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https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0151-2756.listelement.badgeCuadro de mando integral en la empresa de servicios ARPAZ Co( 2022-02-27) Arteaga Tito Franklin ; Esquivel García RenierEl cuadro de mando integral es una herramienta de gestión para la toma de decisiones directivas. Permite la translación de la estrategia de la organización en objetivos concretos y la evaluación de la interrelación entre diferentes indicadores de la organización. En la empresa ARPAZ Co., se observa que la falta de control de los indica-dores en diversas perspectivas limita la gestión empresarial. Por ello se requiere aplicar el cuadro de mando integral como herramienta de gestión. Se partió del diagnóstico de la estructura organizacional de la empresa, de los procesos que desarrolla y las formas de toma de decisiones. Luego se definieron las etapas de aplicación en cuanto a las pers-pectivas financiera, del cliente, de los procesos y la de formación y crecimiento. Luego se procedió a definir los indicadores para los procesos clave de toma de decisiones y las formas que han de medir la eficiencia de las estrategias en la organización. Finalmente fueron promovidos varios procesos internos para obtener mejores resultados derivados de la toma de decisiones. Partiendo de las deficiencias encontradas en la gestión empre-sarial, se lograron acciones de mejora y objetivos estratégicos alineados a la misión y visión de la organización.
ItemEl nivel de eficacia y eficiencia como principio fundamental de la gestión documental(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2020) SUÁREZ ARTEAGA, CORAIMA STEFANIE ; GARCÍA SALMON, LUIS ALBERTODocument Management is understood as the set of technologies and techniques used to manage the documents of a company or organization. The mission is to manage the flow of these documents for the duration of their life cycle. It should be noted that no official document can be discarded as these are necessary for audits and analysis of company processes. An efficient document management system aims to bring the physical storage of documents to the digital plane, which implies a substantial improvement in several aspects of the administration of a company. The system also targets the process of searching for and organizing documents, as well as data and general information in its various formats. Based on these principles, this research paper aims to provide a diagnosis of the level of effectiveness and efficiency as a fundamental principle of documentary management in the career of Library Science, Documentation and Archive of the Faculty of Humanistic and Social Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí.
ItemEvaluación de las alternativas del empleo de la biomasa lignocelulósica del café en Chimborazo( 2022-10-04) Carlos Leonel Burgos-Arcos ; Neyfe Sablón-CossíoLa comprensión de los procesos de biomasa lignocelulósica es fundamental a la hora de seleccionar las vías de fraccionamiento y las posibilidades de obtención de nuevos productos, subproductos y bioenergía derivados de la biomasa seleccionada. El objetivo del artículo es: identificar las oportunidades de obtención de biomasa lignocelulósica de café en la provincia de Chimborazo en el marco de la Economía Circular. Se determinó las variedades y cantidades de café cultivado, se identificaron los sitios y las características de los lugares en donde se cultiva café en el Ecuador y en la provincia de Chimborazo. Se determinó los tipos, cantidades de residuos y subproductos provenientes de la industrialización del café. Se encontró que producto de la industrialización del café se generan grandes cantidades de residuos en forma de pergamino, pulpa y borra.
