Licenciado en Psicologia Clinica
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Browsing Licenciado en Psicologia Clinica by Author "ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTY"
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ItemCREACIÓN E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DEL ÁREA PSICOLÓGICA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE ASESORÍA LEGAL Y PSICO-SOCIAL EN LA COMUNIDAD UNIVERSITARIA.(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) CASANOVA BRIONES, GLADYS MIREYA ; MONTESDEOCA LOOR, KARLA MARIA ; ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTYThe Technical University of Manabí is a superior academic institution that trains highly qualified professionals, with up-to-date, scientific and ethical knowledge with a national and global projection. The project was carried out under the modality of Community Work in the School of Clinical Psychology of the Faculty of Humanistic and Social Sciences of theTechnical University of Manabí, which constitutes a positive contribution in the community, and likewise the active intervention of the interested, which favors the execution of it. According to the results of the diagnosis, it was possible to detect the relevant needs for teachers, students and authorities, despite the fact that the higher education institution has a Student Welfare Department where several professionals work in different branches to attend to the students, does not focus mainly on violence issues of different types, which will be the priority theme of the present center, due to a previous analysis of the university community where it was found.
ItemEVALUACIÓN DE LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS AUTISTAS MEDIANTE ELTEST M-CHAT A LOS PADRES DE FAMILIA DE LOS NIÑOS DE LAS INSTITUCIONES EDUCATIVAS DEL CANTÓN PORTOVIEJO(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2020) MOREIRA MURILLO, GENESSIS NICOLE ; MORA MOLINA, GEMA GABRIELA ; ALARCÓN CHÁVEZ, BETTYThe evaluation of autistic characteristics is so important, for the relevant identification of children suffering from this neurodevelopmental disorder. The objective of this research is to evaluate the autistic characteristics through the M-CHAT Test to children of the Educational Institutions of the Portoviejo Canton, for its development a descriptive methodology was applied, supported by statistical, analytical methods supported by updated bibliography, electronic documents and new information and communication technologies. The instrument used to obtain information was the M-CHAT test whose results allowed us to reach relevant conclusions such as: the identification of children with autistic characteristics denotes both fiscal and private schools, with the low level of risk prevailing with more than 50%, That being said, we can confirm that autism spectrum disorder can occur at any socioeconomic level of the population, the difference lies in the treatment and attention that each one of them has. This research aims to contribute to the career of clinical psychology at the Technical University of Manabí on autistic characteristics, the evaluation through the M-CHAT test to children of the educational institutions of the Portoviejo canton.