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ItemEstimación de la pesca artesanal de camarones comerciales, de la familia Penaeidae, en el estuario del río Chone(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) Lavayen Zapata, Francisco Alejandro ; Torres Ávila, Juan Pablo ; Marjorie Idrovo V.The present study was carried out it in the estuary of the river Chone, county of Manabí. The fishing sampling embraced a period of six months (July - December 2005). The size of the catches was registered by weighting the shrimps captured from canoes and standardized fishing arts were recorded monthly, The Fishing Effort was determined as the spending time at the fishing area. Also the Fishing Yield and the Catch Composition were evaluated. The capture were high, since from 720 samples analyzed, it was obtained a weight of 1330,422 Kg of commercial shrimp, being the Atarraya and the Drift Net, the two arts of fishing more used. For both arts, the catches and fishing effort amount were higher in Km8 than Leonidas Plaza. The Fishing Yield, in contrast was lower Km. 8. Four species of the family PENEIDAE was identified scored in order of occurrence percentage: Litopenaeus vannamei, white shrimp (61,05%), Litopenaeus stylirostris, white shrimp (36, 86%), and in smaller abundance Trachypenaeus similis pacificus Zebra shrimp (1, 54%) and Litopenaeus occidentalis, white shrimp (0, 54%).
ItemMonitoreo de la pesca artesanal de peces comerciales en el estuario del río Chone, provincia de Manabí(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) Alcívar Leones, Fabián Octavio ; Mero Veliz, Pedro Gabriel ; García, María LauraThis document contains information about artesanal fishing activity success in river Chone stuarium – Manabí, from January to June of 2005 year. The achievement of the different fishing arts used, like cast net, line of hand, boulter, trammel, pulled web, then the trammel was the mast regular worth ship used by local fishermen. I san that the highs web used prance a offensive and harm full impact to stuarium ecosystem because is not a selective fishing art make a lot of damage in different fish kind’s, craps and smallest kinds of mollusc’s. Themes used boat is a canoe with manual operation, this kind of boat is used in 77,71 % of cases, 16 % for fibber class boats, and a 6,28 % for word boats. The fishing process was fronforen from eight frequently used colanders, named: the Charcoal, Alcatraz, herring, Caletón, heron white, nose of devil, island of the birds, punt white, was identify twenty five fish families like: ARIDAE – BOTHIDAE – CARANGIDAE - CENTROPOMIDAE – CYNOGLOSSIDAE – EPHIPPIDAE – EXOCOETIDAE – ENGRAULIDAE – GERREIDAE – KYPHOSIDAE – MUGILIDAE – MULLIDAE – MYLIOBATIDAE – MURAENIDAE – NEMATISTIIDAE – LABRIDAE – LOBOTIDAE – LUTJANIDAE – OPHICHTHIIDAE – POLYNEMIDAE – POMADASYDAE – SCIAENIDAE. T he weight of total fishing process, obtain across 6 month mentored was for canoes 934 pounds; fibber glass boats 764 pounds and wood boats 31,5 pounds.
ItemAnálisis de la pesca artesanal de las Corvinas comerciales (género cynoscion) en el estuario del río Chone, provincia de Manabí durante los meses de Junio a Noviembre del 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) Rivadeneira Cagua, Yuli Alexandra ; Cruz Santana, José Adolfo ; García, María LauraThe present study analyse the artisanal fishery of the commercial croakers (género Cynoscion) at the Rio Chone Estury, Manabí Province. The samples were done at the fishery “caletas” areas Leónidas plaza and Km 8, where there were registered 3.098 croakers, from the catches obtained at the canoes and by standarized fishing arts during June to November of 2006. The most abundant species was Cynoscion albus, the Yellow croacker (72%), then Cynoscion squamipinnis ayanque (14%), Cynoscion phoxocephalus anton (11%) and finally. Cynoscion stolzmanni, (3%). The total volunme of the catches, reached 2.417,627 kg and the catches/ effort registered with the hook was low, while for the drifnet higher.
