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ItemANÁLISIS COMPARATIVO DE LOS COSTOS DE OPERACIÓN DE LOS SERVICIOS QUE BRINDAN LAS COOPERATIVAS DE AHORRO Y CRÉDITO DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO, Y SU REPERCUSIÓN EN LA ECONOMÍA DE SUS SOCIOS Y CLIENTES, (CASO ESPECIFICO COOPERATIVA “15 DE ABRIL LTDA.” Y COOPERATIVA “COMERCIO LTDA.”), PERIODO 2003-2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) CEDEÑO GARCIA, BRENDA ELIZABETH ; MACIAS GARCIA, JESSENIA ELIZABETH ; VILLAPRADO, BENITOThe costs of services that perceive the financial institutions are at the present time a little high, this is determined according to the Institution and many times they are not regulated in form adapted by the Superintendence of Banks and it is for it that some institutions get paid more than other and it should not be since all they should be this way standard for the clients' benefits. In the first part we carry out a brief explanation of our project where we determine the antecedents, the justification, the problem and the objectives of our grade thesis. In the second part we carry out a total description of the comparative analysis of the costs of operation of the services that you/they offer the saving cooperatives and credit of the canton Portoviejo, and their repercussion in the economy of their partners and clients, (I marry I specify Cooperative "April 15 Ltda.. " and Cooperative "I Trade Ltda.. ") and the theoretical bases that served like base to be been worth in appealing of our investigation. We also detail the concepts of the technical words used in this part. In the Third part we develop in methodological design in which we describe the investigation techniques that we use as well as people to which we carry out them the surveys and interviews for then to be tabulated and graficadas in statistical squares. In the fourth part we carry out the representation of the results that we made it by means of charts he/she stops then to carry out the respective analysis where we exposed the reality of our investigation. To conclude our investigation work we give to know our conclusions and of each one of them allows ourselves to give the recommendations.
ItemANALISIS DE LA GESTION DE GOBIERNO DEL ING. LUCIO GUTIERREZ Y SU REPERCUCION EN LA ECONOMIA NACIONAL PERIODO 2003-2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) MOREIRA MACÍAS, KATHY ; MENDOZA MACÍAS, ANDREA ; RODRÍGUEZ, BEN HURSince the 80’s of the last century the design of the economic politics in our country has been defined by the fluctuations of the economy’s outside sector. The dominant situation has been the deficit of the current account, in which the stabilization cost has affected almost all of the social groups, especially those in a weak economic situation. The economic principles that have been applied with the reform are: market priority, privatization, commercial openness and free capital flux, trying in the majority of these the elimination of the “benefactor state” and the integration of the national economy to the globalization process – the most wanted dream for North America’s homogeneous consolidation. The rejection to these policies was expressed on the elections. On January 15 2003 President Gutierrez assumed power in the middle of an acute fiscal crisis and deep indebtedness which seriously compromised the possibilities of an economic program of popular character. His government plan pretended to end corruption and renew political practices, but his political power to carry on these reforms was scarce. It was foreseeable that in a short term the new president’s popularity would begin to erode.President Gutierrez’s problems began 6 months after reaching presidency, when he saw himself obligated to fire several of his ministers whom belonged to the Pachacutik Indian Party, which resulted in the rupture of the government alliance. The Indian movement crisis was produced when President Gutierrez maintained the dollarization of the Ecuadorian Economy and came to terms with the North American government on the fight against drug trafficking and the Free Market Treaty Agreement. Since then, the president had to confront opposition from the parliament – where his party only had 7 congressmen of a total of 100 – on his privatization projects of the oil and electric, institutional reforms and the social security modification. A distancing between the president and the vice-president, Alfredo Palacio, was also produced. President Gutierrez started being accused of wrongful use of public money, bribes and felonies against State Security. For example on November 2003, president Gutierrez confronted his first crisis of this type, when it was revealed that the people controlling his electoral campaign had received a $30.000 contribution from the Fernandez Cevallos family, at the same moment when one of its members was being investigated for drug trafficking activities. On September 2004 the congress opposition sector, pretended to submit the president to a political trial when President Gutierrez allegedly had been meeting, at the beginning