Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias
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ItemAbundancia, crecimiento y mortalidad de una población de Almeja, Leukoma asperrima (Sowerby, 1835) en el estuario del río Chone(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) Espinoza Espinoza, Martha Lucia ; Troya García, Juan José ; Panta Vélez, Rodolfo PatricioThe abundance, growth and mortality of a clam population, Leukoma asperrima (Sowerby, 1835), was determined in the Chone River estuary between July and December 2016. The collection of the clam specimens was carried out in 5 transects perpendicular to the tide line of 100 meters in length collecting all the organisms contained in the sediment with a square of PVC tube of 1.0 m2. Biometric analysis was performed as total length (mm) and total weight (g) to estimate the population structure, growth parameters (L∞, K, t0, Tmax), growth index (Ø '), total length-total weight ratio, total mortality, natural mortality, fishing mortality and exploitation rate of the resource. L. asperrima presented an abundance and average biomass was 3.50±0.61 ind/m2 and 96.54±15.45 g respectively, with an average total length of 38.64±0.56 mm and average total weight of 27.58±0,80 g. The growth parameters were L∞= 54.60 mm; K= 0.41/year; t0= - 0.34 and Tmax= 6.97. The relation total length and total weight was expressed by the equation Pt= 11.874e0.0201 Lt (r2= 0.11). The estimates of the total mortality rate obtained were Z= 1.16±0.17/year, natural mortality 0.43; fishing mortality 0.73 and exploitation rate 0.63. The values of the parameters of growth and mortalities for this species are the first to be estimated in the estuary of the Chone River and are considered to be useful antecedents for the evaluation and management of the resource.
ItemAcondicionamiento del Chame Dormitator latifrons (Richardson 1844) para su inducción al desove en laboratorio(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) Ponce Anchundia, Heydi Johana ; Zambrano Cedeño, María Angélica ; Panta Vélez, Rodolfo PatricioThis research was carried out in the facilities of the Technical University of Manabí, School of Aquaculture and Fisheries during the months of February to November of 2018, with the objective of conditioning chame reproducers Dormitator latifrons (Richardson 1844) with different diets for his gonadal maturation in the laboratory. The reproducers were obtained from different sites in San Isidro, Chone and Tosagua. During the conditioning process part of the organisms were subjected to curative treatments with oxytetracycline, lithofloxin, cypro-plus, piperazine, enrofloxacin and neguvon as they had bacterial lesions. There was greater susceptibility in male organisms with 54.17%, however, survival was excellent with 92%. After overcoming the quarantine, 2 protein treatments (28% and 35% protein) were applied to achieve gonadal maturation of females and males, each with 2 replicas. At the end of the crop there was no increase in body weight in any treatment having a decay of 21.57 g for females fed the diet of 35% and 15.83 g in those who were fed with 28% protein. In the males fed 35% protein there was a loss of 13.43 g and with the diet of 28% the loss was 14.81 g. During a period of 3 months of control of the feeding variables in this study for females and males of D. latifrons maintained on a diet of 35% and 28% did not present an increase in weight and height, with an apparent reabsorption of the gonadal tissue. The recorded data of physical and chemical parameters (temperature, oxygen, pH and ups) were kept within the optimum cultivation ranges for D. latifrons throughout the investigation.
ItemAcondicionamiento y puesta en marcha de tanques zamoranos para la pre-cría de organismos acuícolas en la escuela de acuicultura y pesquería, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, extensión Sucre(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) Delgado Demera, Luz Esperanza ; Vera Demera, Jandry José ; Cedeño Estrada, JavierA technical project was carried out for the conditioning and commissioning of Zamorano tanks for the pre-breeding of aquaculture organisms in the School of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Technical University of Manabí, extension Sucre, in the period from November 2017 to January 2018. Zamorano tanks were created for the purpose of storing the water resource, since a few years ago they have been seen as an alternative to incorporate the development of fish production due to the ease of construction and lower cost that they represent compared to fish ponds geomembrane. Thanks to its circular shape, it helps the constant movement of water inside, which allows to stabilize physical chemical parameters of the water, improving the environmental conditions of the pond, and also facilitates the uniform distribution of the fish. Zamorano tanks are located in an area of 36 m2 , each 3 m in diameter, with a height of 1.20 m and 1 m of water level. The total water storage capacity is 8482 liters, while the total water in production use is 7068.6 liters (7 m3 ). The ponds are designed to culture aquaculture species, especially in the pre-breeding phase, (for example in the cultivation of red tilapia with a planting capacity of 300 organisms per cubic meter). The costs of materials and services used during the implementation and conditioning of the Zamorano tanks for the pre-breeding phase were determined, giving an initial investment value of $ $2.468,35 dollars for the construction, adaptation and start-up of the Zamorano tanks. The implementation and adaptation of artisanal Zamorano tanks will contribute to the acquisition of technical knowledge aimed at students of the School of Aquaculture and Fisheries of the Technical University of Manabí extension Sucre.
