAROLINA ; ZAMBRANO SOLÓRZANO, JAVIER AGUSTÍNThe development of this thesis specifies the necessary Iimits to adapt the infrastructure of the milky process laboratory in the career of parallel Agricultural lndustries Flavio Alfaro of the Ability of Sciences Zootécnicas of the Technical University of Manabí. The present thesis was developed in the Parallel ones that he/she has the Technical University of Manabí in the canton Flavio Alfaro, as the diagnosis and foundation of the same one. The technique was applied from the survey to the students of the career of agricultural industries ofthe parallel Flavio Alfaro which demonstrated that it is highpriority the adaptation of a physical space that allows the students that are educated in the Technical University of Manabí to carry out practical in a place that has the favorable conditions for the industrialization ofmilky products. This work contains the diagnosis ofthe community and the altematives proposals for the solution ofthe outlined problem. The costs ofthe materials are also included that were used in the adaptation of the infrastructure of the laboratory of milky processes of the career of Agricultural lndustries of the Technical University of parallel Manabí Flavio Alfaro. xvii
ItemADQUISICIÓN E INSTALACIÓN DE UNA TINA PASTEURIZADORA Y EQUIPOS PARA LA ELABORACIÓN DE QUESO FRESCO PASTEURIZADO EN EL LABORATORIO DE PRÁCTICAS DE LA CARRERA DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS EN LOS PARALELOS DE FLAVIO ALFARO DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ.(INGENIERO INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS, 2012) ANDRADE ZAMBRANO LUIS ALEXI ; ARTEAGA BRAVO MAURO WANERGE ; BRAVO ZAMBRANO BAYRON BARTOLO ; PINARGOTE ZAMBRANO FÁTIMA ROSARIOSUMARY The present work establishes the Installation of a tub Pasteurizadora and teams for the elaboration of fresh cheese pasteurized in the Laboratory of Practical of the Career of Agricultural Industries in the Parallel Flavio Alfaro of the Ability of Sciences Zootécnicas from the interpretive points of view where it is considered the necessity to have Area of Milky Processes in the Parallel Flavio Alfaro notably. This thesis perceives the interpretation of the survey applied the students of the Career of Engineering in Agricultural Industries, of the Parallel Flavio Alfaro where he/she is reflected the necessity to have machines, teams and utensils for the elaboration of pasteurized fresh cheese that allows the students to take the theoretical knowledge to the practice. Likewise it is included the diagnose to the community, and the alternatives that think about for the solution of the problem. It is also included the costs of the tub Pasteurizadora and the Teams that are usually used for the elaboration of the pasteurized fresh cheese.
ItemADECUACIÓN DE LA INFRAESTRUCTURA FÍSICA DEL LABORATORIO DE PROCESOS LÁCTEOS DE LA CARRERA DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS EN LOS PARALELOS FLAVIO ALFARO DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNCIA DE MANABÍ.(INGENIERO INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS, 2012) CEDEÑO ZAMBRANO GARY STALIN ; LÓPEZ ZAMBRANO OSWALDO ROLANDO ; VÉLEZ MUÑOZ ADRIANA CAROLINA ; ZAMBRANO SOLÓRZANO JAVIER AGUSTÍNSUMMARY The development of this thesis specifies the necessary Iimits to adapt the infrastructure of the milky process laboratory in the career of parallel Agricultural lndustries Flavio Alfaro of the Ability of Sciences Zootécnicas of the Technical University of Manabí. The present thesis was developed in the Parallel ones that he/she has the Technical University of Manabí in the canton Flavio Alfaro, as the diagnosis and foundation of the same one. The technique was applied from the survey to the students of the career of agricultural industries ofthe parallel Flavio Alfaro which demonstrated that it is highpriority the adaptation of a physical space that allows the students that are educated in the Technical University of Manabí to carry out practical in a place that has the favorable conditions for the industrialization ofmilky products. This work contains the diagnosis ofthe community and the altematives proposals for the solution ofthe outlined problem. The costs ofthe materials are also included that were used in the adaptation of the infrastructure of the laboratory of milky processes of the career of Agricultural lndustries of the Technical University of parallel Manabí Flavio Alfaro
