Licenciado en Psicologia Clinica
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Item"DEPRESION COMO CONSECUENCIA DE LA PROSTITUCION FEMENINA: CASO BURDELES DE ROCAFUERTE, ECUADOR"(Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Facultad de Ciencias Humanísticas y Sociales. Escuela de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Educación., 2017) CEDEÑO CEDEÑO, ERNÁN ANDRÉS ; DELGADO PONCE, LUCETTY STEFANIAEl ambiente y las condiciones en que las trabajadoras sexuales se desempeñan, generalmente se encuentra colmado de violencia, que afecta no solo su salud física, sino también su salud mental, es por ello que el presente estudio tiene por objetivo determinar la magnitud de síntomas depresivos y factores asociados en mujeres que prestan este servicio. La investigación tiene un diseño metodológico cualicuantitativo apoyado en el método descriptivo, se aplicó el inventario de depresión de Beck (BDI-II) a 35 trabajadoras sexuales de los burdeles del cantón Rocafuerte, para medir la sintomatología depresiva y un análisis documental para fundamentar con teorías, identificar factores socio-demográficos y caracterizar el ejercicio de la prostitución en el sector. Dentro de los resultados encontramos que al menos una de cada dos prostitutas presentó algún nivel de síntomas depresivos, que estuvieron relacionados con maltrato físico, psicológico y de rechazo social.
ItemCAPACITACIÓN A DOCENTES PARA LA IDENTIFICACIÓN E INCLUSIÓN DE NIÑOS Y NIÑAS CON EL TRASTORNO DE ESPECTRO AUTISTA (TEA) EN LAS INSTITUCIONES EDUCATIVAS DE LA PARROQUIA COLÓN(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) PINARGOTE LOOR, GEMA ELIZABETH ; VINCES FERNÁNDEZ, ROXANA STEFANÍAThis work constitutes a qualification requirement according to the academic regime under the community work modality. It is about the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that is presented as a neurological disorder, which compromise three main areas of development and affect the capacity and behavior typical of the children's age and stage of development. The methodology employed was the participatory action based on bibliographic methods, analysis and synthesis, and through observation, interview and survey techniques which were carried out in San Rafael and Colón Manabí Schools of the Colón Parish. The adequate information was gathered and this evidence gave indications that in these institutions there are children with ASD who are not being adequately included in their classrooms because of the teacher’s inexperience. The objective of this work is to train teachers for the identification and inclusion of children with ASD from these institutions. The work was executed taking into account the stages of the project: diagnosis for the definition of the problem, planning, execution and evaluation. In the diagnostic and definition phase, the specific needs of teachers could be appreciated; six workshops were given to teachers in order to acquire knowledge about TEA in order to apply it in their daily activities; the evaluation to the teachers allowed to evidence the obtained learning.
ItemCAPACITACIÓN A LOS PADRES DE FAMILIA EN ESTILOS DE CRIANZA DEMOCRÁTICOS PARA MEJORAR LAS RELACIONES FAMILIARES DE LOS NIÑOS Y NIÑAS QUE ASISTEN AL CENTRO INFANTIL DEL BUEN VIVIR (CIBV) “ESTRELLITAS DEL AMANECER” DE LA PARROQUIA DE CALCETA, CANTÓN(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) CEDEÑO LABANDA, ERICKA MARÍA ; ZAMBRANO MARCILLO, MARÍA VALENTINA ; VALDIVIESO LÓPEZ, ISABELThe training of the parents on the methods of raising children for improving family relationships amongst the kids that study in the Children center called “Morning Stars” will allow parents to have new knowledge in the best methods and strategies to raise kids, which will help family relationships. For the fulfilment of this work, the main methodology was the action – participation, supported by the bibliographic, analyses and synthesis, and through scientific techniques such as the observation, interview, workshops and evaluations. The main purpose was to train the parents that assist to the center located in Calceta in these methods to contribute to the quality of life between the members of the family. Eight workshops tool place in the center giving to the parent’s new strategies to cope with their kids that can be applied at home with the purpose of improving the relationships of the family. An evaluation was taken to measure the level of impact that the workshops generated.
