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ItemFACTORES QUE PREDISPONEN DEFORMIDADES DEL TABIQUE NASAL EN PACIENTES ATENDIDOS EN CONSULTA EXTERNA DEL HOSPITAL VERDI CEVALLOS BALDA DICIEMBRE 2003 – DICIEMBRE 2004(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) VILLAVICENCIO CEDEÑO, CRISTIAN DAVID ; MACIAS RUIZ, LEONARDO DAVIDSeptum Nasal (Deviated Septum) Definition. The deviation of the nasal partition happens when the nasal partition is not centralized among the two nasal graves. The block nasal it is the wall that separates to the graves nasal right and left. Ideally, the partition should be centralized among the two nasal graves. This allows that the flow of air is same through the two graves nasal. The deviated partition cannot cause any symptom. However, in serious cases, the flow of air through one nasal grave or of both it can be obstructed. The obstruction of the nasal graves can cause nasal congestion chronicle and a tendency to contract infections of the paranasal sinus. Causes. Their causes include: Present when being born; it arose during the development of the fetus (5% of the cases) Lesion to the nose when being born A blow in the nose, frequently during an accident or when practicing sports Factors of Risk. A factor of risk is something he/she makes that its possibilities to contract an illness, condition or lesion increase. Deport of contact, especially karate or soccer without appropriate protection for the head Symptoms. The symptoms include: Nasal congestion (a side or both) Infection in the paranasal sinus. Bled of the nose Noisy breathing when sleeping Facial pain or headache Postnatal leak. Diagnostic. The doctor will ask him on his symptoms and medical record and he will carry out him a physical checkup. The doctor will examine their nasal graves carefully using a nasal espéculo to maintain the open nose. Treatment. Most of people with deviated partition don't require treatment. In serious cases, it will be been able to recommend the surgery. The surgery only carried out in the partition is called septoplasty. The septoplasty alleviates the blockade nasal when centralizing the partition among the two nasal graves. Sometimes, is carried out a surgery to give form to the nose (rinoplasty) at the same time. It is denominated to the two procedures at the same time septorrinoplasty. In general, when a boy needs surgery, it is expected to that has left of growing, that is to say, until around the 16 years of age. Prevention. As help to avoid the deviation of the partition: Use belt of security in automobiles and airplanes. Use appropriate protection for the head when practicing sports.
ItemCAUSAS Y TIPOS DE HISTERECTOMÍA REALIZADA EN PACIENTES ATENDIDAS EN EL SERVICIO DE GINECOLOGÍA DEL HOSPITAL DEL IESS DE PORTOVIEJO EN EL PERÍODO ENERO 2002 - AGOSTO 2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) GARCÍA MEJÍA, DANNY JOSÉ ; ZAMBRANO MACÍAS, ANGEL OCTAVIO ; CAMPOVERDE, NELSONThe hysterectomy is the surgical retirement of the uterus. It constitutes the second cause of more surgery inside the gineco-obstetrics, being at the present time the intervention of more importance and complexity that more he/she is carried out in the hospitals governed by the Ministry of Public Health. The hysterectomies represent at level world very high figures, in studies published in France and England in the year 2002, they indicate that he/she enters 1994 and 1995 there were 37.000 cases of hysterectomies, of which 67% corresponds to abdominal hysterectomy, 30 vaginal% and 3% laparoscopic. The present study is of Descriptive-retrospective type, it analyzes the patients that were subjected for diverse causes to a hysterectomy in the hospital of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS) of Portoviejo during the period January of the 2002 to August of the 2005, and it also seeks to determine which is the incidence, characteristic important as age, parity and origin, and which are the surgical but appropriate procedures according to the cause. When concluding the present study it was observed that most of the patients had an age understood between 40 and 49 years, they were multíparas, of superior escolaridad and coming from urban areas. The diagnostic preoperatory and histopatológico that it prevailed were the uterine myomatosis. The complications trans and postoperative they were presented in a minimum percentage of the studied cases. As discoveries they were the poliposis endometrial and the cervical metaplasia. Before the problem outlined in this investigation a periodic gynecological evaluation of the patients it should be taken in fertile age and with factors of risk, in order to avoid the hysterectomy on time.
