Licenciado Ciencias de la Educación-Educación Física
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ItemACTIVIDADES LÚDICAS EN EL DESARROLLO DE HABILIDADES MOTRICES DEPORTIVAS DEL MINIBÁSQUET EN LOS ESTUDIANTES DE LA BÁSICA MEDIA EN LA ESCUELA FISCAL MIXTA “ERNESTO VERA CEDEÑO” DEL CANTÓN ROCAFUERTE EN EL PERIODO 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) SACOTO VERA, ALEXANDRA ESTEFANÍA ; AYALA QUINDE, CARMENPlayful activity provides enormous benefits in childhood, among which self-confidence, autonomy and personal empowerment stand out, which is why they are very important in education. This activity can not only be used for enjoyment, but it can also be the basis for the development of class objectives. The area of Physical Culture is based on the game and through this you can promote activities of a motor, cognitive and affective nature. The present work shows a vision about the incidence of recreational activities in the development of sports motor skills, basing the respective hypothesis on the results of the observation made to the students, with whom a series of games was developed that aim to strengthen the skills focused on the basics of minibasket. It was concluded that sports motor skills are not being previously planned and directed to the sport that is going to be taught, which prevents the strengthening of the basic fundamentals of it. This fact can also cause overstressed certain muscle groups which can cause a rejection of the activity that is being performed. Within the recommendations it is suggested to differentiate between the different types of motor skills, to know when they should be strengthened. Therefore, it is suggested that in each planned activity the type of motor skill that is being improved be indicated in order to cover a complete development of the same. If the teachers really want to significantly improve the education environments, they should start by trying to change the logic of the organization and functioning of the school and a change of attitude towards life itself, trying to put themselves in the place of the other, to see and feel like the other, that child or young person in full development and in need of expression and playful satisfaction.
ItemFORTALECIMIENTO DEL PROCESO ENSEÑANZA APRENDIZAJE DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL QUINTO Y SEXTO SEMESTRE DE LA CARRERA DE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA, DEPORTES Y RECREACIÓN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE MANABÍ, MEDIANTE LA ADECUACIÓN E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DEL AULA DE PRÁCTICAS DE AERÓBICOS, Y LA CAPACITACIÓN DE LOS INVOLUCRADOS EN EL BUEN USO Y CUIDADO DE LOS MATERIALES DIDÁCTICOS(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) LEÓN PICO, LENDER LÍDER ; ZAMBRANO REYES, JOSÉ IVAN ; ALAVA LAZ, TITO WILLIAN ; DELGADO MOREIRA, JAVIER ALFREDO ; AYALA QUINDE, CARMENSport helps health, sport make us strong not physically but morally. It makes character strong, also our will, sport grows muscle, educate our character, develop our intelligence, makes citizen healthier in all senses. This project purpose is the aerobics classroom Adaptation, implementation, of the recreation, sport physical education school, since this did not have a specific room, not even with the necessary instruments to teach during the aerobics exercises to the students with which they can get all the knowledge, skills and movements of this major that currently is part of prevent medicine. Everybody knows that the correct practice of physical exercises and sport form an ideal model of human improvement that is one of the research of our century. Subsequently we expose the applied methodology in the research and the result of the applied survey to the teachers and the students with these percentages. We effect the analysis and determine the reach of the goals and the verification of the hypothesis. At the same time we structure the conclusion and the recommendations with what we finish the research work.
ItemLA BIOMECÁNICA DE LA PROPULSIÓN Y SU EVOLUCIÓN ESTILO LIBRE EN ESCOLARES DE AMBOS SEXOS ENTRE 7 Y 12 AÑOS DEL COLEGIO “GRAL. MIGUEL ITURRALDE” DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO EN EL AÑO 2008.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) SANTOS ZAMBRANO, CRUZ MARGARITA ; LAVAYEN FERRER, DAVID EDMUNDO ; AYALA QUINDE, CARMENThe investigation is centered in the determination of the Biomechanics like incidence of the aquatic Propulsion in the I swim style free of the Children and Girls in ages understood among 7 to 12 years of the General School Miguel Iturralde of the Canton Portoviejo, county of Manabí especially in the physical and sport development. He/she begins with a definition of the swimming, making reference to the historical aspect, the different styles, the main characteristics of each one of it, to continue with the general principles of Crol, the process in yes, and the pedagogic description of the same one. Immediately reference is made to basic elements as: speed, flotation, biomechanics, propulsion, highlighting that the flexibility and the training of the force are important for the development of this sport discipline. Subsequently it is foundations related with the skeletal muscle, the force and muscular resistance; the effects of the physical activity and the training, and the relationship between exercise and muscular resistance; resistance vs. aging. Next it is another aspect of vital importance like it is the Psicomotricidad, the biomechanics and the swimming, explaining the characteristics from these applicable ones to the free style, standing out and analysis of the propulsion with their progression and classification. Subsequently it consists the applied methodology and the results obtained by means of the application of a test of swimming style free with the Children of the General School Miguel Iturralde in ages between 7 and 12 years. With these results it could be proven the reach of the objectives and the execution of the hypotheses, in the same way the elaboration of conclusions and recommendations with what is given had concluded the investigation.