ItemADECUACIÓN DE UN ESPACIO PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UNA CÁMARA DE GESELL COMO MEDIO GENERADOR DE APRENDIZAJE FUNCIONAL DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA CARRERA DE PSICOLOGÍA CLÍNICA.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) VERA TIGUA, KARLA JANINA ; PIBAQUE MUÑOZ, MIGUEL ARMANDO ; LAZO MOREIRA, VERÓNICAThe adequacy of the Gesell camera is a laboratory for simulation of clinical practices in the psychological field, which allows the student to gain experience for future professional and work skills. For the development of this work we used the methodology of participatory-action based on bibliographic methods, analysis and synthesis, all through techniques such as observation tab, survey and interview, for the design was applied the logical framework. The main objective was to build a Gesell camera As a generator of functional learning for students of clinical psychology career, of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí, In the period between September 2016 and January 2017. The work was executed taking into account the phases of the project: the diagnosis, to identify the problematic need; Planning is in implementation activities, in the execution of the construction and training schedules. The evaluation phase, has been evaluated in each of the phases, has been identified that has an area for simulations of psychological practices, helped to generate functional learning.
ItemANÁLISIS DE LAS APTITUDES PERCEPTIVAS Y ATENCIONALES ENTRE ESTUDIANTES DEL ÁREA URBANA Y RURAL EN EL NIVEL DE PREPARATORIA, MEDIANTE EL TEST DE PERCEPCIÓN DE DIFERENCIAS CARAS-R(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) MORALES INTRIAGO, JUAN CARLOS ; CEDEÑO CEDEÑO, HERNÁN ; CRUZ CRUZ, JUANA ELIZABETHThe present study aims to analyze the perceptive and attentional skills of students from the urban and rural area of 6 to 7 years who attend the second grade of Basic General Education, to identify problems of attention deficit with and without hyperactivity, as well as to compare Data among students of the indicated areas and contrast differences in aspects such as academic efficiency and impulsivity control. The research was developed under a quantitative methodology supported by the descriptive method. The instrument of measurement that was applied was the test of perception of differences Caras-R and was evaluated according to the Spanish scales corresponding to the age, an inferential analysis was carried out where the data of the studied samples were compared. The results describe the profiles identified, besides showing statistical differences that show greater efficiency in students of the urban area, in addition to higher levels of hyperactivity.
ItemDEPRESIÓN COMO CONSECUENCIA DE LA PROSTITUCIÓN FEMENINA: CASO BURDELES DE ROCAFUERTE, ECUADOR.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) CEDEÑO CEDEÑO, HERNÁN ANDRÉS ; DELGADO PONCE, LUCETTY STEFANIAThe environment and the conditions in which sex workers perform is generally filled with violence, which affects not only their physical health but also their mental health, which is why the present study aims to determine the magnitude of depressive symptoms And associated factors in women providing this service. The research has a quantitative methodological design supported by the descriptive method, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) was applied to 35 sex workers from the brothels of the canton Rocafuerte, to measure depressive symptoms and a documentary analysis to substantiate theories , Identify socio-demographic factors and characterize the exercise of prostitution in the sector. Within the results, we found that at least one in every two prostitutes presented some level of depressive symptoms, which related to physical, psychological and social rejection.
ItemEL ESTRES Y SUS CONSECUENCIAS PSICOLÓGICAS EN LOS DOCENTES DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA "LUIS DUEÑAS VERA" DEL SITIO MEJÍA, PARROQUIA PICOAZA, CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO, 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) PICO BRAVO, JOSSELYN SULAY ; RODRÍGUEZ ÁLAVA, ALEXANDRAStress is determined by the state of mental fatigue caused by the requirement of a performance much higher than normal; Usually causes various physical and mental disorders, which may be associated with the state that occurs from events that generate some distress, confusion or suffering; When the situation occurs excessively, the person begins to feel anxiety and to experience various symptoms. In this way stress affects a large number of people who work, generated by fatigue and overwhelming work, to such an extent that they wear down and incapacitate their performance and productivity; Which implies that the percentages of rotation and absenteeism are affected, causing negative effects not only in the work climate but also in the profitability of the institution where it works. The reason that led to this work was based specifically on the psychological consequences of stress in teachers Luis Dueñas Vera Educational Unit Mejía site, Picoaza parish, Portoviejo, which allowed to know that stress affects people Both in their daily life, as in work; And work performance is one of the factors most affected by stress, which can reduce performance, so it is necessary for institutions to take care of the mental health of the worker so that, in this way, efficiently perform in their workplace; And thus achieve better productivity and satisfaction. The methodology that was used had a mixed (qualitative) approach, because it was a process that collects, analyzes and links quantitative and qualitative data in the same study and was applied to determine numerical results using the survey technique in order to explain , Describe, and explore information on the determinants of labor insertion, which is unique and particular in its kind and which is vital for society.