ItemCARACTERÍSTICAS EPIDEMIOLÓGICAS DE LAS DERMATITIS EN NIÑOS MENORES DE 5 AÑOS ATENDIDOS EN LOS CENTROS DE SALUD: PORTOVIEJO Y ANDRES DE VERA DURANTE MARZO- SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) MOREIRA CEDEÑO, MARCELA MARIANA ; VELEZ PARRAGA ANDREA JULISSA ; ALAVA CEDEÑO, MARCELAThe dermatitis is an inflammation of the superficial layers of the skin, it affects with but frequency to the children for what is reason of concern among the parents and it should also be it for the authorities of health who should offer bigger resources to confront this situation. The objective of the work was to determine the epidemic characteristics of the dermatitis during March to September of the 2005 in Salud Andrés centers of he/she will see and Portoviejo that are the operative units where medical attention is given to most of the population of Portoviejo with a populational total of smaller than 5 years of 10.974 For the elaboration of study I utilize a methodology descriptive retrospective fellow, obtaining the information through clinical stories, and by means of domiciliary visits accomplished at some housings of the children diagnosed with dermatitis, where I use an instrument elaborated by the authoresses With 4841 patient minors's total of 5 years once 2564 of the health resort were attended Portoviejo and 2277 of the Health Resort Andres of Vera, the population of study belonged to 219 children diagnosed with dermatitis, being 96 of the Health Resort Portoviejo and 123 of the health resort Andres of Vera; Of the ones that one chose 60 cases of at random to accomplish domiciliary visits. It am concluded that the juvenile population of 1 year with 37 % was the more attended with cases of dermatitis; The piodermitis and dermatitis of the diaper went them but you frequent; the children's diagnosed procedence went from 44 % of the zones urbanomarginales and difference due to the little half way suspension accomplished in March where I give up to give medical attention did not become established relating to the seasonal time. Finally the treatment utilized at both health resorts does not follow a scheme defined.
ItemCAUSAS DE EPISTAXIS Y TRATAMIENTOS EN USUARIOS QUE ASISTEN A LA CONSULTA EXTERNA Y LA EMERGENCIA DEL HOSPITAL “DR. VERDI CEVALLOS BALDA” DE PORTOVIEJO DE JUNIO A NOVIEMBRE DEL 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) CALDERON CEDEÑO, XAVIER STALIN ; TARABO MIELES, SANDRA VERÓNICA ; REZABALA CASTRO, ADOLFOBy means of this study it was determined which ones they are the most common causes he gives the nasal bleeder in the population that goes to the regional hospital he gives Portoviejo and also that type gives treatment it is used with more frequency. Also it could describe himself the general characteristics he/she gives the population object he gives study, to identify the most frequent place gives origin he gives the bleeder in the nasal grave and their treatment. The type gives utilized study for this investigation it was the descriptive one prospective he/she gives longitudinal section having as universe to all the patients assisted by epistaxis in the surface area he gives emergency and in the external consultation he gives the hospital Dr. Verdi Cevallos Balda, being the population gives study a total he/she gives 87 patients. The source of information was the revision he/she gives clinical files filed in the department he/she gives statistical he gives this hospital and it stops its gathering a form it was used he/she gives questions. Through this investigation you could determine that the most affected population is the scholars, adolescents and adults that surround the 50 years being more frequently caused by local factors being located the local traumatism in the first place and in second place the idiopathic epistaxis. As for the systemic factors the predominant cause was the high blood pressure. It was also perceived that the few complications and relapses registered in the portfolios give the patients it was because it was failed in the pursuit he/she gives the patients and give the falencias that exist as for the elaboration he gives clinical histories and evolutions so much on the part of the interns as he/she gives the doctors.
ItemEL PH Y CLORO RESIDUAL DEL AGUA INTRADOMICILIARIA Y SU EFECTO EN LA SALUD DE LOS HABITANTES DE SAN ALEJO DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO. MAYO – OCTUBRE DEL 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) IBARRA GARCÍA, FREDDY HUMBERTO ; BERMÚDEZ GARCÍA,CARMEN ROSARIO ; ALAVA CEDEÑO, SUSANAThe present study identified the PH and residual chlorine of the water intradomicily and its effect in the health of the inhabitants of San Alejo the city of Portoviejo during the period of May - October of the 2006 It carried out a descriptive study, not experimental, transactional, correlacional, the same one that had a sample of 303 houses of the population's total, the monthly reports of the illnesses sharp diarreic were also revised using the form EPI2, of the sub center of health San Alejo. Concomitantly the cultivation of a sample of water was made, to determine if the consumption water is capable for the same one. It carried out the gathering of information by means of the use of a clorímeter with which was measured the PH and the residual chlorine of the water of the keys of the living, for that which an observation guide was designed where you/they registered all the necessary data, the same ones that were tabulated and processed to obtain the conclusions and recommendations of the present study. Once carried out this the following results were obtained: in 94% of the gathered samples it was obtained that the quantity of normal residual chlorine and 64% of the gathered samples were obtained a PH in the normal water. According to the statistical data of the sub center of Health San Alejo it was found that the adult numbers of cases of EDA they were in the month of July of the 2006, these they represented 17% of the total of cases reported in this period. When carrying out the cultivation of a sample of water in the Institute Isquieta Pérez of the San Alejo it was obtained that according to the norm INEN the sample of taken water fulfills all the norms for water potabilicy.