ItemEvaluación de la Pesquería de la Concha Prieta (Anadara tuberculosa) en el Sitio San Felipe del Estuario del río Chone(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2008) Bermúdez Medranda, Alexandra Elizabeth ; García, María LauraThe harvest of the concha negra (prieta) was evaluated at the location of San Felipe which belongs to the Cantón San Vicente, during the period of November 2007 to March 2008. It was analyzed by the following parameters: species composition, size, weight, biometrics relations, the catche effort and catche per unit of effort. This was done by taking weekly samples of the collected species by local concheros. From a total of 851 monitored organisms, Anadara tuberculosa (Sowerby 1833) reported an occurrence of 95,06% followed by the specie Anadara similis with a 4,94%. The average size of the Anadara tuberculosa was 43,92 mm (total length), which means that the concha prieta is being harvested under the minimum legal permisible of 45 mm. In relation to the length and total weight the study showed a high correlation of the ecuation with a determination coefficient of r2 = 0.927 the ecuation potential is expressed by: Pt = 0,001 Lt 2,809 The harvest productivity was of 17, 58 units/conchero/hour, with an average of 2-3 concheros/day.
Item"Diseño y construcción de una área para cabritos lactantes,de reemplazo y zona de ordeño dentro del aprisco caprino de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad Técnica de Manabi".(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias > Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2009) Loor Moran, Maria Mercedes ; Mejia Rodriguez, MarianoThe low Work the modality Community Development, was carried out in the Ability of Veterinary Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí, in the 14 Department of Animal Production, The main objective was to design and to build of an area for suckling kids, substitution goats and area of I milk, inside the fold caprino of the Ability of Veterinary Sciences with the participation of a group of having involved as egresado, technicians and including the Authorities of the Ability. Cost of high rail of approximately of it was of work of this of materials of USD, using of 4 672.50 of the area. During the execution he/she was carried out a general leveling of the area where the area was built with 33.6 m2, with capacity of housing 20 animals in intensive form; to work in the I milk and I space for food storage. You designs a nurslings of kids of for of corral of 7 goats of housing 14 of for of m2; goats of for of corral of an of substitution of 7 housing of m2 up to 6 animals; area area of and of manual warehouse of I milk of 19.04 m2. It was built the walls of blocks and metallic meshes with the purpose of providing security of the animal depredadores, you design and it built a metallic structure for the roof that has a height 3.5 meters. Additionally you designs troughs to the measure of the animals and drinking troughs with their respective keys of having filled for the worker's comfort. Also in each corral it was endowed of respective teams including the rake for forage. He/she was carried out a day of field for the delivery of the physical work and the diffusion to the media where they obtained reports. It is recommended to future to give maintenance to the system to avoid their deterioration, of equal he/she forms to invite to the capricultores of the area to carry out technical chats on the advantage of the upbringing of the line milkmaid improved genetically
ItemCrecimiento de juveniles del pez Chame (Dormitator latifrons Richardson, 1844) alimentados con dietas de diferentes niveles de proteína(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) Guadamud Mejía, Tyrone Xavier ; Vera Cedeño, Joselo Apoloneo ; Idrovo V, MarjorieThe present study was carried out from March to June 2008, near the community of Bachillero (province of Manabí), being its main objective to evaluate the effect of different protein levels (22, 28 and 35%) on the parameters of growth (Weight – Longitude) of the juvenile fish “chame” (Dormitator latifrons). At the beginning of the study, the averages for Weight – Longitude were of 41, 84 ± 1.35 g and 14,45 ± 0,20 cm, respectively. At the end of the cultivation, the fed organisms with the diet to 22% presented a averages of individual weight and longitude of 193,22 ± 4,62 g, and 23,01 ± 0,16 cm respectively, while those whith the diets of 28 and 35% presented, respectively, a corresponded to individual values of 210,55 ± 5,01 g, 22,58 ± 0,16 cm and of 213,19 ± 5,31 g, 22,58 ± 0,15 cm (p <0,05). The regressions biometrics for Weight and Longitude in each one of the diets were: r 2 = 0,93 / Pt = 0,0106 Lt 3,143 (22%); r 2 = 0,9351 / Pt = 0,012 Lt 3,112 (28%); and r 2 = 0,9435, Pt = 0,0113 Lt 3,125 (35 %).
