Desarrollo del capital humano en el desempeño laboral de la ferretería Ludepa.
Desarrollo del capital humano en el desempeño laboral de la ferretería Ludepa.
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Meza Quijije, Yamileth Maybeliz
Moya Cedeño, Jeanella Monserrate
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Universidad Técnica de Manabí
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This research work sought to demostrate how the development of human
capital has a level of influence on the work performance of a company, in this case in
the LUDEPA hardware store in the city of Manta.
For the study it was necessary to determine the development of human capital
in the labor performance of the LUDEPA hardware store. To make this macro
objective operational, it was necessary to meet four specific objectives, in the first
specific objective a theoretical framework was developed as a technical support for
the better understanding of the variables of the study, the second objective
established the human capital development factors applied in the hardware store, the
third objective identified the level of performance of the collaborators of the
hardware store , and the fourth objective proposed, on the basis of recommendations,
improvements for the integral development of human capital in this hardware store.
The research was applied, quantitative, descriptive, field and explanatory. The
design of the research was transsectal and non-experimental. The population or
universe of this study consisted of the 17 collaborators (distributed between the
parent company and two branches) and a general manager. As the study population
was small, it was not necessary to extract a sample from that population. The data
collection techniques for this research were the interview and the survey. The
methods used were the biographical method and the ethnographic method. For the
analysis, processing, tabbing, charting and statistical tables of the data obtained, the
Excel version 2016 program was used.
La investigación fue de tipo aplicada, cuantitativa, descriptiva, de campo y
explicativa. El diseño de la investigación fue transeccional y no experimental. La
población o universo de este estudio estuvo conformado por los 17 colaboradores
(distribuidos entre la casa matriz y dos sucursales) y un gerente general. Como la
población del estudio era pequeña no fue necesario extraer una muestra de dicha
población. Las técnicas de recolección de datos para esta investigación fueron la
entrevista y la encuesta. Los métodos utilizados fueron el método biográfico y el
método etnográfico. Par el análisis, el procesamiento, la tabulación, la elaboración de
gráficos y tablas estadísticas de los datos obtenidos se utilizó el programa Excel
versión 2016.