ItemCALIDAD DE MANEJO DEL TRATAMIENTO QUIRURGICO DE LAS FRACTURAS DIAFISIARIAS DE TIBIA . HOSPITAL DEL INSTITUTO ECUATORIANO DE SEGURIDAD SOCIAL DE PORTOVIEJO PERIODO 2000 - 2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) MURILLO SALTOS, HECTOR ENRIQUE ; RODRIGUEZ SUAREZ, VICTOR FABRICIO ; VERA MENDOZA, JUANThe work investigative Quality of Handling of the Surgical Treatment of the Fractures Diafisiarias of Lukewarm carried out in the Service of Traumatology of the Hospital of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security of Portoviejo, period 2000-2005, has as purpose to identify the age group more affected in patient bigger than 10 years, the treatment surgical employee in this fracture type and their probable complications. The described fractures were studied from the 2000 to the 2005 with the descriptive retrospective design to evaluate the therapeutic behavior of the fractures diafisiariasof lukewarm. 52 clinical histories of patients were revised that completed the selection approacheof the obtained information it could settle down that the affected sex was the masculine one, the age group it was that of 30 – 39 years. According to the occupation the workers presented the biggest index of fractures. The traum etiology prevailed. He implants of osteosintesis more used in the fractures of this study it was the osteosíntesis badge. In what refers to complications during the fracture most of the patients they presented infection. As long as the complications after surgical in 50% didn't show, but the infections were presented in 15%, what demonstrates a good quality in the surgical handling of this type of fractures.
ItemNEUMONIA: FACTORES DE RIESGO Y COMPLICACIONES EN MENORES DE 5 AÑOS, SALA DE PEDIATRIA, HOSPITAL Dr. VERDI CEVALLOS BALDA” PORTOVIEJO, 2002 – 2003(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) ALARCON ARTEAGA, GENE IVAN ; ALCIVAR GARCIA, YANDRY RAMON ; MOGRO, FELIXIn the area of paediatrics of the Hospital Verdi Cevallos Balda of Portoviejo, I out a descriptive-retrospective study was carried out with the objective of determining the factors of risk and complications of the pneumonia in children younger than 5 years of age. By means of a record general data on the patient like: names and last first , age, sex and weight. They also took into account risk factors like contagious diseases, lnutrition, climatic variations; the complications like recurrent chronicity, pleural discharge, sepsis.and death to later codify then process them manually by means of a computer with the help of the Excel program. Being captured the results in table graphs in which descriptive statistics is used: the percentage for their validation, the following results wre obtained: the highest risk-factor was forund to contagions disease, and the common cold had the highest incidence. Concluding that in spite of the AIEPI strategy, the incidence of this pathology has not diminished, it is recommended impelling primary health –care, by means promoting community education.
ItemFACTORES DE RIESGO ASOCIADOS A MORTALIDAD NEONATAL EN EL HOSPITAL REGIONAL Dr. VERDI CEVALLOS BALDA DE PORTOVIEJO DE ABRIL 2005 – ABRIL 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) ALVIA GUTIERRÉZ, JORGE FABRICIO ; MACIAS LOPÉZ, CÉSAR ESTUARDO ; PICO DE HOLGUÍN, BETZABÉNeonative mortality is the indicator that is used to express the risk of passing away or the life expectancies of new born during the first 28 days of life in a country, region, or determined population taken care of in a perinatal center, reflecting the quality of attention lent to the health of the gestante woman and new born. Every minute in some place of the world 8 children die in the first month of life, 8 in the first week, 8 are born dead. Every minute dies 1 woman after the childbirth, 98% of these deaths takes place in the countries developing. The present study must like objective analyze and determine the main maternal and neonative factors of risk associated to neonative mortality and the main causes of neonative deaths, in new born that were taken care of in the unit of neonatology of the Hospital Verdi Cevallos Shelf of Portoviejo during April from the 2005 the 2006 of the same month and that they died during this period. The present study is retrospective, analytical and documentary, having like investigation object, clinical histories of neonative deaths (0-28 days). During the period of April of 2205-April 2006 3583 alive children were born, selected clinical histories of new born that entered the area of neonatology with greater weight of 900 grams; gestacional age greater to 28 weeks, that passed away during the year of investigation; we determined that it rates of mortality are of 20.3 alive deaths by each new born that corresponds to 2.03% of the total of the births. In our investigation the main maternal factors of risk that were associated to neonative mortality were adolescent (15, 1-19 years), primigestas, nulíparas, been civil of free union of rural origin and with a primary instruction of education. The main associated neonative factors of risk to mortality were the prematurez, new born with smaller Apgar of 7 and than they displayed an anormal physical examination. In our study we determined that the main cause of neonative death was the Sindrome de Respiratory Distres. It is possible to stress that given the sub registry that exists in each one of clinicas histories, she was not feasible reflected the absolute reality of the factors associated to neonative mortality.
