(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2015)
Álvarez Andrade, Francisco Javier; Álvarez Gracia, Julián Francisco; Panta Vélez, Rodolfo Patricio
The present study evaluated the quality of wastewater stabilization ponds parish
Leonidas Plaza, cantón Sucre, Manabí province during october to december 2014.
Parameters physical, chemical and biological wastewater of the three lakes were analy
zed oxidation and nail in the receptor located body in Chone river estuary. The were
parameters: temperatura (0C), settled solids (ss mg/L) disolved oxygen (mg O2/L), pH,
nitrogen (NO2 nitrite mg/L), nitrate (NO3 mg/L), ammonium (NH4 mg/L) and ammonia
(NH3, mg/L), phosphorus (P the total and PO4 mg/L), hydrogen sulfide (H2S mg/L),
BOD (mg/L) and fecal coliforms (UFC/mL). The results showed that the majority of the
parameters analyzed are above the maximum permissible limits estabilished by
TULSMA and water quality these polluted ponds and body receptor esta for what i
know recommends correct treatment are given.