ItemCrecimiento y sobrevivencia de la ostra perlífera (Pteria sterna) en cultivo suspendido flotante en la desembocadura del estuario del río Chone, provincia de Manabí(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) Figueroa Delgado, Luis Alberto ; Treviño Zambrano, Luis Manuel ; García V, María LauraThe present study of growth and survival in phase of juvenile, during three months to different densities, were carried out with the purpose of finding the best conditions required for the development of the extensive cultivation of the oyster perlífera (Pteria sterna). The wild seed was captured in natural banks in the estuary of the river Chone in the month of November 2007, the juvenile ones that presented sizes initial average in longitude of the shell 50,18 mm, were placed in plastic egg pale and these on baskets of use fruit to densities of 50, 75 and 100 individuals for unit and they stayed in suspension to a depth of 2,25 m. The analysis of variance the cultivated organisms to the different densities, indicated significant differences. ( =0.05) among the longitude average to densities of 50 with 75, 50 with 100, 75 with 100. Differences were observed at growth, height and longitude of the shell, among the three densities under test.
ItemDeterminación de la supervivencia de larvas de Jaiba Callinectes toxotes, a diferentes niveles de salinidades en laboratorio, a partir de hembras ovigeras(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) Lucas Marcillo, José Miguel ; Paladines, Lucrecia ; Idrovo Vizuete, MarjorieThe following research consisted in the determination of the crabs’ larval survival of C. toxotes, to different levels of salinity in the laboratories of aquaculture’s career, in Sucre, Manabí province. This research had 25 spawns of C. toxotes, beginning from ovigerous female of between 14 and 17 cm of ampleness, captured in front of Corazón Island of río Chone estuary, between February and July of 2008. The time of duration development based in the coloration change of the egg masses was of 8 to 11 days in 9 crabs was about 10 to 11 days, with an average of 9,08 ± 0,35 days, producing between 1’ 022582 to 2’874182 larvae/female with an average of 1’666.232, 46 ± 173.276, 26 to a temperature of 27oC. We described five larval stages of pre–zoeal, zoeal 1, 2 ,3 ,4 and the development of larval duration was of 7 days, these were sowed in 30 retorts in the 3 levels of saltwater. We obtained an average survival of 3, 66 ± 2, 49 % since pre–zoeal to zoeal IV in salinity of 20 ups with an average of temperature of 27, 41 ± 0, 55 oC in the salinity of 25 ups we obtained an average survival of 10, 66 ± 8, 71% since pre–zoeal to zoeal III with an average of temperature of 27, 57 ± 0, 49oC and an average survival of 5,35 ± 11,38% since pre–zoeal to zoeal III in the salinity of 30 ups with an average of temperature of 27, 24 ± 0,55oC.
ItemEnfermedades del Chame (Dormitator latifrons) en cultivo, Tosagua, Manabí, Ecuador(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) Centeno Zambrano, Ángel Agustín ; Reyes Lucas, José Heriberto ; García V, María LauraThe present studing consisted in the identification of sicknesses in Chame (Dormitator latifrons), in cultive’s pools, Tosagua Province of Manabí it realiced during the period between the months march to june 2008. It inform the recovering of sicknesses ectoparasitaries how: the “piscicolosis”, produced by, hirudineos worms, leeches, from family Piscicolidae. Other sickness which met was the argulosis knomn how the louse of yhe fhishes of the sweed watter, produced by the crostaceuos Argulus sp. Besides it has registered the forunculosis produced by bacteries gram negative (Aeromonas sp.). This resolved utilizing medium of cultive selective agar – agar and bacto agar, in patterns of intestinal tracto, stomach gills and epidermis with ulcerations profound hemorrhags to begin start of exemplaries of sick chame (Dormitator latifrons), collected of pool’s culture in Tosagua.