ItemINCIDENCIA, FACTORES PREDISPONENTES Y AGENTE CAUSAL MAS FRECUENTE DE INFECCIÓN DE VÍAS URINARIAS, EN PACIENTES DE LA CONSULTA EXTERNA DE UROLOGIA DEL HOSPITAL DEL INSTITUTO ECUATORIANO DE SEGURIDAD SOCIAL DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2005 - ABRIL 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) BAILÓN BAILÓN, LÍDER MEDARDO ; LOOR LOOR, WILMER XAVIER ; LOOR INTRIAGO, EDUARDOFor the sake of knowing on the incidence, factors predisponentes and more frequent causation of infection of urinary tract, in patients that are attended by first time in external Urología's consultation of the Hospital of IESS Portoviejo, an investigation of descriptive, prospective type came true, taking like population of study 100 patients attended from November of the 2005 to April of the 2006. A fill-out form in which the data obtained in the interview were transcribed was utilized in order to recollect the information. The results determined that the more frequent age bracket with infection of urinary tract reciprocates his love to the 19 % in ages of 46-53 years. The 50 % the women were men and the 50 %. According to procedence the 58 % they came from the area urban. In relation to the antecedent pathological personnels a 47 % they had presented Infection of previous urinary tract. The antecedent ginecoobstétricos demonstrated than in the 54 % they presented menopause. The litiasis showed the 34 % of antecedent Urológicos. The 51 % of the population accomplished the hygiene of the genital once a day. The 47 % cleaned the place perineal of in front to the back. The drinkable water utilized the 98 % of the patients for daily hygiene. In the 48 % of the cases the causation was the Escherichia coli.
ItemEPIDEMIOLOGÍA DE LA INSUFICIENCIA RENAL CRÓNICA EN PACIENTES DIALIZADOS DEL IESS PORTOVIEJO 2000 A 2004(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) ESPINOZA GUEVARA, JANETH ; ÁLAVA PÁRRAGA, GUIDOFor the sake of knowing the epidemiology of Renal Chronic Insufficiency (RCI), in patients of IESS Portoviejo, the fact that they receive dialysis accomplished an investigation of retrospective type itself, taking a population of 128 patients once 2000 were dialyzed in the period – 2004. The following variables came into question: Magnitude and the population's under consideration gravity of renal chronic insufficiency, characteristics, risk factors, diagnostic and treatment of renal chronic insufficiency for record, of the information utilized a fill-out form itself. More highlighted results are : Regarding the magnitude and graveness was reported a rate of patients' incidence assisted for the first time in the service of nephrology of 2/100 external consultations the first time, while the incidence of patient dialyzed was of 10 /100 consults nephrology’s for the first time. The highest rate in prevalence belonged to 23 patients /100 you consults nephrology’s for the first time. The 90% of patients that beginning dialysis in the 2000 year had a 4 year-old over-life during the study. The major mortality presented in the 2001 year with 7 dead of 30 patients that beginning dialysis during this year. As for the factors of risk extrarrenal 63% presented diabetes, in pathology previous intrarrenal 16% presented renal litiasis. In diagnostic for laboratory 22% presented creatinina values between 5,21 and 7,20 mg/dl, 20% among 99-128 urea mg/dl, 28% between 7,21 and 12,20 mg/dl of uric acid, 34% presented normal values of glucose. In 81% the hematócrito was below the normal levels. Previous treatment not pharmacological: diet 23%; pharmacological: 34% antihypertensive. Present-day treatment the same to all of the patients.