ItemEL DIVORCIO DE LOS PADRES DE LOS ADOLESCENTES DEL DÉCIMO AÑO Y LAS CONSECUENCIAS PSICOSOCIALES EN LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA MILENIO OLMEDO, PERIODO 2016 – 2017.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) ROBLES BRIONES, STEFANÍA DOLORES ; BRAVO CEDEÑO, GUADALUPE DEL ROSARIO ; LOOR RIVADENEIRA, MARLENE RUTHDivorce or separation from parents is a difficult situation to face, it can produce discomfort and frustration for their loved ones, especially for their children, a situation that can have negative consequences for the most vulnerable, such as children and adolescents, that they are merely passive beings who become victimsbecause of this problematic situation their parents face and that in many cases is not appropriate for their psychosocial development. The present study has as objective to know if the divorce of the parents is an agent that has psychosocial consequences in the adolescents of the Tenth Year in the Educational Unit Milenio Olmedo, period 2016-2017; being necessary, to define in depth and with criterion the subject exposed, which shows the importance of knowing the behavior of adolescents by the feeling of separation from their parents. The methodology is given through a descriptive study, using the method of documentary analysis to investigate and establish the bibliography used in the foundation of the research variables. As a result it was possible to respond to the consequences that children may have during the adolescence stage, concluding that many children have behavioral disorders and emotional disorders, feelings of anger, resentment, anxiety, along with apprehension and confusion by the change of relationships with parents. The results obtained allow us to suggest the development of workshops for parents and students involved in this social reality, in order to achieve that adolescents improve their social behavior.
ItemEL PERFIL PROFESIONAL Y LA INSERCIÓN LABORAL DE LOS EGRESADOS DE PSICOLOGÍA CLÍNICA, DENTRO DE ESTABLECIMIENTOS DE SALUD DE SEGUNDO Y TERCER NIVEL DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) MENDOZA VILLAVICENCIO, CRISTIAN AGUSTÍN ; VERA ROMERO, FRANCISCA LETICIA ; PINARGOTE MACÍAS, ELETICIA ISABELThe process of labor insertion of university students is as, or more, interesting than the description of the employment situation in a given moment of life. The objective of this research is to characterize the professional profile in the labor insertion of graduates of Clinical Psychology, in the area of the health of the Portoviejo canton, for its development was applied a descriptive methodology, supported in analytical methods, supported inductive - deductive In updated bibliography, electronic documents and new technologies of information and communication. The techniques used to obtain the information were the observation, the interview and the questionnaire of questions for the survey, whose results allowed to reach relevant conclusions as: that the professional profile of the career of Clinical Psychology of the Technical University of Manabí is According to a large percentage of the competences required by employers in the Portoviejo city, as a mechanism for labor insertion there is the department of monitoring graduates; However, it is denoted that there are no strategic lines for effective employability and in the training processes only the pre-professional practices and the link with society that are minimal activities are evident as an approach to the world of work and it is not possible to develop in its entirety The skills and skills that employers require. This research aims to contribute to the career of Clinical Psychology of the Technical University of Manabí, on the professional competencies, the professional profile requested by employers in the public and private sector of health.
