(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2022)
Alvarez Robles, Humberto Alexander; Ortiz Escobar, Kevin Paul; Sablón Cossio, Neyfe
The circular economy is a practice that is gaining more and more strength among
companies, as it optimizes the use of resources from the process and throughout the chain
that conforms it. It is for this reason that this research is oriented to analyze the banana
agro-food chain in the province of Manabí with a circular economy approach. For the
diagnosis of the circular economy, a mapping of the study chain was determined where
each link in the production of bananas was analyzed and from this a checklist was created
to determine the most vulnerable points within the chain. All this allows to know the type
of system that is implemented and which are the best points to change from a linear
production to a circular production.
The implementation of a circular production allows the economic, social and ecological
development of a company and favors all the actors involved.