ItemFACTORES PREDISPONENTES DE EMBARAZO EN ADOLESCENTES QUE ASISTEN AL COLEGIO NACIONAL TOSAGUA, SEPTIEMBRE 2005-FEBRERO 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) CEVALLOS MENÉNDEZ, JOSE ARMANDO ; VELÁSQUEZ CEDEÑO, MARIA EUGENIA ; CAMPOVERDE, NELSON ; CAMPOVERDE, NELSONWith the objective to ident ify and to determine the frequency whereupon they have the factors personal, familiar and social type to the pregnancy in adolescents who attend the National school Tosagua in the matutinal and vespertine section, was made a cross-sectional descriptive study during the period of September 2005 to February 2006. For the effect was applied to 249 students with ages between 11 to 19 years a survey conformed by 18 questions of closed type, related to the variables of the study. Of the analysis one concludes that the personal factors which they predominated in the average adolescence, where we found the greater one I number of adolescents 53%, were menarquía precocious with 46 %, the alcohol consumption 64%, drugs 75%, the active sexual life and lacks of you practice in contraception 38%; whereas the tobacco consumption and previous pregnancy are limited the delayed adolescence. The low self-esteem appeared as much in 43% in the average stage as delayed. The familiar factors that predominated in the average adolescence were the little familiar communication with 68%, the familiar instability with 45%. Within the social factors it is the average stage where the diminution of the value of the virginity represents 83%, the insistence by the pair and the group one to have sexual relations as much represents 1% in the average adolescence as in the delayed one. Finally we can conclude that the group of greater predisposition to a pregnancy is in the average adolescence.
ItemEVALUACIÓN DEL MANEJO SINDRÓMICO DE LAS INFECCIONES DE TRANSMISIÓN SEXUAL (ITS) EN MUJERES ATENDIDAS EN EL CENTRO DE SALUD ANDRÉS DE VERA. PERIODO: NOVIEMBRE DEL 2005 A ABRIL DEL 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) DELGADO BRIONES, JAIME TEMÍSTOCLES ; FALCONES MERO, ADOLFO GABRIEL ; GARCÍA JARAMILLO, JOSÉThe present study identifies the handling Sindromic of the Infections of Sexual Transmission in the women assisted in the center of Health Andrés of Vera during the understood period of November from the 2005 to April of the 2006. He/she was carried out a descriptive study, prospective of longitudinal court, with the objective of determining the handling Sindromic of the Infections of Sexual Transmission in the women assisted in the center of Health Andrés of Vera, the same one had a population of 138 patients. He/she was carried out the gathering of information by means of the interview to the patients and the revision of the clinical files, for that which an observation guide was designed where you/they registered all the necessary data, the same ones that were tabulated and processed to obtain the conclusions and recommendations of the present study. Inside the main conclusions we have according to the range of ages, the women understood among 21 to 30 years represent 40%, it was found that 21% of the patients didn't remember the treatment that you/they received to the moment of the survey, but 11% he/she received treatment with cotrimoxazol, followed by 7% with a metronidazol combination + nistatina + ciprofloxacino + fluconazol.
ItemRIESGOS EN LA SALUD DE LAS ADOLESCENTES CON EMBARAZO PRECOZ ATENDIDAS EN EL HOSPITAL VERDI CEVALLOS BALDA, PORTOVIEJO JUNIO A NOVIEMBRE DEL 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) BERMUDEZ ANTON, ANGEL VINICIO ; CAMPOVERDE MEJÍA, NELSONFor the sake of identifying the risks of teens with precocious pregnancy catered to in Portoviejo's Hospital Verdi Cevallos Balda, an investigation of prospective type, in a population formed by 108 patients whom they catered to June's childbirth to November of the 2006 came true . The following variables came into question : The population's under consideration characteristics, a fill-out form utilized obstetric risks of childbirth in teens with precocious pregnancy, for record of the information itself. More highlighted results are : With respect to the characteristics of patients as to the age the 61 % had of 17-18 years. The 69 % came from the rural area. A 81 % belonged to been civilian free union. The 56 % had attained primary complete education. The 83 % had like occupation domestic chores. A 36 % they lived with father-in-laws. The 56 % presented normal weight. The start of sexual relations in the 45 % went from 15-16 years. The 47 % had of 4-6 prenatal controls. In the 80,6 % the road of childbirth was the Cesarean operation. In relation to the risks of precocious pregnancy, disproportion determined that the more frequent complication in the mother went with the 31 % cefalopélvica. The complication of the neo-born went with a 24 % the syndrome of respiratory difficulty.
