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ItemANALISIS DE LOS CRÉDITOS QUE OTORGA LA COOPERATIVA DE AHORRO Y CRÉDITO “SANTA ANA LTDA.” Y SU INCIDENCIA EN EL DESARROLLO SOCIOECONÓMICO DE SUS ASOCIADOS. PERIODO 2003 – 2005(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2006) VÁSQUEZ GONZÁLEZ, ZORAIDA ; CÁRDENAS PONCE, JOHANN ; GILCES SUÁREZ, LEONARDOThe cooperatives of Saving and Credit of the Ecuador experience a considerable growth in the last years. However, all growth, if it is not harmonic and programmed it implies very big risks. In any event, if a saving cooperative and credit, are only more a financial entity in the market, vain they will have been the efforts of volunteers' thousands that have considered to the cooperativismos like a valid alternative as answer to the marginalidad phenomenons and poverty generalized in our countries. This way, March of 1977, 31 are born the Cooperative of Saving and Credit Santa Ana Ltda"., as Precooperativa of Saving and Credit Chamber of Commerce of Santa Ana Ltda. She/he begins with 37 partners with an approximate capital of thirty and seven thousand sucres. It has until the year 2005 8008 partners, of which 7338 are active and 670 inactive. This cooperative has granted credits in the period of study understood from to the year 2003 up to the 2005 for a I mount of 3´061.534,30 dollars that have benefitted 2403 partners. Credits that are of commercial type with more emphasis and of consumption. The credit politicians that it applies this cooperative, have benefitted in certain measure to the partners; the same ones that have rebounded very favorably in them. Product of it, the destination that you/they have given the partners to the credits that it has granted them this institution has been directed toward the installation and informal trade maintenance, as well as to the purchase of appliances and sembríos of short cycles especially. Year to year they have been come giving more credits, for ende the I mount in the same ones it has varied in upward form from the 2003 to the 2005. The incidence that has had the grant of credits on the part of this cooperative toward its associates is very significant, in such a way that, the same ones have rebounded in the homes of these in aspects like of stability and sustentabilidad mainly, as well as in the feeding, gear and in the business that the partners have undertaken. For it that, in general form the credits that it grants this cooperative impact significantly in the socioeconomic development of their associates