ItemEnfermedades del Chame (Dormitator latifrons) en cultivo, Tosagua, Manabí, Ecuador(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) Centeno Zambrano, Ángel Agustín ; Reyes Lucas, José Heriberto ; García V, María LauraThe present studing consisted in the identification of sicknesses in Chame (Dormitator latifrons), in cultive’s pools, Tosagua Province of Manabí it realiced during the period between the months march to june 2008. It inform the recovering of sicknesses ectoparasitaries how: the “piscicolosis”, produced by, hirudineos worms, leeches, from family Piscicolidae. Other sickness which met was the argulosis knomn how the louse of yhe fhishes of the sweed watter, produced by the crostaceuos Argulus sp. Besides it has registered the forunculosis produced by bacteries gram negative (Aeromonas sp.). This resolved utilizing medium of cultive selective agar – agar and bacto agar, in patterns of intestinal tracto, stomach gills and epidermis with ulcerations profound hemorrhags to begin start of exemplaries of sick chame (Dormitator latifrons), collected of pool’s culture in Tosagua.
ItemAnálisis de la pesca artesanal de lisa (género múgil) en el estuario del río Chone, provincia de Manabí(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) Giler Marmolejo, Teresa Marlene Del Rocío ; " " ; " "The present study consisted on the artisanal catches analysis of the Mugill’s Mullets at the chone’s river estuary county of Manabí. The fishing monitorings were carried out in the landing creeks, located in the Kilometer 8 and Leonidas Plaza during the months of july to october of the 2008. There were registered a total of 12.783 mullets coming from the obtained captures on board the canoes by standardized fishing arts ”enmalle net”. The fishing, effort was considered here as the permanency at fishing task. The fishing volumes, the catches composition and the catches per - unit of effort were determined also. The catches composition in order of percentage of occurrence showed the most abundont Múgil cephalus (Flathead mullet) with 92,27%; followed by Múgil curema (White mullet) with 7,02%; and Múgil hopes (Hospe mullet) with 0,11%. The volume of thecatch was significant, registered 240 samples they weighed 25.944,9 Kg fish. The fishing and the catch per- unit of effort (cpu) was generally bigger in Kilometer 8.
Item"Cooperación en el área de consulta externa en la Clínica Veterinaria"Boxer" de la ciudad de Manta durante el periodo enero-junio 2009"(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias > Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2010) Moran Sanchez, Yandry RicardoThe present work was carried out in the Veterinary Clinic “Boxer” of the Manta City; the same one was made that had as end to cooperate in the area of external consultation and strengthen skills and abilities in the law clerk related with the diagnose clinical in small spices having a time of duration of 6 months obtaining the following one: They were assisted a total of 1430 patients that they went to external consultation during the internship, being obtained a monthly average of 238 patients with a standard deviation of ± 46,63% and a coefficient of variation of 19,7%, being of the 1430 patients that were presented to external consultation the 55,5%(794); sick patients and 44,46% (636) patient healthy; of the 636 healthy patients that 92,92% went to the Clinical Boxer (591) they are carried out desparasite and the 78,16%(459) they were vaccinated; of the 794 sick patients that were in the Clinical Boxer to 100% they are applied the direct clinical exploration methods; at the 30,6%(243) tests of laboratories; at the 4,77%(38) exams radiographic and at the 4,73%(36) exams ecographics, the same one that it allowed to diagnose a 30,48%(242) to patient with digestive dysfunctions; the 18,39%(146) with hemo-parasitic illnesses and the 10,45%(83) illnesses dermatoligics. The attention lent in this internship was evaluated through surveys directed the owners of the mascots allowing to obtain that 71% qualified as very good the attention and explanation given by the law clerk.
