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    Estudio de factibilidad para la implementacion de una escolavadora de autos con tecnologia vapor en la ciudad de Portoviejo
    (Universidad Tècnica Manabì, 2022) Moreano Macias, Moshe Dayan ; Pacheco, Hector Vinces
    This technical project is addressed as a relevant topic for society, where an analysis is carried out and based on the feasibility of implementing an eco-friendly car wash called Steam Wash in the city of Portoviejo, and thus reduce the water consumption rates that exist in the execution of this economic activity. There are technologically sophisticated machines that use washers to provide the washing service (Gossipvehiculo, 2021). However, there is no environmental culture that goes hand in hand with innovation, quality, and an optimal service where there is prudent use of water, and the vehicle remains without moisture. This research project has a quantitative approach that allowed the application of techniques for data collection, such as surveys and observation, obtaining clear and precise information for the implementation of this project. The established demand was determined by the vehicle fleet of the Portoviejo canton.
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    Evaluación técnica de la higiene y seguridad laboral en el camal municipal del cantón Rocafuerte
    (Universidad Tècnica Manabì, 2022) Quintero Velez, Miguel Angel ; Reyes Mejía Angie Daniela ; Real Pérez, Grether Lucia
    This degree work focused on the evaluation of occupational health and safety of the municipal slaughterhouse of Rocafuerte canton, with the objective of making a technical evaluation that allowed compliance with current regulations on preventive matters. The methods used in the research were bibliographic, deductive; besides being a field research. The results were divided into two phases in order to comply with the proposed objectives; first, the different types of labor risks existing in the object of study were identified through the use of a risk matrix; subsequently, in phase two, it was evaluated through the application of risk evaluation methods such as: the William Fine method for mechanical risks, the Rula method for ergonomic risks, and the Biogaval method for biological risks. As a result, a total of 22 risk situations were obtained, among which mechanical risks stood out, with a total of 9; followed by ergonomic and biological risks with a total of 4 each; and finally physical and chemical risks, with a total of 3 and 2 respectively. The evaluation began with the mechanical risks, with the result that most of them were at a moderate risk level, which are not considered an emergency, however, they must be corrected. Two biological risk agents were subsequently evaluated, starting with brucellosis, a bacterium present in most cattle and pigs, which resulted in a high biological risk that must be corrected immediately; COVID-19, a virus that had the same result as the aforementioned bacterium, was subsequently evaluated. Finally, in the ergonomic risks, a work station with a higher probability index of this type of risk was evaluated, where two different postures were measured, one of which resulted in a short-term action level, while the other gave an immediate action level to avoid musculoskeletal disorders in the worker.
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    Evaluación del ruido en el área de producción de la empresa metalmecánica fundireyes de la ciudad de Portoviejo.
    (Universidad Tècnica Manabì, 2022) Àlava Fernández, Alex Javier ; Cedeño Loor, Jomara Elizabeth ; Zambrano Ortíz, Denis Joaquín
    The present titling work aims to evaluate the noise in the production area of the MetalMecanic FUNDIREYES of the city of Portoviejo to which the workers are exposed, through the measurement of the noise level techniques such as the survey were used To the operators, interviews the owner of the Checklist company to know the problems presented by the production area and the measurement of noise control with a sonometer as a main indicator in the machinery used for data collection, these measurements were referenced in the standard INEEN-ISO 9612 and comparison with Executive Decree 2393 to obtain samples from the company's production area. In the analysis of the collected data noise formulas were used, in order to obtain the total data in dB (A), where the sum of the minimum, medium and maximum values were obtained by a logarithmic sum where through these Formulas came to conclusions about the amount of noise generated in the production area of the MetalMecanic FUNDIREYES. The results that were obtained during the measurement indicated that noise levels in the production area, exceed the maximum limit allowed as established by the Workers' Safety and Health Regulation and Environmental Improvement 2393 It is DER 85 dBA. Perform an assessment of exposure to noise, generally precise from the measurement of noise levels and the corresponding comparison with the limit values that are allowed by the national regulations currently in force. The way in which the measurements are made establishes whether the results obtained are reliable, which should provide guarantees beyond the exposure of numerical values. In this way, the correctly identified conclusions can be obtained, in order to take adequate noise control measures as indicated by the Executive Decree 2393 together with the World Health Organization (WHO), for the improvement of the production area of the Metalworking company FUNDIREYES
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    Evaluación del riesgo ergonómico en los trabajadores de oficina de gobierno autónomo descentralizado municipal colimes
    (Universidad Tècnica Manabì, 2022) Reina Moreira, Juan Diego ; Zambrano Villamar, Víctor Andrés ; Real Pérez, Grether Lucia
    The main purpose of this research was to conduct a comprehensive ergonomic evaluation of office workers within the Decentralized Autonomous Municipal Government of Colimes. To achieve this, deductive and bibliographic research methods were employed, supplemented by a field study that provided crucial insights for the evaluation. The results were structured into three main components: firstly, the characterization of activities carried out by the personnel in their work environment; secondly, the identification of various ergonomic risks present in the workplace; and thirdly, the assessment of these risks using both the RULA and ROSA methods, in addition to conducting a survey among the workers to determine their level of knowledge about these risks. The analyses revealed a level of risk amenable to improvements through the ROSA method, while the RULA method indicated a level 3 risk, suggesting the need for a more detailed evaluation and the implementation of potential changes. As part of the proposed corrective actions, it was suggested to enhance the postural hygiene of workers and introduce active breaks with a series of exercises aimed at preventing musculoskeletal injuries. These measures seek not only to mitigate the identified ergonomic risks but also to improve the overall health and well-being of employees in their work environment.
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    Evaluacion de riesgos mecánico en las acividades laborales de lavado y lubricado de vehìculos
    (Universidad Tècnica Manabì, 2022) Martínez Neira, Anthony Geovanny ; Litardo Velásquez, Carlos Alberto
    This research is based on the occupational risk factors to which workers are exposed in vehicle washing and lubrication plants, risk components that correspond to a current problem where the working conditions and various risk factors related to work in this type of activity are identified. These can cause accidents or occupational diseases. Likewise, the need to take actions aimed at preventing this type of risk was seen, whose main objective was to identify, evaluate and propose a prevention plan, research that was carried out at two work stations, using the methodology of: Willian T. Fine. Where direct observation of the work stations, taking photographs and filming, which allowed the application of the method, was carried out. The results showed high levels of risk in both vehicle washing and lubrication activities. This research instructs how primary actions aimed at preventing occupational risks can be carried out.