of that month in Panama, with Ex-President Abdalá Bucaram. But the new alliance that Gutierrez established with the PRE, led by Bucaram and PRIAM and controlled by the banana magnate Alvaro Noboa, stopped the process. This new alliance allowed the congress, based on a Constitutional transitory clause, to replace, on December of that year, 27 of the 30 Supreme Court judges. This occurrence generated a strong political and social convulsion that established the final crisis. The conflict was intensified when the new Supreme Court President, Guillermo Castro, nullified, on April 1st, the corruption trials against Ex-president Bucaram and Ex-vice-president Dahik, whom returned to Ecuador at the beginning of April. By this time surveys on the president’s popularity was only 6%. On Saturday April 16th 2005 under pressure of mobilizations, President Lucio Gutierrez appealed to the National Security Law to decree an “Emergency State”, which suspended civil rights, mobilized the Army and gave the Executive Branch the faculty to intervene in the other State Branches. In the same decree, the president ceased the questioned Supreme Court and justified himself by explaining that he had to put an end to the political crisis, using the special powers given to him by the “Emergency State”. On April 19th the disturbances started to get more violent which led, on Wednesday 20 of the same month, the unicameral parliament to cease president Gutierrez with 60 votes of the 62 present legislators, leaving Ecuador in a deep economic, social and political crisis that did not change with the passing of Colonel Gutierrez on the presidency
ItemANÁLISIS DE LAS CAUSAS QUE IMPIDEN EL AUMENTO DE LA PRODUCCION DEL SECTOR MICROEMRPESARIAL DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO Y SU REPERCUSIÓN EN EL DESARROLLO SOCIO-ECONÓMICO DE LA MISMA. PERÍODO 2002-2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) PALACIOS SALTOS, LEIDY ESTHER ; ALAVA BASURTO, FANNY ELIZABETH ; VERA CEDEÑO, HIPÓLITOThis research work is a compilation of all information about the microenterprises: History, advantages and disadvantages, social and economical importance, programs and plans that are accompliching at the present in the country. The microenterprise in Portoviejo, the Institutions supports to the business field, who are the microimpresarios, and their opinions of the causes that their trades were not be able to develop, internal and external factors which impede to better and increase the production, consumers versions about products made by the microimpresarios of Portoviejo, their qualities, the importance of the microimpresarial field and the role of the bank corporations in the financing of the microenterprises. It has the methodologic design used in this research work, inquiry and interview formularies applied to: the microimpresarios, banks, credit and saving cooperatives, consumers, public staffs, and people of nongovernmental activities. In this thesis, we can find the conclusions and some recommendations to the pertinent authorities (governmental and nongovernmental entities, bank corporations), and the all people related to this field direct and indirect from
ItemANALISIS DE LOS CRÉDITOS QUE OTORGA LA COOPERATIVA DE AHORRO Y CRÉDITO “SANTA ANA LTDA.” Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO SOCIOECONÓMICO DE SUS ASOCIADOS. PERIODO 2003 – 2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) VÁSQUEZ GONZÁLEZ, ZORAIDA ; CÁRDENAS PONCE, JOHANN ; GILCES SUÁREZ, LEONARDOThe cooperatives of Saving and Credit of the Ecuador experience a considerable growth in the last years. However, all growth, if it is not harmonic and programmed it implies very big risks. In any event, if a saving cooperative and credit, are only more a financial entity in the market, vain they will have been the efforts of volunteers' thousands that have considered to the cooperativismos like a valid alternative as answer to the marginalidad phenomenons and poverty generalized in our countries. This way, March of 1977, 31 are born the Cooperative of Saving and Credit Santa Ana Ltda"., as Precooperativa of Saving and Credit Chamber of Commerce of Santa Ana Ltda. She/he begins with 37 partners with an approximate capital of thirty and seven thousand sucres. It has until the year 2005 8008 partners, of which 7338 are active and 670 inactive. This cooperative has granted credits in the period of study understood from to the year 2003 up to the 2005 for a I mount of 3´061.534,30 dollars that have benefitted 2403 partners. Credits that are of commercial type with more emphasis and of consumption. The credit politicians that it applies this cooperative, have benefitted in certain measure to the partners; the same ones that have rebounded very favorably in them. Product of it, the destination that you/they have given the partners to the credits that it has granted them this institution has been directed toward the installation and informal trade maintenance, as well as to the purchase of appliances and sembríos of short cycles especially. Year to year they have been come giving more credits, for ende the I mount in the same ones it has varied in upward form from the 2003 to the 2005. The incidence that has had the grant of credits on the part of this cooperative toward its associates is very significant, in such a way that, the same ones have rebounded in the homes of these in aspects like of stability and sustentabilidad mainly, as well as in the feeding, gear and in the business that the partners have undertaken. For it that, in general form the credits that it grants this cooperative impact significantly in the socioeconomic development of their associates