ItemLA BIOMECÁNICA DEPORTIVA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL RENDIMIENTO DE LAS PRUEBAS FÍSICAS EN LOS ÁRBITROS PROFESIONALES DE LA ASO. PROVINCIAL DE FÚTBOL DE LA PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ EN EL AÑO 2008(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009) CRUZATTI ZAMBRANO, JOSÉ MARCELO ; ZAMBRANO PALACIOS, VERÓNICA CECILIA ; AYALA QUINDE, CARMENThis investigation was carried out at “Professional Association of arbiters” of Manabí, taking as subjects of this matter to the active and passive arbiter, coach, authorities and inspectors, who contributed with certainty in answering the surveys concerning this topic of great importance as it is BIOMECHANICS, a scientific discipline, very important to develop the skill of running and develop the sports techniques in the competition. This research begins with the description and analysis of the Biomechanics’ science. Subsequently, it is exclusively on the preparation or physical tests and the sport training, defining to the biomechanics and their foundations; the Arbiter and the Techniques that must be apply. Finally, Food and Health, making notice the importance that has and the specific of their action field. The results are very notorious for developing of sports techniques and for athletes that each day do research and develop different theories for the betterment of the teaching and learning of the different techniques in the different sports. This research attempts to assist also to the good athletes that need an additional work to increasing their professional activity; and, undoubtedly, to revise some techniques to develop a positive and ample attitude through the biomechanics ways to acquired different skills in a running. Finally, the summation and recommendations are emitted, giving therewith had concluded the investigation.
ItemLAS CAPACIDADES FÍSICAS CONDICIONALES DE JUAN BOSCO CEDEÑO BUSTAMANTE Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LA OBTENCIÓN DE LA FORMA DEPORTIVA COMO ÁRBITRO DE FUTBOL FIFA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) SOLÓRZANO ZAMBRANO, JIMMY ALBERTO ; AYALA QUINDE, CARMENThe goal of this case study is to determine the importance of conditional physical abilities in John Bosco Cedeño Bustamante same that led to that succeeds in obtaining the sports form and consequently be named as an international referee FIFA, for it we identify what are the conditional physical skills and then analyze them one to one and going obtaining data and information to then be able to study and compare the parameters that yield the study, so finally achieve run the report that allows us to give the results and conclusions respectively. According to conditional physical abilities they are determined by complex biochemical processes in the body. equipment and systems among which we have the strength, speed and endurance capabilities that can be potentially acrecentadas much so that a result of that is to obtain an optimal level of Physical condition or sportsmanlike manner that is just the top of the fullness of all physical abilities mentioned previously. To carry out this work we use a type of research is no experimental with a descriptive method where precisely describe the relevant aspects of this event supporting interview survey and the information necessary in order to give us the results and to compare them and generate a point of discussion or problem in which our research is enhanced so you can give the recommendations and conclusions respectively which are focused on what human can give and achieve in the professional field marking a line after their capabilities where can get and achieve what it n
ItemLOS JUEGOS RECREATIVOS Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO DE CAPACIDADES FÍSICAS DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE NOVENO AÑO DE EDUCACIÓN GENERAL BÁSICA DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA “URUGUAY” DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO DURANTE EL PERIODO LECTIVO 2016(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) CEDEÑO MORRILLO, LAURIDO ADALBERTO ; RIVERA MENDOZA, JAVIER ANDRES ; AYALA QUINDE, CARMENThis work Titration mode Research refers it was elaborated with the purpose of knowing, to discover, and to check, the importance that you/they have the games in the physical development, of the students of the EDUCATIONAL UNIT "URUGUAY", which was titled in a following way. "THE RECREATIONAL GAMES AND THEIR INCIDENCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL CAPACITIES." The study of this topic will be to stimulate the participation of the students of First of High school in activities, physical recreational, standing out the importance that you/they have in the educational and social aspect for the integral formation in the development of its capacities like resistance, forces, speed, flexibility of those and the students of the EDUCATIONAL UNIT "URUGUAY." You has up-to-date bibliographical information which it is exposed in the literary revision of the theoretical mark of this investigation with their respective variables. The methodology that was used in the investigation was descriptive which contains its due ones technical and instruments which allowed to present the results during and after the investigation with the purpose of obtaining its respective conclusions and recommendations that will be good for all the people involved in this process, putting into practice the contributions and benefits of this educational discipline. It also serves as contribution for the professors of Physical Culture that work in the EDUCATIONAL UNIT "URUGUAY", since it allows to introduce elements that it will allow them that those and the students develop their physical capacities, and besides learning..