(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias > Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2015)
Alava Macías, Yandri Fabricio; Astudillo Dueñas, Daniela Bethsabe; Moreira Díaz, Jhony Fabián; Ponce Burbano, Javier Fabricio
This work in the parish of the state Lodana Santa Ana, which was implemented in the new premises of the Faculty of Veterinary Science was held.
The purpose of this project is to provide a food factory that has the best infrastructure conditions and promote development of practical and scientific knowledge to the student and teaching career of veterinary medicine
It is also very important, because it allows an improvement of productive capacity and food animals that make up the farm.
The development of the work lasted 61 days, the dimensions are of 168 m2 with 12 m. wide, 14 m. 4m long. High, with an investment of $ 16,000. Among the activities are detailed the most important:
Cleaning, filling and leveling the ground.
Excavation and construction of foundations for food factory.
Construction of walls, plasteringand laying of roof construction.