ItemANÁLISIS PRESUPUESTARIO DEL PROGRAMA DE MATERNIDAD GRATUITA Y ATENCIÓN AL I NFANTE, CORRESPONDIENTE AL ÁREA DE SALUD No . 1 Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA PRESTACIÓN DE SERVICIOS EN EL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO”. PERIODO 2003 – 2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) MERA ESCOBAR, MARÍA SAYONARA ; SOLÍS MEZA, RITA JACQUELINE ; PALPA MACÍAS, GREGORIOThe 19 of Julio of the year 2002, the Ministry of Public Health, and the Mayors of the country, they subscribed the Agreements of Administration for the execution of the Law of Gratuitous Maternity and Attention to the Infant. In this context, this Law, finances a package of benefits in health, for women and children’s smaller than five years of age, that which allows a bigger access to the services of health, guaranteeing the gratuitousness and obligations of the attention. With this Law, intends a form different from the administration of the services of health, in the one which, it is involved the Local Government directly (Municipality of Portoviejo) and the civic participation in the administration of the resources jointly with the Ministry of Public Health, through the Areas of Health. The Law grants an important list to the Local Government, to diminish the deaths of women and children for avoidable causes, of this way is involved in the promotion of the sexual and reproductive health, and in the generation of mechanisms for the transport of obstetric and pediatric emergencies. The community participation is incorporated by the Law, to guarantee that the necessities and the population's demands are channelled through the Committee of Users, considering an important space for emponderarse and to diffuse the proposed objectives. To put into operation the Law of the Program of Gratuitous Maternity and Attention to the Infant, they have conformed to the Committees of Administration of the Solidary Fund of Health, the same ones that are cooparticipación instances among the Municipality, the Ministry of Public Health and the Civil Society The analysis of the budget of the Program of Gratuitous Maternity and Attention to the Childhood seek to look for the incidence in the benefit of the services in the Canton Portoviejo, by means of the use of technical necessary that allow to have budgetary real data, in order to strategies that involve a better and bigger action of the program to settle down.
ItemCOMERCIALIZACIÓN E INDUSTRIALIZACIÓN DEL BROCOLI (Brassica olarecea var. Itálica) A NIVEL NACIONAL Y SU CONTRIBUCIÓN SOCIAL Y ECONÓMICA COMO PRODUCTO DE EXPORTACIÓN. PERÍODO 2001-2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) ALAVA MOREIRA, MARÍA VANESSA ; SOLÓRZANO COELLO, DAVID LEONARDO ; ARAY DE GUERRERO, TITAThe broccoli is an agricultural product, where the possibilities to industrialize the head or pellet, leaves and the plant are multiple and of varied interest and importance, as: pellets cut in pieces, dehydrated, in raisins, creams, pastas, puree, preserves and pieces in preserve. As product of low economic importance (frozen, I feed for livestock, payments, fibers and paper with the help of shafts, starch of the pulp of the shaft). In the country the production areas are sectorizadas for areas, the north (county of the Pichincha), sub-central (it leaves south of the county of Imbabura), central (county of Chimborazo), oriental (county of the Guayas and Azuay), south (county of Bolívar) and western area (county of Manabí). The surface of registered export of broccoli in the Ministry of Agriculture and Cattle raising for the year 2000 went from 1.370 hectares to national level and it registered a significant increase from the year 2001 with 1.820 hectares to 4.036 hectares in the year 2005. On the other hand the national commercialization is made at property level, where the producer sells or it markets the pellets harvested the middleman that takes charge of the transport and of the commercialization with the wholesalers in the consumption markets. The commercialization unit is its for size, characteristic, variety and weight, that which depends on the place where it is marketed and the price of sale of the size of the pellet and the relationship existent oferta/demanda to the moment of its purchase and commercialization. At international level, it is very varied, it presents multiple facets. It is marketed the pellets of broccoli, according to the country and their requirements in green state, in cardboard boxes, with content 3,50 