Licenciado en Psicologia Clinica
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ItemACTITUDES Y RELACIONES INTERPERSONALES DE LAS PERSONAS CON DISCAPACIDAD DE LA FUNDACIÓN DE ATENCIÓN Y DESARROLLO INTEGRAL AL NIÑO, NIÑA, ADOLESCENTE Y LA FAMILIA DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO EN EL AÑO 2020(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2020) CEVALLOS LAZ, JESSENIA MARIBEL ; NAVARRETE MERA, SANDY LILIBETH ; BRAVO CEDEÑO, GUADALUPEThe present research aims to identify the attitudes and interpersonal relationships of people with disabilities of the Foundation for Attention and Comprehensive Development of Children, Adolescents and the Family (FADINNAF) in 2020. For this purpose, the qualitative approach was used descriptive with a narrative design. To carry it out, four people with physical, motor and visual disabilities (adults) from the El Guabito site were chosen, to whom a semi-structured interview was applied which was used to collect data pertinent to the subject matter of the proposed study. What was detected was analyzed through data that were entered into the ATLAS program. You. By means of this procedure the verification of objectives was demonstrated. According to the results obtained, it is determined that there are several factors that affect attitudes and how are the interpersonal relationships of certain individuals, presented in the categories: attitudinal components, types of attitudes, functions of attitudes, types of family relationships, types of friendship relationships and style of interpersonal relationships, of these there are anticipated codes that allow a broader description of the subject.
Item"ADECUACIÓN DE UN ESPACIO PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UNA CÁMARA DE GESELL COMO MEDIO GENERADOR DE APRENDIZAJE FUNCIONAL DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA CARRERA DE PSICOLOGÍA CLÍNICA"(Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Facultad de Ciencias Humanísticas y Sociales. Escuela de Psicología Clínica., 2017-10) LAZO MOREIRA, VERÓNICA ; VERA TIGUA, KARLA JANINA ; PIBAQUE MUÑOZ, MIGUEL ARMANDOLa adecuación de un espacio para implementar la cámara de Gesell, como laboratorio de simulación de prácticas clínicas en el ámbito psicológico, permitirá que el estudiante gane experiencia para las futuras competencias profesionales y laborales. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo se utilizó metodología de acción participativa apoyada en los métodos bibliográficos, análisis y síntesis, todo mediante técnicas como la ficha de observación, encuesta y entrevista, para el diseño se aplicó el marco lógico. El objetivo principal fue adecuar de un espacio para la implementación de una cámara de Gesell como medio generador de aprendizaje funcional de los estudiantes de la carrera de psicología clínica dentro de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Facultad de Ciencias Humanísticas y Sociales en el periodo septiembre 2016- enero 2017. El trabajo fue ejecutado teniendo en cuenta las fases del proyecto: el diagnóstico, para identificar la necesidad problemática; la planificación se encuentras las actividades a realizar, en la ejecución los cronogramas de adecuación del espacio para la implementación de la cámara de Gesell y de capacitación y la fase de evaluación, se evaluaron cada una de las fases, permitió identificar que teniendo un área para simulaciones prácticas psicológicas, ayudará a generar aprendizajes funcionales.
ItemADECUACIÓN DE UN ESPACIO PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UNA CÁMARA DE GESELL COMO MEDIO GENERADOR DE APRENDIZAJE FUNCIONAL DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA CARRERA DE PSICOLOGÍA CLÍNICA.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) VERA TIGUA, KARLA JANINA ; PIBAQUE MUÑOZ, MIGUEL ARMANDO ; LAZO MOREIRA, VERÓNICAThe adequacy of the Gesell camera is a laboratory for simulation of clinical practices in the psychological field, which allows the student to gain experience for future professional and work skills. For the development of this work we used the methodology of participatory-action based on bibliographic methods, analysis and synthesis, all through techniques such as observation tab, survey and interview, for the design was applied the logical framework. The main objective was to build a Gesell camera As a generator of functional learning for students of clinical psychology career, of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí, In the period between September 2016 and January 2017. The work was executed taking into account the phases of the project: the diagnosis, to identify the problematic need; Planning is in implementation activities, in the execution of the construction and training schedules. The evaluation phase, has been evaluated in each of the phases, has been identified that has an area for simulations of psychological practices, helped to generate functional learning.