ItemACONDICIONAMIENTO Y PUESTA EN MARCHA DE UNA ESTACIÒN EXPERIMENTAL PARA EL ENGORDE DE CAMARÒN Litopenaeus vannamei CON DIFERENTES NIVELES DE PROTEÌNA DEL ALIMENTO BALANCEADO Y TECNOLOGÌA DE BIOFLOC(Universidad Tecnica de Manabi , Facultad de Ingenieria Agricola,Carrera de Ingenieria Agricola, 2016-10) ANDRADE ARTEAGA, ANDRÉS ; LÓPEZ VERA, JUAN JOSÉEste proyecto tuvo una duración de aproximadamente 8 meses. Consistió en el acondicionamiento y puesta en marcha de la Estación Experimental de engorde de camarón Litopenaeus vannamei con Tecnología de Biofloc. La misma con un área techada para obtención de biofloc a gran escala (macrocosmos), con un tanque circular de fibra de vidrio de 3000 L de capacidad con aireación continúa y un área de microcosmos con 12 tanques circulares plásticos de 300 L de capacidad, aireados mediante conexiones plásticas y piedras difusoras de aire, conectados a un blower central las 24 h. La primera etapa contempló el apoyo en la construcción de dicha estación, posteriormente el equipamiento y acondicionamiento de la misma, con equipo multiparámetro YSI, reactivos y alimentos fundamentalmente, así como, participación en la formación de biofloc en el macrocosmos y la puesta en marcha del área de microcosmos, con el desarrollo del bioensayo de engorde de juveniles de camarón Litopenaeus vannamei durante 15 días, para comprobar la funcionabilidad de la estación. Se trabajó con los 12 tanques experimentales, se pusieron a prueba 4 tratamientos triplicados y se valoró la respuesta productiva de la especie al ser alimentada con balanceados de diferentes niveles proteicos y la presencia de flóculos de alimento, logrados por la tecnología de biofloc. El tratamiento control (TC) sin alimento balanceado (AB), T1 con AB de 35 % de proteína bruta (PB), T2 con AB de 28% de PB y T3 con AB de 22% de PB. En cada tanque experimental se prepararon 200 L de microcosmos, inicialmente con 150 L de agua de mar filtrada previamente tratada y 50 L de biofloc proveniente del macrocosmos. En cada uno se situaron 12 juveniles de aproximadamente 1g de peso inicial. Los parámetros ambientales (temperatura, oxígeno disuelto, salinidad y pH) fueron controlados diariamente en la mañana y tarde. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron la destacada participación del biofloc en el crecimiento, biomasa, FCA, buenas condiciones ambientales, comportamiento visual de los animales y la funcionabilidad de la Estación Experimental. Se concluye que la práctica de la Tecnología de Biofloc merece ser estudiada con profundidad, como una alternativa que permita lograr cultivos acuícolas más productivos y rentables.