kg. in units of 10 to 12 pellets that it is a modality that allows the adjusted packing to the technical norms of the importers. Ecuador has begun its exports to Europe, especially to the United Kingdom, placing this item at price levels, although very variable, interesting. As non traditional product it is exported in fresh and industrialized to the North American market (84%), Europe (8,50%), Asía (3,70%) and other countries (1,80%). inside this context the countries that show a growth hurried in the demand are Japan, France and Holland; in the Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway). In the social area it has impacted in positive form, allowing that, producers, associations, communities companies packers and exporters increase the qualified and not qualified manpower. For that that the human resources used in the activity related with this activity, it embraces two areas, the one that is at field level in which manpower is used and they compose it workers and eventual farmers that are hired for a while certain
ItemEFECTOS DE LAS POLÍTICAS ARANCELARIAS APLICADAS A LOS BIENES IMPORTADOS Y SU INCIDENCIA SOCIOECONÓMICA EN LAS EMPRESAS NACIONALES, PERÍODO 2000-2004(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) CARVAJAL BAQUE, KARINA PATRICIA ; VILLAMAR INDACOCHEA, ARTURO LUBER ; VILLACRESES, DORISThe tariffs are considered as clever or catalogs of customs taxes generally applied by the Government on the imports and, sometimes, on the exports. At the beginning, these taxes only claim to increase the revenues of the State, but with the growth of the industry and the formation of national economies they began to be imposed, fundamentally, as instruments of the economic politics, the same ones that settle down to protect the national industry of the external competition and to achieve the surplus of the commercial scale of the countries. In occasions these practices took to that a Government applied high and discriminatory taxes to show his hostility toward another; however the governments related to each other give tariff agreements of commercial integration usually establish. In an area of free trade the signatory countries of the treat commit to annul the tariffs to each other in frontier; so the prices of all the products marketed among them will be the same ones for all the members of the area. So that a country member of a commercial integration of this type it cannot increase (by means of tariffs to the import) the price of the goods taken place in another. As example of this type of international commercial agreements they can make an appointment the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the Treaty of Free North American Trade (TLC). In the first part of this investigation it is explained and it determines the antecedents, the justification, the problem and the objectives of the investigated topic. In the second part of this investigation describes the effects of the tariff politicians applied to the imported goods and their socio-economic incidence in the national companies in the period 2000 2004; and that it was good as antecedent to apply in the practical part of the investigation. The concepts of the technical words used are also described in the same one. Also the applied methodological design is exposed; that it was based on observations, interviews, surveys and the whole concerning to the methods of the modern investigation. We also realized the prosecution of this information; that afterwards was represented in squares and statistical graphics to demonstrate the incidence of the tariff politicians in the different sectors immersed in these, such as the state officials, national managers and people of diverse social stratus. In the final part of the investigation work, the authors of the thesis present the conclusions and at the same time they contribute recommendations that will be good to have a clear vision of the tariff situation in our country
ItemEVALUACIÓN FINANCIERA DEL FEIREP (FONDO DE ESTABILIZACIÓN, INVERSIÓN SOCIAL Y PRODUCTIVA Y REDUCCIÓN DEL ENDEUDAMIENTO PÚBLICO) Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA ECONOMIA ECUATORIANA. PERIODO 2003-2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) CEDEÑO PALACIOS, CARLOS ANTONIO ; REZABALA SANTANA, MARINA FERNANDA ; ARREGUI POZO, ROBERTOThe present Investigation was directed to the Financial Evaluation of the FEIREP (Fund of Stabilization, Social and Productive Investment and Reduction of the Public Indebtedness) and its incidence in the Ecuadorian Economy, taking like reference the period understood among the years 2.003 - 2.005. Where he/she settled down that this bottom was created October of the year 3 2002 in quality of Trusteeship in charge of the Central Bank, the same one that would be outside of the General Budget of State, thanks to the surpluses in the Price of the Barrel of the not Budgotten Petroleum in the last years. Initially it was distributed in the following way, 70% for repurchase of the Public Debt: External and Internal to value of Market and the Cancellation of the Debt with the Ecuadorian