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ItemESTUDIO COMPARATIVO DE LAS ACTIVIDADES FINANCIERAS DE LOS LOCUTORIOS DE LAS EMPRESAS PORTA, MOVISTAR Y ALEGRO, Y, SU APORTE AL DESARROLLO SOCIO - ECONÓMICO DE LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO. PERIODO 2003 -2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2007) MOREIRA MERO, NIXON DAVID ; QUIJIJE ESPINOZA, NELO ALBERTO ; ALVARADO CHÁVEZ, TEDDYOur Thesis of Degree is directed to carry out a Comparative Study of the financial activities of the Booths, he/she Behaves, Movistar and Allegro PCS and its Contribution to the Socio-economic Development of the city of Portoviejo This Fears it is determined very important due to the situation and to the financial and organizational reality of the denominated Booths and their perspective in a market of great demand and the importance of evaluating the social and economic impact of these business, for what has become necessary, to determine their viability and contribution to the development of the indispensable communications to establish the bases of a new society in the era of the information. In the first chapter we carry out a brief analysis of the project remarking what was made in the development of our investigation. The second chapter understands the theoretical mark, referential and conceptual where remark the bibliographical bases and all the concerning one to a comparative study of the financial activities of the Booths of the Companies BEHAVES, MOVISTAR AND ALLEGRO PCS. In the third chapter we describe the methodological design, used in the development of our investigation like the techniques, surveys and observations that were carried out in the Urban and Rural sectors of the Canton Portoviejo where bigger concentration of this Booths exist. In the fourth chapter we demonstrate by means of the statistical squares and later on by means of the analysis, the reality and the importance of the financial activities of the Booths Behaves, Movistar and Allegro PCS and its contribution to the socio-economic development of our city
ItemLA ECONOMÍA INFORMAL Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL MERCADO LABORAL EN LA CIUDAD DE PORTOVIEJO DURANTE EL PERÍODO 2013-2014(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) ALVARADO ZAMBRANO, MARÍA AUXILIADORA ; CEDEÑO SOLÓRZANO, ALEX FERNANDO ; ALVARADO CHÁVEZ, TEDDYThis work degree titled "The informal economy and its impact on the labor market in the city of Portoviejo during the period 2013 - 2014" was conducted based on the approach of the general objective "To determine the incidence that has the Informal Economy in the labor market in the city of Portoviejo during the period 2013 - 2014 "same could be met through research conducted through the inductive, deductive, analytical, synthetic and dialectical methods; and with the application of survey instruments whose results were that informal trade provides an independent source of employment for people who do not have a formal job and mostly perceive an approximate gain between $ 500 and $ 700, allowing bring comfort to their families; just as it was established the proposal of economic strength to benefit mainly traders whose earnings are below basic salary so that in this way the level of standard of living is increasing and the business is representative for family maintenance of traders
ItemLA PRODUCCIÓN DE SOMBREROS DE PAJA TOQUILLA Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL NIVEL DE INGRESOS Y CONSUMO DE LOS PRODUCTORES DE LA COMUNIDAD LOS MANANTIALES DEL CANTÓN MONTECRISTI. PERIODO 2013 AL 2015(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2016) DELGADO ZAMBRANO, VIVIANA MARGARITA ; RIVAS PITA, JULISSA ROXANA ; ALVARADO CHÁVEZ, TEDDYThis research focuses its interest in the analysis of the production of straw hats and their impact on the income and consumption of the producers of the community Springs of Montecristi period 2013 to 2015, establishing itself as an alternative means interpret their socioeconomic impact on family stability and attention to their basic needs, generating sources of direct and indirect labor, expectations of market development meet demand exclusively by the tourism sector that annually increases in the country, with the application of technology for similar products has had some success in reducing its sales but there is a preference for the quality of tissue product, although prices do not reflect a potential increase in family subsistence this group of people is done because the community there are no other sources of income except animal husbandry and agriculture in winter time, work degree is based on scientific research by applying the deductive and inductive methods techniques and instruments to effectuate quantitatively and qualitatively the study of socio-economic impact at the level of the productive sector of straw hats in this community of Montecristi, during the period 2013-2015, the same that facilitated the verification of objectives and contraction of the hypothesis as a course element the reality of the production system of this important craft