Licenciado en Optometria
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ItemAGUDEZA VISUAL Y SU RELACIÓN CON LAS HABILIDADES DE LECTOESCRITURA EN ESCOLARES DE 8 A 12 AÑOS DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA “SIMÓN BOLÍVAR” CANTÓN ROCAFUERTE(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) CARREÑO ZAMBRANO, MARÍA SELENA ; CAVARRÍA PÁRRAGA, MARÍA FERNANDA ; ÁLVAREZ URIBE, YASMÍNThe vision is the responsible sense of most of the learning, responsible for perceiving the greatest sensory information of the environment that surrounds us, to translate it into good learning, social interaction and communication. For this reason, visual problems significantly impair school learning. This research whose objective is to determine the level of visual acuity and its relationship with literacy skills in schoolchildren, assessing visual acuity, applying a literacy test and comparing the results is considered a feasible study as it promotes visual health, occupying a important role in the field of public health since health promotion belongs to the first level of prevention. After a rigorous study applied to the students of the Unidad Educativa Simón Bolívar, confidentiality criteria, feasibility was obtained in this study since there are real and reliable data. According to the results obtained in visual acuity 94% reported a level of visual acuity of 0.0 to 0.1 logMar considered within the normal parameter, while 2% of 0.8 to 1 logMar considered severe. And in visual acuity in near vision 94% presented a level of 0.5M to 0.75M and 3% at a level of 2M. In the writing assessment (PROESC), 94% of schoolchildren do not present difficulty at a high level and 2% if they presented difficulty in the test. In the reading assessment (PROLEC) in accuracy index 94% reported a normal index, while 1% showed severe difficulty; when evaluating the speed index 89% presents normal and 8% shows a very slow index; result that support the existence of a relationship between the level of visual acuity and literacy skills.
ItemALTERACIONES OCULOMOTORAS EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LAS ESCUELAS DEPORTIVAS PERTENECIENTES AL GAD MUNICIPAL DEL CANTON PORTOVIEJO, EN EL PERIODO 2015-2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) VINCES CHANCAY, JAIRO ENRIQUE ; SANCHEZ, DANILOThe extraocular muscles perform a function of initiating and maintaining foveal fixation in order to maintain a clear vision. Some people are born with oculomotor dysfunction and acquire it from some disease or trauma, also due to the improper correction of refractive errors, which can cause problems in eye movements. The oculomotor alterations are dysfunctions of the extraocular muscles of the eyeball, which does not allow the complete functioning of our visual system and prevent the two eyes from working as the only visual system, with comfort, and therefore disorders and discomfort are generated. That is, this type of binocular vision anomalies indicates an inability or difficulty of being able to direct both eyes to a certain point. The aim of the present work was to identify the most common oculomotor alterations in ophtimetrically assessed children attending the sports schools of the Portoviejo canton. This included children from 6 to 11 years of age, including men and women, who perform physical school activities. It was concluded that the most common oculomotor alteration was the endophoria, although we do not have the exact data on the magnitude of these endophoria, if it is essential to monitor the patients, to avoid possible visual difficulties.
ItemAPLICACIÓN INFORMÁTICA PARA DEFINIR PARÁMETROS ESTÉTICOS EN LA ÓPTICA, UTILIZANDO REALIDAD VIRTUAL Y AUMENTADA(Universidad Ténica de Manabí, 2018) TORRES MOREIRA, YALENA DAYANARA ; DELGADO MERO, IRVING JULIAN ; DURÁN OSPINA, PATRICIAIn the present work we developed a computer application to define aesthetic parameters in optics, using virtual reality and augmented reality, for this was carried out first an analysis of various equipment and programs that already exist in the international environment such as Morel Bobos J3d, Beta3 CNC, Early Beta3D, the Virtualfit, Mister Spex, Visioffice 2 and The DigiTower Center 3D. Based on a large competition with teams of high economic value, we decided to develop our own application from the technological and innovative perspective, for the programming of the project we use software such as C Sharp, Unity, Simple CV, Accord.NET which is an automatic learning framework and Open CV. In the application developed, a simulator of various types of faces and several models of frames will be stained so that, when using optics, the user of lenses will be able to identify the ideal model of their frame of agreement. to the type of face, it will also integrate the option to adapt virtually contact lenses of various colors according to the skin and hair color, additional will have a guide of interactive videos to experience a vision with monofocal, bifocal, progressive, antiglare, transitions, polarized, among others. At the end of the work a survey was carried out, taking a sample of the optics of the city of Portoviejo, to assess the interest they have in acquiring a technological and interactive tool that allows them to have a better advice and a guide on how to choose the model of frame according tothe type of face of the patient.