Institute of Social security (IESS), 20% dedicated to stabilize the Oil Revenues, until reaching 25% of the GDP, index that will stay in a permanent way; and to cover the costs caused by catastrophe and to assist legally declared emergencies according to the article 180 of the Political Constitution of the Republic and 10% for the Education and Health that it will allow to promote the Human Development. At the beginning of the month of May of the year 2.005, the Central government sent to the National Congress the Reformations to the FEIREP with the idea of being able to reduce the amount that were dedicated to the repurchase of the Foreign Debt, so that a bigger percentage is invested in works and Projects of Social Interest that concern to be able to improve the Development of the Nation. June 15 th of the year 2.005 the National Congress approved the reformations to the FEIREP, a special bill that is part of the General Budget of the State, the same one that denominated CEREPS becomes becoming at the moment (Bill of Productive and Social Reactivation of the Scientific Development and of the Fiscal Stabilization), with a new distribution, dedicating 35% for Lines of Credit, 20% for the Stabilization of Oil Revenues, 5% for Environmental Repair, 5% for improvement and Maintenance of the roads Net, 5% for the Scientific Investigation and 30% for project of Social Investment. During of FEIREP existence it get $ 1.078`414.866,16 wich it was destined $ 754´890.406,20 to the purchose of the public debit $ 215´682.973,32 to the oil enterprise estabilization and $ 107´841.486,70 destined to health and education it means that influence in favourable way in the ecuadorian economy that it contribuye in de reduction of the external debit and improvement of the neighbourn hood . With the reformations to the FEIREP, approved in June of the year 2005, denominated today CEREPS, is allowed to supplement the economic growth with projects of social and productive development, at the same time, the oil saving was reoriented, before almost exclusively dedicated to the payment of the public debt
ItemESTUDIO DE NECESIDADES Y OFERTAS DE SERVICIOS TELÉFONICOS Y DE INFORMACIÓN A LOS ESTUDIANTES Y DOCENTES DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ADMINISTRATIVAS Y ECONÓMICAS(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) INTRIAGO ACUÑA, KAREN MARIELA ; MENÉNDEZ CEDEÑO, JESSICA JOHANNA ; SABANDO GARCÉS, HORACIOThe Technical university of Manabí, for the execution of its Academic Mission and the formation of professionals in diverse areas of the knowledge, has 10 Academic Units (Abilities), the same ones that inside its support of basic services, they have the conventional phone service. Inside these Abilities, the Administrative and Economic, same Ability of Sciences is included that November of 1997, 25 considered at the present time so much as that of more representativeness in its organizational aspect was created, like in its to work academic; however, they have not been possible to complete until the present it dates with some aspirations characteristic of a modern Academic Unit, like it is the one of offering information upgraded students and educational, through an appropriate means of communication. Among the weaknesses that it represents the Ability of Administrative and Economic Sciences, it consists the faulty calculation laboratory, faulty so much for the obsolescence of the teams like for the interconnection lack to a system satelital that offers the opportunity to the users of the system of consenting to opportune information and in a quick way. Another of the deficiencies that presents the Ability, is the lack of appropriate so much means of communication for educational as for students, because it only possesses a line of conventional telephone and that it is of private use of the administration of the Ability; nevertheless, in the year 2004, it was possible to install a line phone satelital that operates by means of cards prepago, this only booth it is not enough in front of the student population's demand and of educational. Likewise, there is a metallic booth that alone it is available in one schedule very you limit and the alone calls have exit to conventional telephones
ItemLA PITAHAYA UNA ALTERNATIVA DE EXPORTACIÓN Y SU APORTE A LA BALANZA COMERCIAL Y DESARROLLO SOCIO ECONÓMICO DE LA AGRICULTURA NO TRADICIONAL EN EL ECUADOR. PERÍODO 2000-2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) LASCANO LASCANO, KARLA MARIBEL ; PALACIOS ARTEAGA, TERESA ALEGRÍA ; PICO CUENCA, ROBERTOThe pitahaya cultivation is relatively new in the Ecuador, with less than ten years of experience, he/she has been carried out with varieties that were introduced from Colombia to the sector noroccidente of the county of Pichincha. This fruit is rich in fiber, calcium, match and vitamin C. is a very special fruit as for medicinal qualities with a wide spectrum of applications, from the relief of common stomach problems, such as gastritis, until being a fruit recommended for people with diabetes and problems endocrinógenos. The pitahaya contains