ItemINSTALACIÓN DE SERVICIOS BÁSICOS ( AGUA POTABLE, ENERGÍA ELÉCTRICA Y DRENAJE ) EN EL LABORATORIO DE FRUTAS Y HORTALIZAS DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, EXTENSIÓN CHONE.(INGENIERO INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS, 2012) CAMPUZANO PEÑARRIETA JORGE LUIS ; CEDEÑO ZAMBRANO JOSÉ CARLOS ; CAVALLOS ROSADO ROBERTH BOLIVARSUMMARY The present work establishes the Installation of basic services (it dilutes drinkable, electric facilities and drainage) in the laboratory of fruits and vegetables in the laboratory of Farming Industries, in the Faculty of Science Zoo technical, from the points of interpretation interpretive where it is considered the notably necessity to has a plant of fruits and vegetables in this university extension. This thesis perceives the interpretation of the study applied the students of the Profession of Engineering in Agricultural Industries, where is reflected the necessity to obtain an area of processes that allows the students to have a bigger knowledge with practical in processes of fruits and vegetables. Also it is included the diagnostic to the community, and the alternatives that think about for the solution of the problem. Too, It is included the items of the materials that were used in the installation of drinkable water, electric power, and reception of liquid residuals (Drainage) in the plant of the process of fruits and vegetables, Faculty of Sciences Zoo technical extension Chone
ItemMEJORAMIENTO Y EQUIPAMIENTO DE VESTIDORES EN LA CARRERA DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ CHONE 2012(INGENIERÍA ZOOTÉCNICA, 2012) GILCES MUÑOZ, SILVANA JACQUELINE ; MERO DEMERA, ROSA JOHANNA ; OSTAÍZA CENTENO, JESSICA MARÍAThe Technical University of Manabi, with the completion of community service contributes to the solution of problems that particularly affect the educational institutions to advance the teaching-learning process. For this purpose, the authors of this paper, we propose to help solve one of the needs that Zootechnical Faculty of Technical University of Manabi, which consists in matching dressing between the laboratories of dairy, fruits and vegetables, dried grain and bread in Engineering in Agricultural Industries. In our thesis, community service mode not pose hypothesis, we targeted therefore had to conduct surveys of teachers and students of theTechnical University of ManabiChone to check if they were hit or not, resulting in the overall goal and specific objectives were achieved as reflected in the statistical tables and charts that are in the main part of our tesis. Con this purpose, the authors of this paper, we propose to help solve one of the needs that the School Zootechnical Science, Technical University of Manabi, which consists in matching dressing between the laboratories of dairy, fruits and vegetables, grain drying and baking in Engineering in Agricultural Industries. We have determined that the direct beneficiaries of community development are the professors, students and community at large, because they will have a facility to facilitate the work of learning to those who are educated there. Similarly, we have concluded that the university has made recommendations in order to contribute in part to improve the quality of education being provided. We believe that the work is a significant work to improve the quality of teaching and learning that is practiced at the Technical University of Manabi, Faculty of Zootechnical.
ItemADQUISICIÓN E INSTALACIÓN DE UNA TINA PASTEURIZADORA Y EQUIPOS PARA LA ELABORACIÓN DE QUESO FRESCO PASTEURIZADO EN EL LABORATORIO DE PRÁCTICAS DE LA CARRERA DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS EN LOS PARALELOS FLAVIO ALFARO DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ(INGENIERÍA ZOOTÉCNICA, 2012) ANDRADE ZAMBRANO, LUIS ALEXI ; ARTEAGA BRAVO, MAURO WANEGER ; BRAVO ZAMBRANO, BAYRON BARTOLO ; PINARGOTE ZAMBRANO, FÁTIMA ROSARIOThe present work establishes the Installation of a tub Pasteurizadora and teams for the elaboration of fresh cheese pasteurized in the Laboratory of Practical of the Career of Agricultural Industries in the Parallel Flavio Alfaro of the Ability of Sciences Zootécnicas from the interpretive points of view where it is considered the necessity to have Area of Milky Processes in the Parallel Flavio Alfaro notably. This thesis perceives the interpretation of the survey applied the students of the Career of Engineering in Agricultural Industries, of the Parallel Flavio Alfaro where he/she is reflected the necessity to have machines, teams and utensils for the elaboration of pasteurized fresh cheese that allows the students to take the theoretical knowledge to the practice. Likewise it is included the diagnose to the community, and the alternatives that think about for the solution of the problem. It is also included the costs of the tub Pasteurizadora and the Teams that are usually used for the elaboration of the pasteurized fresh cheese.
