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ItemLA PRODUCCIÓN ARTESANAL DE MIEL DE ABEJA Y SU IMPACTO EN LA GENERACIÓN DE EMPLEO DE LOS HABITANTES DE LA COMUNIDAD QUIMIS DEL CANTÓN JIPIJAPA, DURANTE EL PERÍODO 2013-2015(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) DE LA CRUZ VINCES, SINDY KATHERINE ; LOOR INTRIAGO, MARY MONSERRATE ; LOOR BRAVO, LUCIAThe present investigation work concentrated its interest on the analysis of "the handmade production of bee honey and its impact in the generation of the inhabitants' of the community employment Quimis of the Canton Jipijapa, during the period 2013-2015, like half alternative to explain the impact of the employment generation in the production of bee honey in the subsistence of the inhabitants of the community Quimis and to give priority to the basic necessities of its inhabitants. Besides the possibility that has this activity of offering working sources, to acquire production units and application of technologies in the beekeeping, to analyze the demand of the consumers vials and local, whereas clause that has been the economic sustenance of thousands of families manabitas for many years and Ecuadorian. In the development of the scientific investigation the inductive method was applied - deductive, with technical and instruments to verify in a quantitative way the results in the employment generation at level of the community Quimìs of the Canton Jipijapa during the years 2013-2015; reaching with it the confirmation of objectives and the demonstration of the hypothesis like supposed mechanism to the reality of the investigation