Licenciado en Psicologia Clinica
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ItemAFECTACIONES EMOCIONALES EN TRABAJADORAS SEXUALES EN LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO, CAUSADAS POR LOS CAMBIOS LABORALES EN LA PANDEMIA COVID-19(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) GUTIÉRREZ IZQUIERDO, MARÍA ALEXANDRA ; ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETHThis article presents the results of a research whose main objective was to conduct a psychosocial diagnosis to sex workers in the city of Portoviejo, who have been affected their work because of the pandemic of Covid-19, the methodology applied is descriptive with a quantitative approach since the collection of quantifiable information was performed, the instruments used for data collection were surveys and in-depth interviews with prior oral informed consent of the participants, The results showed that 87% of the respondents are willing to receive psychological treatment, they claim to be aware of the serious emotional sequels that the Covid-19 pandemic has left in their lives, in view of this it is considered appropriate to include this group in programs and projects of psychological care that are promoted in higher education institutions and state institutions, thus providing them with the opportunity to significantly improve their emotional health.
ItemEL ENTRENAMIENTO PARA PADRES Y SU INCIDENCIA EN LOS PROBLEMAS DEL COMPORTAMIENTO DE LOS NIÑOS(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETH ; SALVADOR PÉREZ, PAMELAThe objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of parent training, for parents in families with children with behavioral problems. In recent years, there are many recommended interventions for this group, which is estimated to have a prevalence of between 6-15% of patients. Behavioral disorders not only affect the child, but have an effect that reaches your family, school, friendships, academic performance and autoconcept. The research was carried out with 18 families who completed the 6 sessions offered by the program. The type of research was longitudinal and the instruments used were the CBCL, a sociodemographic record, observation and interview. The results show changes not only at the behavioral level, but also improvements are seen in the areas of affective, anxious and somatic problems of children.
ItemESTRÉS POSTRAUMATICO COMO CONSECUENCIA DEL TERREMOTO DEL 16-A EN BOMBEROS DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETH ; NAVIA CEDEÑO, ANTONIA KATHERINE ; MACÍAS MOREIRA, ÁNGEL ENRIQUEDisasters and emergencies of all kinds have generated a new field of action for psychology. In this sense, first-responders respond to adverse events, becoming a hidden victim that is affected in one way or another by the disaster situation. The sum of some or all situations can produce physical, behavioral, psychological, psychosocial reactions that are likely to affect your family or work life. The population was composed of a total of 73 subjects belonging to the operational level of the fire department of the Canton Portoviejo (plant firefighters and volunteers), of these in a previous study have been detected with PTSD 32 subjects, mostly males; with these data, only the subjects diagnosed with the disorder are taken as a sample. The average age was 39.5 years. The Stress Coping Questionnaire (CAE) was used. It is a quantitative research and according to its main objective, it is classified as a descriptive type. Coping changes change positively in all the indicators after carrying out the psychosocial intervention program implemented by the researchers.
ItemESTRÉS Y DEPRESIÓN EN DETENIDOS POR PRIMERA VEZ: CENTRO DE DETENCIÓN PROVISIONAL DE PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETH ; CEDEÑO LOOR, ROBINSON FERNANDO ; ORMAZA PINCAY, MARÍA DE LOS ÁNGELESThe research was developed under the quantitative approach, supported by the descriptive method. This study was conceived in two stages: the related bibliography was first thoroughly revised to support the theoretical bases and characterization of the research; in the second stage, a field survey was carried out at the Provisional Detention Center of the city of Portoviejo, where a male prison population of 37 persons was considered deprived of liberty for the first time, without considering exclusions of any kind. Authorization was requested to apply the inventory of Beck Depression II, which consists of 21 multiple-choice questions and is used to measure the severity of a depression picture. The results of the use of the Beck depression inventory for the first time incarcerated in the Provisional Detention Center of the city of Portoviejo determine that 43% of the respondents need professional support for suffering some degree of depression. It was determined that the number of new detainees, corresponds to a percentage greater than 41%, after the traffic offenses that the percentage continues with 24%. It is detected that in the crime of mayor incidence commits child of young adults, aged between 18 and 29 years.
