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Browsing Enfermeria by Author "ARTEAGA PALACIOS, FABIOLA"
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ItemIMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UN PROGRAMA DE ATENCIÓN INTEGRAL DE SALUD PARA LOS NIÑOS(AS) QUE ASISTEN A LA GUARDERIA DIVINO NIÑO DEL SITIO EL HORMIGUERO” DE LA PARROQUIA CALDERÓN. MARZO- SEPTIEMBRE 2006(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) ALVARADO BAILÓN, MARGARITA ; ARTEAGA PALACIOS, FABIOLA ; MOLINA ÁLVAREZ, ANGELA ; TADAY ASHQUI, CARMELITA ; PINARGOTE, AURAThe Anthill is a rural community of the canton Portoviejo of the County of Manabí; located in the part Nor. This of the Ecuadorian coast. Lima to the north with River Boy, to the south with Maconta, to the east with The Raft and to the West with Calderón. Their approximate population belongs to about 2000 inhabitants in her majority they are devoted to the agriculture and the women to more than helping in the agricultural task, they also carry out domestic activities The project proposed the Implementation of a Program of Integral Attention of Health for the Children that attend the Nursery Divine Boy of the place the Anthill of the Parish Calderón. The area was not very defined to execute the programs of attention to the boy. 7 community mothers work for 62 niños/as; assigned according to the group of the children's age, to but of having the custody of the children for the lapse of 8 hours, they develop such administrative-technical activities as: arrangement of the children's individual portfolios, file of documents, preparation of didactic material, I clean of each area, preparation of foods, and permanent surveillance of the activities that the children carry out, receiving training every 5 months on the part of the INNFA. In the Nursery in 100% the children are smaller than 6 years, what indicates that they fulfill the normative one. 45% of the children is of feminine sex among the ages from 4 to 6años, in 58% among the ages of 2 to 3 years, they are low of weight, which are in risks of presenting serious malnutrition. With the conditions observed in those that the nursery Divine Boy is unwrapped, he/she was carried out the community mothers' training and family mothers; you adapts an area for the boy's medical attention, adecentacimiento of the physical infrastructure, to satisfy the nutritious necessities of the children; it was coordinated with the Sub one. Center of Health of Calderón the same one that I facilitate the PANN 2000. Also to all the children you complete immunization outline and control odontológico and this way it was fulfilled the proposed objectives leaving technical so much normatizado and administratively to the personnel of the nursery like the areas that were left defined.