ItemINSTALACIÓN DE SERVICIOS BÁSICOS AGUA, LUZ Y ALCANTARILLADO, EN EL LABORATORIO DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS PARALELO FLAVIO ALFARO DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ 2012(INGENIERÍA ZOOTÉCNICA, 2012) PALMA ZAMBRANO, MARCOS VICENTE ; VERA PALMA, CRISTIAN HOMERO ; ZAMBRANO ALCÍVAR, MOISES DARÍO ; ZAMBRANO MARCILLO, WILTER ISMAELIn Agricultural Industries Engineering n and all the processes related to food processing have to take into consideration the hygienic design of the facility, equipment and physical infrastructure, including both the building itself as the distribution, provision of services such as potable water, electricity, devices for waste disposal and installation of materials for cleaning and sterilization of the plant and its equipment. All these components mentioned above are the cornerstone in the development of safe products and as professionals we know we can not obviate them for any reason. The installation of basic services (water, electricity and sewage) in the Laboratory of Agricultural Industries parallel Flavio Alfaro, Faculty of Science Zootechnical is essential because through this the students can do their internship experience while constantly advances in fields that relate to aspects of process and transformation of raw materials and technological advances in this area involved. In this thesis studies and show all necessary information that were considered for the implementation of practical work or execution of the physical work which was the foundation for translating this work and also to comply fully with all the principles that governed from the Agricultural Engineering Industries. In Agricultural Industries Engineering n and all the processes related to food processing have to take into consideration the hygienic design of the facility, equipment and physical infrastructure, including both the building itself as the distribution, provision of services such as potable water, electricity, devices for waste disposal and installation of materials for cleaning and sterilization of the plant and its equipment. All these components mentioned above are the cornerstone in the development of safe products and as professionals we know we can not obviate them for any reason. The installation of basic services (water, electricity and sewage) in the Laboratory of Agricultural Industries parallel Flavio Alfaro, Faculty of Science Zootechnical is essential because through this the students can do their internship experience while constantly advances in fields that relate to aspects of process and transformation of raw materials and technological advances in this area involved. In this thesis studies and show all necessary information that were considered for the implementation of practical work or execution of the physical work which was the foundation for translating this work and also to comply fully with all the principles that governed from the Agricultural Engineering Industries. In Agricultural Industries Engineering n and all the processes related to food processing have to take into consideration the hygienic design of the facility, equipment and physical infrastructure, including both the building itself as the distribution, provision of services such as potable water, electricity, devices for waste disposal and installation of materials for cleaning and sterilization of the plant and its equipment. All these components mentioned above are the cornerstone in the development of safe products and as professionals we know we can not obviate them for any reason. The installation of basic services (water, electricity and sewage) in the Laboratory of Agricultural Industries parallel Flavio Alfaro, Faculty of Science Zootechnical is essential because through this the students can do their internship experience while constantly advances in fields that relate to aspects of process and transformation of raw materials and technological advances in this area involved. In this thesis studies and show all necessary information that were considered for the implementation of practical work or execution of the physical work which was the foundation for translating this work and also to comply fully with all the principles that governed from the Agricultural Engineering Industries. In Agricultural Industries Engineering n and all the processes related to food processing have to take into consideration the hygienic design of the facility, equipment and physical infrastructure, including both the building itself as the distribution, provision of services such as potable water, electricity, devices for waste disposal and installation of materials for cleaning and sterilization of the plant and its equipment. All these components mentioned above are the cornerstone in the development of safe products and as professionals we know we can not obviate them for any reason. The installation of basic services (water, electricity and sewage) in the Laboratory of Agricultural Industries parallel Flavio Alfaro, Faculty of Science Zootechnical is essential because through this the students can do their internship experience while constantly advances in fields that relate to aspects of process and transformation of raw materials and technological advances in this area involved. In this thesis studies and show all necessary information that were considered for the implementation of practical work or execution of the physical work which was the foundation for translating this work and also to comply fully with all the principles that governed from the Agricultural Engineering Industries.
ItemIMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UNA MÁQUINA PARA ELABORAR FIDEOS EN LOS PARALELOS CHARAPOTÓ DE LA CARRERA DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ 2012(INGENIERÍA ZOOTÉCNICA, 2012-02) CAICEDO GUALAVISÍ, LUIS AMILCAR ; CARPIO BRAVO, CARLOS JAAMIL ; DEMERA CHAVARRÍA, FREDDY LEONARDO ; SANTANA BERMÚDEZ, EDISON IVÁNThe implementationof machines forstudents' intellectualdevelopment,enables the advancementof skills, knowledgeand attitudesof the same,since it is asupport materialto demonstratereal life situations andbe able to obtainboth positiveand negativeand competentat the end ofan academic career. Thepastamachineis idealfor further researchwith respecttopasta,specifically inresearchfor the development ofrice-basednoodles, which is a product thatcurrently existsin our communitya greatoverproduction. You can makemanyforms ofnoodlesof various sizesby simply changingthe mold.Witha suitable moldsheetis possibleto obtain differentkinds of noodles. Thisthesis work, developed under a descriptive research,helped to optimizethe service provided bythe machineto makenoodles,as theywill useat mostby studentsand teachersso that they canrelate thetheory andapplication of the same. It isimportant to state thatinnovation isconsistentwith the advancementof technology,and this actspositivelyon students,because the changefrom traditional tomodernpractical andprovides a newway to applythe knowledge acquired.
ItemEFECTOS DE TRES NIVELES DE SACAROSA EN LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS ORGANOLÉPTICAS Y BROMATOLÓGICAS DE LA MERMELADA DE MARACUYÁ (Passiflora edulis), CON TRES VARIEDADES DE ZAPALLO (Cucurbita pepo) EN EL LABORATORIO DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS CHONE( 2013) JARAMILLO ZAMBRANO, YISENIA ALEJANDRA ; MACAY DELGADO, LUIS ALBERTOEn el laboratorio de Industria Agropecuarias de la Facultad de Ciencias Zootécnicas de la Universidad Técnicas de Manabí se realizó la investigación experimental denominada “ Efectos de tres niveles de sacarosa en las característica organolépticas y bromatológicas de la mermelada de maracuyá (Pasiflora edulis), zapallo (Cucurbita pepo)”; con el objetivo de determinar su tiempo de concentración y conservación, y a la vez establecer nuevas alternativas innovadoras con los productos agroindustriales y darle valor agregado a la materia prima del sector agropecuario. Para su elaboración se establecieron tres formulaciones con diferentes niveles de sacarosa; y tres variedades de zapallo, para aplicar encuesta de degustación a 20 estudiantes de industria agropecuarias con la finalidad de evaluar las características organolépticas mediante una escala simple del 1-14, para establecer la de mayor aceptabilidad y proceder a realizar análisis físicos químicos microbiológicos. Como consecuencia se determinó que las formulaciones de mayor aceptabilidad fue M1 Cucúrbita pepo 20% lo que demuestra las características organolépticas fue del 97% aceptabilidad. Su tiempo de concentración fue el 65 °Brix, con un PH 3,41, y el 54,58 de carbohidrato, ceniza del 0,37%, y la humedad de 40,30%. Sin recuento de mohos ni levadura. M2 Cucúrbita máxima 20% lo que demuestra las características organolépticas fue del 97% aceptabilidad. Su tiempo de concentración fue el 68 °Brix, con un PH 3,46, y el 58,60 de carbohidrato, ceniza del 0,31%, y la humedad de 40,32%. Sin recuento de mohos ni levadura. M3 Cucúrbita moschata 40% lo que demuestra las características organolépticas fue del 97% aceptabilidad. Su tiempo de concentración fue el 68 °Brix, con un PH 3,43, y el 58,54 de carbohidrato, ceniza del 0,30%, y la humedad de 40,29%. Sin recuento de mohos ni levadura. Se recomienda su consumo ya que es un producto innovador.