ItemAFECTACIONES EMOCIONALES EN TRABAJADORAS SEXUALES EN LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO, CAUSADAS POR LOS CAMBIOS LABORALES EN LA PANDEMIA COVID-19(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) GUTIÉRREZ IZQUIERDO, MARÍA ALEXANDRA ; ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETHThis article presents the results of a research whose main objective was to conduct a psychosocial diagnosis to sex workers in the city of Portoviejo, who have been affected their work because of the pandemic of Covid-19, the methodology applied is descriptive with a quantitative approach since the collection of quantifiable information was performed, the instruments used for data collection were surveys and in-depth interviews with prior oral informed consent of the participants, The results showed that 87% of the respondents are willing to receive psychological treatment, they claim to be aware of the serious emotional sequels that the Covid-19 pandemic has left in their lives, in view of this it is considered appropriate to include this group in programs and projects of psychological care that are promoted in higher education institutions and state institutions, thus providing them with the opportunity to significantly improve their emotional health.
ItemAFECTACIONES EN EL ESTADO EMOCIONAL DE DOCENTES EN LA ESCUELA LCDO. CARLOS VÉLEZ VERDUGA CONTAGIADOS CON COVID-19(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) ARTEAGA LOOR, WENDY ROCÍO ; MENDOZA ALCÍVAR, WILLIAMS ROBERTOThe main objective of this research is to carry out an analysis on the emotional effects of COVID-19, as well as to measure the emotional state of teachers who are about to return to “normality” in face-to-face classes, in addition to analyzing the impact of COVID -19 in the emotional state of 15 teachers who were exposed to contagion, belonging to the Lcdo Educational Unit, Carlos Velez Verduga, in 2021 in the city of Carmen, Ecuador, using a descriptive methodological design, based on a quantitative approach that allowed the description and comparison of the results given by the analysis of the survey, a type of sampling was carried out by natural groupings that facilitated the selection of the population to be investigated; The impact of this study was measured through virtual tools such as surveys, tests and interviews directed at those involved, making use of virtual tools: WhatsApp, Zoom, virtual surveys (google drive). Among others. In this way, it is emphasized that teachers are one of the population groups that are most exposed due to their field work, consequently they are vulnerable to situations that affect their physical and mental health.
ItemAFRONTAMIENTO AL ESTRÉS POR TELETRABAJO EN DOCENTES DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA EMILIO BOWEN ROGGIERO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) ROLDAN BAZURTO, MAYRA AZUCENA ; DÍAZ MACÍAS, TANIA MARITZAThe objective of this research work is to determine the strategies for coping with stress by teleworking in teachers of the Emilio Bowen Roggiero Educational Unit of the City of Manta. The population under study was made up of 31 teachers from the evening section. Regarding research methods, the following will be applied: deductive-inductive, statistical. The diagnostic instrument applied was the Work Stress Test, Adapted from the Psychosomatic Problems Questionnaire (or CPP) (Hock, 1988, adapted by García et al., 1993), which allows knowing to what degree the worker suffers from symptoms associated with stress and the CAE Stress Coping Questionnaire (Bonifacio & Chorot, 2003), describes the ways of thinking and behaving to face stressful situations. The results obtained were the following: regarding the gender of the sample studied, 58% are female, the remaining 42% are male; the degree or level of work stress in teachers we fear that 35.5% have mild work stress, 29% have medium work stress, with 25.8% no work stress and 3 teachers with 9.7 show signs and symptoms high job stress; which corresponds to the strategies most used by teachers according to gender: women use focusing on the solution of the problem with a percentage of 39% and positive reassessment with 33%; Men prefer to use the technique of open expression with the 54%, focusing on the solution to the problem and avoidance with 15% each, using these two techniques in equal demand, when applying strategies to cope with stress.
ItemANÁLISIS CRÍTICO DE PROPUESTAS DE INTERVENCIONES TELEPSICOLÓGICAS EN DOCENTES DE ESTUDIANTES CON DISCAPACIDAD DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ DEL PERIODO 2021-2022.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) HIDALGO ALMEIDA, KATHIA LEONOR ; MENDOZA BERMÚDEZ, ERICK EMANUEL ; CEDEÑO, HERNÁNThe objective of this research was to critically analyze the proposals for telepsychological interventions in teachers of students with disabilities, for which we opted for the search, selection and bibliographic analysis regarding topics such as: Telepsychology, ICTs, Intervention in teachers and Cognitive Model . The study was carried out from a qualitative approach through the bibliographic/documentary method with narrative design. Making use of the content analysis technique and the unstructured interview; with instruments such as: record chart and category classification, computers, word processor, among others. We worked with a sample consisting of 48 documents with related topics. Having as a result the creation of a telepsychological intervention proposal focused on the restructuring of irrational thoughts related to disability in teachers of students with disabilities. Highlighting among the main conclusions the effectiveness presented by Telepsychology in the various intervention models, the different ICTs applied in this modality, the absence of research where there is a convergence of the teaching variables, students and psychological care, and the cognitive model as a paradigm. best fit the research requirements.
