Licenciado en Psicologia Clinica
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ItemAUTOESTIMA Y DEPENDENCIA EMOCIONAL EN ADOLESCENTES DE LA CIUDADELA “LAS ORQUIDEAS” DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) MERA POSLIGUA, JOSSELYN ROXANA ; GARCÍA CEDEÑO, MARIA LIONILAThe objective of this research work is to determine self-esteem and emotional dependence in adolescents from the citadel "Las Orquídeas" in the canton of Portoviejo. In this way, a non-experimental type of research was carried out, using a mixed, quantitative and qualitative approach, which descriptive and bibliographical methods were used. A sample consisting of 15 adolescents was applied, these instruments for this present investigation used the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (EAR) and the Lemos and Londoño Emotional Dependence Questionnaire (CDE); As a result, the relationship between self-esteem and emotional dependence was obtained, whose results complement the objectives of the research, indicating that the greater the emotional dependence, the lower the self-esteem, and that the greater the self-esteem, the less emotional dependence, concluding with the existence of the relationship between these two variables.
ItemINFLUENCIA DEL TIPO DE VÍNCULO AFECTIVO MATERNO Y PATERNO EN LA CONDUCTA AGRESIVA DE LOS ADOLESCENTES. CASO NOVENO AÑO DE LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA DEL MILENIO OLMEDO, PERIODO 2016 – 2017(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) BRAVO CEDEÑO, GUADALUPE DEL ROSARIO ; GUEVARA CEVALLOS, ROSA MARGARITA ; NAVIA RODRÍGUEZ, ISIDRO RAFAELIt is imperative to emphasize that the family is a social system constituted by its family dynamics, according to this, the present study is oriented to clinical psychology. Its objective is to analyze the emotions and behaviors of adolescents given by the type of affective bond and aggressive behavior in the Ninth Year of the Educational Unit of the Olmedo Millennium, period 2016 - 2017. To have an accurate information, it was necessary to investigate the experiences affective of parents to their children and how they are linked to their socio - educational context. The methodology used to determine if the different types of affective bond developed and maintained between parents and adolescents, are related to aggressive behavior directly or indirectly, was non-experimental descriptive correlational type, using the method of documentary analysis according to the attachment theory of Jonh Bowkby and other authors to theoretically support research. The sample was constituted by 74 adolescents to whom a questionnaire of questions was applied taking as a reference the inventory of attachment with parents and mothers of family (Ippa, Armsden & Greenberg, 1987) and the questionnaire of aggressiveness (Aq) of Buss and Perry version reduced (Vigil - Colet Et Al., 2005), the same that was adapted according to the reality investigated. The results obtained allowed us to assess the value of how these links interfere in the behavior of adolescents. Concluding that there is a considerable number of students who present aggressive behaviors, which can be self-harm, criminal behavior, verbal aggression, among others, which becomes a problem at the family, school and social level. The results obtained led to the design of an intervention proposal to resignify the affective bonds, based on talks and ongoing workshops, aimed at parents and students from a mainly affective point of view, based on good communication and relationship.
ItemLA CONDUCTA DE LOS ADOLESCENTES DENTRO DE UNA FAMILIA MONOPARENTAL, EN LA CIUDADELA LOS OLIVOS, PARROQUIA ANDRÉS DE VERA DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO, PROVINCIA DE MANABÍ PERIODO ENERO A JUNIO 2021(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) CEDEÑO ALAVA, VERONICA PRISCILA ; TINOCO LOOR, MARIA GABRIELA ; ALARCÓN, BETTYThe research project on the behavior of adolescents within a single-parent family, in the Los Olivos citadel, analyzed what behaviors adolescents develop within a single-parent family. Its general objective was to determine the behavior of adolescents within a single parent family, while the specific objectives sought to analyze the interpersonal relationship that adolescents have with their father or mother with whom they live; The most representative behaviors of adolescents who come from a family of this type were also identified; the existence of a behavioral change in adolescents within a single-parent family was evidenced. The research was descriptive and field type; His techniques were: tests and surveys, the work method was deductive, interpretive, because concepts and theoretical foundations from bibliographic sources were analyzed to analyze what type of behavior prevails in adolescents within single- parent families. The study instrument was composed of search engines such as: Scielo, Mediline, questionnaire, survey. Applying the discussion and results, it was concluded that the majority of adolescents, after their families became single parents, had a change in behavior, of which disobedience and challenging behavior stand out, as well as having a high level of problems of discipline. In addition, establish quality time destined to strengthen the bonds of trust and self-esteem, stimulating them with words of support making them feel that it is the parents who are in charge of giving them confidence and protection, in order to have a very good relationship between them, as a new single parent family.
ItemNIVELES DE RESILIENCIA EN ADOLESCENTES DE HOGARES DISFUNCIONALES Y FUNCIONALES EN LA UNIDAD EDUCATIVA FISCAL MIXTA “PEDRO ZAMBRANO BARCIA”(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2020) SALTOS ZAMORA, DOLORES ; MAITTA ROSADO, SOLANGEThe objective of this study is to identify: the levels of resilience in adolescents of dysfunctional and functional homes.Therefore, a study was conducted to 66 students from the 10th years in the Public Educational Unit “Pedro Zambrano Barcia”, through the application of two tests: Analysis of Resilience in Adolescents "A.R.A" and Resilience Scale "RS". Also, the research had a qualitative, quantitative, descriptive and comparative methodological design, which indicate that adolescents from both, it was identified that adolescents from both dysfunctional and functional homes maintain a moderate resilience.