ItemLITIASIS DEL TRACTO GENITOURINARIO EN PACIENTES DE LA CONSULTA EXTERNA DE UROLOGÍA DEL HOSPITAL IESS PORTOVIEJO DE ENERO DE 1999 A ENERO DEL 2004(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006 ) BERMÚDEZ ANTÓN, RICARDO MARCELO ; MACÍAS FERNÁNDEZ, JORGE RENÁN ; INTRIAGO LOOR, EDUARDOThe patients with litiasis of tracto genitourinario that go to the external consultation of the service of Urología of Hospital IESS of Portoviejo, have motivated to us to make a study of descriptive-retrospective type that allows us to know the characteristic epidemiologists, the factors that influence in the appearance of this pathology, the methods diagnoses and their respective therapeutic one. The study population constituted 469 clinical histories of patients taken care of from January 1999 to January of the 2004. In order to collect the information a form was used in which the collected data of clinical histories were transcribed. The results determined that 29% of the patients were grouped in ages of 48-56 years. 61% corresponded to masculine sex. According to the origin 53% came from the Portoviejo Corner and the urban area. As far as the occupation 65% had labor dependency. 64% of the patients with personal pathological antecedents had presented/displayed genitourinaria litiasis. In 5% of the patients with familiar pathological antecedents they demonstrated that the mother was the one who presented/displayed the pathology. 74% of the population ingested potable water. Between the symptoms presented/displayed by the population in study 40% presented/displayed pain. The method diagnosis more used to detect the disease was in 43% urograma excretor. In the 90,9% of the patients the therapeutic treatment was used. When finalizing the investigation concludes that the litiasis of tracto genitourinario appears in greater percentage in the fourth and fifth decades of the life, affecting more to masculine sex, to the people of the urban area, who presented/displayed like predominant symptom the pain. The used diagnóstica aid in greater percentage was urograma excretor, to all these patients was applied the therapeutic handling to them.
ItemINCIDENCIA DE BULIMIA EN LOS ADOLESCENTES DE QUINTO Y SEXTO CURSO DIVERSIFICADO DE LOS COLEGIOS PARTICULARES: INFORMÁTICA, CRISTO REY Y COLEGIOS FISCALES: NACIONAL PORTOVIEJO, TÉCNICO URUGUAY. PORTOVIEJO. JUNIO A DICIEMBRE DEL 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) MOLINA VERA, ELINA ALEXIS ; VACAS MOREIRA, JULIA ISABEL ; LINARES GILER, SANDRAThe present study identifies the bulimia incidence in the adolescents of fifth and sixth diversified course of the particular schools: Computer science, Christ King and fiscal schools: National Portoviejo, Technical Uruguay, of Portoviejo. June to December of the 2006. He/she was carried out a traverse Descriptive study, to all the students registered in Fifth and diversified Sixth Courses of the schools Christ King, Computer science, Portoviejo and Uruguay, with a total population of 2103 students; being of the school Christ King 240 students, school Computer science 513 students, school Portoviejo 745 students, school Uruguay 605 students; they were applied the test EAT 26 to detect bulimia, bulimia was diagnosed to those that obtained a same or bigger value at 20. To this population with bulimia was applied a second survey in which values biological factors, lifestyle, social factors, associate pathologies and family antecedents of bulimia. The tabulation was carried out in form manual under the responsibility of the investigators. The results demonstrate that the bulimia incidence in the population of adolescents of the particular and fiscal schools of Portoviejo, is of 12%, being this adult in the National school Portoviejo with 48%. According to the age group the biggest incidence was in the 16-17 year-old student population with 77%. Taking like alone reference the population with bulimia for gender, the feminine one was affected in 84% and the masculine one in 16%. According to the habits he/she was not a lot of difference between the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, since the percentage of the consumption of tobacco is of 17% and that of alcoholism is of 14% in the study population. 82% of the adolescents with bulimia carries out not prescribed régime. The diet in prescribed régime and not prescribed it reached the biggest percentage, being in the one prescribed 81% and in the no prescribed 89%. Considering the origin was a bigger bulimia index in the students that come from the urban area with 79% contrary to the rural area affected in 21%. regarding the pathologies associated to the bulimia, it was determined that 55% presents associated other pathologies like: anemia in 54%, gastritis in 25%, anxiety in 15%, gastroenteritis 4% and depression in 2%. Taking like reference the family antecedents of bulimia, it was determined that 94% of the students with bulimia doesn't present family antecedents of this disorder.