Item“Practicas en atención medicas en la Clínica Veterinaria de la Universidad Técnica de Manabi".(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias > Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2010) Trejo Cedeño, Irina MaritzaThis work was performed in the outpatient area of the Veterinary Clinic "Dr. Gabriel Manzo Q. ", whose main objective was to assist in medical care practices in the Veterinary Clinic of the Universidad Tecnica de Manabi, in addition to strengthening knowledge teorical - practical acquired in university classrooms. The internship lasted for seven months starting in September 2009 and culminating in March 2010, a time in which medical attention was given to 129 patients, obtaining an average of 18 patients per month, a standard deviation of ± 3.78 patients compared to the average and coefficient of variation of 77, 5%, proving to be the month of February increased inflow of patients to the outpatient area with 18.6% of the 129 patients attending the clinic was 33% health in healthy, while 67% were ill. We performed 110 treatments to 86 patients seeking for services at the clinic; the clinical disease was most common with 23.3% Ehrlichiosis. Depending on the species consultation they were 92.2% dogs, cats 7.0% and 0.8% rabbit, corresponding these 54.3% 45.7% males and females. Since these results should continue to provide quality services, incentives for this purpose the graduates to continue the cycles of internships in the Veterinary Clinic of the Faculty.
Item"Diseño y construcción de una nave de matanza para bovinos y porcinos en la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias"(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias > Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2010) Bajaña Vega, Oscar Luis ; Carranza Bernal, Luis Eduardo ; Vera Bravo, David Napoleon ; Zambrano Zambrano, Jose MiguelAmong the main objectives was to design and build a ship of slaughter for cattle and pigs in the Animal Production Department, Faculty of Veterinary Science at the Technical University of Manabí. In order to build a ship of slaughter for cattle and pigs, we proceeded to rethink and level the playing field in that area, so this will need the help of a backhoe, who worked on the land leveling and alignment. This building has a total area of 42 square meters, which cost 6 columns of reinforced concrete block and plaster walls with a height of 4 meters in the top 3 in the bottom, an area for the implementation of a freezer, a stun trap, two inns and a holding pen. For the proper and normal operation of the ship proceeded to slaughter implement it with: a keyboard manual, two stainless steel knives, three plastic drawers, a Spanish lace black iron ductile, a cauldron of galvanized material, ten pins ( slaughterhouses) black iron and an air extractor with a capacity for action to 50m2. The delivery took place on August 24, 2010 at the premises of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Production, where slaughtering an animal product of teaching-learning process, approximately 35 months with a weight of about 170kg to the channel. The event was able to observe the slaughter and operation of the craft of killing, expected satisfaction expectations. After the delivery of the ship killing, we proceeded to conduct a survey to the staff involved have a positive reaction with the design and construction. It recommends the adoption of programs and proposals that benefit vallan management of health and sanitation, to minimize the negative environmental impact caused by the operation of the craft of killing.
Item"Implementar un sistema de conducción para desechos semi-sólidos y líquidos producto del faenamiento en la nave de matanza de la Universidad Técnica de Manabi"(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias > Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2010) Sanchez Ferrin, Maria de los Angeles ; Valencia Delgado, Marilyn Alexandra ; Ponce Lopez, Maria SoledadThis job offer was made by Community Work in the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the Technical University of Manabi, Department of Animal Production. The main objective was to develop a project that was to implement a drive system for waste product of slaughter in the slaughter hall of the Technical University of Manabi, with the participation of a group involved in the Faculty. The cost of this work was approximately $ 3630.00 USD. This design was carried out as the construction of treatment plants and liquid waste are very expensive, on the other side killing the ships small and medium-sized debris can evacuate their semi-solids and liquids directly into the municipal sewer and public currently often prohibited evacuate waste product of the slaughter of lakes and / or rivers that could pollute the environment. Was equipped with a health care system for proper management of wastes resulting from slaughter to eliminate any potential hazard can contaminate the carcass or the environment. We evaluated the performance of the conduction system of solid and liquid wastes through direct observation and a survey of 25 people who participated in the slaughter, as their qualifier helped us see the effectiveness of the project, the type rating was mostly fair, good and very good, getting a result by the respondents very good equivalent to 100% as q allowed us to compare how they were taken waste products traditionally slaughter the current slaughter in the land of Veterinary Science Faculty. Noting the removal of semi-solid waste and liquid through the drainage pipes and giving it a solid waste management through the plastic drawers.