ItemANÁLISIS DE FACTORES PSICOSOCIALES EN LA GENERACIÓN DE VIOLENCIA CONTRA LA MUJER DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS HUMANÍSTICAS Y SOCIALES DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ- 2018.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) GARCÍA TEJENA, GEMA ILIANA. ; VELIZ LÓPEZ, MARIA VICTORIA.This research sought to identify the psychosocial factors that generate violence against women in the Faculty of Humanistic and Social Sciences of the UTM, for which the main causes for which the aggressor generates violence against women were studied. According to the results obtained, it is determined that there are several factors that affect the behavior of certain individuals: personal experiences of violence during childhood, severe discipline, development in a climate of violence, cultural norms that promote violence, among others. For the implementation of the research, surveys applied to the students of the UTM were used to gather material to construct the statistical data that would measure the reality of gender violence.
ItemANÁLISIS DE LAS APTITUDES PERCEPTIVAS Y ATENCIONALES ENTRE ESTUDIANTES DEL ÁREA URBANA Y RURAL EN EL NIVEL DE PREPARATORIA, MEDIANTE EL TEST DE PERCEPCIÓN DE DIFERENCIAS CARAS-R(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) MORALES INTRIAGO, JUAN CARLOS ; CEDEÑO CEDEÑO, HERNÁN ; CRUZ CRUZ, JUANA ELIZABETHThe present study aims to analyze the perceptive and attentional skills of students from the urban and rural area of 6 to 7 years who attend the second grade of Basic General Education, to identify problems of attention deficit with and without hyperactivity, as well as to compare Data among students of the indicated areas and contrast differences in aspects such as academic efficiency and impulsivity control. The research was developed under a quantitative methodology supported by the descriptive method. The instrument of measurement that was applied was the test of perception of differences Caras-R and was evaluated according to the Spanish scales corresponding to the age, an inferential analysis was carried out where the data of the studied samples were compared. The results describe the profiles identified, besides showing statistical differences that show greater efficiency in students of the urban area, in addition to higher levels of hyperactivity.
Item"ANÁLISIS DE LAS APTITUDES PERCEPTIVAS Y ATENCIONALES ENTRE ESTUDIANTES DEL ÁREA URBANA Y RURAL EN EL NIVEL DE PREPARATORIA, MEDIANTE EL TEST DE PERCEPCIÓN DE DIFERENCIAS CARAS-R"(Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Facultad de Ciencias Humanísticas y Sociales. Escuela de Psicología Clínica., 2017-10) MORALES INTRIAGO, JUAN CARLOS ; CEDEÑO CEDEÑO, HERNÁN ; CRUZ CRUZ, JUANA ELIZABETHEl presente estudio tiene por objetivo analizar las aptitudes perceptivas y atencionales de estudiantes del área urbana y rural de entre 6 y 7 años que cursan el segundo grado de Educación General Básica, para identificar problemas de déficit de atención con y sin hiperactividad, además de comparar datos entre estudiantes de las áreas indicadas y contrastar diferencias en aspectos como eficiencia académica y control de impulsividad. La investigación se desarrolló bajo una metodología cuantitativa apoyado en el método descriptivo. El instrumento de medición que se aplicó fue el test de percepción de diferencias Caras-R y se valoró según los baremos españoles correspondientes a la edad, se realizó un análisis inferencial donde se compararon los datos de las muestras estudiadas. Los resultados describen los perfiles identificados, además de mostrar diferencias estadísticas que evidencian mayor eficiencia en los estudiantes del área urbana, además de mayores niveles de hiperactividad.
ItemANÁLISIS DE LAS INTERVENCIONES PSICOLÓGICAS FRENTE AL COVID – 19 MEDIANTE TELEASISTENCIA REALIZADAS POR LA FUNDACIÓN YO-YÓ ZEVALLOS(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) SALTOS ZAMBRANO, MOISÉS ARON ; SAMPEDRO MERA, JOHANNAThis research addresses the need to analyze the variables and factors that directly affect the state of mental health of individuals, thus, it is necessary the "Analysis of psychological interventions against covid-19 through telecare carried out by the Yo-Yó Foundation Zevallos located in the city of Portoviejo ”, interventions carried out to the general population during the month of March 2020; With the objectives of establishing the most common psychological alterations that have occurred in the month of March, these objectives allowed the execution of a data analysis of the telecare interventions aimed at adolescents, young people, adults and adults, carried out in various areas from Ecuador, which showed us how profound are the changes that have taken place. Likewise, a descriptive methodology was used based on a quali-quantitative approach, which allowed us the description, comparison and generalization of the results, so that the conclusion is reached that the manifestations of mental disorders present in each individual vary. significantly depending on the place, culture and gender, as well as other factors present in the environment of each individual, however the results obtained are from a small sample to determine permanent conclusions, for this reason importance is placed on conducting broader investigations and deep that allow a broad study of these variables.