ItemARMAZONES EN CAÑA GUADUA Y PLÁSTICO POLIETILENO TEREFTALATO (PET) RECICLADO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) LEÓN GARCÍA, VALERIA KATHERINE ; ARTEAGA LOOR, GENNY DEL CARMENDue to global warming and damage that causes citizens material to the environment was crashed in the elaboration of prototypes of frameworks with materials that are biodegradable and that at their time meet with benefits as for the health of the users the properties and advantages of the guadua cane and the pet plastic for the realization of prototypes of frames, whose procedure was the following, are studied; guadua cane was obtained in the maturation process and it was processed to draw in it the mold of the frameworks to continue with what is the cutting of the polishing and the finishing of this; for the prototype of plastic pet i began with the collection of bottles once the sufficient collected the plastic and placed it at a temperature of 180o in a skillet within the oven which was expected until it was completely melted to place it in the mold made of zinc material was expected the time of drying and once it was dry it would be procedure to polish and give color with adequate aerosols. One of the principal objectives was to know the importance of applying in the labor market an innovative and biodegradable product for which survey application was carried out in the optical centers of canton Portoviejo getting as a result that this population found attentively the investigation raised fundamental reason for continue with the realization of these prototypes of frames. the parameters of greater consideration were to be light, flexible, full of colors, modern, innovative designs; being what I call the attention to the importance in contributing with the environment and that are of an accessible cost for the population in general. The most relevant aspect is the final product, since there are no builds prepared in this type of material which would contribute to the development product of our country
ItemCalidad de la agudeza visual a los estudiantes de la escuela “24 de Mayo” del cantón Portoviejo, periodo Noviembre 2009 a Junio del 2010(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2010) CEVALLOS ZURITA, JUMMY ; BAILÓN CEDEÑO, CRISTHIAN ; BRIONES SEGARRA, RAMÓN ; SACOTO PALACIOS, JENNIFER ; INTRIAGO, OTONEYThe present investigation allowed us to correct refraction defects in the students of the fiscal school May" of the city of Portoviejo "24 during period January to May of the 2010" with a population study object conformed for 210 general students and distributed in each grade, it is a descriptive prospective study that you development in six months. As general objective it was to Identify by means of the exam optometric defects refractive present in the students; the results demonstrated that him 9% presented ametropias, 100% you achievement to correct the visual defects and 100% of the students received a qualification shop it has more than enough refractive defects and as bearing their visual defects in the daily life. It is recommended that the professors recognize in the studying signs and symptoms that indicate visual decrease and to take the necessary correctives with the suitable professional. You is able to demonstrate to the professors that these problems rebound directly in the learning and the student's academic development; and this way to avoid the marginación of the same ones and discrimination for the teachers' parts and partners.
ItemCALIDAD DE VIDA EN USUARIOS DE PRÓTESIS OCULARES QUE ACUDEN A CENTROS DE ATENCIÓN VISUAL EN LA PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) MORENO BRIONES, KATHERINE MARGOTH ; MORA VÁSQUEZ, ALEJANDRA MICHELLE ; ARTEAGA LOOR, GENNY DEL CARMENThe quality of life in users of ocular prostheses who attend eye care centers in the Province of Manabí after adaptation show improvement mostly in the aesthetic factor and not so much in the psychological or safety to society, to determine the quality of life. In this population, we proceeded to validate an evaluation instrument with three experts in the social and ocular field that allowed to know the factors that affect the quality of life after adaptation, influencing negatively in some cases. Some of the users live in marginal areas, difficult access to basic services, health care, lack of employment which causes not lead a full life. In this research it is known that there is no comprehensive rehabilitation plan that must be applied by the multidisciplinary team after adaptation in the users of eye prostheses and their family members so that they can return to society.
