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ItemACTIVIDADES LÚDICAS PARA EL CUIDADO DEL MEDIO NATURAL Y CULTURAL EN LOS NIÑOS DEL SUBNIVEL INICIAL II DE LA ESCUELA NICARAGUA EN EL CANTÓN SANTA ANA(Universidad Técnica de Manabí, 2021) ANDRADE PALMA, ALICIA SOBEIDA ; MOREIRA MAJOJO, ESTELA ELIZABETH ; ROMÁN CAO, ELDISThe present investigation had as general objective: To elaborate recreational activities to strengthen learning about the care and protection of the natural and cultural environment of the children of the sub-level II of the Nicaragua school in the Canton Santana, to fulfill it, the theoretical aspects that the activities were determined were determined. recreational activities and the care of the natural and cultural environment, followed by the pertinent diagnosis of the latter in the children of the Initial II sublevel, which will lead to the elaboration of the proposal. In the search for theoretical information, important aspects of recreational activities in relation to the care of the natural and cultural environment are highlighted. To carry out this research work, the type of mixed research was taken into account, by obtaining analysis and interpretation and the collection of percentage data, among the scientific methodology, methods were used: logical, historical analysis and synthesis, inductive-deductive, abstract-concrete, modeling, among the manipulated techniques, survey, observation and interview were used. Among the evidenced results, the need to implement playful activities in the teaching and learning process of caring for the natural and cultural environment was left to the discovery, as it is an area of little implementation in the educational context, so there is a deficit in Theoretical and practical knowledge in the children of the Initial II sub-level, from the Nicaragua school, Santa Ana