ItemAcondicionamiento y puesta en marcha de una estación experimental para el engorde de camarón Litopenaeus vannamei con diferentes niveles de proteína del alimento balanceado y tecnología de biofloc(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Andrade Arteaga, Andrés ; López Vera, Juan José ; Álvarez Capote, SusanaThis project was carried approximately 8 months. It consisted of the preparation and implementation of the Experimental Station of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp farming with Biofloc Technology. It with a roof for obtaining Biofloc a large scale (macrocosm), with a circular fiberglass 3000 L capacity with aeration continues and an area of Microcosm with 12 plastic circular tanks 300 L capacity tank area, aerated through connections plastic air stones and air, connected to a central blower 24 h. The first stage contemplated support in the construction of the station, then the equipment and conditioning thereof with team multiparameter YSI, reagents and food primarily, as well as participation in training biofloc in the macrocosm and the implementation of microcosm area, with the development of bioassay fattening juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei for 15 days to check the functionality of the station. We worked with the 12 experimental tanks were tested four triplicates treatments and productive response of the species to be fed pellets of different protein levels and the presence of flocs food, made by technology biofloc was assessed. The control treatment (TC) without balanced food (AB), T1 with AB 35% crude protein (CP), T2 with AB 28% CP and T3 with AB 22% CP. In each experimental tank they were prepared microcosm 200 L, 150 L initially with seawater filtered pretreated and 50 L biofloc from the macrocosm. 12 youth in each approximately 1 g of initial weight were placed. Environmental parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity and pH) were monitored daily in the morning and afternoon. The results indicated the outstanding participation of biofloc growth, biomass, FCA, good environmental conditions, health status of animals and the functionality of the Experimental Station. It is concluded that the practice of Biofloc technology deserves to be studied in depth, as an alternative that would achieve more productive and profitable aquaculture crops.
Item" Actividad antiadipogenica e hipoglucémica del aceite de linaza (Linum usitatissimum) y del maíz morado (Zea mays l.) en pollos parrilleros".(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias > Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2019) Muentes Vera, Vanessa Alejandra ; Ruiz Solórzano, Jomayra MaríaThe study was carried out at the Rio de Oro site belonging to the Andrés de Vera parish of the Portoviejo canton, located on the blanket road Km 7 ½; in a 7m long and 5m wide and 3m high shed, the antiadipogenic and hypoglycemic activity of a purple corn extract (PCE) -100 mg / kg of food- and of different levels of flaxseed oil (Ali ) (0%, 2% and 4%), replacing palm oil, using 180 COBB 500 chickens, 28 days old, fed ad libitum with isocaloric and isoproteic balancing, and distributed randomly in the following treatments: control treatment (TC; 0 mg EMM and 0% ALi); treatment 1 (T1; 0 mg EMM, 2% ALi); treatment 2 (T2; 0 mg EMM, 4% ALi); treatment 3 (T3; 100 mg EMM, 0% ALi); treatment 4 (T4; 100mg EMM, 2% ALi); treatment 5 (T5; 100 mg EMM, 4% ALi); each treatment consisted of 5 repetitions of 6 chickens each; at 56 days of age, the productive performance of the birds was assessed, final live weight, weight and yield to the carcass, relative weight of the liver, heart and fat; Spectofometry was performed to evaluate the lipid profile: total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and HDL, the HDL / LDL ratio and glycemia; for histopathological analyzes, liver samples were obtained; The results were processed using ANOVA, Completely Random Design (DCA) with 3x2 factorial arrangement, the differences between means were calculated using the Tukey test (p <0.05). The highest final weight was recorded in T5 (3283 ± 424.1); No significant differences were observed for carcass weight and performance, relative weight of liver, heart and abdominal fat; The HDL / LDL ratio was better at T 3 and 4 compared to the control group, while glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride levels did not differ between treatments. These results suggest that the intake of EMM and Flaxseed Oil could exert an atheroprotective effect, favoring the weight of the birds, respectively, without modifying other productive and biochemical parameters. Keywords: Fatty acids. Anthocyanins, flavonoids.
