Ingeniero en Acuicultura y Pesca

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    Análisis organizacional de la Asoproagriape basado en el proceso de costo y comercialización de arroz en el sitio nuevo Correagua del cantón Sucre. ELIMINAR
    (Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) Alarcón Menéndez, Diana Karina ; Murillo Lucas, Lisset Gardenia ; Rezabala Encalada, Youry Alexander
    Rice is a staple product in households worldwide, as well as Ecuador and especially in Manabí, which has an area that produces rice of excellent quality; being important factors so that it reaches the consumers the cost and the commercialization to compete in the market. Taking into account the aforementioned, the Association of Agricultural Production Entrepreneurs Nuevo Correagua "ASOPROAGRIAPE" despite having excellent quality rice and having as a competitive advantage that one of the best grains is harvested in the Charapotó site, it presents inconveniences to advance in the positioning and development as an organization, it faces a competitive threat that is the price of rice in the local and national market. The research focused on analyzing and identifying the shortcomings that prevent ASOPROAGRIAPE from advancing and achieving the objectives they have in the short, medium and long term, according to the results obtained by the researchers, together with the collaboration of partners and clients of the Association is evidenced that it must implement new product marketing strategies focused on price, advertising, innovation and sales force; They will contribute to the continuous and positioning of the brand, which allows it to compete with other products of similar qualities. It should be noted that the agricultural sector, especially rice in this area, is affected by the lack of interest of the government to regulate prices and control the entry of this product to the country.
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    Análisis de responsabilidad social en constructora Ukkari S.A y su efecto en la gestión de operaciones del cantón Portoviejo. ELIMINAR
    (Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) Barberán Demera, Sophia Stefany ; Kuash Waam, Jéssica Dayana ; Carreño Mendoza, Lorena
    This research was carried out mainly to determine the level of “Analysis of Social Responsibility in Constructora Ukkari S.A and its effect on the management of operations in the Canton Portoviejo”. This due to the great importance that Corporate Social Responsibility has taken in organizations. The investigation brought us closer to the reality of how the construction company Ukkari S.A. is working. In the city of Portoviejo. Finally, for the fulfillment of the objectives, we collect information through a survey directed to the technical staff, operational personnel and office personnel and the interview to gather the criteria of the manager of the company of the Ukkari construction company of the city of Portoviejo under study, and then make a cross- section of information highlighting the level of declared social responsibility that each one has. And thus be able to develop a proposal to improve the management of operations of the Ukkari construction company framed in social responsibility. The main results obtained in the survey of the company's personnel highlighted that 57% of the personnel stated that the company always applies Corporate Social Responsibility activities, while 43% stated that it is sometimes applied. Therefore, it is concluded that social responsibility stands out in the company, so it is proposed to establish strategies that provide an improvement in the management of the company's operations with respect to social responsibility.
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    Análisis de la calidad del servicio al cliente como ventaja competitiva del sector empresarial hotelero en la ciudad de Portoviejo. ELIMINAR
    (Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022) Giler Velásquez, Valeria Johamely ; López Minaya, Romina Daniela ; Márquez Ortiz, Luis Enrique
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    Identificación de cianobacterias en piscinas de cultivo de camarón (Penaeus vannamei) en un sector del estuario del río Chone y río Jama
    (Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) Alcívar Pólit, Patricio Alfredo ; Vera Delgado, Juan Manuel
    Cyanobacteria also known as cyanophyceas, blue-green algae or cyanoprocaryotes, are the most relevant group of photosynthetic prokaryotes in diversity and biomass. In order to identify cyanobacteria in shrimp farms (Penaeus vannamei) and wáter supply channels in a sector of the Chone river estuary and Jama River, samples were collected from two seasons during november 2017 to november 2018, for which the identification and quantification of phytoplankton was carried out, as well as the determination of environmental parameters of the water. Five cyanobacterial species were identified for both ecosystems: Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Dolichospermum sp., Phormidium sp., Leptolyngbya sp. and Pseudoanabaena sp., being Leptolyngbya sp. the most abundant species in both estuaries. The values of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index in these two estuaries were less than 1.5 (1.10 and 0.99) indicating a low diversity respectively. The environmental parameters of the water were similar during the study months and estuaries except for the temperature where there was a significant difference. The results of this study provide new knowledge about this group of microalgae in the two monitored ecosystems.
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    Evaluación de daños histológicos por parásitos en chame Dormitator latifrons (Richardson, 1844) silvestres y en producción de la provincia de Manabí, Ecuador
    (Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) Reyes Mero, Amparo Guadalupe ; Cruz Quintana, Yanis
    The Dormitator latifrons chame is considered an important fishing and aquaculture resource in Ecuador, the only country that grows it, identifying itself as a product in the daily diet of the population of the Ecuadorian coast. Knowledge of the pathogens and / or diseases that affect species with potential for cultivation is necessary for the development of aquaculture, not only to reduce mortalities, but also to reduce injuries that could cause rejection of the post-harvest product. Therefore, the objective of this investigation was to evaluate the histological damage by parasites in chame D. latifrons (Richardson, 1844) wild and under culture conditions in the province of Manabí, Ecuador. A total of 225 organisms were collected in three sites of the Rio Chone estuary (Larrea, La Segua wetland and Chamera), in the months of January to May 2018. Each individual was recorded the total length (Lt), the Weighed (g) and sex, and were checked externally and internally for parasites and / or clinical signs of tissue alterations. Small fragments (<3 mm3) of tissues and organs without alterations and with presence of parasites and / or tissue alterations without evident parasites, were fixed in 10% neutral formalin and processed by the histological technique of inclusion in paraffin, cut into sections of 5 μm, stained with the routine dyes Hematoxylin-Eosin and mounted with Entellan® resin (Humason, 1979). The obtained lamellae were observed in an Olympus® BX53 microscope and the images captured with a 9.1 MP AmScope® camera adapted to the microscope. The microanatomy of the main chame organs (gills, heart, liver, intestine, kidney and spleen) and the tissue alterations caused by the parasite species found were described. The main histological finding, in this species considered agastric, is the presence of a well-developed stomach with abundant secretory glands and folds. Ascocotyle sp. was the most prevalent parasitic species (58.67%) while Southwellina sp. it was the least prevalent species (0.89%). Regarding the affected organs and tissues, the highest prevalences of parasites were observed in gills (52.00%) followed by the intestine (34.67%), while the lowest prevalence was observed in gonads (1.33%). The main histological damages were caused by Ascocotyle sp. in gills and Contracaecum sp. in intestine and liver; with deformations of arches and branchial filaments in the case of gills, and foci of necrosis, extensive areas of chronic inflammation and loss of the parenchyma, in the case of intestine and liver. The results present in this research not only lay the foundations for the prevention and diagnosis of possible diseases in chame aquaculture, but also contribute to the development of their culture based on the anatomical histological information that it provides.