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ItemDISEÑO DE UN SISTEMA INFORMÁTICO PARA EL CONTROL Y GESTIÓN DE PRÉSTAMOS DE LIBROS EN LA BIBLIOTECA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ZOOTÉCNICAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNCIA DE MANABÍ EN EL SEMESTRE DE ABRIL A SEPTIEMBRE DEL AÑO 2013.(INGENIERO EN INFORMÁTICA AGROPECUARIA, 2013) ACOSTA ZAMBRANO JOSÉ GEOVANNY ; SANTOS VÉLEZ ANDRÉS LEONEL ; VERA SALTOS DIXON GABRIEL ; ZAMBRANO MOREIRA EMILIO GREGORIOSUMMARY. From twenty-first century political, economic, social, cultural and technological changes have been around the world in the development of new projects, new ideas that capture the mind of man. This work is focused on the needs in Technical University of Manabí, Zootechnical Sciences Faculty. According to the requirements found in the student community according to the respective diagnosis provided about what is a computer system for the faculty’s library, students, librarians and other relevant authorities. Surveys applied to the students by the graduates of the Technical University of Manabí, encouraged the basic knowledge in the students on the management and use of the Zootechnical Sciences Faculty’s library. Therefore, in the following pages reflect the results gotten of this activity which contributed much to the development in researching growth of students.