ItemDALTONISMO EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LAS ESCUELAS DEPORTIVAS DEL PROGRAMA “PARA LA VIDA” DEL GOBIERNO AUTÓNOMO DESCENTRALIZADO MUNICIPAL DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) VINCES PÁRRAGA, LEIDY VIVIANA ; ALAVA GARCÍA, SANDRA PATRICIA ; SOLANO, MIGUELThe objective of the present work was to evaluate the color blindness in the students of the sports schools belonging to the program "For life" of the Autonomous Decentralized Government of Portoviejo, for which there was a population of three thousand children which had been valued by the Optometry students in connection hours since 2015. Color blindness is an alteration in which colors are not perceived in a normal way, the deficiency is hereditary and is transmitted by a recessive allele linked to the X chromosome. If a man inherits an affected X chromosome will be color blind, while women who they have two X chromosomes, they will be colorblind if both are affected, if only one will be a carrier and will be able to transmit it to the offspring. We identified 57 children with color blindness with the Ishihara test, of which 55 were male and 2 female; this is 1.9% of the total study population. These 57 children underwent another color assessment with the Farnsworth test to categorize the types and degree of color blindness of the students. The type of color blindness of greater percentage found was that of the Deuterán type of moderate degree. A survey was conducted of parents of students with color blindness to know the level of information about color blindness. In conclusion there is a considerable number of children with color blindness and the level of information about it is almost zero so it is recommended to continue with research and encourage the assessment of color vision to give a timely diagnosis and make known the alteration to the General population.
ItemDEFECTOS REFRACTARIOS Y SUS EFECTOS EN LA SALUD DE LA COMUNIDAD DE URBIRRIOS DEL CANTON MANTA EN EL PERIODO ENERO A JUNIO DEL 2008(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) VALENCIA AVILA, MARCELO ISAIAS ; VALENCIA VILLACRESES, MIRNA ALEXANDRA ; VERA MENDOZA, FERNANDO ANDRES ; INTRIAGO, OTONEYThe optometrist is a member of the Visual Health Multidisciplinary Team and is constituted a professional whose academic and professional profile is clear and objective. The optometry also represents the first defense line against the blindness, since 80% of patients that present problems of visual character are of the refractive type and 20% present pathologies which are dedicated to the ophtalmologist who presides over the Ocular Health Team, the necessity is born that a not very distant day the professional in optometry works in Public Health Institutions. The goal of this project, is to determine the different ametropias, to guide about the importance of performing periodic checkups of the visual sharpness, to prevent irreversible damages as the ambyoplia for suppression, strabismus, diplopia, etc. Also to give corrective eyeglasses in a free way to patients of the community who present ametropias. The municipality of Manta, the Catholic Church "La Merced", the City Municipal Patronage, will support the logistical part and provision of the corrective eyeglasses for the residents of this so needy sector of the city. In the sector of Urbirios, a population of 350 patients was assisted and corrective eyeglasses were given to 315 people, the remaining 35 patients didn't present ametropias. With this work it is hoped to favor the residents of this sector in their daily activities providing an optimal vision, such as far vision and near vision, facilitating the performance in their labor activities. Due to the necessity of other sectors with low economic incomes that requested the visual attention to the Municipality, aside our project we assisted to 7 sectors of Manta, providing over a thousand corrective eyeglasses, achieving the Manta Mayor’s recognition and gratitude to the University, expressed to the thesis director Doctor Otoney Intriago. The community work concluded satisfactorily, we thank the collaboration of the president of the Urbiríos community, the Municipal Patronage Directress and her personnel, and the disinterested support of our thesis tribunal, just like to the assisted community
ItemDEFECTOS REFRACTIVOS EN LOS ESTUDIANTES ATENDIDOS EN LAS ESCUELAS DEPORTIVAS DEL PROGRAMA “PARA LA VIDA” DEL GAD MUNICIPAL DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) VÉLEZ ANCHUNDIA, LISBETH KATHERINE ; BAQUE BERMÚDEZ, ANA BELÉN ; BELTRÁN, MAYDAThe work was carried out with the purpose of expanding the information available on recurrent refractive defects in the population of Porto Alegre, which contributes to the establishment of specific correction methodologies, achieving efficiency in meeting the professional goals of optometry. The research was investigative, since it was based on previous research on refractive errors in children. Qualitative and bibliographic which was based from beginning to end on documents, articles, books, magazines, internet and other documentary sources that have supported the context. This issue was raised in order to maintain reliable data of the refractive defects that remain in the population of Porto Alegre who attended sports schools, since most of the population studied was of low economic resources which in most of the cases can not access optometric consultations to improve their visual life. To complement the work, the counting, verification and obtaining of all the data was carried out by means of the optometric sheets where all the necessary data for the realization of the work were found, which were in the files of the simulation clinic. It had been proposed as a proposal to raise a demographic profile where information could be kept on the places where the refractive defects have the highest incidence, however we could notice that the optometric cards used in the visual evaluations did not contain the necessary information, since these Attentions were part of a pilot plan in conjunction with the municipal GAD of Portoviejo, however by consensus it was concluded that this demographic profile is subsequently carried out to give continuity to this research work.