ItemMEJORAMIENTO DE LOS PROCESOS DE INDUSTRIALIZACIÓN DE LA LECHE MEDIANTE LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UNA CENTRÍFUGA Y REACTIVOS PARA ANÁLISIS DE SÓLIDOS GRASOS EN EL LABORATORIO DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS EXTENSIÓN CHONE 2013(INGENIERÍA ZOOTÉCNICA, 2013) CEDEÑO ALCÍVAR, LORENA ALEXANDER ; MACAY VERGARA, LISSETH CATALINA ; MUÑOZ MOLINA, MARCOS MAURICIO ; SALTOS HIDALGO, MAYRA YAQUELINEThe implemtacion of teams for the intellectual development of the students, allows the advance of abilities, knowledge and attitudes of the same ones, since it is a didactic material of support to evidence real situations and to end up obtaining results, so many positive as negative and to be competent when concluding the academic career.It centrifuges it it is ideal to carry out fatty accustomed to analysis in the milk using different reagents, where the first articles are a product of excellent quality. It is possible to carry out many forms of fatty accustomed to analysis in the milk, changing alone the reagent.The present thesis work, allows to optimize the service that offers the team to the student and educational community and to take advantage to the maximum, so that they can relate this way the theory with the application of the same one. It is important to manifest that the innovation goes chord with the advance of the technology, and this acts in a positive way in the students, because the change of the traditional thing to practice it and modern it offers a new form of applying the acquired knowledge. Since it centrifuges it is a machine that puts in rotation a sample to hurry for centrifugal force the decantación or sedimentation of their components or phases (generally a solid one and a liquid one), in function of their density.
ItemEFECTOS DE TRES NIVELES DE SACAROSA EN LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS ORGANOLÉPTICAS Y BROMATOLÓGICAS DE LA MERMELADA DE MARACUYÁ ( Passiflora edulis), CON TRES VARIEDADES DE ZAPALLO ( Cucurbita pepo) EN EL LABORATORIO DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS CHONE.(INGENIERO INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS, 2013) JARAMILLO ZAMBRANO YISENIA ALEJANDRA ; MACAY DELGADO LUIS ALBERTOSUMMARY In the laboratory of the Agricultural Industry Zootechnical Faculty of Technical University of Manabí experimental research was entitled "Effects of three levels of sucrose and qualitative organoleptic characteristics of passion fruit jam (Passiflora edulis), pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) ", with the objective of determining the time of concentration and conservation, while establishing new innovative alternative agro industrial products and add value to the raw material of agriculture. Its preparation was established three formulations with different levels of sucrose, and three varieties of squash, to apply tasting survey 20 students from agricultural industry in order to evaluate the organoleptic characteristics by a simple hedonic scale 1-14, to establish higher the acceptability and proceed to physical, chemical microbiological analysis. As a result it was determined that formulations of greater acceptability were 20% Cucurbita pepo M1 which shows the organoleptic acceptability was 97%. Concentration time was 65 ° Brix, pH 3.41, and 54.58 carbohydrates, ash 0.37%, and 40.30% moisture. No yeast and mold count. Cucurbita maxima M2 20% demonstrating the organoleptic acceptability was 97%. Its time of concentration was 68 ° Brix, with pH 3.46, and 58.60 of carbohydrate, 0.31% ash, and 40.32% moisture. No yeast and mold count. Cucurbita moschata 40% M3 demonstrating the organoleptic acceptability was 97%. Its time of concentration was 68 ° Brix, with pH 3.43, and 58.54 of carbohydrate, 0.30% ash, and 40.29% moisture. No yeast and mold count. Consumption is recommended it is an innovative product.
ItemFACTIBILIDAD DE LA ELABORACIÓN DE JAMÓN AHUMADO EN EL LABORATORIO DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS, EXTENSIÓN CHONE 2013.(INGENIERO ZOOTECNISTA, 2013) ANDRADE CEDEÑO ROONY JOSÉSUMMARY Animal resources are among the most valuable assets owned by the country, especially the province of Manabí. These could contribute to the development of food production, much more if at present there is an urgent need to satisfy the needs for nutrition, work, culture, to improve the socioeconomic conditions of the people. The present project had as objective to carrying out research with a sample of the population of Chone city, by applying surveys about consumption of ham to get the feasibility of smoked ham processing Industries in the Agricultural Laboratory of the Zootechnical Science Faculty, extension Chone; as a primary objective. This will take into account the respective studies : business plan, study technical, economic, financial, administrative, legal and environmental, which is determine the installed capacity of the processes plant, products and services to offer and have a proper management of waste to avoid negative impacts, projected ten years. To determine the environmental impact of Leopold Matrix used which determined that the impacts on the management of the plant are negative and thus does not affect to the surrounding ecosystem, earning a higher return with the maximum use of livestock products given in the area, thereby improving the quality of life of the population. The project will finance the study showed one Net Present Value ( NPV) of $ 144,991.48 and an Internal Rate of Return (IRR ) of 44 % at a cost of $ 1.55 profit . The implementation of this project will encourage the start of operations and monitoring of the development because of the company. Much of the success after commissioning is the proper management of the business plan.
ItemIMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UN BIODIGESTOR PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DE AGUAS RESIDUALES EN EL ÁREA DE CONFINAMIENTO DE BOVINOS DE ENGORDE DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ ( EXTENSIÓN CHONE )(INGENIERO INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS, 2013) MEZA CUSME LIMBER MANUEL ; NARVÁEZ ZAMBRANO JULIO FABIÁN ; PAZMIÑO ARTEAGA DIEGO ARMANDO ; ZAMBRANO OSTAIZA CARLOS JAVIERSUMMARY The rapid economic development, inadequate use of natural resources requires the need for additional water resources to carry out industrial or agricultural activities, or to meet the demand for domestic activities, tourism and leisure, taking into account this reality and attending continuing education of professionals able to respond to community problems we propose the implementation of a digester for wastewater treatment in the confinement area of beef cattle in the Zootechnical Faculty Technical University of Manabi (Extension Chone), during the course of the work could run out detailed operation, maintenance and use of the digester for wastewater treatment applying in the confinement area of beef cattle Faculty of Science Zootécnicas Technical University of Manabi, it has fostered among students the use of clean technologies for the protection of the environment, and finally endowed the confinement area of beef cattle in the Zootechnical Faculty Technical University of Manabi basic equipment to carry out the practices of students, these objectives were met in full served as a learning experience for the training of the members of the group, leaving both a major contribution the wider community where they can replicate these experiences adapted to local realities.
ItemIMPLEMENTACIÓN DE BUENAS PRÁCTICAS DE HIGIENE EN EL LABORATORIO DE PROCESOS LÁCTEOS DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNCIA DE MANABÍ, CHONE 2013.(INGENIERO INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS, 2013) CEVALLOS JARAMILLO CARMEN VIRGINIA ; LÓPEZ ZAMBRANO ÁNGEL MARCELO ; ZAMBRANO LÓPEZ EULOGIO RENÉSUMMARY In milky every product, a common initial process exists, that has like mission to save the interruption that presents the entrance of milk, so that the elaboration can follow a continuous and uniform march. As it is of knowledge the milk of cow is the most abundant one and of greater consumption in the world, originating in exploitations cattle raisers; and according to the code of health in the Equator milk is the fresh and integral product secreted of the glands mammalian of the milking complete of the healthy animals, well fed and in rest without addition neither any subtraction, exempt of colostrum. The milk, is utilized for different industrial processes; and in the legal thing complies with the characteristic physical-chemistry and microbiologic established by the law. Even thus by the great number of microorganisms that can be developed in the milk, fundamentally when is degraded the lactose to acid lactic, is presented the alteration, due to that this food possesses a very weak natural protection and lasts for short time, is for such motive that is recommended that inside the Laboratory of Milky Processes, of the Faculty of Sciences Zootécnicas, Technical University of Manabí, Chone; Good Practices of Hygiene exist, so that themselves not objections in the industrial processes be presented that They carry out inside the Laboratory of Milky. The Good Practices of Hygiene is one of the necessary requirements to guarantee the harmlessness of the food. The hygiene of the food covers them measured necessary to guarantee the quality and aptitude of the same in all the phases of the chain nutritious. It is the base for the prevention of the illnesses transmitted by food, and to minimize types of contamination. The students should be conscious of the importance to know the Good Practices of Hygiene; identifies and verifies the quality of the milk as the problems that the same present, to the moment of to be utilized in each one of the processes. Key words: Milk, Good Practices of Hygiene, Laboratory, Quality, Food.