Item"Readecuacion del área física de la oficina del Departamento de producción animal de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias"(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias > Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2010) Galdos Barcia, Fabiola Piedad ; Vargas Castro, VeronicaThis community work was performed at the Faculty of Veterinary Science at the Technical University of Manabí, the Department of Animal Production, the main objective being to readjust the physical area of the office of the Department of Animal Production, with the participation of two graduates including technical and School Authorities. The period of the study was about 6 months. Readjust during run around 60 m2, where there was a sub-división of three offices 9 m2 each one designed for graduates of the Department Technical and. The same shall design and construct a dressing room and a toilet for convenience in the office. Pinto and also gave maintenance to walls, ceilings and metal structure that for many years not performed it. Within the stated objectives was to let a computer and office supplies as a desk and filing cabinets, to strengthen the administrative part in the management of records and database of animals. Lastly delivery was made of the physical work to the authorities, just as a survey recipient sector where 57% said it was a very good utility office and 43% which was just good, while no replied that it was bad the utility. In another question put to him 100% responded that if it was of great benefit to students of the career of Veterinary Medicine, because it links with the area of educational practice. Among the recommendations that arises continue to give the maintenance and use this apace to perform many necessary planning.
ItemConstrucción de una estación fija de monitoreo ambiental en las instalaciones de la carrera de acuicultura, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, extensión bahía de Caráquez(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2010) García Bazurto, María Monserrate ; Mendoza García, Stalin Javier ; Mera Paz, Alexandra Maribel ; Vega Zambrano, Luis Alfonso ; Idrovo V, MarjorieThis project was done at the Bahia De Caraquez extension of the school of aquaculture at the Universidad Tecnica De Manabi, with the goal of building an environmental monitoring station in the sea outside the premises of the institution, to enhance the intrinsic research capabilities, experimentation, as well as teaching of engineering and aquaculture. The approximate cost of this station was US$ 6.685,35, and includes the primary construction materials used, that were timber, zinc, gravel, stone ball, sand, nails, among others. Laboratory equipments from the institution were used for measuring physical, chemical, and biological parameters. The time taken for the development of the project was ten months, from july 2009 to april 2010, which followed this guidelines: we began with the development of the three designs: Structural, architectural and of covert, which established the guidelines of the construction work. For the construction of the base, casting material was used to provide stability and security. Additionally, planks of wood such as guayacan were used to support the platform. In the construction of railings, roof, ramp and staircase; different types of wood (lignum, Samangan, Tiller and laurel) were used. For the roof, tiles zinc painted with anticorrosive paint was used to ensure their durability. For fifteen consecutive days physicochemical and biological parameters of the Chone river estuary and environment were registered in a matrix. Parameters analyzed were dissolved oxygen (mg / l), air temperature (° C) water temperature (° C), salinity (ups), hydrogen potential pH, current (m / s), turbidity and quantification of phytoplankton.
