(Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias > Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria, 2016)
Alava Loor, Cristhian Francisco; Ponce García, Cristhian Paul
Counseling for Design and Implementation with sand beds in the new premises of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, in the Lodana parish of the canton Santa Ana in 2015, aims to implement appropriate infrastructures that provide the necessary comfort for a proper handling of animals, the maintenance of these facilities and serve as a model for many farmers in the area and the province who want to implement on their farms. Taking into account this factor as the location of the property, the number of animals, costs, among others. The project was conducted by students of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, in the form of community service graduation.
The work was done in three stages which were:
1. Location and reconnaissance with the contractor of the work and students involved.
2. Site cleanup arrival of the material for the start of the work
3. Start of construction, reinforced concrete walls, locksmith works, painted separators bed in each cubicle filled with sand beds.