ItemADECUACION E IMPLEMENTACION DE UN LABORATORIO DE LARVICULTURA PARA PRODUCIR ESPECIES BIOACUATICAS EN EL CAMPUS DE LA CARRERA DE INGENIERIA EN ACUICULTURA Y PESQUERIAS.(RODOLFO PATRICIO PANTA VELEZ, 2015) ALCIVAR BRIONES, HAROLD DAVID ; ZAMBRANO ANDRADE, WINTERTH YONELTHEste proyecto consistió en adecuar e implementar un laboratorio de larvicultura para producción de especies bioacuáticas, de 72,24 m2 de construcción, con el propósito de mejorar la experiencia educativa de los estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniería en Acuicultura y Pesquerías. El desarrollo del proyecto tardó aproximadamente seis meses, la primera etapa contempló la elaboración de un diseño arquitectónico que permitiera enfocar la recuperación del área destinada al laboratorio y dotarla de un modelo de construcción funcional acorde a los requerimientos técnicos para la producción de postlarvas de camarón. La segunda etapa consistió en coordinar con la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias para lograr la aprobación técnica del proyecto y su respectivo permiso de uso del espacio dentro de las instalaciones de la extensión de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí en Bahía de Caráquez. Dentro de la ejecución del proyecto, se adquirieron materiales de construcción para iniciar los trabajos de remodelación, se resanaron varias partes de las tinas de cultivo y de los reservorios, se mejoró el sistema de drenaje, se limpió y pintó el laboratorio. Finalmente, se colocaron los motores para aireación y captación de agua, así como el sistema eléctrico y de calentamiento de agua con sus respectivas instalaciones eléctricas y de tubería de PVC. En el caso de producir postlarvas de camarón (Litopenaeus vannamei) su capacidad estimada es de dos millones de postlarvas.
Item"Adecuaciòn de los galpones avìcolas del Centro Experimental de Medicina Veterinaria-Lodana".(Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2022-03-16) Arteaga Tubay Miguel Angel ; Zambrano Molina Marìa JòseThis community work consisted of adapting the poultry sheds of the experimental center of Veterinary medicine-Lodana of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences. Being his main problem the lack of gutters in poultry sheds and the need to have a shed for the purpose of research at the FCV Experimental Center. The maintenance of the three were carried out sheds found in the experimental area, gutters and pipes were placed to prevent soil erosion in rainy seasons, the three sheds were painted, finally the internal infrastructure of the experimental shed was designed and built for research purposes, which has a changing room and cellar as well as divisions, 2 for the stage start and 12 for the fattening stage. The work was complemented with the maintenance of the water pump that supplies the sheds.
Item"Adecuaciòn del tractor agrìcola y sus implementos a la cosechadora de pasto, del Centro Experimental Nº 1de Medicina Veterinaria".(Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2022-08-05) Farìas Alarcòn Diana Elizabeth. ; Haro Mendoza Elizabeth Katherine.The objective of this work is to provide technical advice on the adaptation of the agricultural tractor with its implements to the grass harvester of the Experimental Center #1 of Veterinary Medicine of the UTM. The methodology used was of a practical and bibliographic nature, which includes information related to the central theme, divided into 4 phases; diagnosis of the problem, restructuring of the agricultural tractor, cart and wooden box and completion. It was concluded that the arrangement of the cart allows the good handling of the agricultural machinery, guaranteeing greater durability for the benefit of time and personnel. The coupling of the agricultural tractor to the grass harvester occurred as expected and it was possible to verify the proper functioning of the agricultural tractor and its implements for the benefit of the livestock species of the Experimental Center #1, of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences.
ItemAdecuación de un área de cultivo bioacuático con sistema de recirculación de agua dulce en la escuela de ingeniería en acuicultura y pesquerías, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, sede Sucre(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2015) Polit Barreto, Manuel Andrés ; Zambrano Ostaiza, Agustín Norberto ; Estrada Cedeño, JavierWith the purpose of providing a fresh water recirculation system for cultivation of aquatic organisms in the school of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries, an area was adapted, a system was designed and installed and Its efficiency was later proven with a tilapia culture. (Oreochromis sp.) for a period of 2 months. Sampling to determine chemical parameters (total ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) were carried out 3 times a week, using the Profi kits Test Ammonia and Esha Aqua Quick Test, in the effluent of the tanks and in the return water to them (filter outlet water). The efficiency of the system in cultivation was verified, since from the 25th of sowing, the average ammonium concentrations remained stable total, nitrite, nitrate, whose values are: less than 0.25 mg/L; 0.131 mg/L and 0.206 mg/L respectively. After 41 days, the nitrite concentration decreased to 0.095 mg/L and the nitrate was slightly raised to 1.213 mg/L due to the oxidation of the nitrite. Physical parameters such as temperature, oxygen were recorded daily. dissolved and pH. The average values of these parameters are: for T1 (26.860C; 4.44 mg/L and 7.6125 respectively); for T2 (26,680C; 4.37 mg/L and 6,625); and for T3 (26.850C; 4.21 mg/L and 6.6375) The increase in weight in the tilapia during cultivation recorded an initial weight and final average of 29.293 and 219.7g for T1; for T2 between 33,102 and 254,348g; and for T3 it was 49,111 and 371,926g, during the two months.