ItemG-LEARNING COMO ESTRATEGIA METODOLÓGICA PARA CORREGIR DIFICULTADES DE LECTURA EN NIÑOS DE ETAPA ESCOLAR, ECUADOR(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) MENDOZA VALDIVIEZO, NIMIA SOPHIA ; ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETHFrom the problem detected by students in pre-professional practices of the clinical psychology career of the Universidad Técnica de Manabí, carried out in an educational unit of the Cantón Portoviejo was observed children who presented reading difficulties, the study was developed through the approach mixed. The population that was delimited is of ten students who are intervened with Scale Wechsler of Intelligence to discard or to confirm the existence of marginal or bordering intelligence and mental deficiency. After a WISC-IV diagnosis was ruled out, the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery was applied in a first time (pre-test), which projected results well below the expected average in reading, comprehension and speed reading skills Of children, this is why it was decided to intervene students with a learning technique based on games that enhance reading skills, syllable recognition and construction, phonological awareness and logical coherence. Subsequently, the short-term post-test is applied with improved results in all indicators, showing a better performance of the study subjects in the implicit learning of reading techniques.
Item"G-LEARNING COMO ESTRATEGIA METODOLÓGICA PARA CORREGIR DIFICULTADES DE LECTURA EN NIÑOS DE ETAPA ESCOLAR, ECUADOR"(Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Facultad de Ciencias Humanísticas y Sociales. Escuela de Psicología Clínica., 2017-10) ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETH ; MENDOZA VALDIVIEZO, NIMIA SOPHIAA partir de la problemática detectada por estudiantes en prácticas pre-profesionales de la carrera de psicología clínica de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí, realizadas en una unidad educativa del Cantón Portoviejo se observó a niños que presentaban dificultades lectoras, el estudio se desarrolló mediante el enfoque mixto. La población que se delimitó es de diez estudiantes que son intervenidos con la Escala Wechsler de Inteligencia para descartar o confirmar la existencia de inteligencia marginal o limítrofe y deficiencia mental. Luego de que mediante diagnóstico WISC-IV se descartó problemas de coeficiente mental, se aplicó en un primer tiempo (pre-prueba) la Batería de Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil que proyectó resultados muy por debajo del promedio esperado en habilidades lectoras de precisión, comprensión y velocidad de los niños, es por esto que se decidió intervenir a los estudiantes con una técnica de aprendizaje basado en juegos que potencien las habilidades de lectura, el reconocimiento y construcción de sílabas, la conciencia fonológica y la coherencia lógica. Posterior a ello se aplica la post-prueba a corto plazo con resultados mejorados en todos los indicadores, mostrando un superior desempeño de los sujetos de estudio en el aprendizaje implícito de técnicas lectoras.
ItemLA ANSIEDAD Y SU RELACIÓN CON LA CONDUCTA ALIMENTARIA EN PERSONAS CON OBESIDAD(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETH ; JOZA VERA, MARÍA FERNANDA ; MACÍAS HIDALGO, KARLA ELIZABETHThis study is a contribution to science and knowledge, for the entire university community (teachers- students), in order to make known in what measures anxiety as a disorder of human behavior, has a direct impact on eating behavior of an individual. The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between levels of anxiety, compared to eating behavior present in overweight people, the "Portoviejo Fiscal Education Unit, and what are the most relevant factors within the psyche that determine these symbiotic processes that directly influence the soma. For the following study, the type of cross-sectional correlational research was chosen, since it allows to evaluate the variables of the selected samples and to determine in what measures these variables are related. Anxiety and obesity are two pathological conditions that are intimately linked due to their clinical interrelations. This study, made to the students of the Unidad Educativa Portoviejo, took as a sample people suffering from obesity in order to find affinity between these two variables. Through application of psychological batteries and other data collection tools, it was concluded that 55% of the participants with obesity suffered from severe anxiety. The results presented in this study allow us to understand the predictive factors that may affect the management of stress and the strategies that people will generate in situations of emotional risk.
ItemLA AUTOPSIA PSICOLÓGICA EN EL SUICIDIO DE UN ADOLESCENTE: CASO CLÍNICO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETH ; CEDEÑO CEDEÑO, VIANKA SALOMÉSuicide in adolescents is a problem that increasingly affects the population. According to the World Health Organization, it is estimated that suicide occurs every 4 seconds, and it is the second cause of death in adolescents, which has worsened in recent years. Once a suicide occurs it is important to understand the causes that lead to it. To be able to dictate once the suicide occurred, a psychological autopsy is performed, which seeks to understand the factors for which it was committed, taking into account the life that the victim was carrying, his personality, family relations and other data. The methods used are the observation of the evidence obtained, the interviews that are made to the different members of the family and the close friends of the victim, and from which the conclusions about the victim's decision are derived. The present case is a psychological autopsy performed on a 14-year-old adolescent whose cause of death was suffocation by hanging.