captina, a tonic one for the heart. The surface of export of Pitahaya points out that for the year 2000 88 hectares were cultivated at national level, registering the counties of Pichincha, Guayas, Sucumbíos and Napo the biggest indexes in surface of this cactácea cultivated by provincial distribution and in the year 2001 went from 173 hectares to 397 hectares in the year 2005. The production for consumption interns this dedicated to prepare jello, ice cream, yogurt, syrup, sweet, marmalade, encourages or soda. Which had a variation range between 26 and 44 rhyme in the period 2000- 2005 in this presentation type, registering a participation of 22,56%. The exports of this fruit this conditioned to the demand and offer of the market, being able to determine a commercial increment with 4.294 and 4.526 rhyme, in the years 2004 and 2005 evidencing the great demand that it exists on the part of the international market and even achieving to more than the petroleum an increment of foreign currencies to the national treasury. In this sector, the commercialization modality is, according to the country and its requirements in green state, in cardboard boxes, with content 3,50 kg, in units of 10 to 12 fruits that it is the only modality that allows the adjusted packing to the technical norms of the importers. Ecuador has begun its pitahaya exports to Europe. In the agricultural environment the pitahaya exports have ended up occupying an important seat, to offer another alternative more as half of production and to increase the appreciation in lands that have not been taken into account as agricultural floors and at the present time they are zoned by this species
ItemLA RECUPERACIÓN DE LOS CRÉDITOS EDUCATIVOS OTORGADOS POR LA REGIONAL 5 DEL IECE MANABÍ, Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA CONCESIÓN DE NUEVOS PRÉSTAMOS. PERÍODO 2001-2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) BUENAVENTURA VÉLEZ, KARLA TATIANA ; PONCE VERA, NATASHCHA MARGOTH ; VERA CEDEÑO, HIPÓLITOWe are living in a time of globalization and integrating processes of countries nations, where the main potential and development of countries and organizations, depend on the knowledge and training of people to form integral men and women, so we need to have enough economical resources in order to we are capable to finance their studies, but these resources are not available for manabitian students as well as professionals, it can be due lo low incomes or lack of work opportunities. The human capital raises as a consequence of general education and nowadays, it has a strategic function in any organization that tries to compete. The Ecuadorian Institute of Education and Scholarships Manabi Region 5, has a social service through educative credit, this credit is available for professionals or students who need to be educated, and they do not have enough money to allow their necessities by themselves. The scholarships are paid by monthly fees once the students or professional finish their training. One of the main sources of financing of the Educative Credit are the contribution of 0.5% of the private employees and the collection of given loans. Demand of Education Credit oustrips supply in a great percentage; however IECE is making big efforts and managements to diversify its resources of financing with the purpose of reach a better cover of the potential demand. We consider it is indispensable to analyze the variables which take part in the recovery of loans, since with this money it is able to give new loans, in other words, the Educative Credit is a rotating fund of social service
ItemLAS AGUAS TERMALES, COMO ALTERNATIVA DE SALUD Y SU INCIDENCIA SOCIO-ECONOMICA EN EL CANTON 24 DE MAYO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) INTRIAGO, VIVIANA ; TOALA, LORENA ; ECHEVERRÍA PROAÑO, RUBÉNThe thermal waters are part of the natural environment where the man carries out their socio-economic activities to develop his life, the man like such it is nature and for he lives it in full relationship with the same one. The county de Manabí has these natural resources that have not still been exploited with benefits for the population and to improve the socio-economic situation of the inhabitants, just as it happens to the places: the one ironed and the salted of the canton 24 Mayo. The detailed proposal constitutes an event of full development and use of these natural resources, to the help of the political constitution of the state and de the laws of provincial, municipal régime, among others. The study under the social and economic conditions is feasible of being applied as it demonstrates it the relationship benefit / cost that overcomes the unit. The search of the improvement of the conditions of life of these places reflects the security of the public investment in expanding the development and harmonic and situational growth of the population of the places the greeting and the one ironed of the canton 24 Mayo