ItemMANEJO DEL PACIENTE CONVULSIVO EN LA EMERGENCIA DEL HOSPITAL VERDI CEVALLOS BALDA DE PORTOVIEJO. PERIODO DE ENERO A JUNIO DEL 2007(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) CEDEÑO CEDEÑO, YURY NICOLAI ; LOOR PACHAY, JOHANA VANESA ; RODRÍGUEZ MENDOZA, MILTON FERNANDOThe present study analyzes the convulsive patient's Handling and its repercussion in the hospital stay in the emergency of the Hospital Verdi Cevallos Balda of Portoviejo in the period of January to June of the 2007. He/she was carried out a descriptive study; retroprospectyc of traverse cohort, with the objective of determining the handling of these patients, the same one had a population of 50 clinical histories that you/they were assisted in the emergency of this house of health. The present study embraced the ages of the 28 days from now on considering that these they have convulsions of another origin that is not the study reason, being in 32% the age from 1 to 5 years the most frequent. Inside the analyzed variables they were the convulsive patient directly with all their characteristics and the hospital stay of these patients. Inside the carried out procedures it was found that to 90% they were carried out canalization of veined roads, followed by 60% with protection of via air, 40% with appropriate position to avoid damage, 18% was placed probe nasogastric, 14% they were placed heart monitor, 12% they were applied muscular relaxants and 8% intubation endotraqueal. In relation to the pharmacological handling in 80% were applied diazepam, followed by 46% with fenitoína, 24% paracetamol and 14 antihypertensive%. The hospital stay of these patients was in 18% with 24 hours, 8% with 48 hours, followed by 22% with 72 hours, 30% of 1 week, 16% with 2 weeks, 4% with 3 weeks and 2% with 1 month in the hospital. To verify the handling of these patients an observation guide it was elaborated that contained a treatment outline; observing that the applied procedures are not the correct ones, for that which an application protocol was elaborated all convulsive patient in the emergency area.
ItemMANEJO INTEGRAL DE LAS INFECCIONES POR TRANSMISIÓN SEXUAL SEGÚN NORMAS TECNICAS DEL MINISTERIO SALUD PUBLICA EN LOS USUARIOS QUE ACUDEN AL CENTRO DE SALUD PORTOVIEJO DICIEMBRE DEL 2005-MAYO DEL 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) MUÑOZ PONCE, DÁMASO HUMBERTO ; PONCE ALENCASTRO, JHON ALEXANDER ; GARCÍA JARAMILLO, JOSÉIn the city of Portoviejo was carried out an investigation: "The integral handling of the Infections for Sexual Transmission according to Technical Norms of the Ministry of Public Health in the users that Portoviejo goes to the Center of Health December 2005 - May 2006", and its main objective is: To evaluate the handling of the I.T.S. according to Technical Norms of the Ministry of Public Health, to identify the pathological causes and the users' concomitant illnesses with diagnostic of I.T.S, to establish the incidence and the system of surveillance of the I.T.S., methods diagnoses and therapeutics and to propose a protocol of attention for the handling and measures of prevention. It was determined that the I.T.S. was more frequent in the group of ages understood among 21 - 30 years, the feminine sex represented 95%, of which 27% was pregnant. The free union prevailed with 54%; the origin of the users corresponded to the urban area with 53%, the parasitic causes they prevailed with 40%, and the users' 87% they presented clinical manifestations. Among the concomitant illnesses the I.V.U stood out. with 60% and the anemia with 23%, the predominant treatment was the Clinical one - Pharmacological with 98% and the means of diagnostic more employee was the physical exam with espéculo 31%, while the sexual incapacity as complication of the I.T.S. it represented 96% of the cases. The quality in the handling of the I.T.S. according to norms of the Ministry of Public Health it was not adapted 100% of the cases, leaving suggestions to the Institution and the Ability.
ItemMANEJO TERAPÉUTICO DEL CÓLICO DEL APARATO GÉNITO-URINARIO EN LOS PACIENTES QUE ACUDEN A LA EMERGENCIA DEL HOSPITAL DEL IESS EN PORTOVIEJO DE ENERO A DICIEMBRE DEL 2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) INTRIAGO CEDEÑO, LINA FILOMENA ; MACIAS MENENDEZ, IRENE LUISIANA ; INTRIAGO, EDUARDO ; INTRIAGO, EDUARDOThe present is a descriptive-retrospective study. Whose objective is to establish a therapeutic handling of the colic of the apparatus génito-urinal in the patients that IESS went to the emergency of the Hospital Portoviejo during the period January- December 2005. One worked with two hundred thirty five patients of the emergency area with their respective clinical histories, you applies a form for the gathering of data. The tabulation process and analysis were carried out it through the program Excel and the analysis with statistical measures: frequency and percentage and their presentation in graphic charts. In this study you concludes that it is used indiscriminately analgesic, antispasmodics and other drugs to alleviate the colic of the apparatus génito-urinal, and their handling you doesn't guide for protocol settled down in the different consulted literatures.
