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The purpose of this work was to explore the knowledge and attitudes of the pregnant women that help to The External consultation of the IESS Hospital Portoviejo, relating to the oral changes produced during the gestation. scientific knowledge backs up the fact that he permits the medical interventions made suitable for the control of buccal further prevalent illnesses to prevent them, to mitigate them or to revert them by means of a professional practice with emphasis in the diagnosis, in the identification of aspects conductuales and comportamentales and in the how-to rationalization preventive and qualifiers made suitable. Due to women's made pregnant increase that they require dental attention due to and help to The External consultation of the Hospital IESS Portoviejo, for it it is necessary to challenge the knowledge of responsible one belonging to dental practice; As well as the capability that they have to offer the service without laying eggs in danger the life of the patient of new being and. The general objective, describing the knowledge and habits of health dental buco in pregnant women that they resort to the external consultation of the Hospital of Portoviejo's IESS. study was a retrospective, cross-section study accomplished to 300 pregnant women that attend to the external consultation of the Hospital IESS Portoviejo, based in an opinion poll structured than consisti in 18 questions grouped, the ones that made possible knowing us: Age and Been Civilian, Fellows of Affiliation and Procedence; Occupation and other ones that meet in the thesis's final attachment. This information processed it to trav s of program Word, the same one than nos facilit the tabulaci n, checkered presentees and graficos be sticos. The human resources and materials were of a lot of help; And because no saying that of the econ little month they were the fundamental axle together with the institutional resource. They demonstrate aftermath to us that the one belonging to 27-30 has women's great population according to its age that assists to the control of pregnancy as is it years with the 60 %; Same ace the ones that attend to the prenatal control according to the fellow of affiliation and procedence, the pregnant women that come of the urban and urban marginal zone amount to the 55 % and they dedicate themselves in relation to qu we have than to the Quehaceres Dom sticos with the 38 %. We have nto to the superior level in cu that the pregnant women that have the superior instruction are the 41 %, the ones that vaginal childbirths have had that the 53 % and his h are coughs of buccal hygiene, than in his principal to he accomplishes them after food with the 47 % and those that utilize dental pasta and change his brush when gets damaged in a 39 %. Regarding pregnant women's bigger group that they utilize dental pasta regarding every month there is a 39 %, they consume milk and they utilize measured of prevenci n in a 21 % unlike the women than est n in the III gestaci's trimester n and they sell off of 5-7 controls during the pregnancy with the 34 % for ltimo and we have the pregnant women that suffer of tooth decay with the 57 %. All this demonstrates us existing a high inter s on the side of the pregnant women that help to The External consultation of the IESS's Hospital Portoviejo, in checking his health, since only they do not have to think about them, but tambi n they take that within them. Hence, it is necessary to generate conscience in the population of importance of buccal health to trav s of diffusion of software that they go in benefit of them.
El propósito de este trabajo fue explorar los conocimientos y actitudes de las embarazadas que acuden a la Consulta Externa del Hospital del IESS Portoviejo, en relación con los cambios orales producidos durante la gestación. Como objetivo general, describimos los conocimientos y hábitos de salud buco dental en embarazadas que acuden a la consulta externa del Hospital del IESS de Portoviejo. El estudio fue un estudio retrospectivo, de corte transversal realizado a 300 embarazadas que acuden a la consulta externa del Hospital IESS Portoviejo, basados en una encuesta estructurada que consistió en 18 preguntas agrupadas, las que nos posibilitaron conocer: Edad y Estado Civil, Tipos de Afiliación y Procedencia; Ocupación y otros que se encuentran en el anexo final de la tesis. Esta información la procesamos a travès del programa Word, el mismo que nos facilitò la tabulaciòn, representados en cuadros y gràficos estadìsticos. Los recursos humanos y materiales fueron de mucha ayuda; y porque no decir de los econòmicos que fueron el eje fundamental conjuntamente con el recurso institucional. Los resultados nos demuestran que hay una gran población de mujeres de acuerdo a su edad que asiste al control de embarazo como lo es la de 31-36 años con el 26%; asì mismo las que acuden al control prenatal de acuerdo al tipo de afiliación son las del Seguro General que corresponde al 49% y respecto a què se dedican tenemos que a los Quehaceres Domésticos con el 44%. En cuanto al nivel superior tenemos que las embarazadas que tienen la instrucción superior son el 41%, las que han tenido cesárea que son el 48% y sus hàbitos de higiene bucal, que en su mayorìa los realiza después de comida con el 47% y aquellas que utilizan pasta dental y cambian su cepillo cada mes un 30%. Con respecto al grupo mayor de embarazadas que utiliza pasta dental cada mes hay un 39%, en su alimentación diaria consumen vegetales en un 21% como medida de prevención de caries. En el III trimestre de gestaciòn se realizan de 5-7 controles durante el embarazo con el 31% y por último tenemos las embarazadas que padecen de caries con el 53%. Todo esto nos demuestra que existe un alto interès de parte de las embarazadas que acuden a la Consulta Externa del Hospital del IESS Portoviejo, en controlar su salud, pero no tienen mayor conocimiento de su salud bucal, y consecuentemente no toman mayores precauciones, ya que no solamente tienen que pensar en ellas, sino tambièn en lo que llevan dentro de ellas. Por ello, hay que engendrar conciencia en la población de la importancia de la salud bucal a travès de la difusión de programas que vayan en beneficio de ellas.
Control Prenatal, Enfermería, estado de gestación
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