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ItemAnálisis de responsabilidad social en constructora Ukkari S.A y su efecto en la gestión de operaciones del cantón Portoviejo(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022)This research was carried out mainly to determine the level of “Analysis of Social Responsibility in Constructora Ukkari S.A and its effect on the management of operations in the Canton Portoviejo”. This due to the great importance that Corporate Social Responsibility has taken in organizations. The investigation brought us closer to the reality of how the construction company Ukkari S.A. is working. In the city of Portoviejo. Finally, for the fulfillment of the objectives, we collect information through a survey directed to the technical staff, operational personnel and office personnel and the interview to gather the criteria of the manager of the company of the Ukkari construction company of the city of Portoviejo under study, and then make a cross- section of information highlighting the level of declared social responsibility that each one has. And thus be able to develop a proposal to improve the management of operations of the Ukkari construction company framed in social responsibility. The main results obtained in the survey of the company's personnel highlighted that 57% of the personnel stated that the company always applies Corporate Social Responsibility activities, while 43% stated that it is sometimes applied. Therefore, it is concluded that social responsibility stands out in the company, so it is proposed to establish strategies that provide an improvement in the management of the company's operations with respect to social responsibility.
ItemGestión de Calidad (ISO 9001: 2015) y su incidencia en la excelencia académica del Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología y Educación Continua de la Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021)The objective of this degree work was to design a quality management system based on the ISO 9001: 2015 standard and its impact on the academic excellence of the Center for Technology Transfer and Continuing Education of the San Gregorio de Portoviejo University. The research study was non-experimental of a descriptive type, using a sample of 20 collaborators, who were surveyed; In turn, an interview was applied to the legal representative of the Transfer Center, managing to examine the characteristics of the problem, making objective and exact observations. Based on the results, it was proposed to implement a guide based on the ISO 9001: 2015 standard for quality improvement in continuing education. Where it was concluded that the institution does not have a quality system that allows to improve each of its processes, as well as it does not find them established through documents that support and guide the operation of the institution. That is why it is recommended that to start the process of applying ISO 9001 it is necessary to carry out a general diagnosis of the institution, so that its deficiencies are known and in establishing quality objectives and policies that seek to satisfy the needs of the institution. market, seeking academic excellence.
ItemAnálisis de la calidad del servicio al cliente como ventaja competitiva del sector empresarial hotelero en la ciudad de Portoviejo(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022)
ItemGestión comercial y su contribución al fortalecimiento de las PYMES cafetaleras de la América – Jipijapa(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021)The present work is based on designing a commercial management system that counteracts the factors that limit the expansion of the productive activities of coffee SMEs in the parish of La América de Jipijapa (Manabí). Whose activity is the production of coffee. The method used is exploratory type. The research population consisted of ten entrepreneurs using this sample because it is small. The survey aimed at entrepreneurs of coffee SMEs was applied as an instrument. With the results obtained in the investigation it was evidenced that the commercial management of SMEs is not so optimal, they do not have relevant help from the competent authorities. Finally, a proposal is made for a commercial management system that contributes to consolidating the productive activities of the coffee micro-enterprises of Jipijapa - La América Parish.
ItemGestión administrativa y su incidencia en la calidad de servicio en la cooperativa de ahorro y credito Kullki Wasi limitada en el canton Ambato -provincia Tungurahua periodo 2019-2020(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021)The present research work aims to analyze the administrative management and its relationship with the quality of service in the Savings and Credit Cooperative "Kullki Wasi" Limitada in the canton of Ambato- Tungurahua province, period 2019-2020. The administrative management variable has the dimensions of planning, organization, direction, and control. The quality of service variable has the dimensions of reliability, sensitivity, security, empathy and tangible elements. The bibliographic and statistical research methodology was applied, using qualitative and quantitative methods. For the collection of information, we used the instruments of interview to the general manager, and the survey of collaborators and users. Obtaining as a result that there is an excellent relationship between the variables, that is, administrative management significantly affects the quality of service.