ItemEL CONSUMO DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVAS Y DEPRESIÓN EN ESTUDIANTES DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA 25 DE MAYO DE CRUCITA, AÑO LECTIVO 2016 – 2017.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) COVEÑA ANCHUNDIA, DARWIN MAURICIO ; ALCÍVAR RODRÍGUEZ, PATRICIA HILIANA ; PINARGOTE MACÍAS, ELETICIA ISABELThe abuse of psychoactive substances affects teenagers by their social and health nature, and associated with another issues, represents a potential damage factor for them. The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between the consumption of psychoactive substances and depression in the students of the Baccalaureate of the Educational Unit 25 de Mayo of the parish of Crucita, which belongs to Portoviejo city, during the academic year 2016-2017, the same is developed with a descriptive methodology, supported by an updated bibliography, electronic documents and new technologies from information and communication. To obtain the information, the following tests were applied: Alcohol, tobacco and other drug test ASIST V3.0, and the Beck Depression Inventory whose results allow us to reach important conclusions such as: that licit substances are the most consumed by the investigated population, where alcohol reaches 95% of consumption and the most commonly used illicit substance is cannabis. However, in this case, a significant relationship between the high risk of use of psychoactive substances and depression in adolescents has not been determined. This research aims to contribute to the referential framework of the psychological sciences and the development of strategies for prevention and reduction of disorders for consumption and abuse of substances and depression among our teenagers.
ItemEL PERFIL PROFESIONAL DE LOS PSICÓLOGOS CLÍNICOS Y LA INSERCIÓN LABORAL EN EL DISTRITO NO 13D01 DEL MIES DE PORTOVIEJO.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) BASURTO MACÍAS, GABRIEL ALBERTO ; MOLINA DÍAZ, VALERIA BEATRIZ ; RODRÍGUEZ ÁLAVA, ALEXANDRAThe present research shows the incorporation of the professionals in Psychology to the labor field, a process that must respond to different aspects and challenges. The general objective was to determine the professional profile of clinical psychologists and the insertion of workers in the District 13D01 of MIES in the city of Portoviejo. The inductive / deductive method was used, analytical, bibliographical and statistical; the collection of information was done through surveys; it was possible to know that a considerable percentage of the analyzed entities will need to include in their group of professionals at least two more Psychologists, taking into account the demand of users; in the same way it was possible to identify that the professional in Psychology assumes the majority in this area, functions of family counseling. It was concluded that the professional profile of the clinical psychologist in the social field is constituted by a set of domains and competences related to the use of methods of selection, evaluation and intervention of social phenomena, creativity and imagination, ability to flexibilize, adapt, propose, design, implement, manage and evaluate community programs that result in the overall well-being of society in general.
ItemDIFICULTADES DE INTERACCIÓN SOCIAL Y COMUNICACIÓN NO ASERTIVA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) CEDEÑO SOLÓRZANO, JENNIFER LISBET ; RODRÍGUEZ ALAVA, ALEXANDRAThe difficulties of social interaction and non-assertive communication can be presented as consequences of discomforts or agents that influence the triggering of this problem, for which psychotherapy is needed to improve the quality of life of the affected individual. In order to arrive at these conclusions a data collection of a patient with their identification data, personal anamnesis, clinical history, psychological evaluation and evaluation of the personality was made, relevant data, once concluded with the stage of diagnostic evaluation, the treatment was performed Psychotherapeutic. The objective of this process was to increase the assertive communication of NN, and to reduce the difficulty of social and family interactions. Several psychotherapeutic techniques were used, the techniques applied according to the patient profile were assertiveness training, cognitive restructuring, progressive training by Jacobson. Taking into account that the psychotherapeutic processes with the chosen techniques gave results, the patient has evolved positively verifying the validity of the techniques. With this case study we intend to motivate clinical psychologists in training at the Technical University of Manabí to carry out this type of research as it is enriching for our future professional field.