ItemDEFECTOS REFRACTIVOS Y ALTERACIONES OCULOMOTORAS EN EL PERSONAL POLICIAL, DEL DISTRITO #58 DE LA CIUDAD DE MANTA(Universidad Técnica De Manabí, 2018) BRAVO FLORES, CARMEN GEMA ; YACELGA MARCILLO, JOSÉ SANTIAGO ; FLORES MENDOZA, GINA GABRIELAThe following work called "Refractive Defects and Oculomotor Alterations in Police Personnel, District # 58 of the City of Manta", an optometric examination of 150 police officers was carried out, which included detection of refractive defects and pathologies of the anterior segment that could affect vision. and the quality of life of these people, evaluation techniques were performed such as the taking of visual acuity, Retinoscopy to determine what refractive error they present, ophthalmoscopy to verify the condition of the fundus of each patient's eye, and external examination for identify any pathology that affects the anterior segment; being the astigmatism and the pterygium the visual alterations with greater incidence found in the sample of study, for which a training was followed informing them about the possible pathologies and visual problems to which they are exposed and they were recommended on the appropriate protections that should follow , since these users must have their senses in optimal health since they are more important than human beings as important entities of protection to the citizenship and the population could be determined that there is a majority of men the most predominant is the coast and in ages from 18 to 25 years old. The ICD 10 technique is also classified as a pathology, which determines the classification and codification of diseases and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, social circumstances and external causes of damage and / or disease, and also trains police personnel. of everything that they are immersed in, be it any refractive defect, motor alteration or some type of ocular pathology. With this work, we fulfilled the satisfaction of being able to examine all these 150 users and be able to provide a treatment so that it does not affect their visual system in the long term.
ItemDEFECTOS REFRACTÍVOS EN USUARIOS ATENDIDOS EN EL PATRONATO MUNICIPAL SANTA ANA-MANABÍ MAYO – OCTUBRE 2009(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2023-06-21) BUCHELI SOLÓRZANO, CLAUDIA NATALIA ; CANTOS VÉLIZ, ROSA ALBA ; MOREIRA MIRANDA, ALBA CONCEPCIÓN ; ZAMBRANO SÁNCHEZ, ALBERTO VIDALBeing the optometrist leaves fundamental of the team of health and also a professional in their environment whose academic profile and professional is clear and objective, also, the optometry represents the first one it lines of defense against the blindness, since 90% of patients that present problems of visual character is of refractive type and 10% they present pathologies, which are derived the oculist preside over the team of ocular health, being born is born this way the necessity that one day not very distant the professional in Optometry works in the entities you publish from health to national level. The goal puts of this thesis, it is to determine the different ametropias, to guide about the importance of carrying out periodic checkups of the visual sharpness, to prevent the risk of presenting damages irrevers. Also to give the corrective eyeglasseses in a gratuitous way to the patients of the community that presents ametropias. The Municipal Patronage of the Canton Santa Ana, they supported in the logistical part, while us as egresados of Optometry our daremosa contribution with the valuation of the different ametropias that you/they are in the patients and for ende the delivery corresponding of the corrective eyeglasseses for the residents of this canton so needy. In the Municipal Patronage it was assisted a population of 588 patient, and corrective eyeglasseses were given to 527 people; the remaining patients didn't present ametropias. With this work it is hoped to favor the residents but needful of this Canton in their daily activity, providing a good vision, as much in remote vision as in next vision, facilitating the development in their working activities. Carrying out the delivery of 527 corrective eyeglasseses in the diverse ametropias found in assisted people of all the ages and sex; we have received the biggest satisfaction thanks to that we could help a lot of needy people and that they don't also have the necessary resources to pay the value of the corrective eyeglasseses. as well as we receive the recognition and gratefulness of the Mrs. Director of the Municipal Patronage of the Canton Santa Ana and of all those you appear in person that they received our visual attention. 15 Our community work concludes satisfactorily, thanking the collaboration of the community in general that was assisted in the Municipal Patronage, and to its Director Mrs. Engineer, also the gratefulness to our Tribunal of Thesis for the offered support.