ItemANÁLISIS DE RESISTENCIA A COMPRESIÓN DE LADRILLOS DERIVADOS A MAMPOSTERÍA INTERNA DE VIVIENDAS ELABORADOS CON RESIDUOS PLÁSTICOS.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) MACÍAS FERNÁN, DEZ EGO ARIEL ; RODRÍGUEZ TEJENA, JONATHAN BRYAN ; GUERRERO ALCÍVAR, MARÍA SHIRLENDYThe present research work used recycled plastic for the manufacture of internal masonry bricks. The first step was the collection of the materials to be used, the main material is plastic that is disposed of freely in the province of Manabí and its cantons, in the same way we will obtain the characteristics of plastic, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), so that at time to include them in the mix with traditional materials such as cement, water and fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. For the investigation, cylinder with dimensions (10 x 20) cm were elaborated, with addition of PET at 5%, 30% and 60%, which was replaced by fine aggregate, starting from a patrol model with 0% of the PET material. Later, several tests were carried out in order to compare them with the standard model commonly used in the region and thus analyze the internal masonry material according to the guidelines established by the Ecuadorian standards.
ItemANÁLISIS TÉCNICO-ECONÓMICO PARA LA OBTENCIÓN DE ETANOL CELULÓSICO A PARTIR DE LA CÁSCARA DE MANÍ(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) CEVALLOS ÁLAVA, DIANA STEFANÍA ; VINCES ÁLAVA, VERÓNICA ELIZABETHConventional energy generation using fossil fuels generally leads to environmental deterioration. For this reason, new alternatives are being sought to compensate the needs of today's world. This research shows a technical-economic analysis for obtaining cellulosic ethanol from hydrolysates obtained from peanut shells treated with NaOH (3%). The stoichiometric coefficients of the hydrolysate’s fermentation process were established by means of an elemental balance. Values were determined for ethanol YP/S= 0,44 gr gr-1 (%R= 85,35) and for possible emissions YCO2/S= 0,43 gr gr-1. The alcohol profile showed the presence of higher alcohols in the final distillate, at a concentration of 523,2 mg/100mL and methanol 2128,1mg/100mL. The economic indicators of a simulated industrial process were: IRR 32,60% and a positive NPV with a PBP of 4,74 years, the most susceptible parameter during the sensitivity analysis was the production cost. The use of peanut shells shows promising results for production of second-generation ethanol; however, the industrial use is conditioned to the hydrolysis and distillation processes.
ItemANSIEDAD EN EL PERSONAL SANITARIO QUE ATIENDE A PACIENTES CON COVID-19 EN EL HOSPITAL IESS, DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO DURANTE EL PERIODO SEPTIEMBRE-DICIEMBRE 2021(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) MONTESDEOCA ZAMBRANO, STIVALY DAYANA ; SALDARRIAGA MERO, DEYSI ARELIS ; RODRÍGUEZ ÁLAVA, LEONOR ALEXANDRAThe main objective of this research was to determine the anxiety of health personnel who care for covid-19 patients at the IESS hospital located in the canton of Portoviejo in the province of Manabí, during the period September-December 2021. The methodology applied in the research was carried out from the quantitative-qualitative method with a descriptive approach, as well as the inductive-deductive, analysis-synthesis, bibliographic and statistical methods; Beck's Anxiety Inventory and an open structured interview were applied. The results obtained show that health personnel suffer from anxiety at different levels, which can range from minimal to severe.
ItemANSIEDAD POR EL CONFINAMIENTO – COVID-19 EN DOCENTES DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA SALESIANA “SAN JOSE”- MANTA EN EL PERIODO DICIEMBRE – ENERO DEL 2020 – 2021(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) MERO GARCÍA, SARA MARÍA ; VELÁSQUEZ BRIONES, ARIANA ROMINA ; ESCOBAR, GUSTAVOThe present research work called "Anxiety by Confinement - Covid-19", has as general objective: To establish if there is a relation between anxiety and confinement by Covid.19 in teachers of the "San José" High school in Manta city in the school period “December 2020 - January 2021”. The method used to develop this research work, is the inductive method, which will allow to create a hypothesis based on the experiences lived by those people, and the deductive method, which will demonstrate through the logical interpretation the truth of the conclusions. The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the survey, helped to establish correlations between the different levels of anxiety due to confinement. The sample study of 60 teachers, generated useful results, por example, most of the people valuated presented mild anxiety symptoms due to the confinement for the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s necessary to mention that the virtual academic performance of the teachers was optimal and liable to obtain good results with their students during this time of health crisis; in addition, reference is made to the fact that most of the teachers performed various leisure activities for a better emotional well-being.
