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    Priorización de microcuencas tributarias del río chico – manabí, ecuador, basada en la susceptibilidad a las crecidas
    (Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2023) Cevallos Lucas, Hugo Steeven ; Chiluiza Peñarrieta, Danny Alexander ; Méndez Mata, Williams José
    The susceptibility of the physical environment to the occurrence of floods in the micro basin system of the Chico river is largely conditioned by the characteristics of the hilly relief, as well as by the effects of anthropogenic modifications related to drastic changes in land use and the elimination of primary natural cover (forests); In view of these considerations, the purpose of this research is to prioritize the system of tributary micro watersheds of the Chico river hydrographic system (Manabí province, Ecuador) based on their susceptibility to floods, by integrating hydrological, geomorphological and land cover and use criteria. The work methodology was based on: (a) determination of the magnitudes of the hydrological response parameters of the micro basins in the study area, (b) measurements and calculations of the morphometric parameters of the micro basins and their drainage networks, (c) generation of thematic maps for geoprocessing and spatial analysis of flood susceptibility, (d) analysis of current land cover and land use conditions on the surface of the study area, (e) prioritization of the Chico River tributary micro basin system according to flood susceptibility, and (f) preparation of the final flood susceptibility map. The relationship between the hydrological and morphometric parameters of the micro basins became evident, since the latter condition the hydrological responses of these units. The quantified areas of land use and land cover showed that most of the surface area of the micro watershed system is occupied by native forests, crops from different periods of time and pastures. The final prioritization based on combined parameters of hydrological, morphometric and land use and cover responses determined that only 7 of the 38 micro watersheds have a low level of susceptibility, while 15 micro watersheds have a medium level of susceptibility and 16 micro watersheds have a high susceptibility to floods.
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    Evaluación de desempeño, dañó y vida útil de la estructura de hormigón armado del edificio de la cruz roja del cantón portoviejo
    (Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2023) Vega Moreira, Bryan Antonio ; Zevallos Loor, Marcos
    A structural analysis is required when a structure is affected by a seismic movement in order to know the level of damage and determine if it meets the Seismic Performance Levels stipulated in the Codes. This is the case of the Ecuadorian Red Cross building, which after the earthquake of April 16, 2016, its structure was affected. A digital model was made in the ETABS program in which all the Reinforced Concrete elements found in the building were entered, then the Modal Push-Over analysis was carried out, the result was verified and the performance of the structure was found, in addition makes a comparison of results creating another digital model but this time with a steel of 4200 kg/cm^2 and its influence on the graph of the capacity curve. The Seismic Performance Level for the entered spectrum is beyond collapse, so strong damage can be anticipated in the face of these earthquakes.
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    Estimación de parámetros de respuestas hidrológicas extremas en microcuencas tributarias del río chico (provincia manabí, ecuador) aplicación del hidrograma unitario instantáneo geomorfoclimático
    (Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2023) Rodriguez Alcivar, José Alexander ; Villacres Pauta, Kevin Alexander ; Méndez Mata, Williams José
    The main purpose of this research is to know the magnitudes of the extreme hydrological responses in the microbasin system tributary to the Chico River by means of the application of the Geomorphoclimatic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph. The methodology includes the following guidelines: (a) Delimit the microbasin system from a digital elevation model (DEM) of the study area, (b) Calculate the morphometric parameters of the tributary microbasins and drainage networks using a database obtained through the application of specialized software, (c) Estimate the CN curves for each of the microbasins that make up the Chico river drainage system, based on available digital cartographic information on land cover, land use and soil texture, (d) Calculate the hydraulic parameters of the main channel of the tributary microbasins that make up the Chico river drainage network, (e) Analyze the current land use and land cover developed within the surface of the Chico river microwatershed system, (f) Estimate the design rainfall hietograms of the tributary microwatershed system for different return periods, (g) Estimate the peak flood flows of the microbasin system that make up the Chico river drainage networks for different return periods, and (h) Estimate the HUIGC parameters for the different tributary microbasins that make up the Chico river drainage system. Therefore, it is important to evaluate and know the magnitudes of the peak flood flows, as hydrological response parameters that characterize these processes, in order to identify the magnitudes of flood and inundation scenarios that will subsequently allow for the zoning, evaluation and management of the risks associated with the hydrogeomorphological threat due to these processes.