ItemDEFECTOS VISUALES EN ESCOLARES MENORES DE 12 AÑOS Y ADULTOS MAYORES DE 40 AÑOS, EN LA COMUNIDAD MEJÍA DE LA PARROQUIA, PICOAZA CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO. DE FEBRERO A AGOSTO DEL 2008(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) BEDÓN ARTEAGA, MARCO ANTONIO ; CHAVEZ ANCHUNDIA, FREDDY MIGUEL ; PEREZ SALAZAR, CARLOS ROBERTO ; PALMA VELEZ, PABLO ANTONIO ; INTRIAGO, OTONEYIn order to know the reality of the visual health and to determine the frequency of the visual defects in a rural community, we select to the denominated place Mejía for this community work, the same one that belongs to the Parish Picoaza of the Canton Portoviejo whose population is considered in 3618 inhabitants. Of this population he/she took a sample conformed by the following programmatic groups: 128 smaller than 12 years and 198 bigger than 40 years. The methodology used for the realization of this community work you bases on the statistical-descriptive method, the same one that you development in three stages. The first one consisted on the realization of the tamizaje to detect people with a diminished Visual Sharpness. So that in the second stage to these people are carried out the refraction in which you determines the type of visual defect and lastly one carries out the correction of the visual defects with the donation of ophthalmic eyeglasses for the solution of the problem. After carrying out this field investigation he/she shows that approximately 70% of people that intervened in this investigation requires of the use of ophthalmic eyeglasses for the correction of the visual defects. Also that not only the economic factor impacts in the prevalencia of visual defects without correcting, but rather also the lack of information about the institutions of visual health, they limit the access to the visual attention.
ItemDETERMINACIÓN DE LA RESPUESTA ACOMODATIVA EN PACIENTES ESCOLARES DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA MATHIUS QUINTANILLA SIERRA, PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Ténica de Manabí, 2018) VALENCIA VERA, JENIFFER ANNABEL ; PEREZ CEME, MARIA FERNANDA ; ÁLVAREZ URIBE, YASMINThis work was carried out to show that the study of ocular accommodation is classically defined as the process by which an increase in the refractive power of the eye is produced due to the modification of the crystalline form, increasing the curvature of the eye front and back face of it. The accommodation mechanism is triggered as a result of a retinal blur when trying to focus on a nearby object. First causing the contraction of the Ciliary muscle that pushes the ciliary processes and relaxes the fibers of Zinn's zonule, relaxing the tension maintained on the lens and increasing both sides of dioptric power with the objective that the ray of light reach the retina. Because there are no studies in our population that determine the value of the accommodative response, a group of students with visual acuity 0 LogMAR was evaluated in their living conditions of life to determine that accommodative response using the objective method considered more accurate as it is the retinoscopy of Nott. As well as determine the hours of use of your near vision to determine if there is a relationship between the accommodative response, and the use of near vision.