ItemESTRÉS Y DEPRESIÓN EN DETENIDOS POR PRIMERA VEZ: CENTRO DE DETENCIÓN PROVISIONAL DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETH ; CEDEÑO LOOR, ROBINSON FERNANDO ; ORMAZA PINCAY, MARÍA DE LOS ÁNGELESThe research was developed under the quantitative approach, supported by the descriptive method. This study was conceived in two stages: the related bibliography was first thoroughly revised to support the theoretical bases and characterization of the research; in the second stage, a field survey was carried out at the Provisional Detention Center of the city of Portoviejo, where a male prison population of 37 persons was considered deprived of liberty for the first time, without considering exclusions of any kind. Authorization was requested to apply the inventory of Beck Depression II, which consists of 21 multiple-choice questions and is used to measure the severity of a depression picture. The results of the use of the Beck depression inventory for the first time incarcerated in the Provisional Detention Center of the city of Portoviejo determine that 43% of the respondents need professional support for suffering some degree of depression. It was determined that the number of new detainees, corresponds to a percentage greater than 41%, after the traffic offenses that the percentage continues with 24%. It is detected that in the crime of mayor incidence commits child of young adults, aged between 18 and 29 years.
ItemEL PERFIL PROFESIONAL Y LA INSERCIÓN LABORAL DE LOS PSICÓLOGOS CLÍNICOS DEL DISTRITO No 1 DE EDUCACIÓN EN LA PARROQUIA 12 DE MARZO EN LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) ARTEAGA LOZADA, FELIX ADRIAN ; MUENTES LUCAS, LUIGGI ALEXANDER ; BARCIA, MARCELOIn the present work we will present the profile of the Clinical Psychologist and the labor insertion in the educational field and thus be able to know the activities that they perform. It was proposed as a general objective To characterize the professional profile and the labor insertion of clinical psychologists in District 1 of Education of the 12 de Marzo parish in the city of Portoviejo. The methodology used was the inductive / deductive, analytical, bibliographic, statistical; the information was obtained through the application of surveys as the main instrument, whose main results could be known that the professional competencies of the Clinical Psychologist in the educational field correspond to the social sensitivity and vocation of service in their professional performance. In addition in the educational entities require at least one professional in Clinical Psychology to cover the needs and needs of educational institutions. It was concluded that the professional profile of the Clinical Psychologist in the educational field is constituted by a set of capacities or competences that the professional acquires in the teaching-learning process and when this is immersed in the labor field to develop proposals that lead to the psychoeducational improvements in institutions.
ItemG-LEARNING COMO ESTRATEGIA METODOLÓGICA PARA CORREGIR DIFICULTADES DE LECTURA EN NIÑOS DE ETAPA ESCOLAR, ECUADOR(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) MENDOZA VALDIVIEZO, NIMIA SOPHIA ; ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETHFrom the problem detected by students in pre-professional practices of the clinical psychology career of the Universidad Técnica de Manabí, carried out in an educational unit of the Cantón Portoviejo was observed children who presented reading difficulties, the study was developed through the approach mixed. The population that was delimited is of ten students who are intervened with Scale Wechsler of Intelligence to discard or to confirm the existence of marginal or bordering intelligence and mental deficiency. After a WISC-IV diagnosis was ruled out, the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery was applied in a first time (pre-test), which projected results well below the expected average in reading, comprehension and speed reading skills Of children, this is why it was decided to intervene students with a learning technique based on games that enhance reading skills, syllable recognition and construction, phonological awareness and logical coherence. Subsequently, the short-term post-test is applied with improved results in all indicators, showing a better performance of the study subjects in the implicit learning of reading techniques.
ItemEL SÍNDROME DE BURNOUT Y SUS IMPLICACIONES CLÍNICAS EN LOS TRABAJADORES DE LA GOBERNACIÓN DE MANABÍ, EN EL AÑO 2017.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) AVELLÁN CEDEÑO, MARÍA LISBETH ; MEDRANO CHICA, ANA PATRICIA ; ESCOBAR, GUSTAVOThe Syndrome of Burnout an almost unknown illness for the worker and Ecuadorian public servant, but that it exists in all the institutions and domestic companies whose goods are harmful for the labor acting, and that pitifully it passes unobserved, for the lack of knowledge or because they have confused it with the labor Stress, this investigation, carried out in the Government of Manabí whose general objective was to; Diagnose the syndrome of Burnout and their clinical implications in the workers of the Government of Manabí, in the year 2017, it showed alarming results of this illness, for all the ages and years of service. The variables were observed in their natural environment, where the symptoms and the dimensions were analyzed that affect people, by means of the questionnaire of MASLACH that was used to obtain outstanding information, concluding with the weaknesses of the institution and their human resource, to recommend in the best way the appropriate treatment that you/they should follow the workers and public servants of the Government of Manabí.
