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ItemPLAN DE NEGOCIOS PARA LA COMERCIALIZACIÓN DE BIENES DE LA CANASTA BÁSICA AGROECOLÓGICA, CULTIVADOS EN LAS COMUNIDADES ATASCOSO, CAÑA BRAVA Y LA PALMA, DE LA PARROQUIA NOBOA DEL CANTÓN 24 DE MAYO. PERIODO 2015-2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016)This work was executed in the form of community development, which consisted of creating a business plan that will improve the marketing of products that make up the agro-ecological basket, goods which are sown in the communities of Atascoso, Caña Brava and La Palma, Noboa communities in the parish of Canton on May 24.Through carrying out a diagnosis of the three communities could examine what the problem was most prevalent affecting the economic development of the communities, Once the problem was detected worked hard on a solution, through the development of a business plan properly planned and developed by the authors of this work, under the supervision and advice of delegates Rural Good Living program of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries and the Faculty of Management and Economics. By designing a structure for members of communities Atascoso, Caña Brava and La Palma, they can achieve better organization within their association,talks to explain what was the business plan is provided, which had an important acceptance and was well pleased for members who attended those talks, all this in order that they can use this tool with stronger knowledge and sustainable for future generations. Through a quantitative study could observe and interviews the main authorities of the Atascoso communities Cana Brava and La Palma, so it was necessary to use statistical methods empirics- and inductive – deductive, very necessary for gathering information that facilitated the development of diagnostic communities and subsequent business plan. At the conclusion of the business plan and to make the respective delivery thereof, members who attended the talks they were motivated to continue selling their products so more organized and better utilize the resources that facilitated them MAGAP, Showing interest in starting the business plan I will be facilitated, with the sole purpose of improving their living conditions and increase their income
ItemMODELO DE NEGOCIO PARA LA INSTALACIÓN DE UN PARQUE ACUÁTICO EN LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016)The main objective of this thesis is the proposal of a business model, which has as its main objective to carry out recreational activities by building a water park, in it the necessaryinfrastructure will be installed to provide related to the spreading of the population services Portoviejo and surrounding parishes to where the business is located. Aquatic Park, address the need for a sector of the population to have a recreation center for the inhabitants of the city of Portoviejo, where fun, entertainment is offered, as are the pools with their slides, speed ramp area relaxation, sports area among others, which are important elements for the whole family. The methodology used to obtain the information necessary and relevant, related to the application of the deductive method because the investigation was initiated considering a representative sample to determine the unmet demand for the service. The inductive method was also used in analyzing financial indicators to determine the profitability of the business, observation techniques, interview, survey, literature review. The business model proposed is related to the investment project to be held with the incorporation of a company to be identified with the name Porto Park S.A Water Adventures The investment project has the following structure. The market study allowed us to determine the supply current and future demand and unmet demand, which was used to establish the existence of a need that will be addressed promptly. The technical study, determined the size of the project, with an installed capacity to provide the service of 75.271 visits per year capacity and capacity utilization, 80% of the installed considering a 20% reserve for implementing future, plus the location is proposed most appropriate considering several alternatives
ItemMODELO DE NEGOCIO PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UNA EMPRESA EXTRACTORA Y COMERCIALIZADORA DE JUGO DE FRUTAS CÍTRICAS SIN COLORANTES, CONSERVANTES, SABORIZANTES NI ENDULZANTES EN LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016)The research entitled “Business model for implementing a logging company and marketer of citrus juice without dyes , preservatives, flavors or sweeteners in the city of Portoviejo " was developed in order to provide consumers a product of natural drinks higher quality characteristics of tropical fruits such as orange and tangerine features. This project aims to measure the financial viability for the creation of an extractor and marketer of citrus juice company in the city of Portoviejo, because it will help people to improve the quality of life, put in the market soft drinks abound and artificial juices. The structure of the research has a business plan, strategic planning, market research, technical, administrative and legal, financial and economic evaluation. For data collection, we worked with a sample of 399 inhabitants of the canton Portoviejo and urban and rural parishes, which provided relevant to the development of the thesis information. In the business model it was established that the company will be named in honor of Porto Real is an indigenous company in the city of Portoviejo, where we value domestic products, but more emphasis is produced in the canton. The product is called Jugos Sofia, which is a name very easy woman to learn and carry the minds of consumers as a fresh, healthy and natural product. In strategic planning distribution channels that will be useful to market the product were determined. It was established that one of the strengths of the company will be the easy access to raw materials, the product is natural and low cost of production as demand for the product. In the market study it was determined that the product is accepted by 94% of the population of Portoviejo, in which a target of 10 % representing 26.323 inhabitants was taken. There are no historical data on the supply and demand of competition due to the lack of competitors in the local market, which was determined by supply unmet demand projecting the results to five years with a growth rate of 1.8 % annually
ItemLOS NEGOCIOS ARTESANALES DE GABINETE DE BELLEZA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA GENERACIÓN DE EMPLEOS DIRECTOS E INDIRECTOS EN LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO 2013 – 2015(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016)This work titration was performed under the investigative modality whose purpose was to establish the incidence of Artisanal Business Beauty Cabinet in generating direct and indirect jobs in the city of Portoviejo, period 2013-2015. It is for this reason that it was necessary to create a robust approach with instruments collecting information capable of identifying the procedures of these businesses and their cooperation in generating employment positions to undertake this effect, achieving so the inclusion of individuals to contribute to their socio-economic aspect. The research instrument used was the survey of 50 owners cabinets legally constituted and beauty contained in the Provincial Defense Board Artisan Manabí in order to obtain real information and contribution to the development of this work degree. However some aspects that gave prominence to this research and all business promotes employment generation were identified, but these businesses due to many factors, this situation is changing, because the employment it provides internally and generally familiar by confidence reasons. Finally it notes that financially these businesses are profitable but competition is increasing day by which efforts should increase as much as possible and address each of the factors affecting that present this important for the stable aspect business
ItemLOS MICRO - CRÉDITOS AGRÍCOLAS OTORGADOS POR EL BANCO NACIONAL DEL FOMENTO A LOS PRODUCTORES DE MAÍZ, MANÍ Y MARACUYÁ DEL CANTÓN ROCAFUERTE Y LA INCIDENCIA EN LA GENERACIÓN DE EMPLEO DIRECTO E INDIRECTO: PERIODO 2012 – 2014(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016)The National Development Bank, is the public financial institution which for several years has been providing funding to the projects of Ecuadorians, this research is circumscribed in microcredit granted by that institution, several producers of corn, peanuts and settled Maracuyá from the territories of the Rocafuerte county in the province of Manabí Ecuador. The same is characterized as an area of agricultural production, mainly short cycle.This activity generate in turn direct labor and indirect labor, which is evidenced by the results obtained after the investigation.This activity generates in turn direct labor and indirect labor, which is evidenced by the results obtained after the investigation.In the first chapter, the development of the theoretical foundations of the main variables under investigation is conducted, such as microcredit and different definitions and studies of direct and indirect employment.In the second chapter, the production of corn, peanuts and passion fruit is determined in the study areas In the third chapter, identifies micro loans granted by the BNF, producers of corn, peanuts and fruit in several communities in the upper part of Rocafuerte County, Similarly, the direct and indirect employment generated is analyzed through activities production subject to study. Following an analysis of the data collected, and finally determines the degree of significance between micro credits by generating direct and indirect employment; it is also left raised the incidence in some socio-economic variables