ItemMANEJO Y COMPLICACIONES DE COLOSTOMIA EN ADULTOS DEL AREA DE CIRUGIA DIGESTIVA DEL HOSPITAL REGIONALDE PORTOVIEJO. ABRIL 2004 – ABRIL 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) SALTOS MEDRANDA,JAHAIRA VIOLETA ; VERA ANCHUNDIA,CESAR AUGUSTO ; ALMEIDA CRUZ ,CARLOSWith the objective to know the handling and complications colostomías in adults of the area of digestive surgery, an investigation of descriptive, retrospective type was made, was taken as population from study 51 patients taken care of in the Hospital Verdi Cevallos Shelf of Portoviejo of April of the 2004 - April of the 2006. In order to collect the information a form was used in which all the data were registered that clinical history included and that were of interest for this investigation. The most outstanding results were:The 19,6% were of 29-36 years. 61% of the masculine. 47% came from the rural area. 53% of the population presented/displayed normal weight. In preoperating 96% prophylactic antibiotic was administered. In 98% operating nasogástrica sounding in the immediate one was used, in the 100% of the patients parenteral hidratación and sounds operating nasogástrica in the mediate one, 35% presented/displayed infiltrations, 72% the colostomía was temp, 51% was of derivation, 45% the anatomical location was in descendent colon, 51% the location of estoma was decided in the surgery, 51% was located in the left iliaca grave, in 35% was by traumatismo. 76% were handled by specialistic surgeon, in 100% the nurses gave to information to the patient on feeding and diet, in 100% is instructed to the relative of the patient on type of diet. 35% presented edema like immediate complication, 39% dermatitis like delayed complication.
ItemMANEJO Y COMPLICACIONES INMEDIATAS DE TRANSFUSIÓN DE SANGRE Y HEMODERIVADOS EN USUARIOS DEL HOSPITAL PROVINCIAL DOCENTE “VERDI CEVALLOS BALDA”, PORTOVIEJO. NOVIEMBRE DICIEMBRE 2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) RIVADENEIRA MURILLO, SHEYLA RAQUEL ; RIVAS SABANDO, GISSELLA YAMELL ; MOLINA NARANJO, ANAThe excessive quantity of sanguine transfusions accomplished world widely constitute a serious situation of public health for risk to contract transmissible pathologies, for the adverse immediate property and for another complications that potentially they be left as sequels and that means Hemotherapy´s inadequate handling. The present – day reflex problems the indiscriminate utilization of blood and derived from the blood for the medical doctor’s part, when not using the clinical and laboratories made suitable criteria, establishing an erroneous diagnosis and as a consequence prescribing the less propitious product, requesting it to the Blood Bank in the role of urgency without considering that this impedes the realization of all the test of compatibility for the time factor. For this it adds the nursing personnel’s incorrect administration of the sanguine unit for part, that they do not count on the necessary knowledge in story on time and techniques of application are added up. The present investigation revels the influential factors en the handling and the Hemotherapy´s presence of complications and whereon misses the system of certainty transfusional, in order to improve quality transfusional offered in this helping center, avoiding the administration of blood and hemoderivatives of indiscriminate form and without scientific criterion. This study is descriptive, prospective; based in the handling and complications of blood transfusions and hemoderivatives at the Hospital Provincial Docente of Portoviejo; the population included 71 patients in them it carried out 108 transfusionals procedures. To finish this investigation its observe than the diagnostic pre- the transfusionals more frequent were Acute Hemorrhage, Hypoproteinemia, and Acute Anemia, highlighting a high incidence of cases without established diagnosises. Encountering fever like the most frequent of 8 complications found during the study. In general, only a 10% of the 108 procedures handling made suitable had transfusionals. In this palpable reality in the day to day routine in the area of study, standards must take effect that they regulate to the handling of proper utilization and application of blood transfusion and hemoderivatives, capacitating the workpeople of health they manipulate, administrate, prescribe and they are immersed in the utilization of the sanguine compounds in order to change step by step reality, offering the user an safty attention and decreasing possible complications.