ItemEVALUACIÓN Y TRATAMIENTO DE UNA PACIENTE CON TRASTORNO OBSESIVO COMPULSIVO (TOC) EN LAS INMEDIACIONES DE LA CÁMARA DE GESELL(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) MANTUANO ARTEAGA, CARLOS IVAN ; VALDIVIESO LÓPEZ, ISABEL PATRICIAThe thoughts, emotions and behaviors, related to education and experiences, cause each person to develop a different adaptation to another. Obsessions are reciprocal images, thoughts or emotions that can be presented before a situation, being considered as normal between the society taking little by little to become a significant frustration if it is not known to control, opting for a behavior or ritual that is known as obsession to be able to attenuate temporarily stress. The objective of this work was to attenuate the intensity of the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), to restore patient stability, being able to achieve with the patient's voluntariness and the effectiveness of the Psychologist. There were 16 sessions, running in the Gesell Chamber of the Clinical Psychology Career at the Technical University of Manabí. This paper aims to be a means of practical information, with a career in favor of research research.
ItemESTATUS SOCIOECONÓMICO Y LA SALUD MENTAL EN LA POBLACIÓN DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) BERGMANN ZAMBRANO, RUTH LEONOR ; RODRÍGUEZ ALAVA. LEONOR ALEXANDRA ; CHABESTA LOOR, JORDY ALEXANDERThe purpose of the research is to establish the relationship of socioeconomic status and mental health in the population of the city of Portoviejo; it being understood that the socioeconomic status includes the economic income, educational level and occupation of the individuals. The research is quantitative – qualitative, a survey was applied to 264 inhabitants between 18 and 45 years of age and an interview with 10 Clinical Psychologists; as a result, it is evident that socioeconomic status influences mental health, whether this status is high or low; when it suffers alterations or problems, the individual can affect his capacity of identification and response; It is necessary to strengthen policies, projects and spaces for the development of an egalitarian and healthy society.
ItemINFLUENCIA DEL TIPO DE VÍNCULO AFECTIVO MATERNO Y PATERNO EN LA CONDUCTA AGRESIVA DE LOS ADOLESCENTES. CASO NOVENO AÑO DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA DEL MILENIO OLMEDO, PERIODO 2016 – 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) BRAVO CEDEÑO, GUADALUPE DEL ROSARIO ; GUEVARA CEVALLOS, ROSA MARGARITA ; NAVIA RODRÍGUEZ, ISIDRO RAFAELIt is imperative to emphasize that the family is a social system constituted by its family dynamics, according to this, the present study is oriented to clinical psychology. Its objective is to analyze the emotions and behaviors of adolescents given by the type of affective bond and aggressive behavior in the Ninth Year of the Educational Unit of the Olmedo Millennium, period 2016 - 2017. To have an accurate information, it was necessary to investigate the experiences affective of parents to their children and how they are linked to their socio - educational context. The methodology used to determine if the different types of affective bond developed and maintained between parents and adolescents, are related to aggressive behavior directly or indirectly, was non-experimental descriptive correlational type, using the method of documentary analysis according to the attachment theory of Jonh Bowkby and other authors to theoretically support research. The sample was constituted by 74 adolescents to whom a questionnaire of questions was applied taking as a reference the inventory of attachment with parents and mothers of family (Ippa, Armsden & Greenberg, 1987) and the questionnaire of aggressiveness (Aq) of Buss and Perry version reduced (Vigil - Colet Et Al., 2005), the same that was adapted according to the reality investigated. The results obtained allowed us to assess the value of how these links interfere in the behavior of adolescents. Concluding that there is a considerable number of students who present aggressive behaviors, which can be self-harm, criminal behavior, verbal aggression, among others, which becomes a problem at the family, school and social level. The results obtained led to the design of an intervention proposal to resignify the affective bonds, based on talks and ongoing workshops, aimed at parents and students from a mainly affective point of view, based on good communication and relationship.