ItemAdecuación de una sala de microscopía para la optimización del diagnóstico en fresco de organismos cultivables en la carrera de Ingeniería en Acuicultura y pesquerías extensión bahía de Caráquez(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2011) Bernal Sabando, Juan José ; Hidalgo Chica, Lenin Stalin ; García V, María LauraThis work was carried out in the of Engineering in Aquaculture and Fisheries career extension program, Technical University of Manabí, extension Bahía of Caráquez, under the community work modality, in order to adapt a microscope room to optimize wet mount diagnosis. The students receive lectures classes and complement am microscope practical classes or microbiology, biochemistry, bacteriology and pathology of different organisms. This work received support from the authorities of the School of Aquaculture and its staff. The development of this project was completed in eighteen months, applying the logical framework and addressing the following activities: location of the physical space, floor preparation, construction and the installation of ceramic countertops, electrical points, sinks, pipes and drains, air conditioning, and paint the laboratory demonstration - performance practice and its official presentation. The total cost of the work was $ 4128,00.
ItemAdecuación del laboratorio de cultivo de microalgas y alimento vivo de la escuela de Acuicultura y Pesquería de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) Parrales Mera, María Jesenia ; Idrovo, MarjorieThe adequacy of the microalgae and live food laboratory of the School of Aquaculture and Fisheries of the Technical University of Manabí was carried out between the months of August 2018 and January 2019. The design of the project consists of a total area of 61.6 m2 (8.80 m wide x 7 m long) divided into three sections: strain maintenance area, washing area and autoclaving area, separated by aluminum and glass panels. The area of maintenance of strains was adapted to obtain approximately 60 to 75 L / day of algae (240 L in a 15-day run) starting from 20 ml test tubes to 15 L covers. Installed: 32 m2 of ceramics on the floor and walls up to the height of 1.67 m, a system of shelves of aluminum and glass of 3 levels (height = 1.67 m), the lighting system (25 double fluorescent lamps), the aeration system and a cooling system with a Split type CHIGO air conditioner of 24,000 BTU. The economic study of the project gave a total value of $ 4,031.32, for the adaptation of the microalgae and live food laboratory To demonstrate the functioning of the system, a 15-day pilot test was carried out, planting 2 types of microalgae Chaetoceros sp and Thalassiosira sp (1:3) (strains provided by the Microalgae Cultivation laboratory of the Higher Technological Institute "Luis Arboleda Martínez", Jaramijó - Manta), obtaining 240 L of algae production in said run. This project will help reinforce the theoretical knowledge in the field of practice to students of the School.
ItemAdecuación e implementación de un laboratorio de larvicultura para producir especies bioacuáticas en el campus de la carrera de Ingeniería en Acuicultura y Pesquerías(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Alcívar Briones, Harold David ; Zambrano Andrade, Winterth Yonelth ; Panta Vélez, Rodolfo PatricioThis project was to adapt and implement a laboratory for production larviculture aquatic species, with 72,24 m2 of construction, with the aim of improving the educational experience of students of Engineering in Aquaculture and Fisheries. The project took about six months, the first phase looked at the development of an architectural design that would allow us to focus on the recovery of the area intended for the laboratory and provide it with a model of functional construction and according to the technical requirements for the production of post larvae shrimp. The second stage was to coordinate with the Faculty of Veterinary Science to achieve the technical approval of the project and its respective permit use of space within the premises of the extension of the Technical University of Manabí in Bahia de Caráquez. Within the project implementation, construction materials were purchased to start the remodeling, several parts of the tubs of cultivation and reservoirs were repaired, and the drainage system was improved, cleaned and painted the laboratory. Finally, engines for aeration and water catchment and the electrical system and water heating with their respective electrical installations and PVC pipe placed. In the case of producing post larvae shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) its estimated capacity is two million.