ItemANSIEDAD Y CARGA LABORAL EN LOS DOCENTES DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA BÁSICA FISCAL “JUAN BENIGNO VELA” ZONA 4, DISTRITO 13D01 EN LA PARROQUIA CRUCITA EN EL PERIODO 2020-2021.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) ARGÜELLO ÁLAVA, LÍRIZEN LILIANA ; PITA PÉREZ, JENNY JUDITH ; LAZO MOREIRA, MARÍA VERÓNICAAnxiety and its characteristic symptoms is one of the most commonly diagnosed affections today, it can generally be normal and healthy in some cases, as it usually prepares the individual for stressful situations but many times when these symptoms are not managed correctly, on time or not it is given due importance, a disorder with both psychic and somatic alterations can develop that affects the individual at a personal work and social level. In relation to the workload and what the teaching work implies, teachers are exposed to situations that can cause anxiety among other common psychological problems in this profession with a community focus.
ItemANSIEDAD Y CONDICIONES ECONÓMICAS PRODUCTO DEL CONFINAMIENTO COVID-19 EN HABITANTES DE LA PARROQUIA PUEBLO NUEVO CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) GARCIA RUIZ, YORYI ALEXANDER ; SÁNCHEZ CEDEÑO, EDISON MANUEL ; NAVIA RODRÍGUEZ, ISIDRO RAFAELThe thesis entitled "Anxiety and economic conditions product of COVID-19 confinement in inhabitants of the parish of Pueblo Nuevo, city of Portoviejo", aims to analyze the relationship between anxiety and economic conditions product of COVID-19 confinement in inhabitants of the parish of Pueblo Nuevo, city of Portoviejo. The descriptive method with a quantitative approach was used for the development of this research. The population in the Pueblo Nuevo parish was constituted by 3,169 inhabitants, for which a finite sample formula was applied, having a margin of error of 12% that is willing to accept in the study. As a result of the study, 65 inhabitants were questioned, to whom the Beck anxiety test and a questionnaire were applied to measure the influence of COVID-19 on the economic condition and anxiety; the questionnaire was directed to identify if there is a relationship between anxiety and the unfavorable perception of the economic condition of the inhabitants as a result of confinement.
ItemANSIEDAD Y DEPRESIÓN EN LOS ESTUDIANTES CON DIVERSIDAD FUNCIONAL.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) CEDEÑO CEDEÑO, HERNÁN ANDRÉS ; SARMIENTO DELGADO, DAVIES PAULThe objective of the work focuses on Analyze the level of anxiety and depression in students with physical functional diversity of the Technical University of Manabí, for this exploration is carried out in order to establish the degree of anxiety and depression that all students with motor disability. The article is based on a quantitative investigation of descriptive scope, where two tests will be applied Beck's anxiety inventory and Beck's depression inventory. The results of the research show that there is a greater presence of anxiety, in relation to depression. However, in relation to the number of people who have anxiety and depression, it can be seen that, in the category of severe anxiety, it is the category that, within anxiety, has a greater number of students. In relation to depression, moderate depression is the one with the highest number of students, according to the categories that each test has to evaluate.
ItemANSIEDAD Y EMBARAZO DESEADO Y NO DESEADO DURANTE LA ADOLESCENCIA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) PERALTA MUGUERZA, JEAN PIERRE ; FARFÁN CASANOVA, OLMEDO DANIELAdolescent pregnancy is characterized by being a period of transition and great instability that involves different areas of adolescent life. The present research aimed to determine the types of anxiety in adolescents with wanted and unwanted pregnancy in the obstetric consultation area of the type-B health center, May 24, of the May 24 canton of the province of Manabí, Ecuador, being this a topic of great relevance today. It is important to note that few adolescents are prepared for motherhood, since a very important number did not plan for it. It is for this reason that there is a great impact on their maturation process and once causing emotional instability. A mixed, descriptive, and cross-sectional statistical analysis was used for the study. The study population is of 25 pregnant women with both intended and unwanted pregnancies. Levels of somatic anxiety are found both in the group of adolescents with desired and unwanted pregnancy, and within the types of anxiety there are somatic anxiety in both groups and psychic anxiety in the group of desired pregnancies. Additional research is needed to better understand the phenomenon.