ItemMEJORAMIENTO DE LOS PROCESOS DE INDUSTRIALIZACIÓN DE LA LECHE MEDIANTE LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UNA CENTRÍFUGA Y REACTIVOS PARA ANÁLISIS DE SÓLIDOS GRASOS EN EL LABORATORIO DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS EXTENSIÓN CHONE 2013.(INGENIERO INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS, 2013) CEDEÑO ALCÍVAR LORENA ALEXANDRA ; MACAY VERGARA LISSETH CATALINA ; MUÑOZ MOLINA MARCOS MAURICIO ; SALTOS HIDALGO MAYRA YAQUELINESUMARY The implemtacion of teams for the intellectual development of the students, allows the advance of abilities, knowledge and attitudes of the same ones, since it is a didactic material of support to evidence real situations and to end up obtaining results, so many positive as negative and to be competent when concluding the academic career.It centrifuges it it is ideal to carry out fatty accustomed to analysis in the milk using different reagents, where the first articles are a product of excellent quality. It is possible to carry out many forms of fatty accustomed to analysis in the milk, changing alone the reagent.The present thesis work, allows to optimize the service that offers the team to the student and educational community and to take advantage to the maximum, so that they can relate this way the theory with the application of the same one. It is important to manifest that the innovation goes chord with the advance of the technology, and this acts in a positive way in the students, because the change of the traditional thing to practice it and modern it offers a new form of applying the acquired knowledge. Since it centrifuges it is a machine that puts in rotation a sample to hurry for centrifugal force the decantación or sedimentation of their components or phases (generally a solid one and a liquid one), in function of their density.
ItemIMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UN BIODIGESTOR PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DE AGUAS RESIDUALES EN EL ÁREA DE CONFINAMIENTO DE BOVINOS DE ENGORDE DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ EXTENSIÓN CHONE(INGENIERÍA ZOOTÉCNICA, 2013) MEZA CUSME, LIMBER MANUEL ; NARVAEZ ZAMBRANO, JULIO FABIÁN ; PAZMIÑO ARTEAGA, DIEGO ARMANDO ; ZAMBRANO OSTAIZA, CARLOS JAVIERThe rapid economic development, inadequate use of natural resources requires the need for additional water resources to carry out industrial or agricultural activities, or to meet the demand for domestic activities, tourism and leisure, taking into account this reality and attending continuing education of professionals able to respond to community problems we propose the implementation of a digester for wastewater treatment in the confinement area of beef cattle in the Zootechnical Faculty Technical University of Manabi (Extension Chone), during the course of the work could run out detailed operation, maintenance and use of the digester for wastewater treatment applying in the confinement area of beef cattle Faculty of Science Zootécnicas Technical University of Manabi, it has fostered among students the use of clean technologies for the protection of the environment, and finally endowed the confinement area of beef cattle in the Zootechnical Faculty Technical University of Manabi basic equipment to carry out the practices of students, these objectives were met in full served as a learning experience for the training of the members of the group, leaving both a major contribution the wider community where they can replicate these experiences adapted to local realities.
ItemIMPLEMENTACIÓN DE BUENAS PRÁCTICAS DE HIGIENE EN EL LABORATORIO(INGENIERÍA ZOOTÉCNICA, 2013) CEVALLOS JARAMILLO, CARMEN VIRGINIA ; LÓPEZ ZAMBRANO, ANGEL MARCELO ; ZAMBRANO LÓPEZ, EULOGIO RENEIn milky every product, a common initial process exists, that has like mission to save the interruption that presents the entrance of milk, so that the elaboration can follow a continuous and uniform march. As it is of knowledge the milk of cow is the most abundant one and of greater consumption in the world, originating in exploitations cattle raisers; and according to the code of health in the Equator milk is the fresh and integral product secreted of the glands mammalian of the milking complete of the healthy animals, well fed and in rest without addition neither any subtraction, exempt of colostrum. The milk, is utilized for different industrial processes; and in the legal thing complies with the characteristic physical-chemistry and microbiologic established by the law. Even thus by the great number of microorganisms that can be developed in the milk, fundamentally when is degraded the lactose to acid lactic, is presented the alteration, due to that this food possesses a very weak natural protection and lasts for short time, is for such motive that is recommended that inside the Laboratory of Milky Processes, of the Faculty of Sciences Zootécnicas, Technical University of Manabí, Chone; Good Practices of Hygiene exist, so that themselves not objections in the industrial processes be presented that They carry out inside the Laboratory of Milky. The Good Practices of Hygiene is one of the necessary requirements to guarantee the harmlessness of the food. The hygiene of the food covers them measured necessary to guarantee the quality and aptitude of the same in all the phases of the chain nutritious. It is the base for the prevention of the illnesses transmitted by food, and to minimize types of contamination. The students should be conscious of the importance to know the Good Practices of Hygiene; identifies and verifies the quality of the milk as the problems that the same present, to the moment of to be utilized in each one of the processes. Key words: Milk, Good Practices of Hygiene, Laboratory, Quality, Food.
