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ItemAcondicionamiento y puesta en marcha de una estación experimental para el engorde de camarón Litopenaeus vannamei con diferentes niveles de proteína del alimento balanceado y tecnología de biofloc(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) Andrade Arteaga, Andrés ; López Vera, Juan José ; Álvarez Capote, SusanaThis project was carried approximately 8 months. It consisted of the preparation and implementation of the Experimental Station of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp farming with Biofloc Technology. It with a roof for obtaining Biofloc a large scale (macrocosm), with a circular fiberglass 3000 L capacity with aeration continues and an area of Microcosm with 12 plastic circular tanks 300 L capacity tank area, aerated through connections plastic air stones and air, connected to a central blower 24 h. The first stage contemplated support in the construction of the station, then the equipment and conditioning thereof with team multiparameter YSI, reagents and food primarily, as well as participation in training biofloc in the macrocosm and the implementation of microcosm area, with the development of bioassay fattening juvenile shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei for 15 days to check the functionality of the station. We worked with the 12 experimental tanks were tested four triplicates treatments and productive response of the species to be fed pellets of different protein levels and the presence of flocs food, made by technology biofloc was assessed. The control treatment (TC) without balanced food (AB), T1 with AB 35% crude protein (CP), T2 with AB 28% CP and T3 with AB 22% CP. In each experimental tank they were prepared microcosm 200 L, 150 L initially with seawater filtered pretreated and 50 L biofloc from the macrocosm. 12 youth in each approximately 1 g of initial weight were placed. Environmental parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity and pH) were monitored daily in the morning and afternoon. The results indicated the outstanding participation of biofloc growth, biomass, FCA, good environmental conditions, health status of animals and the functionality of the Experimental Station. It is concluded that the practice of Biofloc technology deserves to be studied in depth, as an alternative that would achieve more productive and profitable aquaculture crops.
ItemDeterminación de parámetros reproductivos en chame Dormitator latifrons (Richardson, 1844) del sistema Carrizal-Chone, Ecuador(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) Demera Lucas, Karla Victoria ; Cruz Quintana, YanisThe chame Dormitator latifrons (Richardson, 1844) shows a high physiological resistance, ostensible in its ability to survive in oxygen deficient environments and withstand remarkable variations in salinity and temperature, which makes it a species with potential for aquaculture. However, many of its biological reproductive aspects have not been studied. Therefore, due to the importance of the chame as a capture and production fishing resource in Ecuador; the objective of this study was to determine the reproductive parameters in chame Dormitator latifrons of the Carrizal-Chone system, through the macroscopic and microscopic description, gonadal development phases, temporal variations of the gonadosomatic index and oocyte diameters. The collection of D. latifrons was done monthly in three sites of the Chone River Estuary, located in the Sucre canton in the province of Manabí, between February and August 2018 (rainy and dry seasons). The fish were captured with “atarraya” and transported alive to the Centro de Sanidad Acuícola (CSA) of the Escuela de Acuicultura y Pesquería, Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Bahía de Caráquez. In the CSA, the size (cm), the weight (gr) and the sex (H-M) determined based on the external morphological characteristics (genital papilla), was recorded for each specimen. Subsequently, the eviscerated weight of each specimen was recorded and fragments of gonads were taken, which were fixed and processed by the paraffin inclusion technique. From a total of 295 organisms collected, 144 females and 151 males were obtained with a sexual ratio of 1: 1.05. The females presented an average size of 19.82 ± 5.70 cm TL and an average weight of 148.22 ± 140.47 g, while for the males it was 21.04 ± 6.07 cm TL and an average weight of 169.87 ± 154.14 g. As the female matures, the ovary changes its small and translucent appearance with predominance of primary growth oogonies, until reaching a prominent size occupying almost the entire abdominal cavity, with a pale orange color and visible eggs. In males, the testes change their small, translucent appearance to a large size and a milky white color, due to the presence of sperm in the lumen of the seminiferous tubules. The maturation scale of five phases for each sex is adjusted (I Immature, II In maturation, III Spawning capable, IV Regression, V Regeneration) based on macroscopic and microscopic results. The frequency histogram of the average diameter of oocytes in mature females (phase III) shows a synchronous maturation. Although mature females were found in all sampling months, the gonadosomatic index shows a peak of maturation between April and May. The results of this study show that the chame D. latifrons reproduces during all the sampled months, matures synchronously and produces a large quantity of small sized oocytes. These characteristics are favorable for the aquaculture development of the species given that it allows breeding animals to be available at any moment of time and obtain a large quantity of oocytes from a mature female.
ItemEvaluación de daños histológicos por parásitos en chame Dormitator latifrons (Richardson, 1844) silvestres y en producción de la provincia de Manabí, Ecuador(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2019) Reyes Mero, Amparo Guadalupe ; Cruz Quintana, YanisThe Dormitator latifrons chame is considered an important fishing and aquaculture resource in Ecuador, the only country that grows it, identifying itself as a product in the daily diet of the population of the Ecuadorian coast. Knowledge of the pathogens and / or diseases that affect species with potential for cultivation is necessary for the development of aquaculture, not only to reduce mortalities, but also to reduce injuries that could cause rejection of the post-harvest product. Therefore, the objective of this investigation was to evaluate the histological damage by parasites in chame D. latifrons (Richardson, 1844) wild and under culture conditions in the province of Manabí, Ecuador. A total of 225 organisms were collected in three sites of the Rio Chone estuary (Larrea, La Segua wetland and Chamera), in the months of January to May 2018. Each individual was recorded the total length (Lt), the Weighed (g) and sex, and were checked externally and internally for parasites and / or clinical signs of tissue alterations. Small fragments (<3 mm3) of tissues and organs without alterations and with presence of parasites and / or tissue alterations without evident parasites, were fixed in 10% neutral formalin and processed by the histological technique of inclusion in paraffin, cut into sections of 5 μm, stained with the routine dyes Hematoxylin-Eosin and mounted with Entellan® resin (Humason, 1979). The obtained lamellae were observed in an Olympus® BX53 microscope and the images captured with a 9.1 MP AmScope® camera adapted to the microscope. The microanatomy of the main chame organs (gills, heart, liver, intestine, kidney and spleen) and the tissue alterations caused by the parasite species found were described. The main histological finding, in this species considered agastric, is the presence of a well-developed stomach with abundant secretory glands and folds. Ascocotyle sp. was the most prevalent parasitic species (58.67%) while Southwellina sp. it was the least prevalent species (0.89%). Regarding the affected organs and tissues, the highest prevalences of parasites were observed in gills (52.00%) followed by the intestine (34.67%), while the lowest prevalence was observed in gonads (1.33%). The main histological damages were caused by Ascocotyle sp. in gills and Contracaecum sp. in intestine and liver; with deformations of arches and branchial filaments in the case of gills, and foci of necrosis, extensive areas of chronic inflammation and loss of the parenchyma, in the case of intestine and liver. The results present in this research not only lay the foundations for the prevention and diagnosis of possible diseases in chame aquaculture, but also contribute to the development of their culture based on the anatomical histological information that it provides.