Item"Adecuación y mejoramiento del galpón # 2 y construcción de una bodega para el almacenamiento de alimentos en el Departamento de Producción Animal de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias".(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias > Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2012) Intriago Navarrete, Felix Antonio ; Moreira Bravo, Jorge Luis ; Morejon Sanchez, George LeytonThis community work is developed in the animal production department at veterinary science school of the Technical University of Manabí, and its main objective, the adaptation and improvement of poultry house # 2. Its purpose is to improve the physical structure and their surroundingswe proceeded to change and renovate big part of roof, walls and base,essential parts for the firmness of de structure. It renewed the floor with a very fine concret layer in its whole .it was renewed the electric section and the water tub from a container. With the propose for gire a good service to the beneficiers from that project. Besides it got the container with water drinkers and hall dinners to the goals wished. A winery was built to store food and materials to be used in the poultry house, what has a fridge; it will preserve vaccines and drugs for animal care We culminated with the removal of tree branches, what were located around the poultry house, and cleaning of it, its winery and its surroundings.
Item``Alteraciones clinìcas y lesiones anatomopatòlogicas compatibles con circovirosis porcina en hatos porcinos y en cerdos de traspatio "(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias > Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2020) Villamar Pin, Diògenes Efren ; Valarezo Valencia, Nestor ReneIn order to demonstrate the presence of clinical alterations and pathological lesions compatible with PCV-2 Circovirus infection through the use of the clinical method and morpho and histopathological techniques in porcine herds and back pigs of Canton Tosagua and its parishes, a Epidemiological survey of 71 pig farmers in the region to assess their knowledge of the disease and know the pig population exposed. Similarly, clinical evaluation was carried out on 150 pigs of different ages and categories representing 25% of the total swine mass in the three (3) parishes that make up the Canton, on the other hand, macro and microscopic anatomopathological studies were performed 30 animals slaughtered or killed inspecting lungs, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, intestines, kidneys and skin of pigs that had symptoms compatible with PCV-2. The presence of clinical alterations was confirmed in 28% of the animals evaluated, being the most frequent manifestations in the respiratory 52%, gastrointestinal 52%, skin 38%, and most often the body condition (demeses) with 62% in relation to this organs and systems analyzed. The symptomatology is characterized by stunted growth and presence of marked spine, cyanosis in the skin, dyspnea accompanied by nasal secretions and diarrhea in different stages of evolution. In the frequency of macroscopic alterations, there was no significant difference between the lesions found, but the lesions that mostly occurred were those of the lung (83%), characterized by being of lobar distribution affecting the anterior lobes and the anteroventral part of the diaphragmatic. In other percentages of presentation were found lesions in the liver (67%), kidney (50%), skin lesions (47%), ganglion lesions (43%), intestines (37%) and lesions at the level of the spleen with only (20%). From the morphopathological point of view, generalized lymphadenitis with marked involvement of the inguinal and mesenteric nodes, catarrhal bronchopneumonia, focal lymphocyte dermopathy and interstitial nephritis accompanied by circulatory changes were observed. XVI These alterations may be related to the Post Weaning Multisystemic Depletion Syndrome (PMWS), but the epidemiological status of this disease is not known in the region studied or in the country, so the role of PCV-2 cannot be determined in the wide range of signs and lesions that occur in affected animals. Keywords: circovirus, epidemiological, disease, stunted growth, cyanosis, generalized lymphadenitis, catarrhal bronchopneumonia, focal lymphocyte dermopathy, interstitial nephritis.
ItemAnálisis de la calidad del servicio al cliente como ventaja competitiva del sector empresarial hotelero en la ciudad de Portoviejo. ELIMINAR(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) Giler Velásquez, Valeria Johamely ; López Minaya, Romina Daniela ; Márquez Ortiz, Luis Enrique
ItemAnálisis de la pesca artesanal de las Corvinas comerciales (género cynoscion) en el estuario del río Chone, provincia de Manabí durante los meses de Junio a Noviembre del 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) Rivadeneira Cagua, Yuli Alexandra ; Cruz Santana, José Adolfo ; García, María LauraThe present study analyse the artisanal fishery of the commercial croakers (género Cynoscion) at the Rio Chone Estury, Manabí Province. The samples were done at the fishery “caletas” areas Leónidas plaza and Km 8, where there were registered 3.098 croakers, from the catches obtained at the canoes and by standarized fishing arts during June to November of 2006. The most abundant species was Cynoscion albus, the Yellow croacker (72%), then Cynoscion squamipinnis ayanque (14%), Cynoscion phoxocephalus anton (11%) and finally. Cynoscion stolzmanni, (3%). The total volunme of the catches, reached 2.417,627 kg and the catches/ effort registered with the hook was low, while for the drifnet higher.