ItemESTUDIO COMPARATIVO DE LAS ACTIVIDADES FINANCIERAS DE LOS LOCUTORIOS DE LAS EMPRESAS PORTA, MOVISTAR Y ALEGRO, Y, SU APORTE AL DESARROLLO SOCIO - ECONÓMICO DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO. PERIODO 2003 -2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) MOREIRA MERO, NIXON DAVID ; QUIJIJE ESPINOZA, NELO ALBERTO ; ALVARADO CHÁVEZ, TEDDYOur Thesis of Degree is directed to carry out a Comparative Study of the financial activities of the Booths, he/she Behaves, Movistar and Allegro PCS and its Contribution to the Socio-economic Development of the city of Portoviejo This Fears it is determined very important due to the situation and to the financial and organizational reality of the denominated Booths and their perspective in a market of great demand and the importance of evaluating the social and economic impact of these business, for what has become necessary, to determine their viability and contribution to the development of the indispensable communications to establish the bases of a new society in the era of the information. In the first chapter we carry out a brief analysis of the project remarking what was made in the development of our investigation. The second chapter understands the theoretical mark, referential and conceptual where remark the bibliographical bases and all the concerning one to a comparative study of the financial activities of the Booths of the Companies BEHAVES, MOVISTAR AND ALLEGRO PCS. In the third chapter we describe the methodological design, used in the development of our investigation like the techniques, surveys and observations that were carried out in the Urban and Rural sectors of the Canton Portoviejo where bigger concentration of this Booths exist. In the fourth chapter we demonstrate by means of the statistical squares and later on by means of the analysis, the reality and the importance of the financial activities of the Booths Behaves, Movistar and Allegro PCS and its contribution to the socio-economic development of our city
ItemESTUDIO DE FACTIBILIDAD PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UNA HOSTERÍA ECOLÓGICA EN EL BALNEARIO DE SAN CLEMENTE, CANTÓN SUCRE, PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) CASTRO QUIJIJE, VERÓNICA DOLORES ; LUCAS ANCHUNDIA, JACQUELINE DEL ROSARIO ; PONCE TERÁN, FÁTIMA MONSERRATE ; MONCAYO, ROBERTOPrevious the obtaining of the Title of Economists chose the modality of proposal of productive project, the same one that has like topic: "Study of Feasibility for the installation of an Ecological Hostel in the Spa San Clemente, Canton Sucre of the County of Manabí", which began to be developed based on a market study, the same one that required the transfer toward the different beaches aledañas to the place, interviewing the tourists so much national as foreigners that visit the same ones. The results allowed to check that the plaintiffs need a new proposal of tourism that which allowed to continue ahead with the investigation. Later on it was carried out the analysis of the possible prices to be implemented in this Hostel, all this carried out based on the investigations carried out to the different establishments that have an or another analogy with the project that intends. Through the Financial Study he/she was projected the I mount of investment that requires the setting in march, of the Hostel in which certain part of the capital is financed with contributions characteristic of the more partners the financing of a Bank Credit. For the good financing of the Hostel a functional hierarchical chronogram is believed where they are specified the hierarchical order of work of each area
ItemESTUDIO DE FACTIBILIDAD PARA LA INSTALACIÓN DE UNA FARMACIA UNIVERSITARIA EN LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO, PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) GARCÍA SANTANA, MARYURI JOHANA ; MARCILLO PARRALES, DIANA VICTORIA ; BELTRÓN, RAMÓNPrevious to the obtaining of Economist's Title we chose the modality of proposal of productive projects, the same one that has like topic: Study of feasibility for the installation of an university pharmacy in the city of Portoviejo, country of Manabí, which began to be developed based on a market study; the same one that required of the realization of surveys that you/they were directed to the educational personnel, office worker, pensioners and students of the Technical University of Manabí; and to some people that inhabit the citadels March, Municipal, 12 San José, University student of the City of Portoviejo. The results allowed to be proven that the plaintiffs need of a pharmacy in this sector, since they don't have some that satisfies their necessities completely, therefore we dare to say that the pharmacy will be located in a strategic place and that it will be feasible this project. On the other hand it was taken to effect the analysis of the possible prices to be implanted in the university pharmacy, all this was carried out by means of investigations or small surveys carried out to the pharmacies but grateful of the City of Portoviejo, with the help of the president of the Association of Pharmacies we could verify which are the products that in general are sold with but frequency to newspaper.