ItemEFECTOS DE TRES NIVELES DE SACAROSA EN LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS ORGANOLÉPTICAS Y BROMATOLÓGICAS DE LA MERMELADAS DE MARACUYÁ (Passiflora edulis), CON TRES VARIEDADES DE ZAPALLO ( Curcubita pepo) EN EL LABORATORIO DE INDUSTRIAS AGROPECUARIAS CHONE.(INGENIERÍA ZOOTÉCNICA, 2013) JARAMILLO ZAMBRANO, YISENIA ALEJANDRA ; MACAY DELGADO, LUIS ALBERTOIn the laboratory of the Agricultural Industry Zootechnical Faculty of Technical University of Manabí experimental research was entitled "Effects of three levels of sucrose and qualitative organoleptic characteristics of passion fruit jam (Passiflora edulis), pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) ", with the objective of determining the time of concentration and conservation, while establishing new innovative alternative agroindustrial products and add value to the raw material of agriculture. Its preparation was established three formulations with different levels of sucrose, and three varieties of squash, to apply tasting survey 20 students from agricultural industry in order to evaluate the organoleptic characteristics by a simple hedonic scale 1-14, to establish higher the acceptability and proceed to physical, chemical microbiological analysis. As a result it was determined that formulations of greater acceptability were 20% Cucurbita pepo M1 which shows the organoleptic acceptability was 97%. Concentration time was 65 ° Brix, pH 3.41, and 54.58 carbohydrates, ash 0.37%, and 40.30% moisture. No yeast and mold count. Cucurbita maxima M2 20% demonstrating the organoleptic acceptability was 97%. Its time of concentration was 68 ° Brix, with pH 3.46, and 58.60 of carbohydrate, 0.31% ash, and 40.32% moisture. No yeast and mold count. Cucurbita moschata 40% M3 demonstrating the organoleptic acceptability was 97%. Its time of concentration was 68 ° Brix, with pH 3.43, and 58.54 of carbohydrate, 0.30% ash, and 40.29% moisture. No yeast and mold count. Consumption is recommended it is an innovative product. Key words: pumpkin, passion fruit, jam, sucrose. In the laboratory of the Agricultural Industry Zootechnical Faculty of Technical University of Manabí experimental research was entitled "Effects of three levels of sucrose and qualitative organoleptic characteristics of passion fruit jam (Passiflora edulis), pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) ", with the objective of determining the time of concentration and conservation, while establishing new innovative alternative agroindustrial products and add value to the raw material of agriculture. Its preparation was established three formulations with different levels of sucrose, and three varieties of squash, to apply tasting survey 20 students from agricultural industry in order to evaluate the organoleptic characteristics by a simple hedonic scale 1-14, to establish higher the acceptability and proceed to physical, chemical microbiological analysis. As a result it was determined that formulations of greater acceptability were 20% Cucurbita pepo M1 which shows the organoleptic acceptability was 97%. Concentration time was 65 ° Brix, pH 3.41, and 54.58 carbohydrates, ash 0.37%, and 40.30% moisture. No yeast and mold count. Cucurbita maxima M2 20% demonstrating the organoleptic acceptability was 97%. Its time of concentration was 68 ° Brix, with pH 3.46, and 58.60 of carbohydrate, 0.31% ash, and 40.32% moisture. No yeast and mold count. Cucurbita moschata 40% M3 demonstrating the organoleptic acceptability was 97%. Its time of concentration was 68 ° Brix, with pH 3.43, and 58.54 of carbohydrate, 0.30% ash, and 40.29% moisture. No yeast and mold count. Consumption is recommended it is an innovative product. Key words: pumpkin, passion fruit, jam, sucrose.