ItemDIAGNOSTICO Y CORRECIÓN DE LOS DEFECTOS VISUALES EN LOS ALUMNOS DE OCTAVO AÑO DE BELLEZA Y MECÁNICA DE LA ESCUELA DR. GABRIEL MANZO QUIÑONEZ DURANTE EL PERIODO ABRIL- OCTUBRE 2009(Universidad Ténica de Manabí, 2009) ZEVALLOS COBEÑA, STIVEN ; PROAÑO CEDEÑO, LETICIA ; PONCE MOREIRA, OSCAR ; PALMA TEJENA, MARCIA ; INTRIAGO, OTONEYRefractive errors affect vision if not detected early can generate multiple complications such as nearsightedness and farsightedness, and can cause loss of vision. Among the risk factors may include biological hazards as hereditary factors, exposure to sunny, dusty, sandy, or windblown. The diagnosis was confirmed with a physical examination of the eye using Snellen and sandbox. This study aimed to diagnose and correct visual defects in eighth-grade students and beauty school mechanics Quinonez Dr. Gabriel Manzo, Technical University of Manabi Portoviejo Canton during the period April to October 2009. Within the study used a prospective descriptive method, with a population of 67 students, subject to this study. Among the most important conclusions are achieved by looking at 100% of the population studied and found, 57% had visual problems, before this is a proposal to run an information, education, communication for the visually impaired population studied and the which showed no pathology in sensitized towards risk.
ItemDISEÑO DE UN JUEGO VIRTUAL COMO TERAPIA DE AMBLIOPÍA PARA LA CARRERA DE OPTOMETRÍA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) SALTOS CAICEDO, GEMA JOSSENKA ; MENDOZA HIDROVO, JONATHAN ANDRES ; DURÁN OSPINA, PATRICIAIn the present work, a virtual game was developed to perform amblyopia therapies using virtual reality. For this, an analysis of other virtual games that have been created, such as Dig Rush, Diplopia, Tetris, among others, was carried out. It was decided to develop a virtual game from the technological and innovative perspective with the advantage that it is the first virtual game in Spanish that was created in Ecuador. For the programming of the game, the programming language C Sharp (Programming Language) and the IDE (integrated development environment), which is the Unity (videogame development platform), were also used, such as Blender and Autocad (programs for the development of videogame figures). With the virtual game developed in addition to being used as therapy for amblyopia, it will be possible to evaluate if there are accommodative problems or there is suppression, an additional game was also created that will allow to define if the patient has any alteration of the color. At the end of the work, a survey was conducted of the optometrists who work with pediatric patients and perform visual therapies to evaluate the interest they have in acquiring the virtual game. It can be concluded that videogames will be highly accepted by professionals and patients as it is an innovative and technological project.
ItemERRORES REFRACTIVOS EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE 5 A 12 AÑOS DE LA ESCUELA JULIA GONZALES BARBERAN DEL CANTÒN CHONE(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) PACHACAMA SALCEDO, CONSUELO BEATRIZ ; ZEVALLOS COBEÑA, STIVENThe visual system is considered one of the most important in the senses of the human being and fundamental for the social and intellectual environment that in turn allows us to know the world that surrounds us. Refractive errors not diagnosed in childhood are one of the causes for low school performance, this is due to the learning difficulty caused by the decrease in vision, the main objective of this research being to evaluate refractive errors in children of 5 years of age. 12 years of the Julia Gonzales Barberan Educational Unit of Chone Parish, the methodology was of descriptive, analytical and bibliographic type, with non-experimental design, the instrument of information collection was through Clinical Histories, the assessment of visual acuity with LogMAR optotype and training to teachers about the importance of realization of the visual examination and its influence on learning, the results were announced according to the prevalence of the students attended were emmetropic with a percentage of 75%, and within the refractive error with the highest prevalence was Astigmatism with a percentage of 13%, according to gender, girls have a percentage higher than 15%, unlike children with a lower percentage of 12% in the entire study sample. . With these data it is concluded that refractive errors are related to learning and it is very important to emphasize that the early detection of these refractive errors can prevent learning problems.