ItemEvaluación de moringa Moringa oleifera (Lam.,1783) como aditivo dietético para el cultivo de semillas de ostra perlera, Pteria sterna (Gould,1851), en ambiente controlado(UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA DE MANABI INSTITUTO DE POSGRADO, 2021-08-01) CESAR ALEJANDRO ESTAY MOYANO ; César Lodeiros Seijo ; José Manuel Mazón SuásteguiMicroalgae are the natural diet par excellence during the hatchery mollusks seed nursery, but they can be supplemented with artificial diets to increase production efficiency and reduce production costs. The effects of the use of moringa flour (Moringa oleifera) and cornstarch (maicena®) as dietary additives supplied as a function of dry weight (%) of tissues in pearl oyster spat Pteria sterna, were evaluated for one month. Cornstarch provides energy mainly in the form of carbohydrates, while moringa provides essential fatty acids and amino acids. The experimental design included six diets in triplicate: D1 (Mix 50:50 Chaetoceros gracilis and Tetraselmis suecica = MM), D2 (MM + 5% cornstarch), D3 (MM + 5% moringa), D4 (MM + 2.5 % cornstarch + 2.5% moringa), D5 (5% moringa) and D6 (5% cornstarch), considering 42 individuals for experimental unit (aquarium). Spat growth in weight, size and survival percentage was recorded every fortnight. At the end of the laboratory bioassay (phase 1), the seeds were transferred to a cultivation farm suspended in the sea (phase 2) for 50 days, to accumulate a total of 80 days. As the main and relevant result, diet 4 produced the highest significant increase in dry tissue mass and dry mass of the shell, surpassing the natural diet which are microalgae (D1). Survival of oysters fed D5 progressively decreased until reaching 0% at the end of phase 1 (30 days), ruling out moringa meal as a useful mono-diet. The highest average values were obtained with D4, in terms of survival (97.6%), dry tissue mass and dry shell mass, which suggests a synergistic and positive effect of its components. The superior efficiency of diet 4 was confirmed by obtaining more competent seeds, once transferred to a suspended culture system in the sea. The results of this research allow us to assume that diet 4 (microalgae + 2.5% cornstarch + 2.5% moringa), has potential productive application for the nursery of P. sterna seeds, and possibly other species of bivalve mollusks of commercial interest.
ItemGestión de la preservación de los archivos digitales(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2020) CARREÑO VALLE, IVÁN HOMERO ; ZAMBRANO CEDEÑO, EDISON RUBÉN ; ORMAZA PINCAY, MARÍA DE LOS ÁNGELESNowadays, the management of the preservation of digital archives has played a dominant role in preventing physical document disorders. The purpose of this research is to carry out an evaluative study for the diagnosis and determination of the main incidents in the management of the preservation of digital archives in the Land Registry of the Portoviejo canton. To carry out the research, the descriptive and retrospective method was used, adopting a bibliographic approach for the analysis of the conceptual theoretical elements of the subject in question, which served as a basis to define the Management of the Conservation of the Digital Archive in the Property Registry of the Portoviejo Canton, considering the use of logical historical methods with qualitative methods, which will allow obtaining referential data that help support this work. Similarly, the ISO 15489 technical standards, the Technical Standard of the Public Administration Secretariat (SNAP), the Document Processing Manual and the UNESCO Manual were applied as legal framework. As a result, the questions could be answered - problems that began this investigative process, resulting in the conclusion that the Land Registry of the Portoviejo canton has an EPRPP Registration System, suitable for the preservation of documents and qualified personnel to carry out the digitalization process for the preservation of documents, complying with ISO standards and therefore the requirements and needs of the institution and users.
ItemLos servicios de broker on line como alternativa de expansión y crecimiento al sector comercial exportador en la provincia de Manabí. Período 2003-2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) Ormaza Cevallos, Miguel Giancarlo ; Zambrano Carreño, Carlos Eduardo ; Villamar de Conforme, MagdalenaOnline Brokers is a middleman between the final consumer and the company, therefore, it cannot be puenteada in the process. Several methods, including the mutual trust, they are good to avoid those types of behaviors. These middlemen that possess market license to make commercial transactions in the cities described Manabitas offer services based on offering solutions in Internet. At the moment the services are structured, although they can always be carried out adaptations to satisfy the specific necessities. In Manabí you focaliza to the biggest number of companies in the city of Blanket, continued in smaller scale by the canton Portoviejo, that that influenced in the idea of to look for effective middlemen and to begin a process of high commercial mobility with a widespread tendency of the broker employment, that which means to create organizations satellites that allow to have a preferably sure external market. In patterns in integration of several technologies and systems enterprise application integration patron integration broker patron wrapper patron virtual patron component dates mapping, patron integration mediator of a distribution step, the retailer, the wholesaler, the broker, the distributor, the direct sale and strategies of distribution of selection of commercialization channels. In the environment exporter the broker occupies in their phases commercial appreciable quantities of people that are located in Blanket to be marine Port and Portoviejo to be the capital of the county and center of commercial convergence and they represent an important contribution to be a generating source of employment and of economic revenues for this productive sector, synonym of the private effort, where the investment has increased financially in these last years.