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    Determinación del coeficiente de manning en un tramo del canal de riego - sector ciudadela nuevo portoviejo
    (Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2023) Cedeño Cedeño, Irvin Paul ; Vélez Bravo, Eduardo Bolívar ; MENÉNDES MENÉNDEZ, EDGAR ANTONIO
    In the field of free conduit hydraulics, Manning's equation is one of the most widely used to determine the velocity and flow rate passing through a section of a channel. The difficulty of the equation lies in estimating the value of “n”, since it depends on several factors such as lining material, vegetation, sediments, obstructions, section change, among others. It is very important to correctly select the roughness coefficient, since the variation of this value significantly affects the flow rate and flow velocity. In this research, Manning's n was estimated in a 1000 m section of the concrete-lined irrigation canal in the Ciudadela Nuevo Portoviejo sector, known as the right bank canal, which is part of the Poza Honda irrigation system. This section is relatively straight, where the length of the curves is approximately 300 m and the straight section is 700 m. The canal segment extends from UTM coordinate 17 563236.00 E, 9881207.00 S to UTM coordinate 17 562683.95 E, 9881988.09 S. The roughness coefficient n was estimated by gauging in the field and applying Manning's equation, to compare it with other methods proposed by some authors. For the application of the methods, data were collected in the field, such as sections of the channel, measurement of the velocity by means of a current meter or windlass, and estimation of the hydraulic gradient. The coefficient obtained in the field using Manning's equation was 0.034, while for the other proposed methods the following values were determined: 0.038 with the Cowan method, 0.021 with the HEC-RAS and Blalock-Sturm empirical formulas, and 0.018 with the photographic method. The result of the Manning coefficient obtained in this investigation does not represent the reality for the entire length of the irrigation canal, so it is important to continue evaluating other sections in order to make comparisons that will help us understand the variation of the coefficient n, and to establish a global value representative of the conditions of the canal under study
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    Determinación de la deposición de iones cloruros y comportamiento de la velocidad de corrosión atmosférica del acero bajo en carbono en la línea costera de la parroquia crucita fase 3
    (Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2013) Briones Zevallos, Luis Vicente ; Solórzano Carranza, Olger Alexander ; GUERRA, JUAN CARLOS
    One of the main impacts caused by the aggressive deterioration of metallic and reinforced concrete structures are the corrosive atmospheric agents, which give us a representation of the high contamination that exists in the Crucita parish of the Portoviejo canton. It is for this reason that we must consider the main agents that influence and affect the structures, such as temperature, relative humidity and wind speed. This is the last phase of the first annual study carried out in the Crucita parish, Portoviejo canton, in which it was determined that there is a high level of corrosive aggressiveness due to the presence of a coastal atmosphere. In order to develop this study we used six wooden supports, which were built by the thesis students of phase 1, the supports were constituted at the beginning by 15 steel plates, in the course of the research were left for the development of phase 3 with 9 carbon steel plates which help us to identify how the marine environment affects the physical properties, i.e. allows us to show the wear on the plates due to oxidation and corrosion caused by the sea air. The antiseptic fabric sensors were located three cloths for each wooden support, built previously, obtaining the results of the monthly deposition of chloride ions that exists in each exposure zone, these elements provided the information of the first and second phase of the work, the data were taken monthly to each one of the sensors where phase 3 is the culmination of the project planned for 1 year of study. In the present investigation it was determined that the corrosive aggressiveness of the atmosphere in the Crucita parish is in the C5 category. It was also evidenced that there is a high degree of exposure of chloride ions, April being the month with the highest aggressiveness considering the values obtained in the year of study.