ItemEVALUACION DE LA PELÍCULA LAGRIMAL EN LOS CONDUCTORES DE TAXIS DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) ARTEAGA MERA, EVELYN SAMANTHA ; DELCAGO MUÑOZ, MARÍA STEFANÍA ; SANCHEZ CASTILLO, LIGBELMore awareness of Dry Eye Syndrome has emerged in many parts of the world since the 1990s; there are organizations that have made an incalculable effort to publicize the basis and impact of this disease in order to provide better clinical management to those who suffer from it. In our country, Latin America and other Spanish-speaking countries, there are no studies of this problem that allow us to know what we are facing; questionnaires such as the one used in this research is not validated for use in our populations. The dry eye syndrome is a real problem that causes a lot of discomfort, but that is curiously underdiagnosed in the ophthalmological consultations in our country, so it is very important to carry out this study and even more in a population that is daily exposed to environmental pollutants that are harmful to your eye health. Educating the population in general with visual health issues is a pending task that Optometry professionals have; since the importance of a correct refraction is equal to the importance and care of the tear film for a proper functioning of the same and avoid in this way, significantly increase the statistics of dry eye syndrome.
ItemEVALUACIÓN DEL ESTADO VISUAL EN NIÑOS DEL INSTITUTO DE INTEGRACIÓN DEL DEFICIENTE VISUAL DE LA CIUDADELA MUNICIPAL, PARROQUIA PICOAZA, CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO. PERIODO FEBRERO A JULIO- 2008(Universidad Ténica de Manabí, 2008) ARTEAGA LOOR, GENNY DEL CARMEN ; ALCIVAR QUIJANO, ANDREA TATIANA ; GOROSABEL DELGADO, JOHANNA MARIEL ; SÁNCHEZ SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ DANILO ; GOROZABEL, JAQUELINEThe eyes are the Windows of the world and an excellent vision contributed directly with each one of the activities that we do. The vision problems appear daily affecting in different magnitude, the Government must be worry for the children that have a low vision because many times they are of few economic resources and they can’t obtain the necessary implements for their correction. The campaign of low vision are very important because they give a lights hope to them witch don’t have it, in them we can find capacity people to attend each one of the different cases. The children are the people that will govern tomorrow, their good health and an excellent learning is fundamental for this reason it turn in a fountain of a greats importance. Such in Ecuador as a level wad. This community project is directed “To Evaluate the visual state in children of the Integration Institute of the Visual Deficient of the Citadel Municipal Parish Picoaza Canton Portoviejo, Period of February to July of de 2008”. It began with the diagnosis of the communitarian to know the situation Socio- Cultural and identify its principals visual problems be able to confirm the necessity of visual corrections as well in student as teachings wish influence in their daily learning. It was observed the obscene of support by organizations because in the institute we can find student with a low vision that require implements of the raised cost for the best development and for the prices of these they cant acquire directly. Its was realized optometric exams as well in teaching as students this way also conferences about visual therapy and Deficiently Sensorial Visual in which we can teach ortoptica exercises and others that contribute of the best way as well in students, teaching and parents. It was recommended to the master of the Institute to continue with the labor of to make optometric exams once a year, to contribute with the realization of the visual therapy and show them the importance of the glasses in the students that require it for these give them the adequate care. This work finished with success thanks to the support of the people that work in the Institute of Integration of the Visual Deficiently to the family parents and to the responsible of this project.
ItemFATIGA VISUAL ASOCIADA A LOS NIVELES DE ILUMINACIÓN EN LOS PUESTOS DE TRABAJO DEL PERSONAL ADMINISTRATIVO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) BARRETO SÁNCHEZ, DIOSELINA A. ; GARCÍA MOREIRA, XEOMARA I. ; ARTEAGA LOOR, GENNY DEL CARMENVisual fatigue, also known as asthenopia is a discomfort that occurs in the eyes as a result of having made a lot of voluntary effort of the visual apparatus to accommodate and adjust the view. This effect of fatigue occurs in people who perform some work at close range and for a long time, where they subject the eyes to a situation of permanent stress. The effort that means to obtain an adequate vision causes that the person has the sensation that it diminishes his visual capacity, although it is of transitory way. This problem affects those who spend more than eight hours in front of a computer screen, to those who read and write long time in a row, to workers who are exposed to a very bright light or who remain in places with low light. In general, the mere presence of astenopia does not in itself have greater seriousness, however, when presenting these discomforts, it is always advisable to go to a specialist and take the corresponding treatment and prevention measures.