ItemDeterminación de la composición y abundancia de almejas de los Géneros Protothaca y Chione en una zona intermareal en el estuario del río Chone(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2010) Delgado Erazo, José Patricio ; García Bermúdez, Alan Emilio ; Ibarra Mayorca, Teresa EulaliaThe abundance and composition Protothaca and Chione clams were studied in 500 m2 intertidal area the Chone river estuary from May to November 2009. The samples were collected fortnightly, from May to November, by random collection with a 1 m2 standard quadrate. Temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen were recorded. One Chione and five Protothaca were found obtaining two thousand eight hundred and fifty nine clams, beining 749 (26,20 %) Chione subrugosa and 586 (20,50 %) Protothaca asperrima. The size ranges for Chione subrugosa osciled between 15 to 39 mm total length, with length averages of 28,25 ± 0,27 mm and weight average of 12,32 ± 0,30 g; for Protothaca asperrima ranges from 15 to 45 mm with average of 32,82 ± 0,38 mm of total length and averages total weight of 15,89 ± 0,44 g. The total weight (Wt) and total length (Lt) relation for Chione subrugosa was represented for the equation Pt = 0,004 Lt2,333 (r2= 0,765) and for Protothaca asperrima Pt = 0,008 Lt2,161 (r2 = 0,716). The average production for Chione subrugosa was 11,43 ± 0,37 g/m2 with average density of 3,06 ± 0,33 clams /m2 in contrast Protothaca asperrima presented an average production of 14,52 ± 0,58 g/m2 and an average density of 2,53 ± 0,33 clams /m2 showing significative differences between months (p < 0,05).
ItemFecundidad del Dorado (Coryphaena Hippurus Linneo, 1758) en el Pacifico Suroriental, durante Septiembre 2008 a Junio 2009(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2010) Vélez Falcones, Jorge Enrique ; García, María LauraThe fecundity of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) was estimated at 312 specimens considered macroscopically as mature captured by the Ecuadorian long line fleet in the Southeastern Pacific during September 2008 to June 2009. For the batch fecundity estimation were counted alone the hydrated oocytes ≥ 999,8 microns (μm) of diameter within the gonad. The distribution of frequency of diameters of the 62.088 oocytes taken out of the 312 samples of gonad, presented two modal groups; a smallest modal group of 100 to 900 μm corresponding to 16,41% considered as oocytes not hydrated, another more advanced group between 1.000 and 2.000 μm of diameter, that understands 51.014 units ovum considered as hydrated that it corresponds 83,59% of the total of oocytes analyzed, whose range of carvings go between 999,8 to 1.999,5 μm of diameters ( ̅ = 1.455, 7 ± 1,66 μm), which were considered to estimate the batch fecundity. The results obtained show ranges between 17.499 and 801.960 oocytes ( ̅ = 219.997 ± 17.023 oocytes), for females with ranges from 56 to 170 centimetres (cm) of total length ( ̅ = 106,3 ± 2,67 cm) and the total weight with range from 908 to 15.890 grams (g) ( ̅ X= 5.717, 6 ± 544,16 g). The relationship between batch fecundity (F) and the total length (Lt, cm), batch fecundity (F) and the total weight (Wt, g) was expressed by the potential equations: F = 23,52Lt1,920 r2 = 0,391 F = 104,5Wt^0,883 r2 = 0,567. There a significant difference in the bath fecundity average of fishes captured in the provinces Esmeraldas, Manabí and Santa Elena (north, middle and south of the Ecuador) (P < 0,05).
Item"Implementaciòn con un pie de cría de cerdos de la linea materna en la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad Técnica de Manabi".(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias > Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2011) Tuarez Murillo, Jorge OrlandoThe implementation with a foot gives breeding pigs the maternal line in the department animal production in the Ability Veterinary Sciences the Technical University Manabí it consists in: To fix the room gives gestation and birth gives sows with welded meshes 10x10cm and give 5mm thickness; to achieve a bigger security in the care pigs. To provide gives 4 sows gives 2 months age the maternal line Race Landrace. To restore 21 sucking supply gives water and accessories. To change the pipe gives drainage. To repair the electric supply. This work has as objective to endow to the ability Veterinary Sciences, a surface area gives practical investigative so that the students and educational they enrich its knowledge in the handling and care gives the pigs, because the porcinotecnia at the present time is an important economic item whose potential can be bigger improving the genetics and the required cares to obtain optimums results as for the quality and commercialization gives the product.