ItemPERFIL DE NIÑOS Y NIÑAS CON PROBLEMAS DE INTERACCIÓN SOCIAL EN ETAPA PRE-ESCOLAR, UNIDAD EDUCATIVA LOS ANDES.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2017) ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETH ; LOOR CEDEÑO, LUZ CECILIAThe purpose of the research was to determine the profile of children from the Los Andes Educational Unit in the city of Portoviejo, Ecuador, with problems of social interaction between adults and peers. The sample was 14 children, of whom five are girls and nine children with a general average age of 4 1⁄2 years. A first meeting was held with the parents of the infants to sign the informed consent and to collect data on the main characteristics associated with each child. The application of the Social Interaction Skills Questionnaire (CHIS; Monjas, 1992) was then followed, which is based on a Likert scale of five frequency points of the manifestation of each behavior. The results show a possible case of Asperger, seven children present deficits in communication and interaction with peer and adult groups, abnormal determination in the interest sample of specific activities and no null verbal behavior. A third group of six children with a likely "ambivalent or resistant attachment," so researchers recommend a subsequent study using an inventory of attachment with parents and peers that measures the paternal-filial relationship, attachment types, and emotional dependency
Item"PERFIL DE NIÑOS Y NIÑAS CON PROBLEMAS DE INTERACCIÓN SOCIAL EN ETAPA PRE-ESCOLAR, UNIDAD EDUCATIVA LOS ANDES"(Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Facultad de Ciencias Humanísticas y Sociales. Escuela de Psicología Clínica., 2017-10) ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETH ; LOOR CEDEÑO, LUZ CECILIAEl propósito de la investigación fue determinar el perfil que presentan niños y niñas de la Unidad Educativa Los Andes de la ciudad de Portoviejo, Ecuador, con problemas de interacción social entre adultos y pares. La muestra fue de 14 niños, de ellos cinco son niñas y nueve niños con una edad promedio general de 4 años y medio. Se planteó un primer encuentro con los padres de familia de los infantes para la firma del consentimiento informado y para la toma de datos de características principales asociadas a cada niño. Seguido se informó la aplicación del Cuestionario de Habilidades de Interacción Social (CHIS; Monjas, 1992) que se basa en una escala tipo Likert de cinco puntos de frecuencia de la manifestación de cada comportamiento. Los resultados muestran un posible caso de Asperger, siete niños presentan déficits en la comunicación y en la interacción con grupos pares y adultos, determinación anormal en la muestra de interés de actividades específicas y un nulo comportamiento no verbal. Un tercer grupo de seis niños con un probable “apego ambivalente o resistente” por lo que los investigadores recomiendan un posterior estudio mediante un inventario de apego con padres y pares que mida la relación paterna-filial, tipos de apego y dependencia emocional.
ItemPROCESO PSICOTERAPÉUTICO DESDE LA PERSPECTIVA DE TERAPEUTAS QUE TRATAN EL ABUSO SEXUAL MENORES DE EDAD: UN ESTUDIO CUALITATIVO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2018) ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY ELIZABETH ; MACÍAS MOREIRA, ÁNGEL ENRIQUE ; INTRIAGO LUCAS, WENDY TATIANAThe present research aimed to know the approach to the clinical psychologist and therapeutic change in children patients with a clinical picture of sexual abuse from the perspective of 5 women therapists who work or who have participated in interventions with this type of patients, both in specialised centres and in particular attention, in the province of Manabi, in the city of Portoviejo. We used a quantitative methodology, applying standardized surveys to professionals, which provided an explanatory scope to the issue. It focused on three main areas of intervention in child sexual abuse, from the psychological private practice and as public servants, managing to establish the different types of abuse that have been treated since their professional ranks, ages you average of the patients and sex more likely to be victims of sexual abuse in childhood, duration, relations of the aggressors with the assaulted or abused and psychological currents used for cases the vast majority. Among the facilitators, establishing NATO as the primary factor that promotes the therapeutic change, while the characteristics of sexual abuse, such as stress post trauma and the resistance to change, are presented as the hindering. The findings found in the light of the proposal of an explanatory model of the phenomenon are discussed