ItemLA TRANSFORMACION DEL PUERTO DE MANTA EN PUERTO DE TRANSFERENCIA INTERNACIONAL DE CARGA, Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA ECONOMIA PROVINCIAL”. PERIODO 2003-2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) SALTOS LOOR, LUZ LORENA ; TOALA MEJÍA, DELLY ELIZABETH ; PALMA MACÍAS, GREGORIOIn this investigation it was made an I diagnose retrospective and propósitive of the activities that carries out the International port of Transfer of Load of Manta and their incidence in the economy of the county of Manabí, during the period of study of the year 2003 at the 2006. The incidence was determined that will have the transformation of the port of Manta in an International Port of Transfer of Load; in the provincial economy; as well as to know the current state of the port and the sources of financing of the investment of this work. Obtained statistical information of the Department of Operations of the Port Authority of Manta was used, and likewise he/she was carried out the estimate of the number of crafts, the exports and imports of containers that it will be mobilized through the Port starting from the year 2007 at the 2011. The study type was of field and descriptive, the used method was the not experimental, explanatory and bibliographical, using as technical from gathering of data to the surveys, he/she interviews and the observation; applied to the population's sample results they were obtained with those that you could appreciate that many expectations exist on behalf of the authorities, sectors managerial importers and exporters of goods and of the citizenship in general; that they wait that with the transformation of the port it improves the economy of the families through the generation of employment sources, the peak of the tourism will allow to grow to the companies dedicated to this activity. This way same the transportation costs would decrease that he/she will make that the prices of the cared goods diminish; also that the State collects bigger tributes for the movement customs officer, the benefit of services, and the creations of new companies among others
ItemDETALLE Y CONTROL DE LOS INGRESOS CORRIENTES Y PROPIOS DE LA ILUSTRE MUNICIPALIDAD DEL CANTON SANTA ANA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) FERNANDEZ ZAMBRANO, IRMA IRENE ; ARREGUI POZO, ROBERTOThe phase of execution of the internship process corresponds to the tied practice to the theoretical knowledge - practical of the student, leaving of the experience characteristic of the context where it is unwrapped, and conformed by the University Institution and the labor field. The execution of 6 minimum months of labor services to an organization represents an indispensable requirement for the law clerks applicants to the I title professional because this allows to acquire necessary knowledge to be unwrapped in the competitive labor market The Ecuador is divided politically in Counties, Cantons and Parochial Meetings. The Sectional Governments are the in charge entities of administering each one of these divisions in an autonomous way. This way, the Provincial Council administers the County, the Municipality the Canton and the Rural Parochial Meetings the divisions of its same name. The Municipalities represent the Cantonal Governments and their obligation is to assist the necessities of the city, of the metropolitan area and of the rural parishes of its jurisdiction. They possess legal autonomy to dictate ordinances and special taxes for their operation. The Municipalities are directed by a Town council and the Alcalde who their maximum administrative authority is and it is chosen by popular voting for a four year-old period. The Town council is integrated by Councilmen designated in universal suffrage, its number varies according to municipal population, and he/she goes from 5 to 15. The scarce generation of revenues, forces at the central level to transfer every year resources to the GS, manifesting the high dependence of the national economy toward the central level and the limited capacity of the Municipalities to generate revenues. The generation of Own Revenues, implies the collection for Municipal tax collection, those that allow to finance the Municipal Budget for the most part and for ende the investments of Works for its he/she Sang
ItemEL SISTEMA DE CONCESIÓN Y RECUPERACIÓN DE CRÉDITOS OTORGADOS POR FINCA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO SOCIOECONÓMICO DEL SECTOR MICROEMPRESARIAL EN LA PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ. PERÍODO 2003 – 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) CHÁVEZ VERGARA, ROCÍO ISABEL ; MARRIOTT ALVARADO, MARÍA JOSÉ ; VERA, HIPÓLITOIn view of the lack of the Ecuadorian population's employment and in the face of the prevailing necessity of having an entrance to be able to subsist, people look for an alternative of economic benefit, and that better still if this benefit provides it to him its own business. In view of that, the financial institutions decide to support these people offering a product called microcredit. The microcredits are small credits that help thenm to the creation, development and growth of a business, constituting this way sources of revenues. The social impact of these micro-credits gives us as answers families with better revenues that revert them in their socio-economic growth, that which allows to improve the quality of life of them. It's necessary to sustain this economic help, since venturesome people that cannot continue for lack of opportunities exist; for this is created the "Financiera Internacional para la Asistencia Comunitaria" (FINCA), like an alternative that allows to people of scarce economic resources with little accessibility to the financial system with desires of establishing a business to be able to begin in the field of the micro-credits or in their defect to already inject fresh capitals to their business formed