ItemAnálisis de la pesca artesanal de lisa (género múgil) en el estuario del río Chone, provincia de Manabí(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) Giler Marmolejo, Teresa Marlene Del Rocío ; " " ; " "The present study consisted on the artisanal catches analysis of the Mugill’s Mullets at the chone’s river estuary county of Manabí. The fishing monitorings were carried out in the landing creeks, located in the Kilometer 8 and Leonidas Plaza during the months of july to october of the 2008. There were registered a total of 12.783 mullets coming from the obtained captures on board the canoes by standardized fishing arts ”enmalle net”. The fishing, effort was considered here as the permanency at fishing task. The fishing volumes, the catches composition and the catches per - unit of effort were determined also. The catches composition in order of percentage of occurrence showed the most abundont Múgil cephalus (Flathead mullet) with 92,27%; followed by Múgil curema (White mullet) with 7,02%; and Múgil hopes (Hospe mullet) with 0,11%. The volume of thecatch was significant, registered 240 samples they weighed 25.944,9 Kg fish. The fishing and the catch per- unit of effort (cpu) was generally bigger in Kilometer 8.
ItemAnálisis de responsabilidad social en constructora Ukkari S.A y su efecto en la gestión de operaciones del cantón Portoviejo. ELIMINAR(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) Barberán Demera, Sophia Stefany ; Kuash Waam, Jéssica Dayana ; Carreño Mendoza, LorenaThis research was carried out mainly to determine the level of “Analysis of Social Responsibility in Constructora Ukkari S.A and its effect on the management of operations in the Canton Portoviejo”. This due to the great importance that Corporate Social Responsibility has taken in organizations. The investigation brought us closer to the reality of how the construction company Ukkari S.A. is working. In the city of Portoviejo. Finally, for the fulfillment of the objectives, we collect information through a survey directed to the technical staff, operational personnel and office personnel and the interview to gather the criteria of the manager of the company of the Ukkari construction company of the city of Portoviejo under study, and then make a cross- section of information highlighting the level of declared social responsibility that each one has. And thus be able to develop a proposal to improve the management of operations of the Ukkari construction company framed in social responsibility. The main results obtained in the survey of the company's personnel highlighted that 57% of the personnel stated that the company always applies Corporate Social Responsibility activities, while 43% stated that it is sometimes applied. Therefore, it is concluded that social responsibility stands out in the company, so it is proposed to establish strategies that provide an improvement in the management of the company's operations with respect to social responsibility.
ItemAnálisis organizacional de la Asoproagriape basado en el proceso de costo y comercialización de arroz en el sitio nuevo Correagua del cantón Sucre. ELIMINAR(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) Alarcón Menéndez, Diana Karina ; Murillo Lucas, Lisset Gardenia ; Rezabala Encalada, Youry AlexanderRice is a staple product in households worldwide, as well as Ecuador and especially in Manabí, which has an area that produces rice of excellent quality; being important factors so that it reaches the consumers the cost and the commercialization to compete in the market. Taking into account the aforementioned, the Association of Agricultural Production Entrepreneurs Nuevo Correagua "ASOPROAGRIAPE" despite having excellent quality rice and having as a competitive advantage that one of the best grains is harvested in the Charapotó site, it presents inconveniences to advance in the positioning and development as an organization, it faces a competitive threat that is the price of rice in the local and national market. The research focused on analyzing and identifying the shortcomings that prevent ASOPROAGRIAPE from advancing and achieving the objectives they have in the short, medium and long term, according to the results obtained by the researchers, together with the collaboration of partners and clients of the Association is evidenced that it must implement new product marketing strategies focused on price, advertising, innovation and sales force; They will contribute to the continuous and positioning of the brand, which allows it to compete with other products of similar qualities. It should be noted that the agricultural sector, especially rice in this area, is affected by the lack of interest of the government to regulate prices and control the entry of this product to the country.