(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2009)
Guadamud Mejía, Tyrone Xavier; Vera Cedeño, Joselo Apoloneo; Idrovo V, Marjorie
The present study was carried out from March to June 2008, near the
community of Bachillero (province of Manabí), being its main objective to
evaluate the effect of different protein levels (22, 28 and 35%) on the
parameters of growth (Weight – Longitude) of the juvenile fish “chame”
(Dormitator latifrons).
At the beginning of the study, the averages for Weight – Longitude were of
41, 84 ± 1.35 g and 14,45 ± 0,20 cm, respectively. At the end of the cultivation,
the fed organisms with the diet to 22% presented a averages of individual
weight and longitude of 193,22 ± 4,62 g, and 23,01 ± 0,16 cm respectively,
while those whith the diets of 28 and 35% presented, respectively, a
corresponded to individual values of 210,55 ± 5,01 g, 22,58 ± 0,16 cm and of
213,19 ± 5,31 g, 22,58 ± 0,15 cm (p <0,05).
The regressions biometrics for Weight and Longitude in each one of the diets
were: r
2 = 0,93 / Pt = 0,0106 Lt 3,143 (22%); r
2 = 0,9351 / Pt = 0,012 Lt 3,112
(28%); and r
2 = 0,9435, Pt = 0,0113 Lt 3,125 (35 %).